Digimon Sonic Cyber Sleuth

By metalgreymon2

8.5K 101 77

Sonic entered the Cyberspace of EDEN for the first time. However, he ends up draged into the core of EDEN, Ko... More

Deep into EDEN! The Digital Monster program!
The Black Monster of EDEN!
Cyber body? The Kuremy Detective Agency!
Welcome to Hudie!
EDEN Syndrome!
Compassion and Bravery!
A Determinated Battle!
Chasing Mephisto!
Armor Digivolution!
The Black Winged One!
Roar! MetalGreymon!
Dark Reflection!
Sayo, the Night Claw of the Digital World!
Light of Hope!
Avalon Server!
K's Invitation!
Disapearing people!
Storm of flames, Vritramon!
Demons, Judes, and Evolutions!
Gold Miracles! Perfect Bonds Awaken!
The Noble of Darkness!
Raidiant Moon, Crescemon!
Team Dreamin!
Burning Courage, Fladramon!
Roaring Passion, Dynasmon!
The Sistermon Sister's Gym!
Security Hack
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Jogress! Shakkoumon!
Violet Moon, Dianamon!
Matrix Evolution!
CEO Kishibe? The Eater's evolution!
Deep into the Digital Sea!
Light of Life, Ofanimon!
Flame Dragons! KaiserGreymon!
Speed of Light, MagnaGarurumon!
Seven Hells, BlackSeraphimon!
Take Dive, MetalSeadramon!
Idol or not? Fly, AncientIrismon!
Protect the future, KaiserKnightmon!
Break into the Secret Room!
Warp Ultimate! Nokia's Decision!
Account Server!
The Tenth DigiDestinated!
The Final Presage
Akari's Decision! Awaken Rosemon!
VS Zaxon! The Holy Knight, Omegamon!
Beyond Ultimate! Burst Mode!
The Digital Wave Trap!
Kishibe's Secret! VS LordKnightmon!
The Paradise Lost Plan!
Rescue Yuuko! The Dimensional Door!
Chaos, War, and Arkadimon!
Lost Digimon!
Trap Ryuji!
Memory Bug! Burst Mode of Honor!
The Truth of The Eaters!
Hackmon's Ordeal!
Arata's Betrayal!
Yuuko's Decision! Rise, Siriusmon!
Knight of Avalon! Craniummon!
The True K!
The Eater Network!
Gluttonous Case!
Parallel World! VS Barbamon!
Dragon's Island! VS Examon!
Gulus Realm Burst!
Tower of Digital Waves!
Chasing Ryuji!
Cut the Heavens, SlashAngemon!
Hudie to the Rescue!
Hudiemon, awaken the dreams!
Long Lost Memories!
LordKnightmon's Final Stand!
Infiltrate the Metropolitan Building!
Digital Hazard! Dukemon!
Defeat Duftmon! DigiDestinated United!
The Will of Yggdrasil!
Into the Digital World!
The Mother Eater!
The Ture Enemy! Ragnamon!
The Final Miracle! Lunardramon!
From the New World!

Awaken! The Imperial Dragon!

59 1 1
By metalgreymon2

Opening - Mikakunin Hikousen

Oh yeah! Tsuyogatte tobinotte kaze ni natte
Oozora kidou wo koero

Osaekirenai maenomeri na speed
Miraneta machi ga diorama ni naru

Futoumei na sora tsukinukerunda

Nayami toka fuman toka futtobashite

Manual doori no tabi nanka irane
Mayottemo furuetemo koudo agete

Oh yeah! Igigatte shikujitte tatchiagatte
Kimi to mitsumeru michi naru chiheisen

Saa tsuyogatte tobinotte kaze ni natte
Asu wo terasu taiyou mejirushi ni shitesa

Tonde ike jiyuu na GLORIOUS WORLD!

Episode 73 - Awaken! The Imperial Dragon!

Arkadimon was released into the real world by LordKnightmon's Paradise Lost Plan, and controled Ryuji in order to get stronger, to the point of absorbing him, when Ryuji was starting to get free from his control.

Chitose: For the ones who did everything to protect both real and Digital worlds... I will get stronger!

