Return To Arizona Skies

By Honestlysassy

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As established in the first book "Arizona Skies" book 2 "Return To Arizona Skies" will deal with corporal pun... More

Please Read Warning
If You Have Nothing Nice To Say Don't Say Anything At All
If You Have Nothing Nice To Say Don't Say Anything At All Part 2
Long Road Home
In Trouble With Papas
First Few Days Home
Where Did You Hear That Word?
To Soap or Not to Soap
Momma Dearest
Knock Knock
Knock Knock Part 2
Underwear Check
Authors Note

Ready Or Not Here Comes The Twins

218 7 0
By Honestlysassy

Mandy's POV

"Brad, can you go to Papa Paul's so I can rest? Momma doesn't feel very well right now," I tell my 5 year old.

I haven't been feeling well since last night and I'm having stomach pains.

"Ally, please go with Brad to Papa Paul's. Momma is going to lay down with Aunt Mandy," My bestie tells her 5 year old.

"No, I don't want to go," Ally says in her sassy tone.

Cassie isn't up to dealing with her sassy, disobedient daughter and starts walking towards her.

"Okay, okay momma I'll go," Ally quickly changes her attitude but Cassie is already at her side and is laying down a dozen swats.

"Don't sass me, lose the sass. Go to Papa Paul's and be a good girl," Cassie hugs Ally as she leaves and watches Ally cross the street to my dad's. I had watched Brad cross the street so now it's just Cassie and me.

We go to lay down in my bedroom.

"How long have you been having stomach pains for?" She asks me with concern.

I look at her in amazement, "how do you know I'm having stomach pain?" I ask.

"Bestie, I can read you like a book. I can tell when you are in pain. I could tell last night you were in pain but I couldn't tell where, but the way you are holding your stomach, I'm now guessing you have had it since last night, am I right?" She asks, raising her eyebrow at me.

"You're not wrong," I say, smirking. I hate saying you're right to anybody.

"You know, you could just say, I'm right," Cassie smirks back.

We climb into my bed and we cuddle up to each other. I don't know how long we were in bed for but we ended up falling asleep.

I wake up in complete panic when my water breaks and I know for a fact I'm in labor. I'm a week early. Does this put the baby at risk, in danger?

Cassie gets out of bed and she helps me get into a clean nightgown and she gets into clean clothes and we decide to drive to the hospital.

Cassie is speeding to get to the hospital while also coaching me to do the breathing we were taught in our baby and me classes. I don't know how fast she is going but I hear and see blue lights behind us.

"Cassie," I start to say but I get a huge contraction and I scream in pain.

"We are almost to the hospital, bestie. Keep breathing," she tells me as she puts on her hazard lights but doesn't slow down until we pull into the hospital parking lot.

By the time we pull into the parking lot, there are two police cars that have joined the chase and I'm relieved when I see two of them are Wyatt and Uncle James.

"Cassandra May..." Wyatt begins to scold as Cassie gets out of the car and puts her hand up to stop him and rushes over to the other side of the car to help me get out.

By this time, I have had 2 more very intense contractions and I can barely get out of the car.

The other officers are approaching as Uncle James tells them to stand down and Wyatt runs to help me out of the car and James runs in to get a wheelchair and tell them to call up to labor and delivery, that I'm in labor.

I look at my bestie and I can see she isn't looking too well. I make Wyatt stop

"Wyatt stop! What's wrong Cassie?" I ask as I try to stand up but another contraction makes me scream out.

Right as Wyatt starts pushing me again, Cassie also screams in pain and her water breaks. Uncle James rushes to her with a wheelchair. She is a month early. Before I can reassure she will be okay, I'm brought into the delivery room and it's not too long before I'm getting prepared in a gown and in bed to push these twins out....

Cassie's Pov

I noticed my bestie in pain since yesterday "Mandy lets send the kids over to your dads, I already called him and he said no problem" Mandy calls Brad over as I call Ally. ""No, I don't want to go," Ally says in her sassy tone. I am in no mood for her sass, I start walking towards her and she backs up.

"Okay, okay momma I'll go," Ally quickly changes her attitude but it is too late. I reach her and pull her into my side giving her bottom a dozen smacks

Smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack

"Owie owie momma I'm sorry" Ally cries as I finish the short spanking. I hug her and give her time to calm down. Brad has just crossed over to Paul's when I am able to send a calmer Ally over. Thankfully, Paul is standing out there waiting for the children.

