Insecurities // 2min ✓

Od inxlovely

33.3K 859 2.4K

[completed] "I love you and your insecurities.." -- youtiful suits this story so much i swear Více

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★ Special Chapter; What If Jeongin Actually Died?★
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★ Special Chapter; What If Lee Know's instrusive thoughts won? ★
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★ Seungmin's Birthday Special; First Time ★
★ Special Chapter; Future ★
★ Special Chapter; Future (pt 2) ★

★ 1 ★

2.2K 48 90
Od inxlovely

it was a cloudy day, it looked as if it was about to rain. Seungmin sighed as he looked out the window and went back to his closet. he glanced at his clock that was above his bed and noticed it was 7:45. he then went through his closet to find some clothes for school. he didn't really care about what he wore, knowing people wouldn't change their opinions about him.

he then picked out a red hoodie with some normal jeans. he pulled the hoodie up not even caring about his hair. Seungmin put on his casual white air forces and grabbed his backpack. he went downstairs and didn't even bother with breakfast. he went outside and saw Chan, who was waiting for him.

"your covering yourself again?.." Chan asked with a pout on his face. Seungmin didn't answer and just walked past the older. Chan sighed and followed him.


Felix, Han and Jeongin were in front of some lockers, just talking. "Minnie!!" Han randomly blurted out, making some people turn their heads. Han ran towards the younger one and hugged him tightly

"can you please stop covering yourself?" Han asked as Seungmin pulled away

"your beautiful, you should know that.." he added

"tell that to other people then and not just me!!" Seungmin slightly yelled, feeling other people's eyes on him as he made his way towards Felix and Jeongin. he heard others whispering and laughing as he leaned his head against one of the lockers. Han sighed and noticed Chan was next to him

"what's up Hannie?" the older asked as he rested his arm onto the younger's shoulder

Han tried to hide his now slightly red face. before he could even say anything, they heard someone yelling "Channie-hyung!!"

Chan turned around but before he could even see who it was, Changbin jumped into the older's arms, hugging him tightly. Chan hugged back and ruffled Changbin's hair. "heyy buddy~"

Lee Know and Hyunjin then walked next to Chan. I.N quickly ran towards his boyfriend and jumped onto him

"hey angel" Hyunjin said as he kissed the younger's cheek, earning a smile from him

"hi bubba!!" the younger said, resting his forehead against the older's.

"alright you lovebirds, enough" Felix said as he walked over with Seungmin, who looked tired. nobody seemed to notice except for Lee Know.

as the others were distracted in the conversation they were having, Lee Know slightly nudged Seungmin's arm. Seungmin glanced at the older, not wanting to make eye contact. "you okay?" Lee Know whispered. Seungmin nodded, obviously lying, but just didn't want to tell anyone anything. Lee Know just stared at him for a few seconds before shaking his head and joining the others conversation, well atleast tried to join in.


they were all sitting at a table, just talking and eating since it was lunch time

"your not gonna eat?" Hyunjin asked Seungmin. Seungmin just shook his head and got up

"im gonna go use the bathroom.." he said as he quickly left

Lee Know then got up and followed the younger, not saying a word. Felix, Chan and Hyunjin looked at each other with a smirk. Jeongin was sitting in Hyunjin's lap, with his head laid against his chest, "why are you smirking?.." Jeongin asked as he looked up at Hyunjin with big eyes. Hyunjin grinned and kissed the younger's forehead, "nothing darling, don't worry" Jeongin shrugged and laid against Hyunjin's chest, closing his eyes and hugging the older tightly.


