Sean & Kaycee Imagines

بواسطة willsSkye

411 0 0

Imagines about my favourite best friends/ dance duo المزيد

Manufactured Love
The Aftermath
Waiting For You
Break up With Him
Dancing Around The Problem

Fix Things

49 0 0
بواسطة willsSkye

Everything is so fucked up now. I breath heavily backstage as I wait alongside Bailey who is giving me a look of pity.

" If you talk to him now you guys can maybe fix things before you go on" she tried soothingly

" He said what he said" was all I managed to get out.

" Kaycee hear him out please" Bailey begged.

I ignored Bailey. She was absolutely right, I should be hearing him out, but she doesn't know the extent of the conversation. She doesn't know everything that was said, that was yelled.

I glance behind me to see Alex probably having a similar conversation with Sean. Sean wasn't even making direct eye contact, his eyes shifted everywhere. I watched carefully as Alex pushed Sean lightly and through his hands up defensively. I could see them arguing but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Eventually I see Sean sigh and begin walking towards me.

" Hear him out" Bailey says in a pleading tone. " You guys are world wide stars for your chemistry. You can't go on stage without that spark"

I groan and reluctantly turn when Sean calls my name. He motions for me to follow him down the steps and through the convention centre to a small back room.

" We need to talk" he says leaning against the wall.

" Mhm" was all I could manage. I was so mad at him. And hurt.

" Kayce I..I honestly don't know what to say accept I'm so so so sorry" he tried.


" Sean you said we would hang out later and I literally checked your insta and your posting pictures with a random fucking girl?" A tear trickled down Kaycee's cheek at the thought of being left behind and ditched by her favourite person.

" It's not even that big a deal Kayc, I forgot" he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers as if her annoyance with him was exhausting and not worth his energy.

" Your never like this." She whined. " Sean we're a duo. We're best friends" this seemed to physically annoy him.

" Exactly Kaycee!" He was yelling now. " Your my best friend. Your not my girlfriend you make that really fucking obvious every day! We dance together and we hang out and that's it!" He snapped instantly regretting his harshness and tone of voice.

Kaycee flinched and began to cry harder.

" I'm so sorry Kayc that sounded mean" he said reaching for her but she immediately took a step back.

" Dont- don't bother. Dance partners and that's it right?" She cried before storming off.


" Your sorry?" I laugh incredulously. " Are you actually sorry or are you just worried this is going to affect your choreography" i snap

" No you mean more than some stupid routine. Please forgive me" he said taking a step forward making me retreat three steps back.

" I saw you talking to Alex. You did not want to talk to me. Don't lie" I say. His face twists through a series of emotions.

" Kaycee I'm just nervous okay? I don't want to fight" he says leaning against the wall to face me.

" You promised me we would hang out. I don't care if we do every night. That's our thing. And you lied to me. I was second place to you over her" I say feeling tears sting in my eyes again.

" I was an idiot" he begins but I cut him off again.

" But guess what I'm not even second place to you apparently. Because your right. I'm not your girlfriend, I'm nit your best friend and I'm certainly not you dance partner." I say one tear falling. His face turns from dismay to distress.

" Kaycee we're a lifetime partnership. We're Sean and Kaycee" he says.

" Tell me what you meant by that" I snap jabbing a finger at him.

" W-What?" He stutters.

" You said I'm not your girlfriend and how I make that obvious every single day. What does that mean?" I ask the anger being replaced by sadness.

" I think we need to have a more serious talk later if you want to know the answer to that" he says.

" No. now. You can tell me now" I say. I don't have all day but I'll cancel everything just to hear him finally confess. I'm sick of being strung along clinging to the hope in us.

" Ive always loved you" he breaths not looking at me now. " aAnd I've always known that you knew that" he continues. " but I also know that you don't feel the same"

" Sean that's not even true." I groan.

" It isn't?" He says lifting his head to look at me.

" No I obviously love you to" she locked eyes with him. " I love you Sean and I forgive you, you were right. A more serious talk needs to be had later. Let's just dance first and we'll talk tonight"

" So we're not fighting anymore?" He clarified.