I go get in bed with my bestie and rub her belly "How long have you been having stomach pains for?" I ask her with concern.

She looks at me in amazement, "how do you know I'm having stomach pain?" she asks.

"Bestie, I can read you like a book. I can tell when you are in pain. I could tell last night you were in pain but I couldn't tell where, but the way you are holding your stomach, I'm now guessing you have had it since last night, am I right?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at her.

"You're not wrong," She says, smirking.

"You know, you could just say, I'm right," Mandy rolls her eyes and we both giggle and fall asleep.

I'm jerked awake with Mandy crying out. I jump up as I realize her water just broke. I grab a clean nightgown and help her change, then I get dressed as fast as I can. I'm pretty sure my shirt is on backwards and inside out but I don't care as I speed my way towards the hospital.

"Cassie," Mandy starts to say but she is interrupted by a huge contraction and she screams out in pain.

I see blue lights behind me but can barely hear the siren over my best friend's cries out in pain. I ignore the officers and keep speeding towards the hospital.

"We are almost to the hospital, bestie. Keep breathing," I encourage her as I put on my hazard lights but don't slow down until we pull into the hospital parking lot. By the time we pull into the parking lot, there are two police cars that have joined the chase, I get out with my hands up when I hear my brothers voice,

"Cassandra May..." I then put my hand out to stop him and rush to the passenger side to help Mandy. Wyatt is by our side in a second as he realizes Mandy is in labor. I step away and Uncle James comes over to scold me when he sees my face and stops. I cry out as a large contraction hits me and my water breaks right there in the emergency parking lot.

Another nurse comes out with a second wheelchair and puts me in it as Uncle James wheels me inside, Mandy and Wyatt are nowhere in sight so I am guessing they are heading to a room already. The nurse passes the desk saying "We have a second one in labor, water broke in the parking lot, let them know at L&D I'm bringing her up" we rush into the elevators.

"Uncle James, please call Noah for me?"

"I'm already on it" he smiles as his phone starts calling someone. I hear Noah's voice but can only cry out in pain again as another contraction hits me. I start sobbing as I realize I'm a month early. What is going to happen to the twins? Will they be sick, will they be alright? Panic starts to set in as I am being helped into a hospital bed. By the time Noah got to the hospital the doctor came to talk to us.

"I know there is concern for the babies being born a month early but many twins don't make it past 36 weeks of pregnancy and most are born without any complications so let's not worry until we have something to worry about"

"Thank you Dr. Ruiz, that does much to help our anxiety" Noah tells him, squeezing my hand as I sigh in relief. My contractions keep getting stronger until I am so tired that I can't handle the pain any more. Dr. Ruiz convinces me to take an epidural and soon I am feeling much better.

"Okay Cassandra it is time to push these babies out" Dr. Ruiz tells me. Noah helps hold one of my legs up while the nurse holds up the other leg and I start pushing. Finally, at 3:53pm Krysta May Mendoza was born, and at 4:52pm Jessica Marie Mendoza was born.

Krysta weighed 5lbs 7oz and Jessica weighed in at 5lbs 5oz they were both small but very healthy, Dr. Ruiz said he wasn't worried about their health at all. It was such a relief to finally have our babies here and both being very healthy. I barely stayed awake long enough to ask how Mandy was doing. Noah reported she had two healthy baby boys and I fell asleep smiling that me and my bestie just had twins on the same day. What a day it is, happy birthday my sweet little girls, Krysta, Jessica, and Ally all three of you are so precious to Noah and I.

Wyatt's POV:

I'm doing patrol on Camino Seco Road, when I get a call over the radio that there is a car that is not pulling over for police and they are calling for backup. I turn on my lights and start heading toward where they are. I see the familiar car, and my first instinct is to yell at Cassie, but when I hear my wife scream in pain, I rush to get a wheelchair and help her out of the car. Her water had broken and she is in labor.

I rush Mandy inside and to the elevators to L&D as Mandy has another contraction. I help her breath through it, but I can tell it isn't going to be very long before she has these twins.

"Mrs. and Mr. Anderson, please come this way," a nurse immediately takes us into a room and I help Mandy get into a hospital gown as Dr. Wilde's comes in.

"How long ago did your water break, and how far in between are your contractions?" He asks.

"My water broke..." Mandy isn't able to answer as another contraction happens and Dr. Wilde puts on gloves and tells Mandy it's time to push.

