Sanity to my Insanity

By Heart_Scribed

91 14 3

What happens when suddenly you're no more the sheltered pampered kid but a stranger among strangers. You grow... More

Author's note


7 1 0
By Heart_Scribed

Hey guys!! I won't say much. I just hope you are loving their bond and enjoying their
craziness about the time.
Happy reading, Pancakes!!
PS: I don't know why wattpad keeps putting spaces between paragraphs when i haven't written it in that format. I have been trying to correct it for a long time, but nothing works, so please bear with me.


I got out of my seat to walk down the aisle when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. He caught me off guard, and I almost lost my footing, about to fall sidewards when he pulled me against him, his hands wrapped around my waist and mine tightly wound against his shoulder.

I looked at his dark orbs staring back at me, worried, and I was hit with a déjà vu. I tried breathing deeply to get out of my dream back into reality.

My heart was thumping loudly.

“I am so sorry, Dylan. You okay?”

“Yeah… yeah…. Totally fine… No worries.” I gave him a reassuring smile.

“That’s good to hear.” He said, smiling and hugging me for a millisecond before pulling my ponytail and rushing down the stairs.

“You didn’t just pull my hairs, Arseden. You are up for war, baby.” I yelled as I ran behind him, and like two lunatics we ran around the corridor and among the crowd of students trying to make their way to the class on time.

I finally got hold of his backpack and pulled him back, almost making him fall but saving him from falling in the last minute before rushing to the class.

I slumped down in the window seat this time and he rushed a little after in the class and to the sit next to me, pushing my bag in between the space of our seats and turning to finally look at me with a glare.

I laughed and cock a brow at him. “Revenge is a bitch, isn’t it?” I ruffled his hair and he moved away from my hands huffing.

“You’ll know soon Gray.” He said with a smirk that screamed trouble.

“Game’s on Rhett.” I winked at him and after a breath we both laughed, me more like whizzing due to lack of air and my stomach hurting because of laughing so hard.

Our professor for economics walked in and soon we were introduced to a world of balance sheets and trials, not my strongest suit while Arden seemed to enjoy it a lot.

We were kinda complementary and well it made us fit each other well. We decided to study the subjects together so that I could help him with maths and he could help me with economics.

But not before he made super fun of me as I struggled with some basic accounts problems.

“Don’t be mean.” I whined to him while he continued to laugh.

“Okay lil one.” He said before chuckling again.

“Don’t call me that.” I glared at him which made him smile a she pinched my cheeks like I was a five year old.

“You are too cute damnit.” He said with a serious expression.

“Yeah sure. Stop treating me like a kid or better get lost.”

“Oh no princess. Sorry. Never.” He said sincerely with a smile that showed his cute dimples.

I smiled at the nickname. “Okay I’ll let it go this once Captain. Be careful next time.”
We kept whispering to each other until the class got over and made our way to the third lecture which unfortunately we didn’t have together and sadly it was Anatomy which I didn’t have with any of my friends.

I walked in the classroom with two minutes to spare. I looked for an empty sit and sat in the middle row. The crowd of student kept rushing in and a girl a couple of inches taller than me stood beside my chair.

I quickly dropped my bag between our seats as the professor entered and we all greeted him and settled in our seats.

“Hi I’m Penelope Douglas. You can call me Pene.” My benchmate said.

Pene is a fiery red haired girl with a hot droolworthy figure that every guy dreams of and a sweet smile to go with her persona. She seemed sweet and a good person.

“Hey I’m Dylan Gray.” I said with a smile.
We talked for a few minutes before we focused on the man in the front and taking notes. Anatomy is a real interesting subject even for the biology haters.

Well, I used to be one, the soul reason I never took biology in my junior and senior year of high school but for my dream I gotta make peace with this sub so be it.

I’ll ace this with my pace and get it all down within these weeks.

The last lecture before lunch was a free lecture which gave me an hour’s time as all my friends were in classes. Pene didn’t had any plans as the few people she sat with in her previous classes were in class, leaving her idle for the next hour.