Despite feeling left out after waking up from EDEN Syndrome, Chitose managed to regain his usual confidence, giving Shakkoumon the power to Digivolve into SlashAngemon.

«JUNE 28, 2018, 6:15P

A lot of time went by since Akari and Chitose were in EDEN, and as Chitose was getting stronger. Akari returned with Chitose, who was now phorbiden to go outside, until GUN submited him to treatment. Now, Sonic is in Under Kowloon Lv. 5

Sonic: The Four Great Dragons...

Dynasmon: You remember we saw Goddramon in Shibuya, right?

Sonic: Right. But... What that Yamaki said...


Yamaki: The Four Great Dragons have something important to show you. It's about Examon.

Sonic: Examon?

Yamaki: Once you get to Under Kowloon Lv. 5, follow ZERO-ARMS: Grani to the spot.


Sonic: What in the world does ZERO-ARMS: Grani look like?

Dynasmon: Don't ask me. I've seen a lot of Digimon in the past, and even some creatures and machines that aren't Digimon.

Sonic: Speaking of familiar faces... Dynasmon, how come you seem to know all of our enemies. I find it hard to believe that it's what you said to Arkadimon before. Is there something you're not telling me?

Dynasmon: ... There is actually. It's a secret, between me and Dianamon. It's--

As Dynasmon was about to tell what was that he was hidding from Sonic, something flew by them. They looked over, and spoted a red eagle looking creature passing by.

Sonic: What was that?

Dynasmon: It might be Grani. Let's follow it, and try not to lose it out of sight.

Sonic: Alright. I'll leave this question for another moment. But Dynasmon, this doesn't mean I don't trust you. We'll be a team to the end.

Dynasmon: ... I'm glad for that, buddy.

Dynasmon went after Grani. Meanwhile, back in the central hospital, we see Erika doing her treatment. However, Wormmon and Sayo looked from the side. Wormmon was worried, since Erika made a risky move. Akari came in.

Akari: There you are. Boy, Chitose us in trouble big time. 

Sayo: Why's that?

Akari: He got a free pass from the doctor, but went beyond his current limit, and his body colapsed. He's stuck in here until tomorrow. Anyway, how's Erika doing.

Sayo: She took a very risky decision. And on our back as well. She had the doctor give her a very strong one this time. 

Akari: How is that risky?

Sayo: There's the good side of the thing, and the bad side. The good side is that she won't feel the symptoms disappear for a while. The bad side is that when they return, they'll be stronger than ever.

Akari: How strong will they be?

Sayo: Her body will imediatly colapse. And if we don't have Medusemon act fast... the may have only a few minutes left before her body colapses for good.

Akari: GASP!!!

Sayo: She acted while Wormmon had the Eater Bits look for Arkadimon. But the doctor made sure to calculate the time we have to help her. Her symptome will return exactly at 11PM. We then have to 12PM to finish Medusemon's treatment.

Akari: So...

Sayo: She'll be released in a minute, at 6:30 PM. We have only 5 hours and a half until she colapses. (shows the timer to Akari)

Akari: Only five hours and a half? Erika-chan...

Akari looked at Erika. The clock marked 6:30PM, as the device was removed from her, and the timer started. Erika left the room, and met with Akari, Sayo, Lunamon, Palmon and Wormmon.

Wormmon: Erika, are you alright?

Erika: ... (stretches her arms) Yeah, I'm okay. My body feels so light.

Akari: Erika, do you realise the risk you just made?

Erika: I'm aware of the risk. The doctor told me from the begining that these last five hours could be my last moments. That's why I did this. I want to save Ryuji, whatever the cost.

Akari did her best to hold back her tears. But she could, and attacked Erika with a hug, surprising her. But Erika hugged her back. She knew the risks, and knew Akari wouldn't bare to lose her. She also had teary eyes.

Sayo: The Eater Bits located a signal. Arkadimon seems to be somewhere in Odaiba. However, the cops have secured that place, ever since Examon appeared there.

Akari: I care not. If there's any chance of finally getting Hudie back together, we'll take it! Erika, go get ready. We'll be going as fast as possible.

