
By kuwebby2

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An Azur Lane high school AU of sorts with me and Alex as self-inserts More

Chapter 1: Meeting
Chapter 2: Fighting
Chapter 3: A 'normal' Saturday
Chapter 4: Going on a mission
Chapter 5: Battle for the Cuddles
Chapter 6(Kansen Arc start): Vessel?
Chapter 7: Attempted Murder
Chapter 8: Saving Titanic
Chapter 9: Operation: Yamato
Chapter 10: Time Traveling Motherfucker
Chapter 11: Getting bullied and getting revenge
Chapter 12(Kansen Arc Finale): Big Reveal
Chapter 13(Intermission): Prove your worth
Chapter 14(War Arc Start): To Japan!
Chapter 15: Drifting Home
Chapter 16: Drifting Home Pt. 2
Chapter 17: Drifting Home Pt 3
Chapter 18: Prepping gone wrong
Chapter 19: Commence Operation
Chapter 21: Give My Cousin Back
Chapter 22: Adventures in the Back...lines
Chapter 23: Failed Termination
Chapter 24: Misunderstanding and Loss
Chapter 25: Meeting the Empress
Chapter 26: Fighting the Empress
Chapter 27(War Arc Finale): Defeating Empress
Chapter 28(Pirate Arc): Waking up
Chapter 29: Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life For Me
Chapter 30: Familiar Face
Chapter 31: Spilling the Beans
Chapter 32(Semi-Finale): Death to the King
Chapter 33(Arc Finale): Home and a New Year
Chapter 34(Multiversal Arc): First sortie of 2027[1/4]
Chapter 35: Hunter meet Hunted[2/4]
Chapter 36: Get in and Grab [3/4]
Chapter 37: Done with Hurricanes? Have a Typhoon (4/4)
Chapter 38: Speaking with the Dead
Chapter 39: War of the Pranks
Chapter 40: Diplomatic Mission to China
Chapter 41: Arriving in China
Chapter 42: The Sea Shepherd Caper (1/3)
Chapter 43: The Sea Shepherd Caper (2/3)
Chapter 44: The Sea Shepherd Caper (3/3)
Chapter 45: Unexpected Encounter
Chapter 46: Chinese Human Trafficking
Chapter 47: Cold Welcome in Atlas

Chapter 20: Finishing Prep Work

39 1 21
By kuwebby2

General POV

The scene opens to the abandoned Urban Jungle that was Makati, it was eerily silent and empty compared to how it was just 10 years ago. It was saddening for many former inhabitants, and many Filipinos who were left behind and not slaughtered turned to vigilantism to make the Siren pay to limited success probably no thanks to the fact that many were pre-teens who survived the Siren blitz when they were very young. 

A pair of Filipino Resistance Fighters were on a rooftop watching a Siren Patrol lumber by, they were less patrols and more like annoyances to keep the Survivors in line with the Siren Collective. 

Fighter 1: "Another stupid eyesore.." he sighed, looking at what used to be the Ocean Warrior, "One of these days I'm gonna land a rocket in just the right area to knock it up." 

The fighter pointed at the Ocean Warrior's midsection with a hand gesture that resembled a gun before 'firing' a bullet. 

Fighter 2: "And get through its friends too?" she asked, eyeing up the Battleships and Carriers, "Unlikely." 

Fighter 1: "Whatever Jill, I know I'm gonna do it." he promised. 

Jill: "You and that stupid goal of yours is gonna get our asses kicked someday Michael." she warned. 

Michael: "Ugh...let's just complete the patrol and make sure-...hold on....that a human?" he asked, pointing upwards. 

Jill: "What?!" she demanded, looking where he was pointing. 

From there they saw Andy dive off the Mariott Hotel and blow up the fleet without even sweating and land on a rooftop, disabling the Ocean Warrior for a few minutes before jumping off, summoning his ship, and disappearing into the smoke. 

Jill: "Who the hell was that?" she asked.

Michael: "Looks like our Christian friend's prayers have been answered, cause we've got ourselves a hero." he replied.