I help hold Mandy's hand and help her breathe. At 3:37pm Jayson Paul is born weighing 7lbs 1oz. He is healthy and has a very powerful set of lungs. The second baby takes just a little longer and at 4:27pm Jacob Isaac is born weighing 7lbs 4oz, and he also comes out screaming and crying. I look at Mandy and smile.

"You did it, baby. They are both healthy." I kiss her sweaty forehead.

"Where is Cassie? I want her to come see them," she says.

"I'll go see where she is and bring her in," I reply as I leave and look for my sister, who is nowhere to be seen. I see Adam and Deana.

"Hey, have you seen Cassie? Mandy wants her to meet the babies,"

"Well, you'll have to both meet each other at the same time," Deanna smiles at me. "Cassie went into labor shortly after Mandy,"

"Really!?" I smile and hug her and Adam. I tell them they can come in to see the babies in a few minutes, I wanted to let Mandy know about Cassie first.

"Where is Cassie?" Mandy asks when I walk back into the room.

"Well, she is in another room, she went into labor shortly after you and she had the twins," I smile as I give her the news.

"Are you serious!?" Mandy excitedly squeals.

Once all of our families had gotten to the hospital and were waiting in the waiting room, I went out and let everyone know we had 2 healthy baby boys. Brad was excited that he didn't have to deal with any sisters because girls can be a pain. I laughed as I picked him up and brought him in to meet his baby brothers. He was in aww when he saw them.

"They are so tiny daddy, was I that tiny when I was born?" he asked, still staring at them.

I smiled and told him that he was a little bit bigger than Jacob but that he was once that tiny. Other family members came in to meet the babies and they all fell in love with them as well.

A couple hours later, and a lot of convincing to the nursing staff that it would be in everybody's best interest to move Mandy into Cassie's room. All four babies are healthy and resting comfortably.

Noah's POV

My first couple months at the new school were going very well. I really liked the staff and other teachers, plus working hand in hand with my dad has been an amazing experience. I have noticed over the last week how uncomfortable Cassie has been. She can hardly sleep and yesterday I found her rearranging the furniture in the twins nursery

"Babe you can't be moving furniture around like that, come get me if you want to move things around" I scolded slightly.

"I'm perfectly capable Noah of moving some furniture I am pregnant not broken" She snapped back

"Yes you are very capable my love" I go over and hold her in my arms. "You know moving big furniture around in your condition is not safe so let's not do that again" I am firmer with my words this time and thankfully my wife listens to me.

I have just finished lunch when dad knocks on my classroom door "I'm just checking in..." My phone rings and I am confused as to why Uncle James is calling me but I answer it.

"Hey Noah, I'm at the hospital with Cassie and she is in labor. Her water broke just a few minutes ago" I look at my dad who heard everything because James was on speaker.

"Go son, I'll take over your classes and your mom and I will be at the hospital" Dad hugs me and I rush out of the school. I didn't realize I was still on the phone with Uncle James until he spoke up with a warning.

"Noah don't go speeding and draw several police into a chase just to get to the hospital, your wife already did that when Mandy went into labor before her, I am here because we got called to a chase with a car that refused to slow down until they parked at the ER doors" I roll my eyes at my wife's choice to run from police officers. Thankfully, Uncle James said she would not be charged because Mandy was in active labor and the stress of the situation caused Cassie to go into labor.

I made it to the hospital in record time and was soon by my wife's side. Dr, Ruiz came in to talk to us and reassured us that 4 weeks early both babies were healthy and he saw no problem with them being born today. I saw Cassie's face looking so relieved that our babies were okay. It still was a couple of hours before the first baby was born. Krysta May was born first then 59 minutes later Jessica Marie was born. I had the happy task of telling the family the news.

I walked out and saw the waiting room filled with our family members. All the Anderson's, Smith and Mendoza families had shown up to support us. My parents along with Kenny and Beth hugged me and congratulated me. I let Cassie's parents in to see her and the babies first followed by my parents and Ally.

"Allison Summer, meet your new baby sisters" I introduced them to her. She kissed their foreheads and told them to be good girls for mommy and daddy. She was in love with them already.

Mandy and Cassie managed to convince the hospital staff to put them in a room together. It actually turned out really good, there were two chairs in the room for Wyatt and I to sleep in. The four of us, all completely exhausted, finally fell asleep. 

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