His little witch (Sam Uley st...

By JenniferCampbell9

315K 8.6K 337

Before Edward Cullen, there was Cedric Diggory. when Cedric is 'killed' by Voldemort in the tri wizard tourna... More

Chapter 1: Check up
Chapter 2: Hello, Cedric
Chapter 3: Cheater
Chapter 4: Prince Charming
Chapter 5: The bet
Chapter 6: Hello
Chapter 7: My Luna
Chapter 8: La Push
Chapter 9: A new day
Chapter 10: Dick
Chapter 11: You are a Uley
Chapter 12: Emily / Draco
Chapter 13: Welcome to the pack
Chapter 14: Teddy's here
Chapter 15: School Drama
Chapter 16: Baby Drama
Chapter 17: A wedding
chapter 18: Family of 5
Chapter 20: Paul's imprint
Chapter 21: Black
Chapter 22: Amos is coming
Chapter 23: Confrontations
Chapter 24: Episode
Chapter 25: Not surprised
Chapter 26: Rudolphus
Chapter 27: We finish this!
Chapter 28: Dunderhead
Chapter 29: Rott in Hell
Chapter 30: On our way to new beginnings
Chapter 31: The brother is back
Chapter 32: Leave!
Chapter 33: Take her out!
Chapter 34: Her time of the month
Chapter 35: Game Plan
Chapter 36: The new mother
Chaptet 37: Ultrasound
Chapter 38: Down with Bella-bitch
Chapter 39: This is too good
Chapter 40: It's time.
Chapter 41: Naomi
Chapter 42: What the....
Chapter 43: Oh Holly
Chapter 44: We got options
Chapter 45: Die or Rebirth
Chapter 46: A Son?!
Chapter 47: Restart
Chapter 48: Azkaban?
Chapter 49: Return of the "father"
Chapter 50: What the hell just happened?!
Chapter 51: So long bitch
Chapter 52: It's over?
Chapter 53: They're gone?
Chapter 54: Bye Bye Bella
Chapter 55: You're not my father.

Chapter 19: I don't care

7.4K 164 2
By JenniferCampbell9

As the guests left, Lily was inside conjuring up another baby room.

After about 15 mins, she came out. "All set. Let's get out babies to bed. That means you too, Paul. You have school in the morning." Lily said.

"Fine. But Ma, I'm not a baby. Good night. I love you all!" He ran upstairs.

Lily and Sam put Teddy down first. "Mommy and Daddy love you, my wolf." Sam said and gave him a kiss.

Lily followed suit. "That we do, my wolf."

They turned on his nightlight and shut the door.

"2 down, 1 to go." Lily laughed.

Sabrina was very easy to put down. She was not even 24 hrs old, so she slept a lot anyway.

When Sam and Lily got in their room, Lily started to undress while keeping her eyes on Sam.

"Lily, what are you doing?" Sam was gonna explode. Cole was scratching to come put, but he would have to wait.

"Sam, has no one ever told you what happens on the wedding night? That's OK. I will just show you." Lily was already naked she walked over to Sam and started to undress him while kissing him.

Sam, however, took charge and flipped her over onto her back. "I know what happens, you minx. I just hope you are ready." He smiles.
The next morning, Sam had woken up to once again an empty bed. He assumed the babies and Lily were in the kitchen already and got up to join them.

"Good morning, my handsome husband. Sleep well?" She asked

"More than well, my beautiful wife. What can I do to help?" He kissed her.

"Do you want bottle duty or breakfast duty?"

"Bottle. Come to Daddy, Sabrina. Let's get you all fed." Sam said.

"Sam, I wanted to ask you something." Lily said.

"What is it, honey?

"I know you love your truck, but are you ok if I get a van? I can charm it to fit the boys and the kids." Lily said.

"That's a great idea, honey. We can go look later today." Sam said.

Lily smiled and went over to the stairs and yelled, "FOOD!"

"Here comes the heard." Sam chuckles.

"You know the drill, boys. Eat up and don't for get your lunches on the way out." Lily said.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Sam and Lily looked at each other. Who could that be.

Sam got up to get the door.

"Lynn? What are you doing here?" Sam asked.

"I'm here for my boy. I don't care what Richard did. I didn't sign anything. He's coming home." She said.

