Sailor Twilight Moon (Usagi X...

By Megan22998

25.2K 567 164

Mizuki Tsukino. The daughter of two legendary Senshi, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Star Fighter. She was the child... More

Chapter 1: The Future Changes.
Chapter 2: Telling the World
Chapter 3: Neo Queen Serenity.
Chapter 4: New Baby.
Chapter 5: The Paino.
Chapter 6: New sister.
Chapter 7: First Day At A New School.
Chapter 8: Sailor Chibi Moon.
Chapter 9: People in black
Chapter 10: The Decision
Chapter 11: Journey to Kinmoku
Chapter 12: Awakening
Chapter 13: Back Home
Chapter 14: The Danger is Named
Chapter 15: Charon Palace
Chapter 16: Triton Palace
Chapter 17: Titan Palace
Chapter 18: Mercury Trouble
Chapter 19: Silver Millennium
Chapter 20: Collect the Past Scouts!
Chapter 21: Kinmoku Falls.
Chapter 22: Return to Earth
Chapter 23: The Dream
Chapter 24: Chibi Chibi
Chapter 25: Starlights Return
Chapter 26: Television Appearance
Chapter 27: Television appearance.
Chapter 28: Sailor Serenity.
Chapter 29: The Past
Chapter 30: Gain their Trust
Chapter 31: Cosmic Sailor Moon
Chapter 32: Telling the past scouts
Chapter 33: Confrontation
Chapter 34: Concert Day
Chapter 35: Cosmic Scouts Transform!
Chapter 36: Identity Revealed
Chapter 37: Journey to the Future
Chapter 38: Past Revealed
Chapter 39: Getting to know me
Chapter 40: Princess Kakyuu?!
Chapter 41: Sailor War
Chapter 42: Galaxy Cauldron
Chapter 44: Peace

Chapter 43: Battles End

87 4 0
By Megan22998

Mizuki pushed her self off the hospital bed, wincing as she moved her aching limbs and battered body. Usagi watches as a light purple glow surrounded her body, causing her injuries to fade slightly, amazed Usagi helped Mizuki to dress in a simple pair of shorts and t-shirt pyjama set. Her other clothes had needed to be cut off in order for the doctors to help her, so this was all she had. Once dressed Mizuki looked at Chibi-Usa, her eyes were bright but confused.

"So, you're from a different timeline." Mizuki asked with a smile.

"I guess so, did Sailor Pluto help you get here?" Chibi-Usa asked surprised.

"Yes, she helped me to get here. This might sound strange, but can I give you a hug?" Mizuki asked.

With a shy nod Mizuki knelt down and pulled Chibi-Usa into her arms, holding her tightly. Even though she wasn't the sister she knew, she was still her sister regardless. And although Chibi-Usa didn't know who Mizuki truly was or what was going on, she still felt a deep warmth spread through her body. And she knew that with Mizuki everything would be ok.

"Mizuki?" Usagi said taking a deep breath before speaking. "What is your plan?"

"I'm going to need both of your crystals for that." Mizuki said looking at Usagi. "Can you take me to the control room?"

After sneaking out of the hospital the trio quickly made their way to the control room, and once inside they both handed Mizuki their crystals. Putting them on a small table Mizuki focused, holding her hands over them she whispered something in ancient lunarian which caused all three crystals to grow before a small portion of the crystals fused within Mizuki.

"What did you just do?" Usagi asked.

"I'm borrowing a little of your power, I need to break through the hold that Chaos has on everyone. Galaxia right now sacrificed her star seed in order to gain power, and even Daniel is being bound by a power he tried to stop." Mizuki said passing each of them back their crystals. "If we had all the scouts I could add more power into my own body, since that's what my crystal is made from."

"Really?" Chibi-Usa asked. "You're crystal is made from the power of all scouts?"

"All the scouts in our solar system yes." Mizuki replied. "My crystal is the original silver crystal, with each generation of moon royalty this crystal has changed. Now with both of your crystals infusing with mine, I should have enough power to stop Chaos and put everything back to normal."

"Mizuki, what exactly are you planning?" Usagi asked, feeling a deep fear building inside her.

"Don't worry mama." Mizuki said pulling Usagi into a tight hug. "I know exactly what I'm doing."

At that each of them transformed and ran towards the battle, in the what felt like short time they had been in the command centre, most of the city had been affected. Buildings were crumbling and there were shouts and screams everywhere, while Usagi and Chibi-Usa  were stunned into silence, Mizuki changed forward. Unfortunately this scene had become all to familiar to her, in her past, on Kinmoku, and even back in her time in the future. War had fused it's self deep within her, and part of her wondered if it would ever fade. Once at the heart of the battle, Mizuki paused. Her eyes wide. Most of the scouts were dead, their crystals in Galaxia's hands, Chaos was standing next to her holding his own set of crystals.