That same night in the Siren FOB the Ocean Warrior limped into the port, badly damaged and embarrassed having suffered her first defeat by an enemy she believed she had taken care of. 

Observer A: "What happened to you this time?" she asked, incredulously. 

Terminator II: "That damned rat has infiltrated the city!" she yelled, Tester looking her over, "He took out my fleet and he's as good as new!"

Purifier: "Language!~" she sang. 

Terminator II: "Shush Purifier!" she snapped. 

Terminator then suddenly winced as Tester poked at something. 

Tester B: "Hm.....It looks like you'll be out of action for the night." she mused, "But you should be back to work tomorrow morning." 

Terminator II: "Tch...just great..." she grumbled. 

A humanoid Siren then came up to Observer and whispered into her ear before walking away.

Observer A: "The Empress wants to see you." she relayed. 

Terminator stiffened up before walking off to see her. In Terminator's head Marga was hopeful she had just seen Andy clap back and regain the fighting spirit that made him the bane of the Siren Collective's existence at that point in time since, unlike most Kansen who moved in a relatively predictable way, Andy moved irrationally and unpredictably making the most of what he had to blow some shit up like nothing. 

Ocean Warrior: 'Do you really think he's going to come through for us?' she asked. 

Marga: 'I know he will, we just need to give him a chance to do so.' she replied, thinking up plans. 

Ocean Warrior: 'How? We haven't been able to get control of your body back and the deletion process is starting, just look at your face.' she said.

Indeed both of them had seen much better days, the bottom right of Marga's face was just a digital grid of black and red similar to a corrupted video game model and her left foot was beginning to look similar. 

Marga: 'We haven't tried getting my body back together.' she stated, 'We can try doing that.'

Ocean Warrior: ' we can't.' she said, coldly. 

Marga: 'Why not? Every time I suggest that you shoot it down, why?!' she demanded. 

Ocean Warrior: 'Just because.' she replied, turning around to walk away.

Marga then gripped her shoulder and spun her around.

Marga: 'Why?!' she demanded again. 

Ocean Warrior: 'Because if we do, you're a goner!' she yelled. 

Marga took a step back. 

Ocean Warrior: 'The way we kansen work is that whenever a host takes on a ship their personality is erased, replaced by the ship's, the cube inside you will delete you anyway and I'll be given your body maybe your memories but that's only happened once.' she said, 'This is another reason the Siren want Andy, he still has his personality.'

Marga looked dejectedly at the floor, all the hope she was feeling slowly sapped away.

Ocean Warrior: 'I'm sorry, but it's the truth.' she said, grabbing Marga's shoulder, 'I wish it was different but it isn't.'

Warrior let go of Marga's shoulder and turned to walk away only for Marga to grab her arm.

Marga: 'No....we're trying it.' she snapped, 'You said hosts are humans who look up to and love a certain ship, I never took much interest in you guys so maybe I'll be an exception to the rule.'

Ocean Warrior: 'I-I mean there's a chance but...' she trailed off.

Marga: 'Warrior, we will get out of here.' she said, determinedly, 'Even if I have to die so you can live.'

Now it was Warrior's turn to tear up.

Ocean Warrior: 'But what about-?' she started. 

Marga: 'Don't worry, he's been fine without me for 10 years...he'll be fine without me for another 10.' she said, putting up the best fake smile she could.

Warrior embraced her host, crying for a few moments, if Terminator heard anything she made no indication of it whatsoever as she entered the throne room and kneeled before the Empress. 

Terminator II: "You wished to see me your majesty?" she asked. 

Empress III: "Yes Terminator." she said, slowly floating down from her throne, "I have just been briefed that your target, which you failed to capture twice now, has just made his flashy appearance in the city, care to explain?"

Terminator II: "I was on patrol ma'am, I was only notified of the target's appearance when he attacked my convoy." she replied, "He took me by complete surprise and took off before I could-?!"

Terminator was cut off when a salvo from Empress III's riggings wizzed past her head, narrowly missing and obliterating the wall behind. 

Empress III: "No, that is not what I want." she said, "I want you to tell me how both you and your predecessors were such utter failures that your target has all but toyed with us for Months." 

