When Curiosity Turns To Love

By LunaRose91

15K 457 90

What happens when you wake up after having sex with your best friend out of curiosity to later falling for hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22


652 18 0
By LunaRose91

Sky's POV

        "Have you guys confirmed with the client on the blueprint?" I asked P'Phayu and Rain as we're running around the office to make sure that the client had things that they see fit for their new home.
         "Yes, we have. We can start the construction soon." P'Phayu confirmed as it was getting close for closing soon as Rain ran over to me as I was finishing up a few things before I leave.
         "Babe, it's time to go home. You finished yet?" He asked as he looked over my shoulder and I heard a slight pout.
         "Babe…really? You promised we'd go check up on the construction on our home today!" He whined as I was clicking away on the keyboard but looked away for a split second.
        "Babe, I have to finish this before we leave. If you want, ask P'Phayu to drop you off and I'll meet you there. Hmm?" I said with a smile but he just crossed his arms.
        "Actually, I would love to but I have to meet Prapai and his parents for a family dinner." P'Phayu had said as he logged out of his computer grabbing his things before leaving as Rain just gave me a pissed off look.
        "Babe, I'm sorry but I really have to finish this." He just rolled his eyes.
        "Fine, tell me what I can help with so we can finish earlier so we can go check on our house before it gets too dark." He said as I had nodded as I had gave him a few documents to go through while I finish up on what I was working on.

Rain's POV

          "We finally made it in time!" I said as I had jumped out of the car running over to look at our almost finished home.
          "It looks more beautiful by the day." I said as I had felt arms wrapped around my waist and a head on my shoulders.
          "Soon, this will be our forever home." I heard Sky say from behind as I had smiled reached for his hands as I nodded in agreement.
          "It's truly a dream come true." I said as Sky had pulled away as he then turned me around with his hands back around my waist again.
         "It really is, and I'm glad that it's with you. I love you so much, Rain." He said as I could feel tears start to run down my face.
        "I love you too, Sky. Forever and always." I said as he leaned in and kissed me in a sweet yet passionate kiss.
       Pulling away with a smile on both of our faces, he wrapped his arms back around me as we both facing the view of the beach as the sun began to set as we both stood there enjoying the beauty of the sea.
        I'm really glad that we've made it this far together and I'll never change this for anything.
      I'm ready to spend my forever with my best friend and love of my life, Sky.

I love you, forever and always. <3

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