A Promise Made Long Ago

By zaidaw75

49.4K 3.5K 594

May the sun bring you new energy by day May the moon softly restore you by night May the rain wash away your... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Flashback Lotus Pier
We Care About you
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 18

1.2K 95 12
By zaidaw75

The first time the two boys visited the mountain they were in awe. Surrounded by pink blossoms trees standing beautifully in its surroundings. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan looked around them mouths agape at the beauty of place.There were streams with water so clear you could see the crystal clear sand.
Boashan watch them with a smile on her face." Come let me introduce the two of you to the others". They walked towards the thrown room where all the disciples were waiting to meet their heir. Once they step inside and made their way towards the front the disciples watch in awe at the beauty of the two young men.
Once they reached the front there Boashan told them to take their seats." Everyone I called you here to formally introduce you to my grandson and heir Wei Ying courtesy name Wei Wuxian and his betrothed  Lan Zhan courtesy name Lan Wanji.
I hope that you will make them feel welcome". All of them stood up as one and bow to the two young men in greeting. The two returned the bow and then Boashan called over two young men and introduce them to Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. "This is Xiao Xingchen. Your martial uncle A-Ying and the other is Song Lan his mate". " It's a pleasure to meet you both ". Wei Ying and Lan Zhan said as they bow." No the pleasure is all mine. I always wanted to meet jie jie's son". Xingchen told him and it brought a smile to Wei Ying's face. Soft gasps were heard throughout the room and it brought a frown to Lan Zhan's face and he slightly turns his head and glare at the disciples.
Wei Ying who saw him laughs and said." Lan Zhan don't scare them". The other three laughs as Lan Zhan's ears turns red from embarrament. Luckily no one saw it because his hair covers his ears. The disciples definitely thought that Lan Zhan was scary but who can blame them when their master have a such a beautiful grandson. They have a right to admire him right. The young master Lan can't kill them for appreciating such beauty. Soon they all sat down and started eating. Soft talking could be heard. Some of the young alphas could not help but kept on staring at Wei Ying every time he laughs or smiles. The same with the young omegas. They could not keep their eyes away from the young Lan alpha. Boashan eyes glides over the hall and she saw the looks of admiration and some love sick puppy eyes. It's to expect. The two boys will turn heads wherever they goes. But she knows he children they will not try to get between the two. She looks at her grandson who is talking a mile a minute. Seeing him so happy makes her heart bloom but also makes her miss her daughter at the same time. He looks so much like her. The same manners and oh how she wished that she was here to see what a fine young man he turn out to be. Then she looks at Lan Zhan and she can see how much he cares for her grandson if the look in his eyes is anything to go by. Her daughter and husband had chose well for their son.

After the meal they were showed their rooms to freshen up and afterwards they were shown around the mountain. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan took in everything and appreciate the beauty of the place. Xingchen and Song showed them the training grounds and Wei Ying was so excited he asked them." Will we be able to spar with the two of you. I would really like it right Lan Zhan". Lan Zhan nods his head in agreement. "Anytime the two of you want. It would be no problem ". Xingchen told him. Wei Ying bounced with excitement and turns to Lan Zhan with a wide smile on his face and said." How about now. We have nothing else to do". Xingchen gave him a smile and nods his head.
The four took their stances and unsheath their swords. Some of the disciples who heard the conversation came closer to watch.
They started and soon more disciples joined the others even Boashan came to watch. The four dance around each other testing each other and as soon as they found their rhythm the spar started.  Soon all you could hear was swords clashing as the four spar. The disciples had stars in their eyes as they watch the four. They could see that Lan Zhan and Wei Ying as well as Xingchen and Song were formidable fighters. They pairs complimented each other beautifully. The spar went on for some time before it ended in a draw. The four bow at each other and walked towards where the others stood. Compliments were given to all four of them. "Come you two needs to get some rest". Boashan told the two boys who immediately follows her back. Once in their separate rooms they both took a bath and went to rest for awhile. Wei Ying lay awake thinking to himself. This is the place where his mother grew up. He never in his wildest dreams thought that he would ever seen it or even visit it. A small smile plays on his lips and his were eyes teary.

Their time on the mountain went by so fast and before they knew it, it wad time to go home. They made new friends and his uncle and his mate will be attending the lectures with them so he will see then again. They also promise to visit from time to time. His grandmother gave him a red bracelet that belonged to his mother. He could not help but shed a tear as he looks at it. He finally have something of her. He also got to see a schetch of her now he knows how see looks and his grandmother told him that he could keep it. They said their final goodbyes and Boashan and the two boys left. It took them several days to get back to the Cloud Recess. When they arrived Xichen was so happy to see his brothers he hug them both tightly. Qinghen-Jun asked Boashan if she will stay the night but she declined and were soon on her way back home. Xichen wanted to hear everything and Wei Ying excitedly told him. His uncle's looked at him with a fond look on their faces. Lan Zhan confirms everything Wei Ying told with a nod of head a small smile on his face. The family walked towards the bunny field after Wei Ying said that he had missed them so much. Lan Zhan himself was excited to see them. They spend the rest of the day spending with the bunnies and just enjoying each other and the silence that's occasionally broken by Wei Ying's talking. They have missed the two boys so much.