Terminator II: "I-..." she stuttered. 

Empress III: "You are such a waste of space that I can't even believe I greenlit you." she growled, landing and glaring into Terminator's 3 souls, "When you next get the chance I want him either dead or nearly dead, otherwise I will personally scrap you in the most painful way possible, do I make myself clear?"

Terminator II: "Yes ma'am..." she said, fearfully. 

Empress III: " get out of my damn sight." she growled.

Terminator retreated at full speed out of the throne room.

Cutting to the next day as Andy woke up with a loud yawn, he was sharing a spot on the floor of the USS Shatter with his fellow Sea Shepherds. 

Ady Gil: "Morning Andy!" she greeted. 

Andy: "Sup Ady." he greeted back, "How're you doing?" 

Ady Gil: "I'm good, how's Irwin?" she asked. 

Steve Irwin: "I'm doing ok Ady." she replied, "Last night was an amazing rush so this son of a gun barely got any rest."

Andy: "Hey..." he pouted, regaining control. 

Irwin giggled in Andy's head and made her hull shudder as if giggling to tell Ady and Barker what she was doing. 

Bob Barker: "That's the first time I've ever seen her giggle like a school kid." she said wistfully, "It's honestly refreshing." 

Andy: "Good to know." he admitted, before looking solemnly out the window at the city, "Shame about my home though...." 

Ady Gil: "I ain't too bad....all things considered." she stated. 

Bob Barker: "It can rebuild and we can brand it as the Venice of the Southeast." she added.

Andy: "Manila's already named the Pearl of the Orient or something along those lines." he sighed, "I don't wanna write over all that..."

Alex then walked in, having handled all the refugees he rescued with Barker the night before and their breakfast needs. 

Alex: "Oh good, you bastards are awake." he said, "I need someone to patrol the city and look for more survivors and any resistance fighters." 

Andy: "I got this!" he yelled, volunteering himself.

Alex: "Alright lil bro." he said, "Just be careful out there." 

Andy nodded, got up, grabbed his arm, attached it to his shoulder and then jumped off the Shatter and onto the Steve Irwin which slowly departed and disappeared around a corner.

Bob Barker: "Think he'll be ok?" she asked. 

Alex: "I'm not sure," he replied, looking around, "he's probably going through quite a bit because of the state of the place." 

Ady Gil: "I'm sure my cousin will be fine." she said, brushing the concerns off. 

With Andy he was slowly sailing through the city watching as familiar landmarks and old buildings he used to stare in wonder at slowly rotted away from a lack of maintenance. The sound of low creaking and groaning filled the air as he slowly sailed at 3 knots as to not run aground on anything. He picked up about 30 survivors and gave them proper food, water, etc to help them regain some health. 

Adult Survivor 1: "Salamat po....we've been waiting here for so long..." he said. 

Andy: "No trouble, happy to help." he stated, "Can you point me in the direction of any other survivors?" 

Child Survivor 1: "My ate and kuya were in a hotel a few blocks away po." he said. 

Teenage Survivor 1: "Ang aking Ina at Asawa ko ay nasa isang gusali ilang milya sa timog dito." he said in Filipino. 

Andy: "Ok, I'll get them," he said, launching the Delta, "this will get you guys back to the USS Shatter, that's our refugee camp for now." 

The survivors nodded and thanked Andy as he shot off down the block, the Delta shooting off in the other direction. He searched the place for hours rescuing countless survivors and bringing them back to the Shatter to be identified and given any care necessary. 

Back with the Main Fleet they were dealing with straggler Armadas that weren't in the city when the first attack was launched. 

New Jersey: "Whoo! Man dont't'cha just love this sound?" she said, fired up. 

Missouri: "Man I missed patrols like this." she sighed, wistfully. 

Georgia: "Leave some for the rest of us." she added, jokingly. 

As the kansen had fun down in the water beating the shit out of Siren armadas the Admirals were up in one of the Islad Class's bridges coordinating with the other Commanders.

Lieutenant Dave: "What's our status?" he asked, coming back with coffee and donuts. 

