Royal's Destiny | ✓

By Iamheretoeaticecream

3.4M 169K 20.8K

A hearty "Padharo Mhare Des!" to all you wonderful readers, Meet our protagonist, Ruhaan Singh Rajvansh, our... More

Aesthetics ☀️
Aesthetics II☀️
The End.
Bonus 2.


112K 4.1K 534
By Iamheretoeaticecream

हाँ ये बातें ज़रूरी हैं, पास तुम हो कैसी दूर है
कहाँ हो तुम ये कहानी अधूरी है
ये कैसी धुन मेरे लम्हों को छुई हैं,

मेरे दिल का फ़साना है
तुमसे मिलने का बहाना है
कहाँ हो तुम मंज़िलों का इशारा है
ना कोई शक है ना कोई इरादा है

——— ≪ °✾° ≫ ———


You may find the lead and supporting characters slightly..uhm different at start, but they all have character developments eventually.

"Meera, where do you wander off?" Mihika asked, snapping her fingers in front of me. Huh? I zoned out again. My mind keeps drifting back to the special surgery I've been assigned. It's complex, and I won't proceed until I'm sure the chances of survival outweigh the risks.

"Sorry," I mumbled to Mihi, my best friend. We met during our first year of residency and have been inseparable since. We're now sitting in a cute cafeteria near our hospital. She holds her Boba coffee while I sip my Choco chip frappe. Please don't judge me for drinking Choco chip Frappe. I know I'm a weirdo.

"Meera, my love, trust me, the surgery will go well, don't overthink!" Mihika assured, understanding my dilemma. "I hope so too," I replied, and we both left the café, heading back to the hospital. I had surgeries to perform.

Quickly donning my scrubs and completing the necessary procedures, I entered the operation theatre. There, lying before me, was my patient, a 5-year-old girl under anesthesia. She suffered from a critical case of liver dysfunction, and the chances of complications were alarmingly high. With a prayer in my heart, I began the surgery, determined to do everything in my power to give her a fighting chance.

After hours of intense focus, the surgery was finally over, and it was a success. The meticulous procedure of clearing the abnormal blockage in her liver went smoothly, with no complications. The best part came next – informing the family about the positive outcome. Witnessing the smiles on their faces and the joy in their eyes made all the effort worthwhile. It's moments like these that give my life purpose and meaning.

As I stepped out of the operation theatre, a sense of relief washed over me. I couldn't wait to share the good news with the little girl's grandparents. They were waiting anxiously outside, their faces etched with worry. With a gentle smile, I approached them, my heart brimming with joy.

"Congratulations! The surgery was successful," I said, trying to hide my own tears of happiness.

The grandmother's eyes lit up with tears of gratitude, and she hugged me tightly. "Thank you, Doctor! You've given our little angel a second chance at life," she said, her voice quivering with emotion.

The grandfather, too overwhelmed to speak, placed a hand on my shoulder, expressing his gratitude without words.

Seeing their joy and relief, I knew that this was why I became a doctor – to make a difference in people's lives, to bring hope and healing to those in need.

I gave the grandparents a last soft smile and left for my cabin. Leaning back in my chair, I let out a tired sigh, my hands still tingling from the long surgery. All I wanted now was to go home and take a much-needed nap. Just as I closed my eyes, the door to my cabin burst open, and Mihika rushed in, her face beaming with excitement.

"I knew you could do it!" she exclaimed, giving me a tight hug.

I couldn't help but smile. Mihika had been my cheerleader from day one of our residency. Her unwavering support and belief in my abilities had carried me through the toughest of times.

"Thank you, Mihi," I said, feeling grateful for having such a wonderful friend.

My phone rang, and I saw it was Mumma calling. "Meera Singhania, where are you? It's already 10 PM, and you never informed us you'd be late!" Mumma exclaimed.

"Sorry, Mumma. Just finished a surgery," I told her.

"How did it go, beta?" she asked, her concern evident in her voice.

"It was successful, Mumma," I replied, and I could almost hear her smile through the phone.

