Offered Into Marriage

By astridtoaigis01

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^.^ MTL version only. Unedited Google Translate version. Posting this just to be able to reread it over and o... More

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19 1 0
By astridtoaigis01

Chapter 107: Little Sweet (Xiao Tang)

When Yang Yang ’s baby, Komi felt that this was a very easy wish to achieve, why did he oppose it?

But Mi felt that these three adults were making troubles unreasonably.

So Komi thought for a moment, mouth slumped, two tears looked at her grandparents-in the past as long as she cried, you will get the grandparents kiss, what do you want, Bailing.

This time will definitely work!

Ke Mi was so confident that she looked up and cried in a small milk tone, “Grandpa and grandma, I want to be a baby of sheep.”

However, this time, her grandparents did not immediately come up to comfort her and kiss her, as usual, but she smiled easily.

Comi: “………”

Comi: “?????”

Ke Mi was a little embarrassed, and he really couldn’t figure out the key points, so hesitated a bit, or cried even more fiercely according to the original plan, and again emphasized his wish with a cry: “I want to be a sheep baby , Ohh … “

However, she wailed several times without hearing any words of comfort.

But Mi suspiciously, his hand covering his eyes and wiping his tears secretly opened a slit, and thought he went to see her grandparents quietly.

Then she noticed that the relaxed smile on her grandparents’ face became even bigger, and she could even read a few words from that smile-it was a cry!

Comi: “… ????”

How are you adults, fat? !!

But Mi was stunned and didn’t understand these fickle adults at all. But she knew very well that it would be useless to continue crying.

So Kemi stopped crying, pouting unhappyly, thinking, sitting on the ground at the foot of Yang Yang, using the new skill she learned in the winter camp-cheating.

Ke Micha sat on the ground and said loudly, “I’m going to be a baby of sheep and goats. I want to sleep with sheep and goats, play with sheep and goats, and marry sheep and goats when I grow up!”

Adults in a room: “………”

Yang Yang: “…”

What the hell?

Next to Yang Yang, Archibald put up with it and told himself in the heart, “This is a child. She is only five years old, and she speaks only of children.”

Of course and eggs.

Archibald gave up his patience. He walked over to Comey, squatted down, stared at him, and asked coldly, “You say it again?”

Comi: “………”

In the more than twenty days of the winter camp, Ke Mi learned a lot, and one of the “beast intuitions” improved even more.

At this moment, her strong desire to survive flooded her brain. So Kemi decisively gave up her sheep and sheep, and changed her tone very slyly: “The baby eggs of the sheep and the duke are the cutest !!”

Adults in a room: “………”

What does this winter camp teach children? ?

Upon hearing Comi’s answer, Archibald didn’t know if he should swallow it or spit it out, and his face froze for a while, then “um”, and stood up and returned to Yang Yang casually.

Yang Yang didn’t hold back. Looking at Archibald’s weird face, he laughed out.

The conclusion of Kermi’s winter camp report is now over, but at night, the jungle spotted deer that Kermi hunted became the main course of the New Year’s Eve dinner.

Because of Yang Yang’s body, Yang Yang only ate some light porridge for the Lunar New Year’s Eve dinner, and then sat with the eggs in his arms. After everyone was eating almost, after entering the toasting and chatting session, He Shu let Yang Yang go upstairs.

Yang Yang didn’t refuse, although he was willing to get more familiar with the people of Doton and Sauron’s family, but he couldn’t carry his body-although the wound was almost healed, he was still uncomfortable for a long time.

Yang Yang left, but Archibald had to keep it.

It wasn’t until Yang Yang went upstairs, took a shower, and dried her hair before Archibald went upstairs and entered the room.

Yang Yang was lying on the bed, applying new clothes to his egg cubs. Hearing the sound of Archibald entering the room, Yang Yang got up to see, raising an eyebrow: “Did you drink?”

Archibald nodded. “Just drink a little. I have a sense.”

Since the first second of drinking and falling asleep, Archibald has a very precise perception of his alcohol.

Yang Yang also believed in his self-control, and said, “You go to the bath first, and I will put you in the clothes.”

“it is good.”

Archibald bowed his head and kissed Yang Yang before turning back into the bathroom.

Yang Yang went back to bed and put on the egg cubs.

