Arranged Marriage ~Adam Saleh...

By IdkSomethingWeird

44.8K 778 176

Aysha Raheem is half Yemenis half British and is a famous YouTuber in America and the UK, when her dad, Khale... More

Part 1~ The Move
Part 2~ Fans
Part 3 - Saviour
Part 4 ~ The Unexpected Dinner
Part 5 ~ Decision
Part 6 ~ Embarrassing Moments
Part 7 ~ Facts and Friends
Part 8~ Feelings
Part 9~ 1 week, The Engagement
Part 10~ Cute Couple Pictures
Part 11 ~ Message to the World
Part 12 ~ New Friend and Vacuum??
Part 13 ~ Scary Game
Part 14~ Reema's Birthday
Part 15 ~ Turn on's and Turn Offs
Part 16~ Time Skipping
Part 17~ The Surprise
Part 18- Sumbusa and Phone

Part 19- Date Night

1.6K 22 24
By IdkSomethingWeird


Today I'm going on a date with Adam and he won't tell me where all he told me was to tress casual and that's what I did but it was also fancy since I don't know where we are going to go, but oh well, I fixed my make up and hair and I dressed in the outfit up top, Adam is supposed to be here at 8 and it's 7:55 so it's a perfect time I check myself one more time and grab my purse and put my headphones, charger, just in case, I put perfume, lipstick, and gum also my phone and then I heard the door knocking, nobody was home since my parents are at Adams house and I rushed downstairs opening the door wide open to see a my handsome soon to be husband standing there with a wide smile, I couldnt help but check him out, but hey he was doing the same thing to me

"Ma-sha-allah" he says in this weird way making me giggle "you look, Just wow" he finishes, I blush and look down for a second

"you look pretty good yourself" I say kissing his cheek, now it's his turn to blush

"y-you ready?" he say stuttering at first making blush even more, I 'awe' in my head, I'm so happy his mine, I nod my head before grabbing my keys and asked him if he wanted anything before we leave, he just shook his head and then we just left walking to the place he won't tell me about, after a while he tells me to close my eyes which I do but he thinks I will open them so he put his hand over my closed eyes, after a while I don't feel his hands

"open your eyes" he says, when I do, my mouth opens wide

This was what I saw in the park, Adam standing next to it with his arms open wide

"oh my gosh, Adam did you do all of this" I ask still surprised, I feel the familiar lump in my throat, nobody has ever done something like this for me

"yea but the boys and Jasmine also helped" he say walking closer to me grabbing both of my hands "do you like it" he asks

"I love it, it's amazing" I say kissing his chin

"good, now let's go sit down" we both sit under the tent thing

"babe remember when we first found out we are getting married?" I ask, remembering what he told he in the room "you told me that you thought of yourself a disgrace to Allah and Muslim, why do you think that" I ask laying my head on his shoulder, he told me about his middle school and high school year and how he met Sheikh, after he told me all that, I kissed his both other if his cheeks and forehead

"that doesn't make you a disgrace Habibi, you learned from your mistake, your being a good Muslim right now" I say hugging him, he hugs me back with his head in my neck

"our wedding is in a couple more months can you believe that" he says into my neck

"yea, I gotta go dress shopping next week and we gotta look for a place to do it, figure out what colors it's going to be, make the invitations, get you and your man of honor some tux, and what kind of food we are we going to make, the cake -" I say slowly freaking out, but Adam cuts me off

"habibti we have enough time to do all that, for now it's just me and, nothing else" he says poking my nose making me giggle. We started to star gaze drawing random things with the stars

"no that doesn't look like a ice cream cone, it looks like a mutant duck" I say making both of us laugh

"yes it does, look you see that bright star" I nod my head at where he is pointing "that's the middle, there's the cone and the ice cream looks weird but still" he says pointing it out

"now I see it, by the way what's your favorite ice cream" I ask him looking at him

"I don't have a favorite" he says playing with my hair "how about you" he asks

"I like this one ice cream called Playdough, it sounds weird but it's really good, I'm hoping on finding it here, but I can't" I say shrugging my shoulders, suddenly I'm pulled up and see Adam picking the stuff up

"where are we going" I ask, helping him pick them

"last minute surprise" he says winking at me with a big smile

"what is it" I ask happily

"you'll see, now let's go" he says putting the stuff all in a bag before hiding it in a bush, then he grabs my hand and we start to walk

"can you please tell me where were going" I say smiling

"I can't tell you" he says going down the steps to the subway station "this place closes at 10 so we have 30 min to get there, hopefully it comes by fast" he says throwing his arm around my shoulder,

"give me a hint" I say giving my pouting face, I feel eyes on us, but I ignore it, thinking nothing of it

"it's something you can eat" he says when suddenly these 6 guys sit by us like 2 seats away, I got this bad vibe from them so I scoot closer to Adam, I can feel there eyes on us and I can hear them talking about Adam, what the hell is going on, I guess Adam hears them to and grabs my hand and go to a different spot

"who are those guys" I ask Adam in a whisper

"I don't know but they're following us, stay close to me OK?" he says, i nod my head, like i will go anywhere else, I'm staying close to him and that's final, Adam looks over my shoulder and shakes his head


" they're coming don't say anything" he says right when they stand in front of us, I see them look at me then look at Adam but one of them didn't look away, he had dirty blonde haired that went to his shoulders, he was taller then the others, I stand closer to Adam so I'm slightly behind him

"do you know who we are" one of them say

"no, so please leave us a lone we don't want trouble" Adam says squeezing my hand

"how about you" a deeper voice says pointing at me, I shake my head

"good" the first one says before the walk away not to far from us, soon when the train comes they get into the say cart as us, sadly they're were only a couple of people in there, hopefully they won't do anything if they see them

***ok so I know I haven't updated in a long long time and Im sorry for that but to repay you guys back, I've been getting a lot of comments telling me to make a Slim FanFic so that's what I'm trying to work on now, but I need a girl to be her, so who ever wants to be Slims gf/finace, sorry but I'm not going to tell you the details 😏, I need you to message me these steps
1. name (no last name cause she is going to be Adams sister)
2. pic (has to be brown or is wearing a hijab)
3. age
4. who she gets along with
5. her personality and hobbies

If you can't do one of these tell me and maybe we can work something out also you have by the Sunday to send them to me Monday I'll look them over and figure out how I'm going to write the story, thank you for the patience :)***

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