Admiral Emily: "We're pushing them back." she said, grabbing a cup, "We've hit Tester and Observer 0 a few times but they don't stick around enough to get clean shots off." 

Admiral William: "They must be onto us." he guessed. 

Admiral Johnson: "We can't be certain, but can't be too safe." he said, "Contact the USS Shatter and ask for a status update." 

Azur Commander 1: "Yes sir." he said, hopping on the radio. 

Admiral Solokov: "Do you think our infiltrators have hit issues?" he asked. 

Lieutenant Dave: "If they were then it'd be very obvious by now." he said, taking a bite of his donut. 

Northern Commander 3: "Sir! Message from the Northwestern, he is saying they need to be relieved for the time being." he reported. 

Admiral Johnson: "Cause?" he questioned. 

Northern Commander 3: "Engine trouble sir." he reported. 

Admiral Emily: "Get the Summer Bay to relieve them." she ordered, "We need to keep everyone as fresh as possible." 

Northern Commander 3: "Yes Comrade Emily!" he saluted, walking off to give Northwestern and Summer Bay light signals. 

Admiral William: "Do you really think your son and his team are alright?" he asked. 

Admiral Emily: "I know he is, cause if he wasn't I would've murdered someone by now." she replied. 

Cut to the Irwin roaming the streets it fought the occasional Siren and left them smoldering hunks of scrap. 

Steve Irwin: 'Too easy.' she said, smugly. 

Andy: "Yeah, one last sweep before rendezvousing with the Shatter?" he suggested. 

Steve Irwin: 'Sure, I hope the Siren actually give us a challenge this time.' she said, her ship slowly turning onto another street. 

Andy: "Don't jinx us Irwin." he chastised. 

Steve Irwin: 'Pfft, that stuff only happens in movies.' she said, 'Wait...where are the freedom fighters?'

Andy looked around, normally the rooftops would have at least one freedom fighter watching them navigate out of sheer curiosity but there currently were none. The reason for their absence became very obvious when right in front of them decloaked the Ocean Warrior, glowering menacingly at them with Observer, Purifier, and their respective armadas with her, somehow fitting in the street. 

Andy: "Oh shit!" he cussed. 

Steve Irwin: 'Damn it universe!' she yelled into the air. 

Andy: "Ok..." he said, activating Irwin's combat mode, "" 

Andy took stock of his opponents, the sky was crowded with Siren fighters, the street was blocked off on one end...and was now blocked off on the other end by Tester and her Armada. He was outnumbered 10,000-1 and he was essentially just a Monitor type ship with a twin barrel 10 inch turret...not an ideal situation in the slightest. 

Steve Irwin: 'So your bets...?' she joked. 

Andy: "It's either death or capture and no in between Irwin, I don't think I wanna sink any of my money into that pot." he said, getting ready to fight. 

Steve Irwin: 'Fair enough.' she admitted.

Before either side could start attacking however Terminator II hopped on her speakers. 

Terminator II: "M/V Steve Irwin, we are the Siren, we request to parley." she announced, "Just to make sure you play nicely, we have all of our weapons trained squarely at your cube, you have one minute to comply." 

Andy: "Well...that's a pleasant surprise..." he said. 

Steve Irwin: 'Welp, guess we're negotiating...' she sighed. 

Andy engaged his riggings and went to meet with the Siren, Terminator II also engaged her riggings and met Andy halfway with Observer, Tester, and Purifier; mocking him with his cousin being so close and yet so far. 

Terminator II: "I see you have some sense in that tiny head of yours." she sneered. 

Andy rolled his eyes. 

Andy: "The hell do you want?" he sneered back, "I doubt you just wanna talk." 

Purifier: "Entertainment of course!~" she yelled, giggling slightly, "It would've been too boring to blow your ass up from under you!~" 

Tester B: "What she means is that we aren't done collecting data from you, so it would be a shame if we just killed you before you finished our trump card." she corrected. 

Andy: "Tch, so you're gonna force me to operate at my limit?" he scoffed. 