Lily walks to the door. "Can I help you?" She asked

"I'm Paul's mother. He is coming home." She said

"I believe you are mistaken. I'm Paul's mother and he is home." Lily stood tall.

"Listen Bitch I'm his mother. He loves me. Not you. Paul! Let's go!" She yelled

When she yelled she became off balanced. She was under the influence, but of what. Lily looked down and saw track marks on her arms.

Paul came to the door confused. "What are you doing her?" He asked

"I came to bring you home. Your father did something illegal. You are mine!" She started yelling.

It finally clicked in Lily's head. "You need Paul for a state check."

"Shut up you fucking bitch!" Lynn yelled.

"Hey! Don't talk to my wife like that!" Sam growled.

Paul was already charging at her. "How dare you talk to my Ma like that!" Sam was holding him back.

"Paul calm down. It's ok. Breath. You need to be calm before you do....something." Lily said.

"I'm your mother not this whore! What is she doing? Sleeping with both of you?" Lynn was laughing

Before Sam or Paul could act, Lynn passed out in front of them. Lily bent down to check for a pulse. There was none.

Lily rolled Lynn on her back and started CPR. "Sam call 911. Tell them no pulse, possible OD."

Sam ran inside and called. About 10 minutes later an ambulance shows up. They tried everything but still had to call time or death.

"Sam why don't you take the boys to school and tell them Paul will be out today." Lily said.

"Ok. I will be back soon." He kissed Lily and hugged Paul.

Lily walked inside with Paul. "You ok honey?"

"Her being dead doesn't bother me Ma. That's what scares me. I should care, right?" Paul asked.

"I think it's time I told you about my past. Sit down sweetheart."

"Ma. You look like you have seen a ghost. Is it that bad?"

"I haven't even talked to Sam about this. Would you be ok if we wait for him?" She asked.

"No that's ok." Paul hugged her tight like she was going to disappear in front of him.

A couple of minutes later Sam walked through the door. "What's going on Paul?"

"Ma, said she is gonna tell us about her past. She seemed scared though."

Lily came back in the room. " Bri and Teddy are napping. So, let's begin."
Lily pov

"When I was 13 my brother Cedric or Edward was a target. He over heard information on a dark wizard on the rise that they did not want others knowing.
I had heard from a friend at a local bar that there was a hit out on him and I knew I had to get him out.
You guys know the rest of that part.

The dark wizard that was on the rise thought that pure blood magic was the only way to go. You were considered a blood traitor for marrying outside the Wizarding World, and half bloods were barely tolerated. With that brought war. He and his followers would kill innocent people just for fun. He believed muggles to be beneath wizards.
Muggleborns were also at risk.

Even though I am a pure blood, I was at risk. This dark wizard wanted all the pure followers he could get. He came to recruit me one evening, when I refused I had a big target put on my back. 'Join or die' was there moto.

One night on town I was attacked. 4 guys against me. It was a kill or be killed situation. I am here, so I guess you can figure out what happened. The point is, I don't care any of them are dead. By the time the war ended, I killed 20 people. All in self defense, but I look back and don't care.

I tell myself that doesn't make me a bad person. It is like when you guys kill and army of Vampires. 1 person dead saves hundreds more."

Normal pov

"Do you understand what I am saying, Paul? She asked

"I think so. It is ok to feel this way because all she did was hurt me. That with me seeing death more than once, I have become numb to the situation I witnessed." Paul said.

"I knew you were smart my grown boy." Lily hugged him.

Lily looked at Sam, who was looking down at the floor. She was getting worried. Maybe he didn't want to be with her now that he knew.

"Paul, why don't you go down to the beach. Clear your head. Have a day to yourself. Take your lunch and be back by dinner." She said.

"Ok. Bye, Ma. Bye, Dad." Paul ran out.

"Are you angry with me? I know I'm not what you expected and I'm sorry. If this is too much for you, I understand." Lily started to cry.

"Lily, I'm not angry. I'm upset you had to do that. That I wasn't there to protect you. You were constantly put in danger, and I could have lost you before I even got you. My life is so perfect with you. I can't imagine not having you." Sam pulled her in for a hug.

"I love you." They said at the same time.

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