Erika nodded. Back in Under Kowloon Lv. 5, Sonic and Dynasmon lost sight of Grani for a moment. But they eventually got it. And as they followed it, they stoped, as the Four Great Dragons appeared in front of them.

Sonic: W-Whoa...

Dynasmon: The Four Great Dragons... this is a rare sight, even for a Royal Knight like me. Qinglongmon, Goddramon, Holydramon, and Megidramon.

Qinglongmon: Grani did a good work bringing you here. Yamaki was our only way to contact you.

Megidramon: We have a major problem. Look over there.

Megidramon pointed into a creater. Dynasmon landed, and went to it. He and Sonic looked over, and spoted Imperialdramon, with Eater energy surrounding him, as he was being edored.

Sonic: GASP!!! Imperialdramon... what happened?!

Goddramon: Look up, and you'll know. (Sonic looks up)

Sonic: Gasp! Examon?! No wonder he was not spoted in the Real World for a while!

Holydramon: LordKnightmon keeps controling Examon, by having him here in cyberspace. She's trying to take control of Imperialdramon. But he's managing to resist. The question is, for how long.

Sonic looked at Imperialdramon. Examon was flying in the sky. He didn't want to attack the four holy dragons. So he simply waited. Back in Odaiba, the police were securing the bridge. Akari, Sayo and Erika arrived with their partners.

Rosemon: There's nothing here!

Erika: Where's Arkadimon at?


The three girls looked at the source of the roar. They then noticed as a colossal Digimon aproched the bridge. They were shocked. It was non other than Arkadimon, who was in his Super Ultimate form.

Akari: Is this... Arkadimon's true form?

The police troops weren't ready to face this kind of creature. Date was in the middle. She noticed Sayo's group, but didn't say nothing. The rest of the cops backed away. Rosemon and Dianamon stepped foward.

Erika: Oni-chan!

Sayo: This could be our last chance. Akari, let's get going.

Akari: I agree with you! Let's do this!



Rosemon and Dianamon unleashed their attacks onto Arkadimon. However, Arkadimon was uneffected by those, much to their shock. It seems that Arkadimon has somekind of shield that makes him imune to attacks.

Sayo: What?

Akari: It doesn't affect him?

Arkadimon simply observed. Meanwhile, Sonic went to the edge of the platform, to get a better view of Imperialdramon. Imperialdramon was frozen, surrounded by energy of Eaters.

Sonic: How in the world did this happened?!

Goddramon: From what I know, Imperialdramon crossed paths with Examon. He attemped to fight him, but with no success, and ended up being biten by Examon. This transfered a few of the Eaters to him.

Dynasmon: Doesn't look like he'll hold on for to much time.

Qinglongmon: The moment will come when Imperialdramon will go berzerk, and destroy the entire world. You must stop it at all coasts!

Sonic: What?

Megidramon: There's no other option. Due to the Eaters edoring the Digital World, we became weak. You're the only ones who can deleat Imperialdramon.

Sonic was shocked with Megidramon's sudden request. We move to the skies between Japan and America, where the X-Tornado is moving to Tokyo. However, they were being slowed down by LordKnightmon's servents.

KaiserGreymon: ENRYUGIKI!!!

Ofanimon: EDEN'S JAVENIL!!!

KaiserKnightmon: BLACK FLAME!!!

The three Digimon unleashed their attacks, deleating a big group of Digimon. The other four were fighting a few Harpymonz and Pteramonz. The enemy army charged in, but was deleated by another combination of attacks.

Sonia: These guys won't quit! 