Yang Yang painted carefully, and when he was suddenly lifted off by the bathrobe, he was surprised and startled.

Yang Yang looked at the crooked stroke on the eggshell, turned back with annoyance, and lifted her feet on the abdominal muscles of Archibald and Waterdrop.

“What’s wrong, I’m all crooked.”

Archibald looked up, the egg cub’s new makeup theme today is octopus, Yang Yang was drawing the octopus mouth, and he swung it out, and the octopus mouth became a duck mouth.

Archibald laughed, and straightened up, “Don’t get it, I’ll give you medicine.”

Yang Yang heard that he stopped the movement in his hands a bit awkwardly, and froze a bit, and said, “No need, I can do it myself, and heal anyway.”

Archibald had already taken the medicine and smiled when he heard it: “I used to give you medicine every day during the winter camp. Why am I still shy?”

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang’s mood was a little complicated: “Don’t talk to me like this old driver, I’m heart-broken.”

Archibald laughed, walked to his knees on the bed, stretched his hands, and touched Yang Yang’s face with his back of his hand. “Then I change it-I want to touch you, the kind I really want.”

Yang Yang: “…”

You and you don’t slap me! !!

Yang Yang’s face was a little hot, and she glanced at Archibald, but he didn’t say anything else.

“You wait.”

Yang Yang got up, hugged the eggs and put them in the crib. He pulled the curtain on the crib and muttered, “Don’t teach bad children.”

Archibald: “………”

After laying the eggs, Yang Yang rolled back to the bed again, and hugged the pillow to lie down, “You get on.”

Archibald: “Am I? Really?”

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang dragged a pillow and smashed back, angered and said: “On medicine!”

Archibald avoided the pillow and laughed again. However, seeing Yang Yang was about to turn over and rush with him, so Archibald closed it when he saw it, bent down and kissed Yang Yang’s auricle comfortably, and then said, “Okay.”

Yang Yang glanced at him, snorted, and died.

The place where Yang Yang was injured was private, although Archibald had been on medicine before. However, when the medicine was applied before, the wound still hurt. He hurt, Archibald was distressed, and the pain overwhelmed everything.

And now that the wound has healed, there is only a tingling sensation from the new flesh-he doesn’t hurt, Archibald is not too distressed, and the rest is just madness and shame.

Yang Yang only felt that he had eyes behind his back, and he had enlarged senses. Just by imagination, he could outline Archibald’s every move in his mind-Archibald opened his bathrobe, the covered soft bathrobe was gone, and the skin could feel a little cold immediately. Air; then there was the sound of Archibald unscrewing the lid of the pill bottle, the time between digging the ointment and applying the medicine was only a few seconds.

In the silent room, these few seconds were stretched into hours, and every hour was filled with irresistible reveries.

When Archibald’s hand touched Yang Yang’s soft skin, Yang Yang could not hold back a breath, and his body tightened.

Archibald’s motion paused, and Yang Yang felt Archibald down, his voice sounded in his ear.

“Relax. I can’t take medicine like this.”

Yang Yang: “…”

Terrible! !!

Yang Yang’s ears turned red, but the dead duck still had a hard mouth: “You’ve cooled me, you’re done, it’s yours.”

Archibald did not smile, and did not tear through Yang Yang. After Yang Yang relaxed a little, she continued to take medicine.

In order to make himself a little bit more face-to-face, Yang Yang began to divert his attention-he sang the national anthem in his heart.

In an instant, a sense of righteousness instantly dispelled his uneasiness and reverie. He felt that he was bathed in the sunlight at eight or nine o’clock in the morning, and his blood was surging!

Until, Yang Yang felt that Archibald’s medicine was applied to the place where medicine was not needed.

The feeling of being trespassed was too obvious, not to mention the depth of it.

Yang Yang’s entire body was stiff, and his voice changed: “Yakird!”

Archibald’s hand was not taken out, but his body was pressed down, one leg was pressed on Yang Yang’s leg, and the cool scales pressed against the skin. This rough and brutal contact brought even greater stimulate.

Yang Yang took a sigh of relief and looked at Archibald’s face close by. He asked a little, “What are you doing?”

Archibald smiled: “You’re not hurt yet, I won’t do anything, but & …”

Archibald’s fingers moved, and he mutely said, “Get you used to it.”

Yang Yang grasped the pillow tightly, his eyes became red, and his body began to tighten again.


