Save Me

By nnzh687

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Sunwoo and his other siblings move into their new home, and he meet with Haknyeon and their siblings, their n... More



41 1 0
By nnzh687

All the siblings stay at a nearby hotel for the night, so they can be close to Haknyeon and Sunwoo who also need to stay at the hospital for another night. Jaehyun, Wooyoung, and Changbin have already gone back home with the other students.

Kevin and Changmin will stay at the hospital to take care of Sunwoo and Haknyeon for the night.

Eric is sleeping soundly and comfortably in the hotel bed, after a long night of worry about the safety of Sunwoo. He did not get much sleep because he's too worry about Sunwoo, but now seeing that he is safe gives him peace of mind. He is relieved and happy to know that Sunwoo is okay and that he can now sleep comfortably and soundly.

"I never thought this would happen to them. They must be so scare" said Younghoon.

Hyunjae, Younghoon, Sangyeon, and Jacob sit at a table for four in the bar of the hotel. It seems like they are catching up on what has happened and possibly discussing their next plans. Juyeon and Chanhee are in Eric's bedroom, watching over him and making sure that he is well and sleeping comfortably.

"Hope it doesn't leave a trauma on them" said Jacob.

He is worried that the current incident might add more trauma to Haknyeon, who already has trauma from his past. He does not want Haknyeon to be more stressed from what has happened and to be more traumatized by this incident.

Haknyeon is still recovering from the stress that happened in the cafe before, and this might add more pressure to him. He is already dealing with a lot of stress and pressure, and this incident might make everything more difficult for him to handle. He is worried and concerned about how this will affect him and his mental health.

Sangyeon tap Jacob shoulder to give him some comfort.

"I'm sure Haknyeon will be alright. He has his friend and us to support him" said Sangyeon.

"I hope so too" said Jacob.

"Sangyeon hyung. This may have nothing to do with me because it may involve your sibling relationship but before this Eric told me that he had heard rumors about Haknyeon" said Hyunjae.

Sangyeon and Jacob look at Hyunjae.

"What kind of rumors?" asked Sangyeon.

"Haknyeon didn't tell you anything?" asked Hyunjae.

"Not that he ever told us what happen" said Sangyeon.

"Eric said that they heard a rumors that Haknyeon is not your biological brother and he illegitimate child" said Hyunjae.

Sangyeon and Jacob exchange a look with each other. They do not look surprised, but it seems like they expected this to happen. Hyunjae and Younghoon are confused at their reactions, not understanding their expectations or how they knew that something like this would occur.

"How long they been heard this?" asked Jacob.

"Since the first day" answer Younghoon.

"No doubt about that" shrug Sangyeon.

They even more confuse.

"What are the rumors that they heard everything is true. Haknyeon is not our real brother. He is not related to us by blood. His parents died when he was 5 years old and our parents adopted him" said Sangyeon.

"How about illegitimate child?" asked Younghoon.

"From what I heard, Haknyeon mother married with his father when she studying at Hong Kong. They got married secretly without anyone knowing. When Haknyeon's mother gave birth to him, they returned to Korea and met her family" said Sangyeon.

"All of her relative were shock to hear the news about her. They look up to Haknyeon's mother because she is elegant and kind and will likely take over the position of head of the family. After finding out that she had a secret marriage and had a child, they began to lose respect for her" said Jacob.

"Our parents are friends of Haknyeon's mother and they are willing to adopt Haknyeon as our adopted son and adopted brother. We were willing to accept him when all his family didn't pay any attention to Haknyeon" said Sangyeon.

"Haknyeon's grandmother also take care of him. She still care for him" said Jacob.

"That's good to hear. I never though Haknyeon face all this" said Younghoon.

"He's been through a lot but we never thought like he a stranger. He's our little brother and we all love him. Whatever he been through, we'll be with him and give him our support. Just like our parent do" said Sangyeon.

"You are the best siblings I have ever met" said Younghoon.

"Why thank you," said Jacob.

"It just lately Haknyeon seem to be very happy. He seem excited when he get to come camping with his friend. He never asked for anything for himself. He seems to have changed after meeting you all" said Jacob.

"That's good to hear. I was so worried when Eric said that Haknyeon been bullied just because of that rumors" said Hyunjae.

"He keeps it to himself but we can tell from his actions. Once, Haknyeon didn't go to school for a week and didn't eat anything even water" said Sangyeon.

"That bad?" shock Younghoon.

"It is. We try everything to keep him eating his food but he just too stubborn to eat" said Sangyeon.

"That is why Haknyeon seem so skinny than any of you" said Younghoon worried.

"Haknyeon eating less food than usual. Sometime he just eat once a day. It really worrisome," said Jacob.

"What hurts Haknyeon more is after the death of our parents, his relative gave bad words to Haknyeon and that's why Haknyeon became like this" said Sangyeon.

"What did they say?" asked Hyunjae.

"He's the bearer of misfortune" said Sangyeon.

"Are they out of their mind? How could they said that?"

Younghoon and Hyunjae are shocked to hear the background about Haknyeon, his history, and how worried Jacob and Sangyeon are because of it. They did not realize the full extent of Haknyeon's worries and trauma, and they now understand why there is so much concern for him. They realize that there is more to the story than they originally thought, and that they need to be extra careful with Haknyeon because of what he has experienced.

"We want to protect him from them. Whatever it takes" said Sangyeon.

"If you need any help, we will give a hand" said Hyunjae.

"Thank you," said Jacob.