Two weeks later they started to pick up strange behavior from Wei Ying. He is most of the time in his own little world and his cheeks had a light pinkish flush to it. Thinking nothing off it they all went about their days. One day they had their usual tea time at the Hanshi when Xichen who could not hold it in anymore asked him." A-Ying are you fine". He asked with a concern voice. Wei Ying looks at him confuse. "Why?". He asked. " Wei Ying had been acting very strangely lately". Lan Zhan answered him. He turns his head towards Lan Zhan and suddenly felt shy when he looked into his eyes filled with concern. He lowered his head cheeks now full on blushed." I. I am fine Lan Zhan ". He said shyly. The four looks at him confuse and thought why would he be acting so shy towards Lan Zhan.
"Wei Ying are you sure. Your face looks flushed. Do have a fever". He asked him." No..No I do not. Ah I have something to do see you guys later". Wei Ying said as he quickly stood up and almost run out the door. Now the four was really worried about him and they also stood up as soon as Wei Ying run out the door. Just as they step outside the door they saw him running towards the Jingshi. "Why is he going to the jingshi if his residence is right between ours Qinghen-Jun?". Lan Qiren asked his brother. "I do not know but I think we should follow him?". He answered him.
"Father what do you think is wrong? Wei Ying is not ill right? He would tell us if something is wrong?". Lan Zhan asked as they made their way towards the jingshi." I do not think A-Ying are sick A-Zhan". His father answered him by now they have reached the jingshi and as soon as they step inside all the heard were Wei Ying saying. "Not this one. These aren't right either. Yes finally found some now to add it to the pile". They made their way quickly towards the bedroom and stop dead in their tracks when they saw the way Lan Zhan's bedroom looked. Eyes wide they looked at where Wei Ying was still busy rummaging through Lan Zhan's closet.

Piles of his robes laid discarded and most of were put into a neatly compile pile. Lan Zhan looked wide eyed at his robes. His outer robes. His inner robes. His sleeping robes. What is Wei Ying doing he thought to himself. "Wuxian what are you doing?". Lan Qiren asked Wei Ying.
He looks up from his position and said." Nothing really. You see uncle those were no good but this pile here is". "Wei Ying what are you going to do with my robes". Lan Zhan asked still confuse at his behavior."Ah Lan Zhan you're here too. Haven't seen you there. I don't know really. I just have this urge or feeling that I needed something of yours. There is something I must do with it but do not asked me what. I can still feel that there is still something missing". He said while tapping his nose in deep thought. It did not escape them that Wei Ying is started to flush more. His cheeks is tomato red and there are small sweat particuls forming on his forehead. Just then Xichen had an idea of what's going on. Wuxian is in early heat. If he is correct even though not all omegas do it, it looks as he is going to use Wanji's robes and build a nest. He could not helped bit asked." Wuxian are perhaps going to build a nest and you needed something from your alpha to put in the nest". Now everyone looks at him in shocked.
"A nest they all asked Xichen ". He nods his head a small smile on his face. Wuxian looks at him confuse and turns around looking for something it must be just right and soft. He did not answer Xichen while his eyes feverishly scans the room and then he yelps and scream."Yes I found it". He pulled all of Lan Zhan's bedding and took his cushions too. Satisfied he looks at the four triumphantly and said." I will take these and be out of your way". He took half of the things and walked past them. Not long he came back and took the others and said."Sorry for the mess Lan Zhan". "It is fine Wei Ying ". He answered as eyes scans his room and landed on his bed who are now bare of any bedding. The other three could not help but just laughs and said."Wanji you have alot to do so we will not keep you any longer". He just nods his head still in his own world. The three left and he walked over to the bed and sat down. 'Wei Ying took his clothes to build a nest. Wei Ying trust him and want him as his alpha. Wei Ying wants him. Wei Ying loves him. Wei Ying will be thinking of him while he lays in his nest. Wei Ying loves him. Wei Ying trust him. Wei Ying wants him". The words kept running through his head. Little wanji stirs at the thoughts and he had to resort to breathing exercises.

In the Sunflower house(Wei Ying's residence name because I love sunflowers and Wei Ying are most definitely a 🌻). Wei Ying looks at the pile of clothes and back at his bed. How is he supposed to do this. He has no idea where or how to start even. Think Wei Ying you can do this . How hard can it be. He walks around the bed eyeing it and then at his pile of treasure he found in Lan Zhan's closet. His face turns even redder thinking about what he did. He wished that he had paid more attention in class when they had teach this class. So he walks back again and stands at the foot end of the bed and then walks back. He starts to pick up the clothes and soon he starts to arrange it on the bed. He has a idea of how it is supposed to look like. Wei Ying in the end went with his instinct and feeling. He arrange and rearrange the robes. He took the blankets and put it in the middle of the bed and starts to take the clothes of again.  Then he starts all over again. The cushions he place at his head. He was busy for an hour until he was satisfied. He climb on the bed and into his nest to feel how it will feel. He move around trying to find a more convenient and comfortable position. The sandalwood scent of Lan Zhan hits his nostrils and he inhale it deeply. He should've asked Lan Zhan to scent it more but it's fine. He finally found a comfortable position and soon he felt the heat getting unbearable and its hitting him from the inside out. He soon rids himself from his own robes and were left only in his under robes. His sweating and the want hits him full force. He bit his lip not to moan out loud. The need and want drove him up the wall and not only that the need to touch himself became stronger. He took his hand and slip it in his pants and his member were so so sensitive. He could feel the slick running down his thighs. He needs friction something to relieve him. He  was on all fours trying to get his fingers into his hole. He wants to cry from frustration and finally he got one finger in then another. Pumping himself and moaning. His mind is feverish and everything became hazy. He touch his member trying to pump himself while his three fingers were in his hole but it is hard and he is on verge of tears. Finally his first release came but that did not last for  another wave hit him. This sucks big time. Let's just say that it was a long seven days filled with frustration lots of crying and screams of I hate being a omega.

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