Archibald kissed Yang Yang’s exposed neck and shoulders, but his tail rolled up Yang Yang’s other leg, and tore Yang Yang’s leg apart, so that his fingers could move more deeply.

Yang Yang exclaimed, a little anxious: “I’m still badly wounded, do you want such a beast?”

Archibald: “………”

Archibald raised his eyebrows and made a move, and suddenly said, “Okay, I’ll take medicine.”

After speaking, he pulled his hand out and rubbed his fingertips near Yang Yang’s wound. The ointment had already melted away. When he pressed his fingertips, he could almost hear the sticky sound of the ointment.

Yang Yang moved for a while, but couldn’t move it. This kind of quizzical action is not as good as the long drive.

Yang Yang glanced at Archibald and compromised, “What are you doing?”

Archibald laughed, holding Yang Yang over and turning Yang Yang on his body. In the process, his hand was not left, and now he has his hands on it.

Yang Yang’s legs were tucked by his tail, and his hips were tied by Archibald, unable to move at all. In order to widen the distance, he can only support his hands on Archibald’s head and cannot move.

Archibald looked up at Yang Yang with his fingers in a circle and said, “Have you ever eaten crispy fried sea dragon meat?”

Yang Yang: “… Ah?”

Don’t say what it is, just tell me the name of the dish at this time? ?

Archibald: “The flesh of the sea dragon meat is partial powder, but the inside is bright red. When raw meat is looked at, the texture is rough and tight, and the blade is difficult to cut in.”

Yang Yang: “…”

Do you really tell me? ?

Archibald’s mouth smirked: “So, before frying the sea dragon meat, massage it first, and use oil or water to assist it, so that the sea dragon meat will easily become soft. At this time, the sea dragon meat will become soft. It absorbs that oil or water and the texture becomes soft. “

Yang Yang: “…”

I don’t know if it is his illusion, he thinks Archibald’s description is a little bit … inexplicable.

Archibald: “After the sea dragon meat is almost soft, you can fry it. Put white butter on the meat. As the heat rises, the butter will gradually melt away and drip into the texture of the sea dragon meat. Make it softer. “

“When it is fully cooked, the sea dragon meat becomes soft and tender. When the blade is pierced once, you can see the bright red meat inside, which is a hundred times softer and softer than the outside.-It ’s like this.”

Archibald separated the soft sea dragon meat and used **** as a knife to show Yang Yang how to cut the sea dragon meat on one side.

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang lowered her head and bite on Archibald’s shoulder. She was angry but didn’t work hard.


Archibald laughed, his chest trembled, and even Yang Yang with him trembled twice.

However, Yang Yang’s injury was not good, and Archie Bird only dared to tease Yang Yang for a while, and then stopped.

Archibald hugged Yang Yang and kissed Yang Yang’s lips and cheeks eagerly, saying with a foreboding, “Wait for your injury …”

Yang Yang was so uproared by him, and also a little bit dissatisfied. He reached out and hooked Archibald’s neck, and raised his head to receive a kiss and laughed, “I will give you candy if you are hurt.”

Archibald leaned on Yang Yang’s forehead and had to go in. “I want to have another child.”

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang: “This will tell me after I’ve been hurt. I will think my child’s **** hurts.”

Archibald laughed and kissed Yang Yang. “Well, you will be born if you want. Regardless of single form and double form.”

Yang Yang raised an eyebrow: “What if you have a little girl like Komi?”

Archibald avoided lightly: “A little girl, it must be very cute.”

Yang Yang was happy: “Okay, then the little girl, must be as cute as Kermi, and then maybe crying and crying that she will grow up to marry a big dad.”

Archibald: “………”

Archibald squeezed Yang Yang’s thick buttocks, and while Yang Yang was exclaiming, he raised his head and kissed Yang Yang-this mouth is not to talk anymore.

When the person was sticky, I didn’t notice that the quiet and beautiful egg cub in the crib next to it suddenly swayed a few times with a slight arc. After two seconds, it was a few times. After a while, a little urgency was revealed in the frequency.


Chapter 108:  Death Anniversary

In the early morning of the next day, He Shu’s elder brother and his uncle’s family were leaving, and Fu Qing and Kermi naturally followed suit.