"How dare you!" Mizuki yelled holding her wand tightly.

Chaos smiled and turned to face the galaxy cauldron, which he had brought to them. Tossing the crystals inside he turned back and smirked at Mizuki.

"My darling girl!" He yelled smiling at her. "Back again?"

"It's me you want!" Mizuki yelled at him. "Me, not them!"

"Oh I know, but where's the fun of that?" He taunted.

Taking a deep breath and straightening her back and then turned to Usagi and Chibi-Usa, with a small nod she smiled at them.

"Once I'm done, save Galaxia with your crystal Usagi."

Without a second thought Mizuki charged forward with a blinding white light erupting from her wand, the light burned through the gloom that the galaxy cauldron was emitting and Usagi couldn't help but be in awe. Mizuki gracefully sliced through the attacks that Chaos sent to her before finally releasing her transformation, now floating through the air in her princess gown Mizuki wrapped her arms around Chaos.

"Remember me." She whispered into his ear before the force pushed them both into the galaxy cauldron.

"No!!" Usagi cried watching the pair fall.

Seiya who had just regained consciousness watched in horror as Mizuki sacrificed her self to save everyone. Once the pair of them landed in the galaxy cauldron, it exploded with white light. As the white light faded over the fallen scouts, each of them began to wake, their crystals having been returned to them. Galaxia's knees buckled under the weight of the light and her transformation was released, looking over Usagi saw how innocent she now looked without her scout attire.

"What happened?" She asked confused, a light in her crimson eyes that Usagi had never seen before.

Making her way over to the trembling girl Usagi rested a hand on her shoulder.

"You've been saved." Usagi said, tears falling down her cheeks. "My daughter saved you."

Inside the galaxy cauldron Mizuki was still holding onto Chaos, her heart was hammering inside her chest but she felt at peace. As she was about to let go a hand brushed across her back before pulling her tighter, shocked Mizuki let go and looked into the deep eyes of Chaos. But now he was no longer Chaos.

"Daniel?" She asked tears falling down her cheeks.

"Thank you for bringing me back." He replied with tears in his own eyes. "Princess...will you ever be able to..."

Mizuki didn't give him chance to finish, crashing her lips onto his the pair of them held each other close. Making up for the millenniums they had spent apart.

"Never leave me again." Mizuki said holding him tightly.

"I'm afraid I have to." Daniel said softly brushing tears from Mizuki's eyes.

"What?!" Mizuki cried. "I just got you back! Why are you leaving me again?!"

"Because you have a family waiting for you." A voice said.

Turning around Mizuki saw a small spirit like girl floating towards her, she had very long hair and was dressed in a balloon shape dress. And on her hair was a small tiara.

"Who are you?" Mizuki asked staring at the spirit girl.

"I am Guardian Cosmos." She said looking at the pair. "And I am afraid you won't be able to stay here Mizuki."

"Why can't I?" Mizuki asked. "My whole life I've worked hard to put everyone before my self, why can't I be selfish just this once?"

Tears fell down Mizuki's cheeks as she realised that she would loose Daniel all over again, Daniel reached a hand forward and brushed the tears away from Mizuki's cheeks. It pained him that he had been the cause of her grief, because he had wanted to become stronger for her, he had unlocked a darkness deep in the universe which had consumed him. Not only that, it had waited until it was close to a source of power before truly awakening inside him, which was why he had managed to get back to Mizuki. Or as she had been known then Selena.

"My love, you have family who are waiting for you to come back to them." Daniel said planting a soft kiss on Mizuki's forehead. "I know you want to stay, and I want nothing more than for you to stay. But do you remember what we learned about the cauldron?"

"That it reincarnates all those inside...." Mizuki said and then it dawned on her.

"If she stayed here, she would only have a brief moment with Daniel before they were torn apart again. But if he stayed there was a good chance that he would be reincarnated in her time, and then she would find him again. With a small nod Mizuki turned to the guardian of the cauldron.

"I'll go back, but on one condition." Mizuki said, her eyes focused on the scout. "You ensure that he is reincarnated in my time, I can't loose him again."

The guardian looked at Mizuki and then smiled softly, looking at her body Mizuki realised that it was beginning to fade, while Daniel's and the guardians were still solid.

"Not yet..." Mizuki sobbed. "I don't want to go yet!"

Mizuki's body began to float up towards what she could only assume to be the opening of the cauldron, when Daniel reached out and grabbed her arms.

"I promise, I'll find you again." He said with a smile.

"Promise! Really promise this time!" Mizuki cried, her tears floating upward as she was pulled from his arms.

"I promise!" Daniel called back as Mizuki's vision was blinded by white light.

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