By APMary222

453 34 0

He strokes my hair, his other arm keeping me tightly to him. "Do you trust me?" I look at him profoundly. ... More

B O N U S 1
B O N U S 2
26 [bonus]


5 1 0
By APMary222

Her curves are made for my hands, her face for my eyes to see, and her presence to be hated by me. I see in the dim light that her dilated pupils are fixed on me, and a single drop of sweat goes perfectly down her face as if it's placed by someone.

I hear footsteps outside the door, and I place my hand on her lips, sadly muffling those sweet sounds from coming out. Her nails dig deep in my back, sign that she's close. My lips form a smirk as I stop thrusting, seeing her frustration grow on her face.

Her eyebrows get together, and she slowly shuts her eyes, her back arching. I slowly retreat from her , my hand gripping her thigh, steadying it as I place slow, wet kisses on their insides. She cries, and I cannot explain how much I love humiliating her like this. I go from her thigh to her tummy, slowly trespassing her boobs and finally reaching my hand. I lean to her ear.

"Beg me," I say, kissing the nap of her neck. "Beg me to finish, or I'll get the fuck out, leaving you like this." I raise my face to look into her eyes, and she's angry, but a kiss on the forehead melts the mad with the desperate, and as I slowly put my hand to her cheek, she whispers a simple

"Please, please finish your fucking dirty work." I smile, kissing her lips as I thrust into her, and her orgasm is perfectly heard by my ears. I finish too and slowly leave her body to my clothes, dressing up and leaving her room, going directly to the bathroom.


The water is washing me away, but my mind is fogged by her and by the wine I drank. She's the most hateful person I could think of. She was meant to have a rope around her neck, but now the rope is in her hands and the knot is around my neck. What stiffens me is the fact that she doesn't realize how much I want her gone;

She might be playing dumb when, in reality, she had all this planned from the beginning; that sounds most likely like her.

My palm still holds the memory of her, my dick of her insides, and my mouth of hers. I still see those dilated pupils, high and full of need. I feel it might explode.

Even as I brush my hair, every knot reminds me of her, when those hands of hers gripped my hair to prevent a scream from escaping her mouth. I dry myself, put on new clothes from the drawer, and make my way out of the bathroom. I pause for three seconds to eye her, standing in front of the door, probably waiting for me to free it, and then walk away to my room, where my bed awaits me with open arms.


I finish installing the tracker on her ankle, and as I hear a click, I power it on. "You overpass the perimeter, you die. If you try taking it off, it will shock you to death. Every move is monitored, and any magnetic object or device will be detected." Emanuele next to me hits the keyboard to finish the setup, and Maverine is just standing here, sometimes scratching her skin because of the old sweater.

Esra comes beside me and lays her shoulder to mine, watching the device on her ankle as confused and interested as her sister, who is hiding behind a column. "I used to have something like that once."

"Domiciliary arrest?" I ask, turning my head to face her

"Oh no, I never get caught; it was my old boyfriend's kink2"

"Got the point, thanks." I have too many people in my house to prevent one or two brain cells from combusting. I look at Maverine and see that she's been looking at me this whole time. I see regret in her eyes—a cold seriousness that makes me shiver.

"You're dismissed; prepare for tomorrow." She eyes me confused. "Your first mission." Her body turns frozen, but then she nods and turns away, leaving me with my brother and the two Rojas sisters.

"My period hasn't come yet; what do you think I should call my bebes?" Esra massages her belly with the delicate touch of an elephant.

"Abortion, and if they're twins, Abortion 2.0," Emanuele says while closing up his devices.

"I was thinking something like Aria and Harper, but thanks anyway." She rolls her eyes, and then she spins her heels to go to the kitchen, taking her sister with her.


"You're going to be trespassing the border of Toscana, going then to Liguria, where the Rojas girl said he was." Iuliano was fidgeting with his ring as he explained what was going to happen with her, and she looked more concerned as seconds passed. "The club is very noticeable; it has a wide neon sign with a pink flamingo on it and 'RUBIX CLUB' written in capitals".

"You'll need to change your hair color, just because we're not very friendly with the police of Liguria, and our or your identity would just aggravate all the accusations you already have." I say, " Antaura is waiting for you in the other room."

"Yes, and you'll be wearing revealing clothes to blend in." Iuliano continues, and this news puts both of us in a trance. She carries on to the other room without risky objections, and nothing else is heard from her. I go for the door, but a click tells me that my ass brother just locked us both in.