Although Ke Mi was very reluctant to Yang Yang, there was a stare of Archibald ’s death, and then a video of her grandpa’s evil makeup-last night, He Shu’s big brother asked Archibald ’s most brutal fighting video from Abel, Komi had a brainwashing cycle.

So when he left today, when he saw Archibald standing next to Yang Yang, Mimi decisively chose to say goodbye with tears.

——After all, sheep are good, but life is more important.

Yang Yang did n’t know why Komi was so “cold” suddenly. Looking at the firm back of Komi ’s departure, Yang Yang was a little heartbroken and muttered with sourness: “Sure enough, the face of a child, June day, said change Change. “

Archibald knew the reason, but not only did he not tell Yang Yang, but he was very careful to give Komi eye drops: “After all, she is very close to her grandparents. After playing outside for a long time, she can’t reach her grandparents. “

Yang Yang heard more sour, but this is also the fact, he can only comfort himself with an egg: “It’s okay, anyway, our children are going to break their shells, and they will be busy at that time.”

Archibald narrowed his lips and nodded.

The farewell was to be delivered to Xinggang, but because of Yang Yang’s physical condition, and because he had other arrangements with Archibald, the only one who gave the family to Brother Heshu was Abel and Heshu.

Yang Yang and Archibald stood at the door and watched their car ascend to the sky before returning to the manor.

In the manor’s treatment room, Yaqing and Gulita are already waiting-today Yaqing is going to do a full inspection of Archibald, and the egg cub will also have to undergo a daily inspection. So Gulita will stay to help.

When Gulita took the egg from Yang Yang, she couldn’t help but draw a corner of her mouth: “What the **** are you painting? The duck tentacles?”

Yang Yang: “Octopus.”

Gulita: “………”

Gurita rolled her eyes and put the cubs into the instrument for daily care and inspection. First step, wash first.

On the other side, Archibald also took off his clothes and lay in the testing equipment.

Yang Yang had nothing to do and didn’t bother them, just sitting and watching quietly.

——Yang Yang has not dispelled the suspicion of the people around Archibald. Although he hasn’t figured out the relationship between the medicine stone and Archibald, this kind of doubt is planted in his heart, it is always good to be careful.

However, there is nothing to be done in this inspection-he had Rott secretly inspected the instrument without any problems, and the inspection data will be recorded by Rott as auxiliary data for the marshmallow observation diary.

After the eggs were taken care of, they returned to Yang Yang’s hands, and again they were a beautiful egg cub with a gold pattern on a white background.

Yang Yang has become accustomed to its movement, and then placed it on his leg, right to be a self-heating vibration massage device.

Gulita was pleasantly surprised: “When did it start moving?”

Yang Yang: “Yesterday, I haven’t seen it before.”

Gulita: “It was only about a week after it was born. At this speed, I guess it will break its shell in a week.-This is almost like a balloon blowing out.”

Yang Yang: “… thank you?”

Gulita: “You’re welcome.”

Yang Yang: “…”

After a while, Archibald’s inspection was finished. Roth passed the data back, but Yang Yang didn’t look at it for the time being, but listened to Yaqing’s conclusion.

Ya Qing turned off the instrument, her face was a little dignified: “This time the onset of the disease may be earlier, and the reaction will be stronger, you are ready.”

Archibald also had a hunch about this. He wasn’t too surprised to hear the words, and just nodded his head.

But Yang Yang’s heart was tight—he remembered the last time that Archibald had the onset. If he remembered correctly, Monta said that the reaction to the last Archibald ’s onset was already stronger than before. .

And this time will be even stronger?

Yang Yang felt that his chest was beginning to be sore, and he couldn’t help asking: “How can this happen? I remember that the last time the Duke reacted strongly was because the medicine given by Uncle Yaqing suppressed his onset time. Isn’t it a new medicine? Why is it serious? “

Yaqing grinned bitterly: “This is the only case of the genetic disease of the Dotton family. There is no precedent to follow. I also cross the river by feeling the stones, and take one step at a time.

As for the onset response, Bird’s disease situation has been worsening … “

At this point, Yaqing seemed to realize that this was not a good topic, so she quickly stopped and resumed her head. “The condition of the disease is not the criterion for judging the quality of the medicine. The most important criterion is that after seeing his illness, the soul palace Damage recovery situation.

