Reaction to Tensura

By armaghan_ror

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Hey everyone, this will be quite a typical Tensura reaction. In which a supernatural entity kidnaps the chara... More

Special: Top 20 (Part 1)
Special: Top 20 (Part 2)
Special: Top 20 (Part 3)
Special: Top 20 (Part 4)
Prologue: Death and Reincarnation
Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 3 and 4
Chapter 6 to 8.5
Chapter 8.6 to 12
Chapter 13 to 17
Chapter 18 to 22
Chapter 23 and 24
Chapter 25 to 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter No. 40
Chapter 41
Chapter # 42 (Preparation for Charybdis)
Chapter # 43
Break: New Guests
Chapter # 44
Chapter # 45
Chapter # 46
Chapter # 47
Break: Slime Stroke
Chapter # 48
Chapter # 49 (Butterflies of the Night)
Chapter # 50 (Part 1)
Chapter 50 (Part 2)
Chapter # 51
Chapter # 52 (Part 1)
Chapter # 52 (Part 2)
Chapter # 53 (Part 1)
Chapter 53 (Part 2)

Chapter 28

4.4K 120 18
By armaghan_ror

After the surprises everyone got ready for the feast. However, for the villagers there was something that was much more important than the arrival of the ogres. Because today was the first time Rimuru was about to eat something. So, they all were extremely stressed that what their leader would think of their food. Then Rimuru took one bite and yelled in happiness'.

Rimuru= Delicious!!!

At this the villagers became extremely happy that their leader had enjoyed the food that they made for him. So, the villagers relieved and the feast began.

Luminous= Your reaction, wasn't that a bit exaggerated.

Fuze= Not really as food from tempest is truly delicious.

Shizu= Also the fact that this was the first time Rimuru-san tasted anything.

Leon= Yeah, first time tasted anything in four months.

Rimuru= Yep that is true and could you stop counting the time.

Leon= No.

Rimuru= Damn it.

Ramiris= Why were your subordinates so scared before.

Benimaru= They were scared because, if Rimuru-sama didn't like it. They won't be able to forgive themselves.

Testarossa= Of course.

Diablo= You have caught on how things should work here. huh.

Testarossa= Yeah that was not a difficult thing to understand after seeing like a dozen tantrums being thrown here.

Everyone was eating their food. Meanwhile Kaijin, Rigurd, Rigur, Old Ogre and the Young Master were eating in a side. Where the ogres told them everything that happened to them. Kaijin and Rigurd were surprised at this news. Because orcs are much weaker than ogres and shouldn't be able to do any kind of damage to the ogres. And when the young master told them that they came with armor and weapons and overwhelming numbers. It kind of answered the question on how orcs were able to win but it also brought up more questions like how orcs were able to get weapon and armor. So, they all concluded that someone must be working with the orcs.

Carrion= Yeah, we know who was working with the orcs.

Frey= Some idiot named Clayman.

Clayman= (These bastards I can't even say anything against them. Because almost everyone here hates me. So, Clayman just shut up take the insults like a brave, strong demonlord.)

Veldora= Oh so this time he is not defending himself I guess he really got tired.

The young master tells them that with the orcs there was a masked majin who is really strong.

At this news Kaijin thinks that the orcs might be getting aid from a demonlord.

Hinata= They already have a thought that it could be a demonlord?

Rimuru= Well of course Kaijin is a very intelligent person. So, of course he was able to figure it out.

Hakrou= Yes even though he is a blacksmith. His intelligence also makes him into an excellent advisor.

Dino= Makes sense why Gazel didn't want him to go.

Young master= Only me and five of my brethren have survived.

Rimuru= Oh so that is why you were so upset.

Young master= Looks like you have eaten quite a lot. Huh.

Rimuru= Your sister is quite something. She knows about cooking and medicines. Goblins took to her immediately.

Young master= That is so much like her. She always wanted to help others.

Rimuru= Anyway what are you guys going to do now. What are your plans?

Young master= We are going to build our strength and counterattack.

Rimuru= Do you know where they are?

The young master doesn't have the answer to this question, so he shuts up and starts to drink.

Rimuru= (So he has no idea huh.)

Veldora= Haha Rimuru it now makes sense why Benimaru is your Right-hand man you two are really similar.

Rimuru, who knew Veldora was calling him an idiot, became extremely angry at him.