So, we decided to head to the library and sit there while waiting for our friends. We discussed our dreams, goals, families, friends and our favorites, likes and dislikes before I felt a ping of text.

I quickly grabbed my phone and saw it was a text from one and only, the Devil himself.

Captain: Where r u?

Gray: In the library.

Captain: And then you say u r not studious.
Gray: M not. Just needed a place to wait for your dumb ass to finally show up. Meet me at the canteen.

Captain: Okay Topper.

Gray: Arseden.

I smiled as I locked the screen of my phone and looked at Pene who was already busy in her phone, texting someone.

“Hey, let’s go to the canteen, my friends are waiting there. I’ll introduce you to them, you’ll like them.”

“Sure.” She said with a sweet smile.

We made our way to the canteen and I looked around for the familiar mope of dark hairs when I saw my gang sitting at the last table on the left close to the window.

I smiled and walked towards them and hugged them all before ruffling Arden’s hair to which he gave me an annoyed look which soon got replaced with a smirk as he pulled my ponytail and it was now my turn to glare.

Within a few hours he has managed to pull my hairs twice.


I stuck my tongue at him and turned to everyone as I remembered I need to introduce them to my new friend.

I stood beside Pene and made the introductions as everyone warmly welcomed her in the group. We sat around the table and somehow Arden sat in between me and Pene as Sam sat beside her and Journey sat on my right with Nate between Sam and Journey.

We ate our lunch and chatted around. Pene and the guys too have a couple classes together.

With our bantering and bickering, the lunch break ended and with made our way to the next class. I walked with Journey to the next class while Arden went away with Pene and Nate and Sam went to their classes.

I was a bit lost in my thoughts revisiting a few moments of the day while sitting in the lecture absent from the studies and away into my head somewhere when Journey elbowed my side making me startled.

“Where you so lost at?” She questioned me with a knowing smile.

I just gave her a weird look and shook my head. “Nowhere. Just tired.”

“Ohh. Take a rest after we reach dorm.”

“Yeah. Planning on it.” I said with a half-excited smile.

We continued studying until we heard the last bell of the day and walked out like tired animals.

I hugged the guys and Pene in the parking lot before walking back to the dorm with my roomie.

I dragged myself inside my room and threw myself on my bed sighing loudly. I want to escape my thoughts that are going at a speed of hundred miles per hour in my head so I closed my eyes and escaped to my dreamland.

I woke up when I couldn’t keep my eyes closed and saw dark out my window. I guess I have been sleeping for a few hours. I freshened up and made my way to the living room in my comfy shorts and t-shirt and saw Journey watching some thriller movie.

“Hey.” I croaked because of my heavily slept state.

She was so engrossed in the movie that she didn’t noticed me making my way to the couch and almost dropped her bowl on hearing my voice.

She smiled sheepishly at me at her silliness and waved. I couldn’t help but chuckle at her cuteness and pulled her into a hug as I sat there for a few moments without moving, exhaling a huge air from my mouth and sat back on the couch slouching.

She paused the movie and looked at me with a stern look. “What’s up?”

“Nothing. I am good…. Just missing my family.” Well it wasn’t a complete lie, I do miss my family and I don’t know why my brain us messing with thoughts so much for such silly things but I gotta get rid of these thoughts.

“Oh honey. It’s alright. I understand. If it makes you feel better, you know you always have me to rant to whenever you want. I’ll always be here for you.” She pulled me into her arms and I hugged her back as I whispered a small thank you to her.

I hate lying to her but I even don’t know what I’m lying to her about, I’m too confused about my emotions right now. Maybe I’m PMSing. It’s the only thing that can justify my mood swings.

A week flew by as we got busy in our classes and a new routine. I’d spend hours talking to Nate on call, teasing him about a certain someone with him denying his obvious crush for now and chatting with Arden playing games online like this or that and bickering about silly stuffs.

It was now the weekend and as decided we were going out to do some fun outing and exploring the city.