And his medicine has been changed too frequently recently-this has happened before, but as far as the current test data is concerned, the situation is still under control. “

Ya Qing smiled, her eyes firm: “Reassure you, I will never let Bird follow in the footsteps of the old duke.”

Yang Yang couldn’t be relieved at first. When he heard this last sentence, his heart was a little bit hesitant: “The footsteps of the old duke?”

Ya Qing froze, then looked at Bird in surprise: “Did you not tell him?”

“Not yet, tell him later.”

Archibald put on his clothes and stood up to say goodbye to Yaqing and Gulita. “Aunt Gu, uncle, let’s go first.”

Yang Yang’s heart was heavy, but he didn’t rush to question, and he left Fowler with a frown on his face.

In addition to the inspection today, Yang Yang and Archibald have one more thing to do—purchase the New Year’s products for the children in the village.

The seven children in the village, plus Ruo Hong, are now temporarily housed in the small town of the garrison base-that is the family area. There are a lot of daily necessities there, so you just need to buy snacks, toys, clothes and other things.

Archibald drove, when the car was lifted into the sky, Archibald turned on autonomous driving, and then talked to Yang Yang about the old duke.

Archibald: “Grandpa committed suicide. Today is his death.”

Yang Yang stunned immediately.

He knew that the old duke was a hero who “killed the dragon,” and he knew that although he was lucky enough to retrieve his life, the old duke was seriously injured.

Yang Yang always thought the old duke was ill.

Archibald continued: “He committed suicide in a terrible way. Before he committed suicide, he left a suicide note saying that he should not bury any of his remains and let him sleep on this planet.

So we made only one coat of grave at home, and then went to worship where he committed suicide—that place was on the way to Xinggang. Father and uncle would go there to worship before sending uncle to leave. “

Yang Yang paused and asked, “Then you didn’t follow it today, is that okay?”

Archibald smiled: “It’s okay, my father and uncle never let me go there. Grandpa’s tomb is in the manor-on a hill near the lake of the manor, there is a small cemetery where grandpa’s Yi Guan Tzu, and the graves of grandma and second brother.

When my father comes back, we will worship there again in the afternoon. “

Yang Yang’s attention was attracted by another word: “Second Brother?”

Archibald nodded: “Well, but I haven’t seen it before-my father died before he gave birth to a child, and it is also a bimorphic Leicester. It is a half-beast form like me, which is my second. brother.

The father was too weak when he was pregnant with him. He gave birth prematurely. When the second brother was born, the eggshell was very fragile, and he only died for about an hour. ——This is one of the reasons why my father has been very nervous about my condition. “

Yang Yang moved her lips, and her heart was a little uncomfortable—presumably she was a father. She would always be more worried about leaving these little lives than ordinary people.

Yang Yang exhaled and continued his doubts: “Why is the old duke suicide related to his condition?”

The meaning in Yaqing’s words just now is obviously so.

Archibald nodded; “When I was young, I overheard my father talking to my dad before I knew it.

Grandpa was not a cowardly person. After that war, he was very strong and aggressive in fighting against the disease. It was not the illness but the madness that led to his suicide. “

Yang Yang: “Crazy? Mania?”

Archibald: “Well, you can understand that.

In the beginning, his condition actually improved, and he gave birth to a father with his grandma. But just after his father was born, Grandpa’s illness suddenly started to worsen again. When he became ill, it seemed like he had become another person. At the worst, he didn’t even recognize his grandmother and wanted to kill his grandmother. “

“And every time after such an uncontrolled onset, he will lose the memory of the onset. Grandpa’s diary said that when he felt the onset, it was like the soul had left the body and something else was controlling his body. But grandma thinks he’s speculating. “

“But no matter what, with the onset of illness shortening and severe amnesia, Grandpa gradually collapsed. He couldn’t bear to wake up one day, and his dead wife might be lying beside him.

So he chose to commit suicide-in a forest, he hardened himself with a cannon and then shattered it. “

“When my grandmother received the testament and found it there, the forest seemed to have been dug out by a man, and there was an open space. There were burned marks on the open space, and the land was still hot. There was a humanoid shape with some gravel-like things scattered around it, and that was the remains of Grandpa.

Grandma followed Grandpa’s last wishes and did not collect those remains. Up to now, only Grandpa’s clothes are at home. “

The sound of Archibald’s narrative was calm, and there was not much sadness-after all, when he was born, the old duke had been dead for many years.

