Muzan oneshots

By 12KibutsujiMUZAN43

11.6K 149 106

This is gonna be an oneshot book of our fav MJ cosplayer 💁‍♀️ smut✅️ fluff✅️ angst✅️ More

Black roses: Muzan x gender neutral demon
Protection: CEO Muzan x Male bodyguard reader
Death: Muzan x Seme male angel reader

Fathers and son

1.1K 10 2
By 12KibutsujiMUZAN43

A/N: This is basically part of the lore for my future story. This is just fluff. A kakebuton is basically a blanket for a futon. And Muzan's human name will be Tsukihiko.

Akira lay on his futon, a wet handkerief on his sweaty forehead and the kakebuton covering his body. He was frail and weak, it seemed. The heir simply laid in his futon, his long black hair out of his usual style and scattered around his head, looking like a halo, his blue eyes half lidded as his hands weakly clenched his white yukata. He slowly sat up, shaking voilently as he looked around and saw his three year old son awake. He smiled at his young boy. "My child, why are you awake?" he asked in a gentle tone.

His son smiled at him and hugged his father. "Morning oto-chan..." he said softly as he lay his head atop of Akira's upper thigh as the man caressed his soft hair. "Good morning, my son. I think it is too early for you to be awake, no?" he said, his grip a little tighter than normal on his son as he laid back down on the bed and motioned for him to lay back down as well, to go back to bed.

"I know, but where is oto-san?" the boy asked as he lay next to his father, curious where Chimon, or, his other father, was. Chimon was a samurai, the strongest of their time, and wedded to Akira, as he could barely move out of his futon, anyway. "My husband is busy, out doing his job. He has his own work, he is a samurai and his time is valuable." he stated simply, putting his arm around his son and pulling him a little closer in bed. "Why, were you concerned?" he asked, trying not to snicker at how adorable his son was asking so many questions.

Tsukihiko nodded. "Mhm! I wanna play with you and oto-san," he pouted as he cuddled against his father's chest. "I know you do, but your oto-san does not have the time right now. He has duties to fulfill as a samurai." he explained, but did not make any effort to push the baby boy off of him. Instead, he let his son lay there as his other hand gently brushed at his son's black hair. What a joy he had become in their lives.

The boy nodded in understanding. "Okay! When will oto-san come back, oto-chan?" he raised an eyebrow whilst tilting his head slightly, his dark purple eyes looking curiously into Akira's blue ones. "I am not sure, my child," he said, chuckling at his son's antics and questions. "Maybe he will be home in time for dinner? Maybe, he will be home later tonight? Or maybe..." he trailed off, not really sure when his husband would be coming home.

Tsukihiko nodded at Akira. "Oto-chan?" he asked whilst nuzzling against Akira's cheek. "Yes, my child?" Akira's tone is gentle, his eyes still half lidded as he waits for his three year old son to speak.  "Can I do your hair tomorrow?" he asked with a smile as Akira hugged him. Akira thought for a moment. "My hair? Well.... I do not see why not. My own hands are weak enough as of right now. You can style my hair. But just do not... do anything too fancy, my son." he said with a soft smile.

Tsukihiko looked at him with dot eyes at the 'not too fancy' part. "What do you mean by 'not too fancy', oto-chan?" he asked. "My hair is very long, very hard to style." he chuckled. "You must be careful with the hairpins." he stated, remembering his husband telling him how to put the hair pins in and take them out. "Do not use too many. It will damage the hair." he stated, thinking of things his husband should have taught their son by now.

His son made an 'oooh' sound of understanding. "Okay!" he grinned and hugged his father's arm. "Oto-chan?" Akira's eyes looked down to his son. "Well, my son? What is it?" he asked sweetly, ruffling through his son's hair. Tsukihiko thought for a moment on how to word his question to not sound rude. "Why can't you and I go outside? I saw other children play outside but when I want to, I feel weak, why is that?"

Akira was silent for a moment after hearing his son's question, thinking of how much his son reminded him of himself at the age of three. "I am sick, my child. If I move around too much, my body gets tired. I become even more sick if I move too much." he stated, hoping to explain it in a way his three year old son would understand. "Do I have the same sickness?" he asked softly as he hugged his father to try and comfort him of some sort.

Akira nodded a little. "My child, we are the same bloodline. We have the same weaknesses, the same sickness, the same strengths. It is just different with each passing generation. You may one day inherit my ailment." he explained. "But at this time, my dear son, you do not." 

Tsukihiko nodded. "Okay," he said sleepily, slowly closing his eyes and falling asleep. "Rest, my child." Akira mumbled, pulling the covers up over his son and lying him further into his arms comfortably. The next day, Akira woke up and felt arms wrapped around his waist. He turned around and saw his husband, Chimon.

Akira's expression was a soft smile as he felt his husband's arms wrap around him. "Good morning, my husband," he spoke out sweetly in the morning, his tone a little hoarse from waking up. Chimon smiled and kissed his forehead. "Good morning, Akira-san," he hummed while gently caressing Akira's waist. "How is our little angel?" he asked as he looked at Tsukihiko. 

