Dark side.

By Rafecameronlover3

82.5K 1.3K 338

Olivia Thornton. Is Topper's older sister but to Topper she's just annoying and to Olivia, Topper is merrily... More

Characters .
Another missed
Birthday boy
Accept it
Onto you
Home turf
Hurricane Agatha 
Flash backs
Movie night
"That's illegal"
Jealousy games
I did it for you
Change in attitude
The Cameron's
I kill for what's mine. You should too.
Need vs Want
"Atta Boy"
Silent treatment.
Look after you.
Confess your sins.
Game v player
Business as usual.
Hidden Insecurity

Family trip.

1.3K 28 5
By Rafecameronlover3

The second we arrived I knew that this wasn't a normal family vacation.
"Two houses next to each other" Ward had explained, that all the kids in one house and the adults in another.
Since we weren't 'children' anymore.
Rafe, Grayson and I had our own rooms as Sarah and Tia shared as did Top and Kelce.

"You have to be fucking kidding me" I spoke as I unpacked my bags on my bed.
We were right on the beach front, it was perfect right? Nope.
Rafe's room was practically next to mine as was Grayson's.
We were in charge of the children. As usual.
God I couldn't believe this.
I'm lucky I wasn't fired from my job, giving them such short notice to have time off.

"Hey- everyone's going beach you coming or?" Grayson knocked on my door before opening it.
"I need to do a few things- I'll meet you guys down there" I nod a little watching him walk out, hearing Sarah, Tia, Kelce and Top going with him.
Sharing a house with them was going to be hell, typical. My mother and father are next door having the time of their life's with their friends.

I hear someone knock on my door snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Come on Liv- let your hair down and stop being an up tight prissy rich girl" Rafe invites himself in and I feel my whole body tense.
"Charming. If I'm so up tight and prissy then you shouldn't miss my presence at all" I roll my eyes as I talk, pushing my clothes into some draws.
"You should wear this one" Rafe holds up a pink bikini that has daisies on. His face smirking as he holds up the thong panties.

"When i start listening to you is when I start to lose my mind" I fake a smile before pulling out a white bikini.
"If you wear that then I might just lose this no touching thing" Rafe seemed serious as he spoke, his voice no longer playful.
"Whatever happened , happened but it won't again got it?" My face was stone, I was sick of being his play thing and being caught up in his bullshit.
I wanted life back to normal. My normal. I should've never followed him in the first place all because I wanted to keep his mouth shut.

"If you say so" he shrugged causally, way to confident in himself. Asshole.
"I'm getting changed so get out" I take my top off before he can exit my room and I see his eyes scan over my bra.
"Eyes are up here Cameron. Now get out before I scream fire" he sucked on his teeth almost like he was holding back.

"Bitch" he muttered shaking his head at me as he walked out "shit head" I yelled back making sure he heard it.
By the time I got ready Rafe was gone and had obviously joined the rest of crew on the beach.
I start to walk along the beach seeing them instantly, they were all playing beach volleyball.
Of course.
With some random guys who looked Rafe's age.

Rafe and Grayson vs some randoms. That won't turn out well.
Top and Kelce were swimming, Sarah and Tia were chatting to some boys by the water.
Our parents no where to be seen.
As I approach , the random boys notice me, one of them smiling before serving the ball.
"Who's the girl?" I hear one of them say to the boys as I sit down, laying on my towel.

"She's a family friend" Rafe spoke before I could, his voice firm and petty.
He was jealous.
"I'm Liv" I wave as I take my top off revealing the bikini I was wearing.
"Dylan" the brunette smirked a little as he waved back.
"You still playing or what?" Grayson was now the one to sound annoyed.

After half an hour, the boys came and sat down next to me.
"We're having a party tonight you should tag along" Dylan looked at me as he spoke, making me tilt my head In question.
"Where is this so called party?" I raise my brows as I sit up.
"Next strip of houses, number 24. My parents beach house but they won't be there. You should come really" he looked me up and down with a small smile.

"We're having a family meal so thanks for the offer but we can't" Rafe spoke before I could, I scowl at him with annoyance.
Family meal my ass.
"That's a shame- anyway stop by if anything changes" the guy waved at us before walking off with his friends.
"Family meal? What meal?" My voice was hushed but full of attitude.

"Sorry did I just cock block you princess?" Rafe pouted as he spoke, Grayson looked between us with a small smirk on his face.
"Asshole- if your jealous that's all you've gotta say" I crossed my arms over my chest, Rafe's brows raised at my words.
"Jealous? Of what exactly?" He leaned forward on the sand challenging me. Knowing full well that I wouldn't expose what happened between us. Not in front of Grayson.

"If you wanted to fuck him then you should've just told me" a small laugh slipped from Grayson's mouth as I said this.
Rafe's face fell flat as his eyes rolled "funny. Really funny" he stood up dusting his hands off.
"I thought it was very funny" Grayson spoke as he threw an arm round my shoulders.

"It's because I am" I shrugged as I watched Rafe's eyes study the arm around my shoulders.
"Maybe I didn't cock block you at all, seems like Grayson here would do whatever you wanted. Even sit and stay" Rafe pointed between us, Grayson's body stiffens against me.
"What's your problem Rafe?" Grayson looked up at the boy with genuine curiosity.

"It isn't safe. You barely know those guys and it's clear that all they want is to fuck you" Rafe's voice was harsh as his eyes bored into mine.
"And that's a bad thing?" My head tilts in question, a small smirk creeps out as I watch his jaw clench.
"You don't know them. It isn't safe." He repeated, almost like I'd misheard him.
"I'll go with her. She'll be fine" Grayson shrugged, he loved a good party.

"What? No" Rafe scoffed at the idea, this made Grayson sit up straighter.
"What's your deal man? You don't want her to go because it's 'unsafe' and I offer her safety and that somehow still isn't good enough?" Grayson rolled his eyes at Rafe.
I saw Rafe's shoulders tense as Gray spoke.

"He's mad that he isn't getting any attention aren't ya? No hot girls looking at you got your panties in a twist" I leaned closer to Grayson as I joked, he laughed with me as I said it.
"Go to the party" is all Rafe said before he stood up and walked towards the water where the kids were. (Sarah, Tia, Topper and Kelce)
I swallow slightly "he can be such an ass" Grayson spoke up as he led back on his towel.

"Tell me about it" I sigh a little finding the silence comforting.
"He's always hated you though, I don't understand why. Even as kids he'd purposely piss you off. He was always nice to everyone else even Sarah- seems like he looks for a problem" Grayson's voice seemed confused as he spoke.
"He hates me because he said that I think I'm better then him" I roll my eyes a little as I play with the sand.

"Because you are" Grayson shrugged causally, I was almost stunned that he'd just said that out loud.
"What?" My brows frowned a little as he sat back up.
"Your perfect Liv. You always got good grades, you were good at sport, people we seemed to meet on these family holidays always liked you, your responsible and have self respect. Rafe on the other hand is the opposite to everything I just described" my jaw could've fell open as he spoke.

Grayson and Rafe were always close, especially when we went on holidays. They were close in age and had similar interests but now they act like strangers. So weird.
"We gotta get going. Don't want you to be late to this party. I'll help sneak you out- I wanna go too" Grayson stood up, offering me a hand which I accepted. We started to walk up the beach towards the beach house.

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