"I'm so proud of you, princess," she said with warmth.

"I'll be home soon, Mumma. Bye!"

As I drove home, my mind wandered to the sight of Mihika and her fiancé Kartik, who had come to pick her up directly from the hospital. Seeing them so happy together, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of longing. I wished to find someone one day with whom I could share a love like theirs. But for now, I brushed off those hopeless romantic thoughts and focused on my career.

As I reached home, I was greeted by the comforting aroma of Mumma's cooking. Walking into the kitchen, she enveloped me in a warm hug, her eyes filled with pride. I hope she made Pav Bhaji!

"I'm so proud of you, Meera. You're doing such meaningful work," Mumma said, her voice filled with love.

"Thank you, Mumma. It's all because of your support and encouragement," I replied, feeling blessed to have her in my life.

"Now... what's for dinner?" I asked, putting on my best puppy-eyed expression to convey my hunger.

"Pav Bhaji, because you wanted that, didn't you?" She replied lovingly, and I couldn't contain my joy. I leaned in and kissed her cheeks, almost dancing with happiness.

Together, we made our way to the dining table. I playfully pulled out Mom's chair and bowed in front of her. "M'lady," I teased, and she chuckled while patting my cheek. Soon, Papa joined us at the table, his eyes brimming with hunger. "Waah, Pav Bhaji," he exclaimed with delight, clearly excited about the meal.

"Ansh, you aren't having this!" Mom scolded Papa, swiftly swatting his hand away as it neared the Pav Bhaji. I giggled, anticipating the comical drama that was about to unfold.

"But why?" Papa responded with a mournful expression. "You had Samosa in the morning, which was fine. Then you went out and had Chole Bhature for lunch! And now this for dinner!" Mom exclaimed, her anger mounting. "Do you want to bloat up like a balloon and invite a million diseases?" She asked him indignantly.

This time, I couldn't help but agree with her. "Haan, Papa, galat baat hai!" I chimed in, earning a betrayed glare from him.

"No one cares about me except Priyal," he muttered, conceding defeat and resigning himself to eating the roti and daal that Mom had served him.

"Let Priyal come home; I'll tell her all about this," I playfully threatened, trying to goad him into eating more. He remained silent, staring at his plate with mock disgust.

"Sunshine, please, just one bite?" Papa implored Mom, holding her hand in his, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and mischief. Mom simply nodded in agreement.

Papa couldn't resist teasing me. "Haha, take that Meera!" he exclaimed playfully, a triumphant smirk on his face, as he took another bite of the Pav Bhaji. I chuckled, acknowledging his victory.

We shifted the conversation to their day at the office, and my parents began sharing an amusing incident about a new intern who had some rather peculiar ideas—apparently, they thought Papa was possessed or something equally absurd. It was one of those stories that made no sense but had us all in fits of laughter.

After dinner, I retreated to my room and settled on my bed. "Alexa, play cliché love songs," I said, seeking solace in the world of music and dreams. As the melodies enveloped me, my mind wandered to memories of high school and college. Many guys came and went, but none made my heart flutter, if you know what I mean. Pura crazy Geet- Aditya wala love?

Listening to my parents' and uncle- aunt's love stories, I saw their selfless affection and unwavering commitment, making me believe in that "butterflies in the stomach" kind of love.

Lost in the rhythm of the songs, I allowed myself to dream, yearning for that magical connection that would make my heart soar. With each verse, hope and anticipation filled my heart, knowing that someday, my own love story would find its way to me. I decided to give Priyal, my younger sister, a call to see how she was doing. Despite the age gap of six years, we've always been close. Currently, she's navigating the transition to university life, having just entered her first year. This new phase in her life, marked by her move to Bangalore for college, had led me to call her up daily to make sure she's settling in okay.

However, today was a bit different. As I dialed her number, there was no answer on the other end. I considered the possibility that she might have dozed off or was busy with something. After all, adjusting to university life can be quite overwhelming. So, I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and hoped to catch up with her later.

After a while I decided to just fall asleep.