Rimuru= Hey what do you mean by that?

Ciel= <He is saying that both of you are great leaders but have no idea what you are doing.>

Rimuru= <I don't know if this is a compliment or insult.>

Ciel= <Both. The leader aspect is the compliment and having no idea is the Insult.>

Rimuru= <You didn't have to tell me that in detail.>

Ciel= <Well you weren't understanding it, so I had to say it in detail, my future husband.>

Rimuru= <Ok I think that is enough for now.>

Ciel= <Ok as you wish.>

However, Veldora was not really scared of Rimuru.

Veldora= You know exactly what I mean don't you?

Rimuru= Yeah, I know.

Luminous, was expecting a fight between Rimuru and Veldora because of just how angry Rimuru was, but her excitement turned into disappointment when Rimuru calmed down. Everyone except Guy and the subordinates were surprised that he calmed down so quickly.

Rimuru= So, why don't you guys become my subordinates.

Young master= Subordinates?

Rimuru= You guys do need a home base, right?

Young master= But wouldn't that also put this village at risk.

Rimuru= Not really the way you were talking there is most likely chance that orcs would attack us as well so if we could get as much help as possible that would then be great.

Young master= Right but I would need some time to think about it.

Rimuru= Take as much time as you want.

The next morning, he had made his decision.

He told Rimuru that their contract only lasts until the end of orc invasion. And Rimuru was okay with it.

Rimuru= You can do whatever after that. You can either go on your way or help us build a nation.

Guy= And that is how Rimuru gets another race.

Luminous= Yeah in a way Clayman kind of handed them to him.

Shizu= What do you mean?

Hinata= Clayman was the one who started this orc invasion. If orc invasion wouldn't had happened, then the ogres wouldn't had joined him.

Geld= Nor the orcs.

Souka= Or the Lizardmen.

Gazel= Thinking about it if this invasion wouldn't had happened then Rimuru wouldn't had been that strong.

Rimuru= Yeah as I also got another unique skill from the orc disaster.

Gazel= And it was after this that the Jura Tempest Federation was created Right, Rimuru?

Rimuru= Correct.

Veldora= Well then thanks Clayman for helping Rimuru get stronger and making a country that opposes your own.

Dagruel= Yeah you kind of shot yourself in the foot.

Rimuru= Kind of, he literally shot himself in the head.

Then Rimuru told him to call everyone. When everyone had arrived. He decided to name all six of them. However, at this the ogre princess said that would he be okay with that? Of course, Rimuru shrugged it saying he will be fine. Ogre princess tried to object but his brother stopped her. Then Rimuru gave them names. However, as soon as he gave them names, he collapsed. When he finally woke up. He was in his slime form and was on someone's lap. When he looked up, he saw something that was blocking his view until a face appeared.

Kenya= Why did sensei collapsed?

Alice= Yeah, this time there were just six people.

Soeui= That is because we were stronger in comparison to the goblins and wolves.

Velzard= You didn't learn anything from your previous time when you named them all and you collapsed.

Rimuru= Well I thought this time there were just six so I would be fine.

Dagruel= So, you didn't know that naming stronger people will take more magicules.

Rimuru= Yeah, I didn't know that.

Fuze= Well now you know that. So, you won't make anymore mistakes like this, right?

Rimuru= ...

Fuze= Right?

Rimuru= Yeah about that. You will see in the future.

Gazel= You really don't learn. huh.

Gale= If Shuna-san were worried that it might affect sensei badly. then why did Benimaru-san allow him to name you.

Benimaru= Well I thought that he was strong so even though we are higher ranking monsters he can still name us. Also, he was himself confident and knew the downsides of naming.

Carrera= So, basically you thought that your leader won't be an idiot. Yet he was.

Diablo= Hold your tongue. Otherwise, I might have to cut it.

Ultima (sarcastically) = I am so scared.

Rimuru= Anyway, let's stop the fight for now.

Diablo= As you wish Rimuru-sama.

Then many figures appeared who looked like the ogres but younger. Rimuru at the time was on the lap of one such ogre. And all of them were almost unrecognizable. However, after talking with them he realized why they look different and who is who. All of them have evolved from Ogre to Kijin. And the names he gave them were: The young master was Benimaru, Ogre Princess was Shuna, Old Ogre was Hakorou, the ogress with the club was Shion, on whose lap he was currently on, the ogre with blade was Souei and the giant ogre was Kurobe.