Shadow: Hold your positions! We gotta return to Tokyo no matter what! Sonic and the others are counting on us! (his crest glows)

Jet: The enemy's strong, but we're great battles to! It's all about anticipating the enemy's movements! Be patient, and fight back when the time comes! (his crest glows)

Silver: It won't matter how strong our enemy is! We're also stronger! Stick together, and our bonds will made us extremly strong! (his crest glows)

Sonia: Darkness is falling upon us, I can feel it! But that won't matter! If an endless darkness fall on us, we'll make light shine brighter than ever! (her crest glows)

Knuckles: We don't give up no matter what! They knock us down, we'll stand back up, stronger! That's hour strength, and determination! (his crest glows)

Wave: This war has many people suffering! I can feel their fear, and sadness, but also compassion for the otherss! We'll stand together, and put an end to this calamity! (her crest glows)

Tails: They have more in sheer numbers, so we'll go out with a full front attack! There's no room to fear in our hearts! Our bravery will let us keep moving fowars! (his crest glows)

The glow of their crests powered up their Digimon, giving them the strength to defeat the enemy army. Back in Odaiba, Dianamon and Rosemon were still trying to break through Arkadimon's barrier, but with no effect.

Arkadimon: It's no use. Give in peacefully, and I'll let you live.

Akari: You say that just to open fire on us! We won't give up! For Erika's sake, for Hudie's sake, we'll defeat you for good, and finally bring Ryuji back! (her crest glows)

Sayo: Growing up in the Digital World taught me that in life we fight against ourselves. And if we let others manipulate us, we'll loose! On our honour, we won't run away anymore! (her crest glows)

The glow form their Crests gave strength to their partners, which allowed them to release a more powerfull attack, that finally delt damage to Arkadimon. Back in Under Kowloon Lv. 5, Sonic could hear his friends' voices.

Sonic: The others are fighting to protect both real world, and Digital World. We won't give in as well! And we won't deleat Imperialdramon either!

Holydramon: What?

Megidramon: What kind of stupidity are you saying?!

Sonic: If there's any chance of freeing from those Eaters, we're the only ones who can do it! Imperialdramon is an important key for us to put an end to the calamity. I'm not giving up neither on Imperialdramon or Examon! (his crest glows)

Dynasmon was suddenly charged with power, thanks to the glow of Sonic's Crest. He charged at Examon, while glowing brightly. Examon was forced to cover his eyes as Dynasmon came in.

Dynasmon: Take this! WYVERN'S HEART!!!

Dynasmon called out his Wyvern's Heart, stronger than ever, and unleashed the massive fireball at Examon, who took huge damage. The light of the Crests, even though they were far away from eachother, conencted into one.

«Them song - Target, Digimon Adventure 02, Part 1»

Imperialdramon: ... (his eyes clow) GRAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!


Imperialdramon changed into a two legged Dragon Man, taking a complete new form. The cannon on his back changed to his right arm, as he shot a laser, opening the clouds, revealing his form.


Imperialdramon: GRAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

A bright light emergred from under Examon, as Imperialdramon charged in, with his new form, and landed a punch on Examon's chest. Now free from the Eaters, Imperialdramon stood in front of Sonic, who checked the analyzer.

Alliance: «Imperialdramon Fighter Mode. In this mode, it has the ability to walk on two legs, and its fighting power is tripled. When it uses its signature Giga Death, its Positron Laser changes to its chest, then emitting all of its body's energy as a destructive energy wave.»

Sonic: Imperialdramon Fighter Mode? That's amaizing!

Dynasmon: The glow that surrounded Imperialdramon for sure it's from the 10 Crests of the 10 DigiDestinated!

Holydramon: The ten DigiDestinated?

Qinglongmon: The prophecy was true after all...

Examon: GRAAAAAAAA!!!! 

Everyone looked at Examon, who raised his weapon, and charged in, attempting to land a direct hit with Avalon's Gate. Imperialdramon charged up his cannon with power.

Imperialdramon: POSITRON LASER!!!

Imperialdramon used the holy powers that were given to him by the DigiDestinated, and unleashed his Positron Lazer onto Examon, landing a direct hin on the chest, stoping his charge.

Imperialdramon: Examon, I release you from the control of the Eaters!

Examon roared in pain, as the Eater energy was being disolved, and he returned to normal. His size also shrank down back to the same size Dynasmon has. Imperialdramon caught Examon before it would crash land.

Sonic: He got him!

Dynasmon: Examon should be completly free form the Eaters' influence now.