"We're neighbour. We need to help each other" said Younghoon.

"Kevin hyung" call Haknyeon.

"Yes, Haknyeon? Do you need anything?" ask Kevin.

"Can I have a water? I kinda thirsty" said Haknyeon.

Kevin pours a mineral bottle into a glass and gives it to Haknyeon. Haknyeon takes the glass and drinks the mineral water, feeling a bit better and relieved to have something to drink.

"How do you feel?" asked Kevin.

"Still tired" said Haknyeon.

"How about your leg?" asked Kevin.


"It's okay. The doctor said you will be heal about a week. But you still can't walk around too regularly until you heal" said Kevin, having experience as a doctor.

"Yes. Hyung, do you think I can meet Sunwoo? I didn't get to see him as I was too tired" said Haknyeon.

"Okay. Let me ask Changmin if Sunwoo still awake" said Kevin and text Changmin.

Five minutes later, Kevin takes Haknyeon to Sunwoo's room in a wheelchair. Haknyeon is still unable to walk due to his injuries, so Kevin helps him by using a wheelchair to transport him.

When they arrive in front the door, Changmin open the door.

"Hey, Haknyeon, glad you're awake now" said Changmin.

"I'm sorry for been sleeping the whole time" said Haknyeon.

"Don't worry. You're been tired for all this. Come on in".

They come inside and see Sunwoo sitting on his bed. His face is a bit pale from hypothermia, but otherwise, he seems alright. He and Haknyeon are both relieved to see each other and know that they both survived the bear attack.

"We'll let the two of you stay here. Kevin and I want to go to a cafe to buy some food" said Changmin and left with Kevin.

Now, it just two of them.

"How are you?" asked Haknyeon.

"Fine. Still feel a bit sluggish but I'm okay. How about you, hyung?" asked Sunwoo.

"Fine too. It just both my leg sore from running for hours" said Haknyeon.

"I'm really glad you're safe" said Sunwoo.

"Me too. ... I'm sorry, Sunwoo" said Haknyeon.

"You're sorry because?"

"Because I push you from the cliff" said Haknyeon.

"That is indeed a dangerous act you did to me. You're lucky I didn't drown in that river" said Sunwoo.


Haknyeon feels even more guilty after seeing how Sunwoo got hurt. He looks down guiltily, and Sunwoo is quick to pick up on it and realizes that Haknyeon feels like he is responsible for this happening. Sunwoo knows that Haknyeon did this to save him from being chased by the bear, and that Haknyeon was willing to take on the bear himself in order to protecthim. He feels very touched by this gesture and appreciates the lengths that Haknyeon went to to protect him.

"Hey. Lift your head" said Sunwoo.

Haknyeon lifts his head, and Sunwoo flicks his forehead.

"What was that for?" asked Haknyeon.

"Stop you from feeling guilty" said Sunwoo.

This is something that Sunwoo does to tease and annoy Haknyeon, and he seems to be teasing him in a friendly and playful way. Haknyeon is not bothered by this, and just laughs it off. In his current recovery, having a friend by his side to poke fun with and to support him is exactly what Haknyeon needs.

"That hurt" laugh Haknyeon.

"You deserve it" tease Sunwoo.

They laugh together.

"Did you hear anything about the guys that left us in the forest?" asked Haknyeon.

"Jaehyun hyung told me that he will punish them first thing they back to the college. I don't want to talk about them. It's their problem and their responsibility for doing this" said Sunwoo.

"I agree with you. I still don't understand why they doing this" said Haknyeon.

"They just want to play. That's all but doing a prank while we're in the thick forest? That not even funny" said Sunwoo.

"I'm glad we both already out from there. Maybe I won't come the forest for a while. Or a camping" said Haknyeon.


They stay quiet for a moment, and Sunwoo realizes that this might be the time to ask the question. He looks at Haknyeon and gets ready to ask his question.

"Hyung, can I ask you a question?" asked Sunwoo.

"Yes. What is it?" asked Haknyeon.

"... It's about a rumors... about you" said Sunwoo.

"You heard it... What do you think about it?" asked Haknyeon.

"Honestly I said. What's the point of the rumors? Hyung is still a human with feelings. I think that person is an animal who likes to hurt people's hearts with rumors that don't make sense. What do they have to do with you? This is your life that you himself has to bear. They just prefer to add more responsibility. They are stupid" said Sunwoo.

Haknyeon is shocked to hear Sunwoo's words, but upon hearing them, it makes him laugh happily.

"Why are you laughing?" asked Sunwoo.

"I never knew you could babble after hearing about those rumors. Jaehyun is like that but not as much as you. You could be a rapper" said Haknyeon.

"Ha ha ha. Funny".

Haknyeon keeps laughing, and Sunwoo feels relieved to see him laughing. He understood that Haknyeon never wanted to show any expression like a smile or laugh due to the burden he had to bear because of the rumors.

Being able to laugh and joke is a sign that Haknyeon is starting to feel better and is opening up more and more. He appreciates that Sunwoo is there to help him feel comfortable and relaxed.

"Do you wanna know more about me?" asked Haknyeon, seem more relaxed after laughing.

"Are you sure?" asked Sunwoo.

"Yes. You can tell this story to your sibling about this. I have a feeling, if I tell you about my past, you won't do anything bad to me" said Haknyeon.

Sunwoo sat facing Haknyeon. Be prepared to listen.

"If you don't mind. I'm willing to listen" said Sunwoo. 

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