Shizu= Here the names are quite good.

Rimuru= Well when you only have six people to name then you can name them a bit more creatively.

Meanwhile the orc army was marching the forest, the lizardmen seeing the orc army reported the size and status of the army to their chief. The chief called for his comrades to get ready for the incoming war. However, when he learned just how massive the orc army is and the possibility that this army is being led by the unique monster the 'Orc Lord'. He called his son 'Gabiru' to go ask the goblins for help. Gabiru begrudgingly agrees and leaves.

Guy= So, this is where the lizardmen start to act.

Souka= Yes, we knew that against such a strong army we would have no chance.

Jeff= So, that is why you send Gabiru so he can get the assistance from the goblins.

Hinata= But goblins are nowhere near the strength of orcs, especially these orcs. So, why did you think that this was going to make a difference.

Gazel= Their chief is a good leader. He must have known that it won't be enough, but he still sends them to ask for help because at the time all the help was appreciated, am I right souka?

Souka= Yes that is true.

Gale= That's Gabiru-san! He really looks quite different.

Zegion= Not just looks but his behaviour is also very different.

Dagruel= The looks can be explained by Evolution.

Shuna= As for behaviour. You haven't seen anything yet.

Gabiru= Yeah, my behaviour wasn't that great back then.

Souka= Wasn't great you say. It was awful.

Gabiru= I know.

Meanwhile Rimuru is discussing with Benimaru about the orc invasion and is talking about the possibility that there might be an orc lord. At that time Souei who is now Rimuru's spy tells him that a group lizardmen are seen in the nearby goblin village and they seem to be negotiating with the goblins.

Souei= They might come here.

Rimuru= I see.

Meanwhile, Gabiru and his lizardmen are going after recruiting one goblin village. Gabiru is not happy with his father's decision as "Why should the mighty lizardmen fear the mere orcs". At hearing him say these words. His comrades start to encourage him that he should now become their leader. Gabiru at first declines but then he starts to get ideas and says that yeah, he should now become the leader and his comrades cheer him on.

Shuna= And there he goes.

Fuze= He has started to think too highly of himself.

Dagruel= And it doesn't help the fact that his men are supporting him in this.

Gazel= Not just supporting him. They are also the ones who instigated him to think like this.

Chloe= But it is his fault that he was so stupid that they were able to instigate him into thinking that.

Rimuru= Yeah, I know he was incredibly stupid. Well now he isn't anymore.

Benimaru= Yeah compared to before, he now is completely different.

Gabiru= Thanks, Rimuru-sama, and Beniamru-sama.

At the village, Rimuru in his slime form with Shion holding him goes to see Shuna, who Rimuru has made into the head of productions and is helping the dwarf brothers in weaving clothes. There Shuna says that the work has been going great. However, when Shion, who has declared herself as the secretary, tries to take Rimuru away from there. Shuna objects to this and asks if she can hold Rimuru for some time. However, upon the refusal of Shion, Shuna gets angry and tries to forcibly take Rimuru from her. But Shion doesn't let go and Rimuru gets stretched so thin, that it looks like he is about to be split in two. In order to save himself, he tells Shuna that she can hold him later at which, Shuna lets him go and Shion leaves.

Testarossa= So she just decided that she will be the secretary, it was not  Rimuru who made her his secretary.

Diablo= Yes she did indeed just decided that she will be the secretary and Rimuru-sama just went with it.

Velzard= Is she even a good secretary?

Rimuru= Yeah she is good.

Guy (Whispers)= Rimuru is most likely saying this so that another tantrum doesn't get thrown around.

Velzard (Whispers)= That is most likely the case.

Leon= (I see so his life is also hell.)

Gazel= I see so their rivalry is this old.

Benimaru= Yes, it is.

Alice= What were you doing? You had almost split sensei in two.

Shizu= (Both of them are incredibly possessive of him.)

Chloe= (It looks like they also love sensei.)

Veldora= That happens on the daily basis.

Shizu= Rimuru-san does it hurt when you are stretched like this.

Rimuru= No not really and thank goodness it doesn't because otherwise the pain would be unbearable.

Diablo= Even though Rimuru-sama have scolded them many times they don't listen.

Shion= Why do you have to talk?

Diablo= I will talk when I want to.

Word Count = ( 2110 )




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