"He is doing well. He has been asking me when you will be home," Akira replied. "He wants to style my hair tonight, but I have warned him that he must be careful. My hair is very long, very thick, and I have been told it is hard to style." he explained.

His husband nodded. "I see," they heard a soft yawn and saw Tsukihiko awake. He gasped and smiled at Chimon. "Oto-san! You're home!" he giggled as he got up to hug Chimon. Akira chuckled at how happy his son was to see his husband, his eyes closing and a happy type of blush spread across his cheeks. His lips curved upwards as he watched Tsukihiko hug his father. "Yes, little one. Your oto-san is home." he muttered softly.

Tsukihiko grinned. "Did oto-chan tell you that I'll style his hair?" he giggled as he hugged his father. Chimon smiled and nodded. "Yes, child," he hummed as he kissed the boy's forehead. "Can I do it now, oto-chan?" Tsukihiko asked Akira. Akira nodded to his child. "Yes, you can try to do it now. But remember to be careful with my hair. The hairpins can hurt. But we can try to see how you do it." he replied. "Just, do not put me in any fancy braids this time." he added with a soft chuckle.

Chimon gently held Akira in his arms to support the frail man. Tsukihiko went behind Akira's head and grabbed a comb. He slowly combed Akira's hair. "Can I do a side braid, oto-chan?" he asked softly. "Yes, you can try," he replied with a smile. He knew that his son was only three years old, but he knew that he had a knack for these things. If anyone in their family could style his hair well, it would be their son. "Just, remember to brush my hair out all the way." he reminded his little boy softly.

"Will do, oto-chan!" Tsukihiko grinned as he gently brushed Akira's hair. "Oto-chan's hair is soft!" he giggled. "Thank you, darling," Akira replied to him with a soft smile. His head was leaning back a little as Chimon held him carefully. "My husband was always complaining how hard it was to keep my hair brushed, even though I told him it was a process." he explained.

Chimon paled. "I'm sorry, love," he mumbled as he caressed Akira's side whilst Tsukihiko brushed Akira's long soft hair. "It is alright." Akira spoke softly to his husband. "I am just tired of brushing it myself sometimes. It is fine, darling. I was merely joking with you. It is just very tedious." he replied and looked back up to their little boy. "Is my hair soft, darling?" he asked, chuckling.

The boy nodded. "Yes! It's soft like sheep whool!" he grinned as he gently brushed Akira's hair, slowly stopping as it was now untangled. Akira was quite amazed at how well his son did his hair! It was quite surprising just how much of a talent Tsukihiko was at this. "That is a very interesting comparison, my child. I am very glad you see my hair as soft as sheep's wool." he chuckled once more. "You did a wonderful job. Thank you, my son." he complimented him.

"Thank you, oto-chan!" the young boy cheered as he got the materials to make the side braids. He started to braid Akira's hair, smiling. A little later, he has fully finished the braids and grinned. Chimon grabbed a mirror, Tsukihiko took it and put it infront of Akira. "Do you like it, oto-chan?"

When he took the mirror, Akira looked for a moment. "Oh my-!" he was shocked at how well Tsukihiko did his hair. "Yes, I love it, my son. You are quite talented at braiding hair, I must say. Very impressive, little one." he said with a soft smile, looking down at his son with a gentle smile. He was just so impressed as he touched the braids in his hair.

Tsukihiko hugged his father and giggled. "Thank you, oto-chan!" he giggled as Akira caressed his hair, Chimon smiled at them and hugged the both of them, kissing Tsukihiko's head before leaning in and kissing Akira on the lips. "You look beautiful, my love." 

"Oh, so sweet, my husband." Akira smiled and kissed him back on the lips. It was such a sweet reunion after having not seen him for over two weeks. He sighed happily, but then looked back to his son. "You, my little boy, are also very talented. Would you like to try a side braid again in the future?" he asked with a hint of a chuckle.

Tukihiko smiled widely and nodded. "Yes!" he said and hugged Akira. "I love oto-chan and oto-san!" he giggled. "I love you, my son." Akira replied with a laugh and hugged his son closely. "As for your father," he kissed him and then turned toward Chimon. "Yes, my love. I love you, too." he giggled. "I must say, this is a very wonderful reunion." it was a lovely morning so far.

All three of the family hugged each other. "How about we have a little cuddle session?" Chimon suggested. "I am quite all for that, husband." Akira spoke up with a nod and smiled. "It has been so long since all three of us have spent quality time together like this." he was very happy at this suggestion. Chimon gently lay Akira down, Tsukihiko went to lay next to the frail man and Chimon lay next to Tsukihiko. Akira gently hugged Tsukihiko as they cuddle up against Chimon. All three smile as they slowly fall asleep.

A/N: Akira is a man, but the family was cursed so the boys give birth, which is why Muzan has 2 fathers, Akira is "Oto-chan" and Chimon is "Oto-san" to differentiate the two of them.

Word count: 1946.

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