Observer A: "You don't have much say in this." she said, a faint tone of excitement, "But yes, and if you half ass your way around..." 

Observer trailed off, aiming one of her guns at Terminator's head. 

Andy: "You kill my cousin." he finished. 

Observer A: "Precisely, now I suggest you move your ass along." she purred, dangerously.

Purifier: "It won't be any fun if you just stay there.~" she sang. 

Andy sighed, not seeing many options. 

Andy: "Can to my cousin first? Just to have some closure?" he requested. 

Terminator II: "Hm....let us think..." she trailed off. 

Sirens: "No." they replied in unison.

Andy: "Fair enough." he conceded.

Andy produced a smoke bomb from his hangar and pulled the pin before throwing it at them....well, it looked like a smoke bomb, it was actually a Hideous Zippleback (if you know, you know) bomb combined with an EMP so when it dropped it started producing heaps of green smoke and when the EMP ignited it had a 2 for 1 deal, the gas blew up and the EMP disabled their long range, high tech, miracle sensors. 

Andy on the other hand grappled onto a nearby building with his anchors and started swinging away as fast as he could. 

Observer A: "Grr...GET HIM!!" she yelled. 

The armada used what little power it had left to start chasing the Kansen down, with Purifier leading the charge laughing maniacally the entire way. Andy heard them from a mile away as he ran for his life.

Steve Irwin: 'We need to call for backup.' she said, 'Let's lead them to the Shatter.'

Andy: "We can't, if we do the refugees'll be in danger," he said, "we're gonna have to play along until we can lose em." 

Steve Irwin: 'But they might still kill Marga and Warrior if we dupe them like that...' she trailed off.

Andy: "But if we don't humanity will have to deal with a Siren Equivalent of me..." he trailed off. 

Irwin sighed as Andy swung off another building. 

Steve Irwin: 'Good of the many or the good of the few...' she said, 'stupid universe making us pick...'

Andy: "Hm.....maybe the EMP knocked their sensors out completely, if we can slip away they may not be able to track for Marga and Warrior.....there's a chance they're bluffing, she's the best chance they have at taking me out after all." he mused. 

With the Siren they were gaining on Andy especially with their aircraft, they had tunnel vision on him as he swung through the city Spider-Man style. 

Purifier: "We're gonna get ya!~ Give it a rest!~" she sang. 

Tester B: "All bombers and fighters, attack." she ordered. 

As the fighters roared in to start probing Andy, the squadrons from Terminator II's Armada didn't roar in.

Observer A: "Oi! What're you waiting for?" she demanded.

Terminator II: "I-I...cannot....attack..." she strained. 

Tester B: "Huh?" she questioned.

Terminator II/Marga: "I...w-will not.....harm.....h-h-h-him...." she said, glitching out. 

Tester and Observer stopped alongside Terminator to assess the problem and attempt to hotwire a solution for the time being while Purifier continued the chase. Once stopped Terminator gripped her head and started thrashing around as Marga and Ocean Warrior fought alongside one another to attempt to get control of their body back. 

Terminator II: "AGH!!!" she wailed in pain. 

Observer A: "Do we have a fix?!" she demanded. 

Tester B: "Just a small patch but it's back at base." she replied, "Nothing else is working."

Suddenly Terrminator lashed out and ended both Tester and Observer's lives....again by shooting their cubes to pieces as Marga started shooting up all the Siren. 

Meanwhile Andy was dogfighting with the Siren Jets and Purifier taking out as many of the former as possible while still swinging erratically and not using his new arm and its abilities to not give the Sirens any data on it. 

Purifier: "What...? A-alright, I'm heading over......" she said, "No I'm not toying with him.....ok ok, fine!" 

Andy had just finished destroying another squadron of aircraft when he heard Purifier. 

Purifier: "Well, guess playtime's been cut short for now Andy, tata.~" she sang, portalling away. 

Steve Irwin: 'Well that's odd...' she said. 

Andy: "Yeah, but we've still got company!" he shouted, dodging more fighters. 

