My Lil Baby

By Vkl143

10.5K 330 32

After the hardships Kinnporsche get married now leading a happy life but life is unpredictable, after an acci... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

1.9K 52 6
By Vkl143

It's been a month
Now they both are ok , at first kinn was confused and a bit uncomfortable with Porsche but now is enjoying every minute of Porsche , taking a good care of him.porsche always want to be with his dada he is not feel comfortable with others but always go with Tankhun to play for sometimes.

Kinn: baby ...come here you have to eat your medicine.
Porsche don't want to take medicine so he hides behind the curtain.while covering his mouth.
Kinn alredy saw that but still playing with his baby.
Kinn : baby where are you your not coming then dada will go. (Still he didn't come)
So baby don't love dada ....he make a sad face and sit on the bed ..
His trick got worked
Porsche come out with a cute pout ,
Po: dada don't be sad po loves you chooo much . (imagine po speaking in baby language)
Kinn: then take your medicine.
Po: po don't like it dada .
Kinn: if po loves dada then po will take his medicine,
Within seconds po take his medicine after that make a weird face.
Kinn kiss his baby's lip and make him sit on his lap.
Kinn: what with this face.
Po: that medicine is so bad.
Kinn again give him a kiss and give him a candy.
They both were lying , baby po lying on his dada's chest they both were watching a movie.
But one scene got Po's attention.That was a mom feeding b milk to her baby.
Po: dada what is that
Kinn: it's the mom feeding her baby..
Po look at him with curious face..
Po: why dada ..
Kinn smile and give a peck on his baby.
Kinn: baby will grow up only when they get their mom's milk.
Po : ohhhh how she got milky there ..
Kinn became clueless, that he don't know how to answer.,, Kinn: god plz help me,
Po: how dada...he asked while Shake his dada .
Kinn: ahh it's... It's...if they have a baby then they will have milk their..
Po: ohhh ,is.... Before he completes kinn stop him stop him .
Kinn: no more questions..see he pointed towards the tv .

After the movie they sleep , sometime later kinn feel his baby keep moving and not sleeping
Kinn: baby what happened, come on sleep.
Kinn started to patting him.
Po; dada...
Kinn: yes baby..
Po: po want mikky
Kinn open his eyes and look at his baby.
Kinn : what baby..
Po: po want mikky dada..
Kinn completely confused don't know what his baby want.
Kinn:what is that baby..
Po look at kinn's chest .now he understands what po want.
Kinn : no baby..dada can't..
Po: but po want it dada ...
Kinn: but dada don't have milk baby ..
Po: little bit dada please , said with teary eyes.
Kinn can't see his baby's tears so he let his baby to do whatever he wants.
Po happily having his dada's mikky ,
Kinn trying his best to calming himself,. ..
After sometime time he saw his baby sleeping . He cover them with a blanket and give a peck on his baby's head.

Next Day
Now little po has a new obsession and it was his mikky. Kinn will take po with him if he have to go to the office cause if he not then po will cry so hard and last time he left po to go on a mission but po crying really hard and cause problem in his breathing ,so kinn always take his baby with him.

In office
Po is playing with his toys..and kinn is getting ready for his meeting ,his secretary came and inform him the meeting going to start within 10min. He said his secretary to take the files and documents. When he about to go..

Kinn: baby stay here dada will come back quickly..ok..
Po: am coming with dada . . Said with a pout.
Kinn kissed his pouty baby.
Kinn: baby dada have a meeting and you can't come there.
Po became sad and ready to cry but he remembered something.
Po: dada po want mikky.
Kinn: baby ...dada will give it when dada come back.mmmhh( tried to convince po but successfully failed).
Po: l want it dada .....plz dada..
Kinn : baby dada have meeting in five minutes, they were waiting for dada..dada will give when dada back.
Thats it po started to cry his teary eyes is breaking kinn's heart. So he called his secretary and tell him to hold on the meeting for 15 min. Then he takes his baby and went to his chair .and unbuttoned his shirt when po saw his dada's nipples, he didn't even waste any second he attack his dada's nipples, kinn smiled after saw the eagerness of his baby for his mikky,, after sometime he saw his baby is sleeping while keeping his nipple in his mouth.kinn lay him on the couch and kissed his baby's forehead then he gets himself ready and went to the meet , when he came back he saw his baby is still sleeping without waking him he carry him to the car po wake up when he entered their mansion.