The next morning, I woke up feeling kinda excited and a bit nervous, knowing I had rounds and a little surgery ahead at the hospital. So, I got myself all fresh and ready, and I even managed to pick out some formal clothes – gotta look the part, right?

As I headed downstairs, I saw the cutest sight ever! Mumma was busy on her laptop, totally into her stuff, and there was papa, looking all chill with his coffee by her side. And guess what? Mumma was leaning on papa's chest, and he was being all adorable, playing with her hair. Ugh, that's the kind of pure love that totally makes my heart flutter! Bhagwaan aap sunn rahe ho na?

I had to shake my head at my own mushiness, but I couldn't resist joining them in the garden. "Hey, you lovebirds!" I said with a big grin, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

Their eyes sparkled with warmth and love as they chuckled, creating such an adorable sight. "Good morning, Princess," Mumma said, patting the swing's empty spot, inviting me to join them. I snuggled in between them, feeling all cozy and loved.

"So, what's on the list for today?" Papa asked with genuine enthusiasm. I could see how much they cared, and it made my heart swell with love for them.

"Oh, just rounds and a little surgery," I replied, trying to play it cool, but deep down, I was grateful for their interest in my life.

They both smiled at me, and I couldn't help but feel so lucky to have such involved and caring parents. It's like they're always there, cheering me on, and it makes me cherish their love even more. I leaned my head on mumma's shoulder, and she wrapped her arm around me. It felt like home, safe and cozy.

"Princess, I forgot to mention it earlier!" Mumma said, sounding a bit huffed with herself. "Kya Hua, Mumma?" I asked, feeling a little confused and curious.

"We three are flying to Udaipur tomorrow," she announced, and my eyes widened in surprise. Tomorrow? But why? I hope there are no surgeries lined up.

"Oh, okay Mumma, but why are we going to Udaipur and what about Priyal?" I inquired, still trying to wrap my head around the sudden plan.

"Beta, it's the crowning ceremony of Kuvar Ruhaan Singh Rajvansh, and Priyal just joined College, she wouldn't be allowed to take a leave so soon." Mumma explained with a glimmer of excitement in her eyes. I nodded, taking in the new information. Alright, a royal crowning ceremony in Udaipur, sounds interesting.

"Wait, why are we invited?" I asked, still a little puzzled about our presence at the crowning ceremony.

Papa gave me a warm smile and said, "Princess, I've worked with Ruhaan and his father on numerous occasions. We are close business associates, and Rajmata herself extended a personal invitation to us."

"Oh, I see," I replied, nodding in understanding. It started to make sense now.

"Mumma, I'll just have to make sure there are no surgeries scheduled for tomorrow. Rajasthan sounds beautiful, and I'm so excited to explore it!" I said, my enthusiasm starting to match Mumma's.

It suddenly hit me that my entire family is Marwari, and they speak so highly of Rajasthan and its beauty. I could feel the thrill building up inside me.

I quickly had my breakfast and bid goodbye to Mumma and papa, who were still discussing their plans for the day. As I hurriedly left for the hospital, I made a mental note to inform my head of department about my absence for the next two days.

Once at the hospital, I sought out Dr. Mehta, my senior, who was also the head of the department. She was in her office, looking over some patient files.

"Hey, Dr. Mehta," I said, trying to sound as casual as possible.

She looked up from her papers and smiled warmly at me. "Dr. Meera, Good morning! What can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to inform you that I won't be able to attend the hospital for the next two days," I said, hoping she would understand.

Her eyebrows arched in surprise. "Oh, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. It's just that my family got an invitation to attend a event in Udaipur, and we're all going," I explained.

Dr. Mehta nodded, understandingly. "I see. Well, in that case, just make sure to inform your team and take care of any pending work before you leave. We'll manage things here. Enjoy your trip!"

"Thank you so much, Dr. Mehta. I'll make sure everything is taken care of," I said with a grateful smile.


——— ≪ °✾° ≫ ———


The first chapter is officially here. And I seek your love and support throughout this book.

A penny for your thoughts? I'd really appreciate some comments. 

- love, Nia.

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