«Part 1 ends»

Imperialdramon landed, and left Examon to the care of the Four Great Dragons. He then pointed into the air, unleshing a beam of light from his cannon, and opening a tunnel to Odaiba.

Imperialdramon: Let's go. We have to stop Arkadimon.

Sonic nodded. Back in Odaiba, Arkadimon unleashed a wind rush, that pushed Dianamon, Rosemon, their partners, Erika and Wormmon back. Erika looked into Arkadimon, as the barrier was protecting him. 

Wormmon: Our attacks aren't doing anything? What do we do, Erika?

Erika looked into Arkadimon, as she noticed something. It seems that she finally saw the Ones and Zeros pathern, invisible to the naked eye. She triggered her hacking interfaces.

Erika: Hold on!

Erika imedialy began cycling the Eater Bits' program, aiming target at various points. She switched their code to Ones and Zeros, and sent them. The Eater Bits attacked, countering Ones and Zeros with their own, and finally making the barrier colapse.


Akari: The barrier colapsed!

Sayo: An invisible to the naked eye Ones and Zeros barrier! Not even I with my Cyber Vision could see that! 

Erika: That was child's play! (a synptom returns) Urgh...

Akari: Erika!

Sayo: We only have 4 hours and 13 minutes! Let's hurry!

Arkadimon: How dare you...? You'll pay for this! GOD MATRIX!!!

Arkadimon began charging up his attack. Once he unleashed it, it created a massive explosion, that would transform everything it made contact with into Ones and Zeros. But when it vanished, a blue barrier was protecting his enemies.

Arkadimon: What?!

Akari: Sayo, did you do this?

Sayo: I didn't! This is made out of Holy Powers!

Dynasmon: You won't escape anymore, Arkadimon!

Arkadimon looked up to see a portal. From it emerged Dynasmon, with Sonic on his shoulder. Dynasmon shot Dragon's Roar, pushing Arkadimon back. But another Digimon emerged. It was Imperialdramon.

«Them song - Target, Digimon Adventure 02, Part 2»

Imperialdramon: SPLENDOR BLADE!!!

Imperialdramon's unleashed a blade, which Imperialdramon slashed Arkadimon with, pushing him clear from the bridge. Dynasmon landed besides Dianamon, and Sonic went to Sayo. Imperialdramon stood in front of Arkadimon.

Arkadimon: H-How could this be?!

Sonic: You guys ok?

Sayo: Sonic! Is that... Imperialdramon?

Sonic: The Imperial Dragon regained his true warrior form! This is our best chance to defeat Arkadimon!

Sayo: Let's get this over with, then!

Dynasmon: Dianamon, Rosemon, can you continue?

Dianamon: Yeah, of course!

Rosemon: That monster hasn't defeated us yet!

The three Ultimate Digimon joined Imperialdramon. Arkadimon looked at his foes. He roared, as he charged another God Matrix. But Dynasmon reacted swiftly.

Dynasmon: WYVERN'S HEART!!!

Dynasmon unleashed his Wyvern's Heart. Arkadimon unleashed God Matrix, which clashed with Wyvern's Heart, deleating it. Dianamon and Rosemon charged in.



Rosemon's Forbiden Temptation surrounded Crystal The Moon, as the attack clashed with Arkadimon, pushing him clear. Arkadimon roared, as he charged up an attack.


All of Arkadimon's tentacles, that are acting as limbs, charged in, atempting to stab the opponents. Imperialdramon stood in front of the gang, and once again called his shield.

Sayo: Ew, that attack is discusting!

Sonic: There's no other option! We have to trap him!

Imperialdramon pointed his right arm, unleashing the light, pointing the barrier at Arkadimon, traping him inside. Arkadimon's tentacles shrank back.

Imperialdramon: His attacks won't come out of that barrier. But we can still hit him!

Arkadimon: You fool, I will vaporize you! GOD MATRIX!!!

Dynasmon: Attack at once! WYVERN'S HEART!!!



The three Digimon combined their attacks. Arkadimon used his God Matrix, in an attemp to break the shield. And he did it, vaporizing the attacks. The God Matrix was expanding fast.

Akari: We won't be able to stop that attack!

