My Boss

بواسطة Seventeen_AJ

1M 30K 4.8K

Cara Greene, who planned everything in her life met Alexandra Williams, her Boss who was exactly opposite of... المزيد



15.3K 478 80
بواسطة Seventeen_AJ

"There you are!" Brian approached us.

"I was looking for you both, was that Alexandra?" Brian sat beside me and was pointing at Alex.

"Shhh. She's sleeping." 

"I was, but Mr. Big Boy there was too loud." We were startled when Alex spoke. She opened her eyes and was about to sit up, if not for my fast reflexes, her top would've fallen off.

"Shit!" She uttered when she realized it.

In a split second, I reached for her back and pushed her a little bit hard for her to stay down.

I took both ends of her bikini top and tied it safely.

"Thank you." She whispered.

I held her gaze like it was the first time I looked at those beautiful brown eyes. 

Time slows down, and everything else fades away. It's like I see all the moments we've shared in her eyes – the laughter, the talks, the kisses, everything. I wish I could freeze this moment and stay here forever.

Not long after we both heard someone clear their throat, It was actually not just someone, it was somebody, it was Claire and Brian clearing their throat repeatedly.

If I was not in a moment with Alex, I would've laughed as they looked like they contracted a virus with their fake coughing.

"Thank you." Alex repeated and it was my cue to move to my chair.

Alex did not throw another look at our side and just stood up, she headed back to the hotel while I followed her every movement.

"What?" I asked both Brian and Claire as I couldn't stand them staring.

"Nothing. Nothing."

"What, nothing, why?"

Both of them said the same time, one frenetically, the other just playing innocent.

"Anyway, it's almost five, I grabbed you both some drinks and snacks." Brian pointed at the tray that was placed on the table between our chairs, how come I didn't notice it earlier?

We stayed for another hour, chitchatting. 

From time to time I would see Brian checking me out, not in a pervy way though. He was actually shy and even handed me my shirt to wear, which I didn't do. I wore my shorts though, Claire did the same.

"You girls wanna have early dinner? By seven o'clock the band will start." 

Claire and I both agreed. We headed to the cottage where the lunch was set up. 

Most people were looking at the three of us. Mainly the men to Claire and me as we still did not wear our shirts.

I was still shy but I've grown a little bit of confidence I guess as time passes by.

I recognized some of my colleagues from the 9th floor greeting me and I greeted them back.

"Hi, Cara." Joseph from the 8th floor greeted as we cued in the buffet table while Brian excused himself to take a phone call.

"Hey." I greeted him back.

It got awkward when he didn't move and just stared at me.

"The line is moving." Claire interrupted him while he appeared lost in thought.

When he moved, Claire made a face at me and we both giggled in silence.

As we were moving, the low gasp of people from the cottage could be heard, and as soon as I turned my head, Alex and her Boyfriend were in sight.

Both of them cued after Claire.

"Don't you have a shirt, Greene?" I heard her ask after a while, I could hear annoyance in her voice.

"Why aren't you asking me the same?" Claire butted in with her brows furrowed at her. If not for Alex's serious face, I would have laughed.

"I don't know you very well, Claire but you seem comfortable with wearing just your bikini, but little miss over there, well, she is not."

"And how did you know that she is not comfortable?" 

"You are in front of her yet you don't see it in her face?"

"Ok, enough!" I interrupted them before the people around us could hear them. 

I looked at both of them and to Daniel who was clearly confused at the banter happening between the two before I spoke.

"I'm fine, ok? I'm fine with what I'm wearing and I will wear only this till the party tonight, okay?" I said in a firm voice.

"That's my girl! I'm so proud of you!" Claire gave Alex a last glance before clapping her hands and praising me. I didn't hear another word from Alex till we reached our table.

"Where's Brian? I got him food." Claire was scanning the place but even the shadow of Brian was nowhere to be found.

My eyes followed Claire but it ended up on Alex's table and there she was, already looking at me.

What's her problem?

I tried to ignore it but I could feel her eyes on me and I was burning from it.

I would catch her already staring at me every time I looked at her. Daniel would be talking to her but her gaze was fixated on me and it was making me feel nervous.

Like I did something that she didn't like and I would be punished after.

"Where have you been?" Claire's exaggeration startled me.

"I was on a call, and it took longer than I anticipated, is this for me?" Brian casually sat beside Claire and started eating.

It was past six in the evening when the people from the cottage started clearing out. It was just us, Alex's table, and just a few other tables.

After a while, Alex and Daniel stood up from their seats. I thought they were gonna go but to my surprise, she sat beside me and Daniel went out alone.

"Hey, Al. What's up?" Brian, though was surprised as well, managed to recover quickly.

"Hey! I was wondering if you guys are going to see the band later?" Her elbow grace to mine and I seem to hold my breath for just two seconds. I immediately looked at her but she seemed not bothered at all.

"Are you also asking me that?" Claire again with her mocking remarks.

Alex just threw her a look but didn't bother responding to her.

"Yeah, aren't you?" It was Brian.

"I was planning to, but Daniel couldn't. He has to leave tonight, they have a shoot or something."


Brian was looking at us, though longer at me.

"Well, do you want to join us?" He asked after a while.

"Is it okay?"

I saw Claire roll her eyes like she already knew where the conversation was going. And she didn't even hide it, I'm sure Alex saw it.

"Of course, I mean, that's okay girls, right?"

"Do we really have a choice?" I kicked Claire under the table thinking she could be shortening Alex's temper with her remarks.

But Alex just smiled at her coyly like whatever Claire says, she was not bothered at all.

"That's fine." I simply said.

"Alright! I'll just change and meet you later." Before Alex could stand up completely, she leaned over to me and whispered, "Change and cover yourself, Cara."

I had goosebumps feeling her breath in my ear. I think I even closed my eyes and the hair from the back of my neck stood up.

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