But the message brought by these words made Yang Yang feel deep-hearted-will Archibald also become like that?

Just imagining that future, Yang Yang found it difficult to breathe.

Yang Yang looked at Archibald and asked, “Is the old duke very similar to your condition?”

Upon hearing, Archibald knew what he was worried about, and smiled: “Not the same. Although the genetic disease in our family cannot be cured, the condition of each generation is different and the condition is weakened. So don’t worry. “

How could not be worried.

Yang Yang lowered his eyelids and did not speak, but clenched his hands into fists—he wouldn’t let Archibald look like that, if one day …

Health area.

After the tourist season, it becomes quite quiet, but it is definitely not deserted.

As the New Year approaches, the streets are also bustling, and the activities of business shops promote you to come and go.

Yang Yang didn’t keep her soul. She pushed the baby carriage with eggs and walked along the force pushed by Archibald. She didn’t notice that there was a bunch of tails around her since they appeared.

During this year’s travel season, Archibald and the butler of sheep managed to feel a sense of existence. After the tourist season, although the sheep steward was silent, the Duchess went online again, changing the “menu photos” of the cubs every day.

Netizens marveled that the Duchess really had “art cells (painful eggs)”, and were also curious about the true appearance of the egg cubs.

——What color lines will it have? Every time the Duchess used “makeup” to cover the texture of the eggs, was the color very dull? ?

Yang Yang had no intention of inserting willows, and now Star Network’s discussion about the color of the texture of the egg cubs has become a willow.

These people who follow them are really not all their fans, but they want to see the eggs in the stroller.

Yang Yang was unaware of these things, but Archibald thought carefully.

So along the way, Archibald kept pushing the baby stroller with Yang Yang in one hand, and his tail rolled up Yang Yang’s calf from time to time. When he bought the new year’s goods, he would also bring toys and other things together. Ask Yang Yang’s opinion very close.

For those who openly “sneak shot”, Archibald not only did not look cold as usual, but also looked gentle and sneered.

The passers-by were stunned: “????”

It’s their fans who are lying in bed-the Duke is laughing! God! Take more photos Take more photos!

Not a fan, but also let go of the courage-the Duke’s temper is so good, look at the appearance of pushing the egg happiness, take a few more pictures!

After purchasing all the way, until returning to the parking lot, Yang Yang returned.

Yang Yang looked at the shopping cart in front of the car and wondered, “Is this the only thing? Enough. There are seven children and one baby.”

Archibald put his stuff in the trunk and replied, “Enough, the storage chips are full.”

Yang Yang: “… ????”

Yang Yang: “Do you know there are only seven children?”

Archibald closed the bonnet and smiled. “It’s okay, how many days?-I plan to take the children to the manor for Chinese New Year tomorrow, and I have already told my father.”

Yang Yang didn’t have any opinion, but was a little worried, “Have you mentioned the medicine to the children? Have you asked them not to talk?”

The medicine has never been said to other people since they came back.

Archibald nodded: “I mentioned to Sister Ruohong, she knows to communicate with the children. I believe it is okay, because if Sister Honghong doesn’t want to cause trouble.”

After all, the village’s secret is more than just a medicine stone.

Yang Yang nodded: “That’s good.”

Talking about it, Yang Yang looked around and found someone sneaking a shot, and suddenly hesitated, “Get in the car, someone sneaks a shot.”

Archibald looked at Yang Yang, who was in a hurry to get in the car, and smiled. “Okay.”

Back to the manor, it was already noon. After lunch, Yang Yang went with Amber to set up the room for the children.

The children’s room is on the first floor. In the back room of the villa, Amber cleaned it up a few days ago. Although it has not been used for a long time, everything in it is complete and spacious.

At about three in the afternoon, the room was completely furnished.

“Yang Yang.”

As soon as Yang Yang was busy, He Shu came over.

“We are going to sacrifice by the lake, Bird said that I mentioned it to you, would you like to come with us?”

By the lake is the small cemetery.

Yang Yang reacted and nodded, “OK.”

Going out through the back door, Archibald and Abel were already waiting there, as was Ashbern. They both carried the same two things, a basket with freshly picked flowers and fruits, and a small bucket that seemed to be used for cleaning.