Seungmin came into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. he took off his hoodie and let out a shaky sigh as he tried holding in his tears.


he quickly put on his hood, turning around, seeing Lee Know. "your not fine, there's no point in lying now. whats wrong?" Lee Know said as he made his way towards Seungmin. Seungmin looked at Lee Know with teary eyes as the older gently placed his hands onto the younger's waist, preventing him from hitting the wall behind

"I just..." Seungmin started crying, burying his head into Lee Know's chest.

at this moment, Lee Know felt his whole world shatter, watching the one he cared about the most breakdown in his arms

he ran his fingers through Seungmin's hair. "I hate m-my b-body!!" Seungmin finally blurted out


"I just h-hate it!! I hate it I hate it I hate it I ha-" Seungmin was then interrupted with Lee Know's lips against his. he felt all his worries vanish, as if they were flushed down a drain. he kissed back, moving his lips along with Lee Know's. they ended the kiss just for a moment to gasp for air, before quickly continuing it.

Lee Know finally ended the kiss and slightly smiled at the younger, who looked worn out

"all i did was kiss you~" Lee Know teased

"that was my first.." Seungmin mumbled, hoping Lee Know didn't hear it, but he did

"oh really? then I'll be your first and last~" the older teased once again, this time, earning a small squeal from the younger one who was now a bright red. "okay okay I'm sorry please don't die-" Lee Know said, hugging the younger. Seungmin let himself sink into Lee Know's arms

"thank you hyung....for being there for me..." he slightly whispered

"of course, I'll always be here for you" Lee Know assured him

"also...when were you gonna tell me about your insecurities?.."

Seungmin slightly froze, not knowing what to say. "I- uh.." was all that came out

"you can trust me. if your ever feeling down about yourself, come to me" the older said and kissed the younger again, not realizing his own actions. Seungmin started blushing, Lee Know soon realizing what he did. he pulled away and covered his face in embarrassment. Seungmin was now leaning against the wall, trying to process what just happened

"w-well uh...we gotta go back now.." Lee Know said, trying to break the awkwardness that was in the air

"y-yeah.." Seungmin said as he opened the door and watched as Lee Know awkwardly walked out, Seungmin followed. 


Han and Felix would be in tears because of how much they have laughed

"yall calm down-" Chan said, not wanting any of them to die

Seungmin and Lee Know then came back, awkwardness still following. Hyunjin and Chan both looked at each other with a slight smirk on their faces. Changbin then said something that made Han laugh out loud, getting people's attention. Changbin started giggling. Hyunjin held I.N close as the younger was asleep on his lap. Lee Know sat next to Hyunjin and noticed his slight smirk

"sooo, what'd yall do?" he whispered

"we kissed..." Lee Know mumbled.

"what?- hyung speak up"

"I said we kissed!!" Lee Know whisper-yelled

he watched as Hyunjin's eyes widened and he quickly covered his mouth to prevent any sound from coming out

"your fucking kidding??"

Lee Know slightly smirked and shook his head

"ask him out then!!" Hyunjin said, now talking normally since nobody was even paying attention to them

"what no!! I don't even think he liked it..." Lee Know replied, looking at the ground after

"how did he react?" Hyunjin asked, who was stroking Jeongin's hair

"well....he turned red after and looked worn out and then he said I was his first kiss.."

Hyunjin hummed, "bro I think he likes you-"

"why would he like someone like me?..."

"because your amazing!" Felix blurted out

Lee Know quickly turned around and saw Felix with Chan, "how much did you hear!?"

"not much. just know, he likes you back" Chan said while placing a hand on Lee Know's shoulder

"I don't believe that" Lee Know said, turning back around and crossing his arms

"HE DOESN'T LIKE ME DON'T YOU GET IT!? THAT KISS WAS PROBABLY FAKE!!" Seungmin yelled, practically getting everyone's attention, including Lee Know's.

"he'll never like someone like me....especially since I look like this..." Seungmin mumbled the last part

"Seung.." Han tried grabbing his arm but Seungmin quickly pulled away,  "NO!...j-just leave me a-alone!!...."

Seungmin let out a small sob before he grabbed his backpack and left. the others were watching with big eyes, while Lee Know looked devastated.

why couldn't Seungmin realize he was perfect?

why couldn't he just ignore all the negativity?

so many questions were going on in Lee Knows head, and he wanted answers to them.

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