Imperialdramon: We will. This isn't over yet!

Imperialdramon's cannon in his right arm was transfered to the dragon head in his chest, turning into a huge cannon. He loded on power, and charged his ultimate attack.

Imperialdramon: GIGA DEATH!!!

Imperialdramon shot all of his body's energy as a destructive energy wave onto Arkadimon, clashing with God Matrix. Despide God Matrix disolving the attack for a while. Giga Death penetrated, dealing a huge blast once hiting Arkadimon.


Sonic: This is our chance! Dynasmon, land a direct hit!

Dynasmon: I'm on it! Arkadimon, this is your end! WYVERN'S DIVE!!!

Dynasmon charged in, surrounded in a blazing aura, with the shape of a wyvern. He charged into Arkadimon, penetrating through his chest, leaving a huge hole. Arkadimon started to fall down, as his body dislved into data, vanishing for good.

Sonic: We got him!

Sayo: Alright!

«Them song ends»

Imperialdramon looked into the falling tentacles, as he noticed a light emerging from there. Kuzuhamon and Cyberdramon were protecting Ryuji, while they were inside Arkadimon.

Sonic: Look!

Erika: Oni-chan! (goes to Ryuji)

Akari: Kuzuhamon and Cyberdramon were protecting him, while he was inside Arkadimon. (Cyberdramon landed)

Erika: Oni-chan!

Ryuji: ... (opens his eyes) Erika...?

Erika: ... Welcome back, Oni-chan! 

Erika gave Ryuji a tight hug. Ryuji was still weak, since Arkadimon drained a lot of his own strength. Inspector Date stepped in, and grabbed Ryuji, puting an arm over her shoulders. Sonic and Sayo went to help.

Akari: Are you alright, Ryuji?

Ryuji: I'll live... I've been through worst.

Date: Everyone, we better get back to the hospital. This man needs treatment.

Sonic: I'll be supervising that treatment personal. Along with Erika's final treatment. 

Sayo: Cris sent a mensage. In just ten minutes, Medusemon will be ready to finish the program.

Akari smilled, glad that Erika would finally be cured. Erika, was also smilling, due to the fact that Judie was finally back together again.

Erika: We... did it... (colapses)

Akari: Erika-chan!

Akari attemped to reach Erika. However, when she colapsed, the Eater Bits were free from her control, and imediatly surrounded her, as they edored her, giving birth to a brainy shaped Eater, with Erika assimilated.

Akari: ...? It... It can't be...!

Date: Whaaaaat?! What in the world is that thing?!

Eater Erika: ... ... (leaves)

Wormmon: Wait! Let Erika go!

Ryuij: Eri...ka...!

Akari: What in the world happened?

Sonic: When Erika colapsed, she lost control of the Eater Bits! They assimilated Erika! Like that Eater did to Yuuko in Roppongi!

Akari: GASP!!! Wormmon, what would happen to Erika's Memory Server if this ever happened?

Wormmon: Uh, I don't know... But the worst senario is the server being infested with Eaters--(Akari picks him up) WAAAAGH!!!

Akari: Take care of Ryuji! I'm off to Memory Server! If what Wormmon theorized is true, we can't let the Eaters destroy what can be our last chance to contact Erika!


Ending - Twill, New World

Sora wo koete, umi wo koete
Chiisana fuan kibou ni kaete

Arukidashita kono sekai de
Dona deai wo sagashi ni ikou

Omoi kuzuresou demo zawameku kokoro osaeru
Kimi no koe ga tsutsumu saki shinjite

Bokura no tabi wa mada hajimatta bakari
Doredake no yume wo kizuna wo tsunaide ikou

Atsumaru kokoro wa tatakau tsuyosa ni naru yo
Yami wo koeta asu no sono saki e

Next Time...

Akari and Wormmon venture to the Memory Server to protect it from the Eaters. However, it proves impossible, as the new Eaters makes it impossible to log into EDEN. It's up to Akari, Ryuji and Chitose to rescue Erika, and protect EDEN.

Next time, on Digimon Sonic Cyber Sleuth: Hudie to the Rescue!

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