Yang Yang went to Archibald and reached for Archibald’s hand, but was avoided.

Yang Yang: “???”

Archibald smiled, changed both baskets to one hand, and then vacated the hand of Yang Yang.


Yang Yang paused, then bent his lips and followed.

Abel glanced at them both, and then changed hands, pulling up and binding away.

Ashbourne: “………”

He still got the evidence with Rong Hui as soon as possible.

The small soil **** by the lake is a small highland in the manor. It faces the lake and has a wide view.

The cemetery was built on top of a small soil slope.

The cemetery is not as solemn as Yang Yang imagined, but rather like a small garden, repaired simply and warmly.

In the cemetery, there is no place like a grave, only three tombstones are erected on the grass-the tombstone is also different from Yang Yang’s world, it is just a stone with the Dotton family crest on it, and even None of the names.

Yang Yang didn’t understand the rules of worship here. Fortunately, He Shu knew that he had “amnesia” and took the initiative to say, “Yang Yang, just put flowers and fruits with me.”

Yang Yang answered well and followed suit.

The worship is very simple. Place the flowers and fruits, clean up the tombstone, and then paint it along the traces of the family crest on the tombstone with an unknown paint, even if it is completed.

The whole process was quiet and there was no report-like greeting. He Shu sighed sighingly when it was his turn.

Abel stayed beside He Shu, and kissed He Shu’s forehead side by side, right to comfort.


After leaving the small cemetery, on the way back, Archibald mentioned the children in the village again.

Archibald: “I have told Sister Ruohong and the children, I will take them over tomorrow morning, and spend the New Year at the manor this year, and arrange the children’s schoolwork after the year.”

He Shu laughed: “Well, there are more children.”

It was the first time Axiborne heard this. He paused and stopped: “Is that the village of Dr. Lu?”

Dr. Lu’s case was inconclusive, which made Achborn very concerned.

The others followed, and Archibald nodded. “Yes.”

Ashburn frowned slightly. “What the **** happened in that village?”

Archibald had told them about the village before, but it was quite concise, and only said that the village was an aboriginal village in a no-man’s land. Due to the infection of the soul and beast, the body is abnormal, so she has been living in seclusion.

He knew his brother too well. Archibald told him not a lie, but he didn’t say everything.

Archibald paused and looked at Yang Yang—he didn’t think the village’s affairs needed to be hidden from his family. But since Yang Yang is on guard, he respects Yang Yang.

Yang Yang hesitated.

He did not doubt the three people in front of him, but Yaqing was Abe ’s younger brother, Gulita, and Zhang Jun. They also had a close relationship with them. Yang Yang did not want to test their friendship with suspicion without evidence.

Aber looked at Yang Yang quietly, and after a while, he suddenly said, “Yang Yang, are you alerting people around Bird?”

Yang Yang was startled and looked up at Abel.

This expression has it all.

But Abel was not indignant or unhappy.

On the contrary, Abel laughed: “I guess that’s what you told me. Your child has been attentive from the beginning and it’s hard to feel secure-he hasn’t changed his name since registering with Bird. Then. “

Yang Yang froze and opened his mouth to explain something, but Abel raised his hand to stop it.

“I didn’t blame you. I don’t know what you’re alerting for, but for what alert, but I know you’re not a willful person. You must have your reasons for doing this.

I won’t force you to say what you don’t want to say, because I know that your alert is because you want to protect Bird-I’m glad you value Bird so much.

However, if one day you need help, remember to have us. “

Yang Yang did not expect that he would be seen so thoroughly by Abel, let alone that Abel would say such a thing.

Yang Yang moved her lips, and there was some pantothenic acid in her nasal cavity. She said, “Yeah.”

When Abel heard Yang Yang’s cry, he was immediately excited; “Are you very moved?”

Yang Yang: “… ????”

Abel rubbed his hands without image: “Since I was so touched and the Chinese New Year isn’t he really calling us?”

Yang Yang: “…”

Yang Yang looked at Aber’s unpretentious look, and couldn’t help crying and laughing for a while, but this time, he didn’t hesitate.

Yang Yang pursed his lips and whispered, “Dad.”

He also did not fall, and called “Father” obediently.

This soft claim made it sound like it had broken a layer of invisible, weak diaphragm, and the joy surged up to disperse the sadness just now.