"We need to talk." I turn towards him and see him put on his leather gloves. "I couldn't not notice your growing sympathy towards the prisoner; care to explain?" I observe him as he puts his tie around his neck, adjusting it in the mirror next to his desk.

"I can explain how much you're wrong about that, brother." He just smiles at himself in the mirror.

"I'm not quite sure I'm wrong. You see, firstly, you excuse her death penalty; you get caught eyeing her too often by myself and the others; and then you were.. how can I say it?" He takes his beige coat from the chair, "caught sneaking out quite messy from her door." I start pulling my fingers, resting my face into an unimpressed expression, while the pain from my fingers numbed the anxious feeling in my stomach.

"I indeed was, wasn't I?" I look directly into his eyes. "But brother, I care to remind you that yesterday I was also told to go there by Giacomo, telling me to check on her after Esra came into her room and never left for more than half an hour." He seems to slowly retreat his accusations, but still is not satisfied.

"Your looks were indeed messed up, though; was she that bitchy on you? or there's more to the story?"

I caress her lips as she's on my lap, kissing her breast as my fingers are making their way inside of her, and her little moans spread the right amount of endorphins to my brain to relax me more than any drug.

"She indeed was," he says, nodding and unlocking the door.

"Be careful, brother; don't grow too affectionate with her,  she's not lasting longer than a bunch of months alive."

I exited the room to go towards the wine bottles, but someone was blocking the counter.

Giacomo was indeed making out with Esme, and the poor innocent girl seems to be a well played role. Her curly hair was perfectly placed on one side of her head, along with her light colored clothes, which were a complete contrast with his motocross fit. His black leather jacket did not go very well with the white fluffy sweater.

I retreat myself from them, taking it as a sign that I shouldn't drink tonight, and as I turn to the stairs, I see a blonde fucker judging me from the inside out while taking my hand and dragging us into her room.

"Esra told me what happened." My ass happened. I see how nervous Ant is, and I don't blame her as much.

"I might have done something regretful, so regretful that if you blurt out anything, I'll have to slit your throat open." She laughs sarcastically, indirectly telling me that I fucked up.

"I shouldn't be the one to worry about saying something."

"I fucked up, all senses intended." Her jaw falls , and my stomach turns.

"You are crazy, one crazy, psycho bitch. You save her from getting hanged, then put the rope back to her throat." I glare at her, and she raises her hands. If I was confident, now I wasn't anymore. "Hear me out, I already told her not to say shit with a bunch of money from my bank account, that you'll obviously return," I let out a liberatory sigh, "but it's not over; that woman has you to her feet with this."

"She's going to be beheaded before she can speak."

"Good, then see you tomorrow at six; I need to get my nine hours of sleep; get out." I giggle as she pushes me out of the room, and I mutter a thank you, to which she nods and shows a smirk.


"Morning shithead," Giacomo welcomes me with a smile, and I see Iuliano next to him putting a microphone on Maverine. "Today's the big day, brother; we're going to meet up with our little brother, woohoo." I slap his shoulder before our brother gets mad. She's wearing a big fur coat, so long that the short dress doesn't peek at the end of it.

"Manu hai finito con le impostazioni della videocamera?" [Manu, are you done with the camera settings?] The twin just nods quietly, the clicking of the keyboard being the only sound he produces.

She looks ravishing, but definitely not her style, and I can see it by the way she looks at herself in the window's reflection. The tech attached to her ankle looks like a bracelet, being black and, as thought by Ant, with some small shiny rocks attached. Giacomo takes the car keys and directs her to the car while she's being reminded for the hundredth time of her role.

She goes out, glancing at me as she closes the door behind her, and I suddenly find myself praying to someone that she returns safe. safe. She messed with me pretty well.

I wander in silence near the window, then I go next to Emanuele, where I can hear her heavy breath hitting the sensibility of the tiny microphone. I'm no pussycat to admit I'm nervous, and not just because I could be seeing my brother's face but because I could lose her in one move. My plan would go rotten.

My thoughts are interrupted by a person suddenly bursting through the door to see the sweet Esme in a form I couldn't have imagined. I would think of her with someone holding a knife to her throat.

but this time she's the one holding the knife.

She was holding tightly a girl by the wrists, a black woman with long braids and dark tight clothes, ready to steal something or someone.

"If Iuliano was here to see you, he would've banged you right in front of us." I smirk, watching my little friend's partner in crime: Nisha Dole 

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