In their room

Po: dada ..
Kinn: mhh
Po: I want ice cream
Kinn : no baby you alredy have 4 icecream so it's enough.
Po; plz dada only one ..
Kinn: no will catch cold so no more ice cream.
Po: but dada .
Kinn: baby..No. ok you here dada going to take a shower.
Po sitting in the bed with a pout .
After 10 min kinn came back but didn't saw his baby .he quickly dressed up and search him everywhere, finally he found him with tong who happily having his icecream.
Kinn: Tankhun ....why did you give him ice cream.
Tankhun : why ..not he ask me so l gave him.
Kinn; he alredy ate so much ..
Tankhun: so ..
Kinn: are you serious..po come here..he said with a stern voice
Po understand his dada is mad at him so he didn't make any scene,and be a good boy.
Kinn take him to their room and clean him and lay him on the bed then lay beside him but didn't say anything or kiss him which make po sad.
Po slowly: dada..
Kinn didn't gave any reply
Po: dada sorry.
Kinn: sleep po.
Po get tears in his eyes but didn't say anything.

Next morning.
Kinn wake up first and saw his baby sleeping while hugging him he gave a kiss on his baby and left to fresh up. Po also get up and saw his dada is not there which make him sad . He thought his dada is still mad at him .when kinn came he saw his baby awake and sitting on the bed with a cute pout , kinn plan to give a small punishment to his baby for being naughty so he didn't wish him or give him his morning kisses without saying anything he take po to give him a bath...which make little po sad and he didn't feel good , it was weekend so everyone were in the mansion.

Kinn feeding po and po eating without saying anything and kinn enjoying everything cause his baby is became good boy to catch up with his dada .. that's when pete and Vegas came there..and saw them.
Pete and Vegas: hi kinn
Kinn : hii, you came early.
Vegas : yeah..hi Porsche
Po: hi with a sad face..
Pete: what happened why you looks sad.?
Po look at his dada but his dada didn't say anything so he keep silent.

Tankhun : pooooooo...... Come lets play ..
Po: no am not coming .
Tankhun : come on Porsche..let play a new game , with that he drag po with him.
Vegas : what happened to him kinn.?
Kinn: it's nothing am giving him a punishment.
Pete: for what?
Kinn: you guys know he get cold easily and he ate 4 icecream in the office so I didn't allow him to have more but when I take shower he have ice cream with tankhun. Last time it's take one week for his recovery .so..
Vegas: ohh so you scold him.
Kinn: no I didn't even speak to him or pamper him.thats his punishment.
Pete: so that's why he looks sad poor po.
Kinn: yeah poor po.

Kinnnnnn.........come fast Tankhun screming..
And every one ran to his room .when kinn entered in the room he saw po unconsciously lying on Tankhun's lap.kinn ran towards po.
Kinn takes po from tong .
Kinn: open your eyes.
Pete: kinn take him to the room I will call the dr.
While carrying him kinn felt po's body is burning. Now he understands the situation.
After sometime Dr came and check him .
Kinn: Dr what happened to him.
Dr: he have high fever ,I think he eat something cold .that's why. Nothing to worry .just give him the medicine.
Kinn feel guilty to act rude towards his baby.He sat beside him that's when po open his eyes..
Po: dada..
Kinn: baby you ok , did you feel hurt somewhere.?
Po: po head hurts. ..
Kinn: It will go baby don't worry dada will give you the medicine.
Po didn't say anything he just take his medicine cause he knows if he didn't take it his dada get mad.
And this scene make every one surprise.

Kinn: good boy..
Po: sorry dada..po will not eat icecream plz talk to me..
Kinn: it's ok baby am alredy talking with you..ok he kissed his baby's forehead.
Everyone look at them with awww..
Po: dada...mikky....
Kinn: ahh..
Vegas : what's that? Give a confuse look to kinn
Kinn:'s ... nothing..
Po: dada...po want mikky
Everyone look at kinn and kinn don't know what to do , he know his baby is getting impatient.
Po: dada... getting tears.
Kinn: baby don't cry ..ok
Pete: kinn is that a toy..what's it just give him if he cry his fever will get worse.
Tankhun: l think he want mikky mouse .
Po hold his dada's shirt and try to remove ..
Vegas: what's he doing..?
Po trying to remove,but can't remove his dada's shirt,,That's it po started to crying..
Kinn: shit ...if am still didn't give him then po will not stop crying and I can't see my baby crying.
Kinn: guys ...plz go out...l will call you if anything need.
And he push everyone out and lock the door, and quickly ran to his baby who crying his heart out.
Kinn: baby see dada will give you mikky..ok stop crying.
He quickly remove his shirt and lay beside his baby who quickly started to sucking his nipple like a toddler. Kinn slowly caressing Po's head who closed his teary eyes while having his mikky.
Kinn know po didn't get milk from him but if this make him happy thats,, matter for him.
After one week Lil po became completely fine, and kinn take a good care of him.

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