He Shu laughed: “Good boy.”

After Abel huffed happily, he took out from the storage space a wristband of the same style as that previously given to Archibald. It was also studded with a dozen storage chips and stuffed into the sheep. Central hand.

Abel: “Come here, I’ll give you a remodeling fee. I’ve kept it since I was an adult. There are many good things in it!”

Yang Yang: “…”

good stuff?

emmmm, can he not accept it?

It is impossible to not accept, but Yang Yang does not give Abel the opportunity to “open it and see if he likes it”, nor does he give Achbyder a chance to “rob”-the ghost knows Pretending to be something, Archibald had “evolved” fast enough, and Yang Yang didn’t want him to be super-evolved at all.

Yang Yang quickly put the wristband into the storage space and smiled softly: “Thank you, Dad.”

Abel regretted, “Don’t you like it?”

Yang Yang: “…”


Yang Yang continued to smile nicely: “Go back and see.”

Abel nodded: “Okay, tell me if you don’t like it, I’ll find it better for you.”

Yang Yang: “… well, okay.”

Archibald pouted on one side, he now knew deeply about Yang Yang’s strong and strong, but Yang Yang’s movement just now knew he was guarding him.

Yang Yang glanced at Archibald quietly, and was about to say something, but the terminal rang.

Yang Yang glanced down, a moth group that had been very quiet since the winter camp.

Yang Yang glanced at Archibald, moved away two steps, and then opened it.

Archibald raised an eyebrow, but didn’t follow him, only his tail was unconsciously stretched towards Yang Yang’s side, and it was comfortable to take Yang Yang’s two steps.

Yang Yang ignores Archibald’s small movements, opens the moth group, and sees a line lining inside.

Universe you tower master: After the travel season, will the Star Net New Year’s topic list be dominated by the elder brother again?

Society, your sister: Brother Yang: transfer.

Fu Xiaoqing his father: Brother Yang: transfer.

Don’t call me Xiaoqing: Yang Yang: Transfer.

Yang Yang: “…”

When I saw the news from the group, although Yang Yang was a little aggressive, he still introspected himself for the first time.


Your favorite brother: What are you doing?

Don’t call me Xiaoqing: Yangge is mighty! Send the New Year Giant Melon to the citizens in person.

Society, your sister: Brother Yang, if you continue to play like this, you will get rid of it.

Fu Xiaoqing’s father: Duke Douton, a man who was chopped by his spouse!

Yang Yang: “???”

In the end, Monta puzzled Yang Yang.

Universe you tower master: [link]

Cosmic Tower: Didn’t your family report to you? It’s hilarious.

Yang Yang ignored him, clicked on the link first, and then; “………”

Youtu is the hottest topic, # 公爵 真爱 #, alias Duke derailed, derailed object: sheep steward.

There are more stone hammers. It is the picture of him shopping with Archibald today-it was also when he saw the photos that Yang Yang knew what Archibald had done when he walked away.

The comments are also polarized, and on the one hand are the cp fans who happily eat sugar.

[Oh my God, the Duke’s tail rolled the leg of the sheep steward three times! three times! You told me it was unintentional? 】

[Oh, this proficiency! 】

[Sheep butler doesn’t react at all, what does it mean? ——Xi! Take it! for! often! 】

[What does the tail mean to Double Form Leicester? 】

[Too much sugar today, please come back and kill me! !! 】

On the other side are fans who firmly believe that Yang Yang and Archibald are innocent.

[Reported, thank you. [image]】

[CP powder is really enough, both the Duke and the sheep steward have clarified that the Duke’s children are now born, and La Lang is not worthy of too much! [image]】

[The sheep steward’s child is almost about to be born. Why should two new dads buy New Year’s goods together? [image]】

[Double form Leicester said: Tail is not only for mating, thank you! [image]】


The pictures in these comments are a combination of the “wife” of the sheep steward and the “duchess” selfie. One left and one right, a big line in the middle-we are the main palace.

Yang Yang: “…”

No. Strictly speaking, the four people you are talking about are all “main palaces.”

Yang Yang felt a headache.

At this moment, he can understand what it means to “come out of the mix and always pay it back”.

When I first spread moths, I spread them happily. I didn’t think the soil of the star net was too fertile, and the moths grew too fast and too wild. Now, the water spilled by the moths is not what you want to recover.

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