" No Shamu." I said walking over and giving him a hug. I wrapped my arms around his torso and he let his head fall into her neck and hair. We parted ways and joined the group.

Sean went back over to Alex and I to Bailey.

" You guys good to dance?" Bailey asked me.

" Yeah we're okay now" I smiled. She didn't even know how okay we really were. I told him the truth. I told him I loved him, and if that doesn't make our dance better I don't know what will.

Third person POV

" NEXT UP MANUFACTURED LOVE WITH SEAN AND KAYCEE!" the announcer cheered and Kaycee and Sean walked onto stage

" Okay so this piece is about loving someone no matter what. Through distractions, through sadness, through everything no matter how hard. And I of course had to do this routine with Kayc..." Sean couldn't even say her name before the audience screamed in a approval. They loved seeing the two of them together. Sean laughed showing his dimples and glanced at her. So cute.

" with Kaycee Rice my favourite dance partner and human being. So I hope you guys enjoy learning." He finished stepping to the back of the sage to join her.

" Favourite human?" She whispered to him teasingly.

" Shut up" he blushed.

The music began and Sean began the choreo. It starts with a close hug between the two. It last for 45 seconds. Kaycee was facing the back and she decided to just say it again she couldn't help herself.

" I love you" she whispered.

" I love you" he responded back letting his head fall to rest in her neck. They both knew that the fans who shipped them would definitely zoom in and see the interaction and make stories, and instagram posts but she just couldn't help herself.

" Did they just say I love you on stage?" Alex asked Bailey from the wings.

" I think the day has finally arrived" she said shocked. " Everyone owes me five dollars when we get back home" she said and Alex laughed.

" Their chemistry is so insane" Alex noted as the hug continued

" Yeah because their in love idiot"  she said.

Back on stage Sean let go of Kaycee and began the routine. They moved effortlessly around the stage and the audience cheered.

By the time the dance had ended they stayed in character for a moment before Sean reached out and gave her a side hug and ruffled her hair for the audience.

On the way home Alex debated brining up what they had witnessed but they decided against it.

They dropped Kaycee at Sean's house where they could sort things out for real.

" Hungry?" Sean asked stepping into his kitchen to make something.

" Always" she said leaning against the counter. She stood there for the next half hour. She loved watching him cook and and just talking ti him. She knew she was staring but she didn't care.

" Ready!" He said serving her something she didn't know the name of but probably tasted amazing.

They sat down across from each other at the table and just looked at each other for a few moments not saying anything. Neither of Sean's parents were home and his siblings were out as well.

" The dance turned out good. I was worried there for a second" Kaycee said breaking the silence.

" Yeah me too honestly. I thought you were gonna back out of our partner agreement" he sighed taking a bite.

" No I was just trying to scare you.  I literally could never" she laughed a little and he through his hands up in defence.

" But seriously never do that to me again. First you made me jealous and then you hurt my feelings" she sighed.

" Jealous?" He asked lifting an eyebrow

" Mhm" Kaycee said poking around her plate.

" So let's talk" he began

" We are talking" Kaycee said suddenly nervous now.

" Kayc you can't just tell me you love me twice in less than and hour and not expect to talk about it" he said.

" You said it back both times" she noted

" Exactly. That's why we need to talk" he said nudging her knee under the table to tell her to look up.

" Okay then" she said putting her for down.

" Kaycee your my best friend" Sean began.

" Am I though?" She said boldly

" Okay rephrasing that. We've been best friends but I'm confused now" he said.

" Me too" she breathed uncomfortably

" Well I don't think best friends love each other like that" he said

" Well I do love you a lot" she said taking another bite of food

" I love you a lot too which probably isn't a friend thing" he spoke calmly.

" Just spit it out Sean" Kaycee was laughing now

" So we're more than friends?" He asked.

" I mean I guess so"she said feeling the tension slightly alleviate

" Do you want me to be your boyfriend Kace?" Sean says so quickly she barely understands.

" Oh" was all she could manage.

" You can say no" he says feeling defeated and nervous. His leg bounced under the table as he awaited her response

" Yes." Was all she said looking eyes with him for a moment.

" Okay" he said releasing the breath he hadn't even realized he was holding in.

" Okay" she said.

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