The fighters roared after Andy who swung around and used his cubes to dodge the remaining Sirens before ducking into an alleyway and losing the fighters, sighing in relief he exited the alley and ran in another direction, sending a short message to the Shatter. 

'Am being pursued, do not look for me.'

He then went EMCON and made his way to a rooftop to make a plan. 

Observer, Tester, and Purifier gasped awake in their respective pods. 

Observer 0: "What happened?" she asked. 

Tester B: "Terminator's gone rogue, she's in a battle with herself which is decimating the city." she replied. 

Omitter: "What about Andy?" she asked, innocently believing they were gonna bring him back to be her playmate. 

Purifier: "He escaped because you guys called me over to clear up Terminator." she replied, slightly miffed. 

Omitter: "Aw..." she whined. 

Tester B: "Worse still, that was our last spare body for the forseeable future..." she said, ominously. 

The screen slowly panned down before cutting to Andy swinging through the streets, following a Siren convoy that he identified as computers and processors. His plan was simple, follow the shipment to its destination then sneak into the main server room, once he was in there hack into the computers and start deleting everything from backups to main files thus reducing the Siren advantage at least a little, once that was done destroy everything and kill all Siren in sight before hitting the power plant and then calling the all clear to attack. The ship itself was disguised as a Civilian Container ship.

Steve Irwin: 'Looks like we're close.' she said. 

Andy: "Yeah, lotta guards for an old mall." he noted, perched on a rooftop, "And RADAR's picking up a bunch of targets in there." 

Steve Irwin: 'How exactly are we sneaking in?' she asked. 

Andy eyed one of the computer housings that was being shipped separately from the CPU itself, the housing was the only one not covered by the tarp.

Steve Irwin: '...this is either gonna go really well or really poorly.' she warned.

Andy: "Yeah, I know, but this is better than nothing." he replied, jumping from the building. 

On the Siren ship Andy landed in the housing just as a humanoid came out on deck to fix the tarp, it clambered over the housing and reached for the flapping tarp, it pulled it back, looking down at the seemingly empty casing before securing the tarp and heading back inside, Andy flipped his hood back, his arm was able to make a primitive-ish cloaking device and scan the Siren so he now had a disguise.

Andy: "I love this fucking arm..." he trailed off. 

Steve Irwin: 'You and me both, you should probably schedule a trip to the mainland to personally thank Aoste for this thing.' she added. 

Andy chuckled at this and waited. The Siren ship cleared inspection, Andy still aboard, and slowly sailed into a disguised base, it was a massive thing, sitting in the wreckage of what was once a Country Club, the container ship berthed and was unloaded a few humanoids monotonously pushed the cargo into their respective areas before embedding themselves in the wall to enter sleep mode. It was at this moment that Andy snuck out. 

Andy: "Ok...Operation: File not Found, is a go." he muttered. 

Steve Irwin: 'Seriously?' she snickered. 

Andy: "It's the first thing I could think of." he grumbled. 

Andy dropped some smoke and saw that the place was just littered with laser detection grids but they were all concentrated around this one vent and the floor meaning everywhere else was fair game...and Andy could take advantage of the fair game unlike Alex who may have needed a rope, a separate hacker to get the grid offline, a distraction, etc. 

Andy jumped from server tower to server tower hacking into each of them and deleting what files were inside and on the Siren version of the cloud. He managed to delete blueprints, data on shipgirls and humans, strategies, sortie schedules, the whole shebang and moved onto the last server tower, he tapped into it and got ready to delete but just as he was about to hit 'Delete All' he noticed the names of the files. 


Andy: "A save file?" he questioned. 

Steve Irwin: 'This must be where all their memories and stuff are stored.' she guessed. 

Andy's finger hovered over the 'Delete All' button...but he couldn't do it, research and espionage by the Royal Maids has confirmed that at least the higher ranking Siren had complex human-like relationships in other words, if they die this is their fall back and deleting this would be like deleting he decided to do the next best thing, he made a hard drive and downloaded everything on the server tower before pocketing it and leaving the tower alone, he just couldn't do it. 

But as he pocketed the hard drive a drop of sweat fell from Andy's brow from the physical exertion the drop landed perfectly on the laser grid and tripped the alarm. 