I showered quickly and wore a pair of denim shorts and a black tee with my favorite boots. I pulled my hair in a messy bun and was ready to go.

Journey wore a pair of ripped jeans and crop top with her white sneakers, pulling her hair in a high ponytail.

We ran down the stairs of our dorm racing with each other on a silly bet and making our way to the guys laughing.

Arden looked up from his phone at us with an amused smile while Nate stared at Journey with a love-struck puppy’s eyes before shaking himself mentally and giving her a friendly smile.

She blushed slightly before giving everyone her full blown smile and as everyone chitchatted, I saw Pene standing beside Arden and both of them were whispering something.

I felt something, a pang of jealousy and before you judge me, I’m not jealous because I’ve a crush on me but because he is my best friend and shouldn’t he be paying attention to me. When the fuck did he became so familiar with her!!

I looked away and talked to Sam when Arden wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer. I narrowed my eyes and smacked his chest, sticking my tongue at him.

“You both are so childish, dude” Pene laughed.

“Yeah, but they are cute.” Journey said and winked at me.

I looked at them puzzled and shrugged it off.
We grabbed breakfast at a diner down the road and decided to continue our trip from there.

I made my way to Arden’s motorcycle after walking out the diner requesting for a bike ride as I love bikes and he secured the helmet on my head and wished me luck. I cocked my brows at his attitude and whispered a low ‘you too’ to him which left him puzzled.

I felt like a bitch for butting in between as I could see Pene making her way to the bike and maybe she did love bikes like me and wanted to ride it, but, too bad, I am a fucking bad bitch who is marking her territory on her best friend.

Take that bitch. You can’t steal my friends from me.

He looked at me as if sensing the slight down curve in my mood but before he could ask me anything, I gave him a soft smile and motioned for him to go ahead.

He sat down on the bike and asked me to sit down quickly. “Hold on to me tightly, principessa.”

I smirked at him and sat in front of him making him shift backwards.

“You too, darlin’. Hold on.”

“Wtf are you doing. You are not driving my baby. Sit back.”

“Nope. Stay seated. I’ll take care of your baby, baby. Now be a good boy and let me ride this beast.”

He shook his head at me but held my waist lightly as I now smirked and turned on the ignition. I kicked start the bike and shifted the gear from neutral and everyone else took their seats in Nate’s car and we started our journey.

Arden was a lil worried about his bike and for his life but after riding for a few minutes with me and cursing me to death about the stunt I pulled with him, I reassured him about my history with bikes which made him a bit relieved about our safety.

“If I die, we’re going to hell together, angel.”

“Always, Lucifer. But maybe today we won’t be riding to hell.”

We both chuckled at our mythical nicknames calling and started a whole new discussion on whether these creatures exists or are they just fantasy.

Although we are silly together mostly but that’s what makes it us. In school, I was always the nerdy good girl who is a goody two shoes, who don’t understand the fun stuff and talk like a nun.

It was far from the truth but no one knew the other side of me because they were all selfish and always were looking for notes and assignments from me.

Arden is different though, it’s not like we don’t talk about studies but mostly we talk about ourselves and he just make me feel safe around him, like I could tell him anything and instead of being judgy about it, he would understand me.

He isn’t a brat or a self-absorbed egomaniac who wants people to worship the ground he walks on, he is more on the cute side who wants attention of his friends but doesn’t like socializing much.

Trust me, he could have any friends he would want but don’t know how he just stuck with me through this craziness everyday but I am grateful for this idiot and how we met.

I am really turning sappy right now and tearing up while riding a bike may not be on the recommendation list of safety guidelines. I stopped my thoughts from wandering into the emotional forest and focused on the road ahead.

The graph for my day accelerated uniformly as a function of trust and the cherished memories.


Thank you guys for your support.
Please share, vote and follow for more craziness.
I'd love to hear your stories with your male/female bestfriends and we can share some of our beautiful memories too.
Keep reading lovelies.
I'll update the next chapters in the next two days
Till then, See ya!!💚

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