Andy: "Crap!" he cursed. 

Steve Irwin: 'So much for stealth.' she said, 'HIDE!!'

Andy didn't need to hear that order twice he hid behind the server tower as the humanoids booted up, the door to the outside shutting tightly. There were about 30 of them but it was then that Andy realized, he was not stuck in a room with them, they were stuck in a room with him.

Steve Irwin: 'Cue the Doom Music?' she asked, cheekily.

Andy: "Hell fucking yeah." he replied, creating a battle axe and drawing his remaining katana. 

'You are the only thing they fear' blared in Andy's head as he shot off and started mercilessly murdering the humanoids, decapitating and stabbing the first, then slicing the second one in half through the chest, the third tried to open fire with the fourth but Andy cut them down with his stinger blaster, the next 7 tried to dogpile him only to get hit by a comically large hammer which killed them too, the next 10 attempted to gain the high ground only for Andy to start throwing bombs at the Server Towers and blowing them up, not that they had much in them anyway. 

Humanoid 21: "We are the Siren, stop resis-?!" it started, only to get cut down by an imitation of Crescent Rose. 

Andy: "I can get used to this!" he said, excitedly continuing the massacre. 

The sound of gunfire and the smooth whistling of a blade echoed through the server room but as Andy was about to take out the 29th Humanoid, the 30th one redirected his fire and made him shoot at the only Server Tower he didn't touch....the one that held the save files, in retaliation he headbutted the 30th humanoid before murdering it in the most gruesome way yet, as he faced down the 29th humanoid he heard the sound of footsteps and high rankers flying in to deal with the situation...but Andy had an idea to get away. 

Omitter, Observer 0, and a bunch of humanoids went to check out the alarms.

Omitter: "Do you think it's our playmate?" she asked. 

Observer 0: "We need to teach you what a playmate is...but yes, it's our playmate." she replied.

Omitter: "Yay!~" she celebrated, "Maybe I can make a friend with him!"

Observer 0: "Unlikely..." she trailed off. 

As they got to the server room the doors blew up outwards scattering bodies of dead humanoids followed swiftly by Andy running like his life depended on it, the Siren followed 'him' around the corner, Omitter was trying to hug him as he desperately tried to escape. 

Omitter: "HUGS!!~" she yelled, lunging at Andy.

But instead of tackling him she phased through him causing 'him' to stop and look back at the Siren with a smug smirk the doors to block off the section of hallway during a fire slammed shut as 'he' did.

Observer 0: "I knew something was wrong..." she groaned.

Omitter: "No friend...?" she asked, tearing up. 

Andy's hologram materialized a little to give Omitter a few head pats before disappearing.

The actual Andy was back at the server room having disguised himself as a Siren Humanoid and hacked the fire doors, he then ran the opposite direction to find the powerstation only to get grabbed and dragged into an empty pod, an M1911 pressed up against his cranium. Andy immediately started struggling.

Alex: "That's don't usually- OW!!" he yelped. 

Andy bit Alex's forearm to make him let go.

Andy: "Alex! It's me!" he yelled. 

Alex: "Andy?! Hold up, tell me something only you and I would know." he ordered.

Andy: "You dance like an idiot and you wish you could just pin Missouri down and breed her for-..." he started. 

Alex: "Ok ok ok, you are Andy." he said, blushing, "How're you a siren?"

Andy flicked back into his normal form.

Andy: "Nanomachines son." he joked, holding up his right arm, "Anyway, what're you doing here?!"

Alex: "I'm taking out the ammunition deposits, you?" he asked. 

Andy: "I've just taken out everything in those servers, I'm heading over to the power grid to deal with that next." he replied.

Alex: "Good call." he admitted, holding up a fist bump, "Meet me at the Shatter?"

Andy: "Definitely," he said, taking the fist bump and getting out of the pod, "but don't go down the right of that T-Junction in the hallway, Omitter and Observer 0 are there." 

Alex: "Got it!" he said, taking off running.

The 2 brothers split ways and ran for their respective objectives. As Andy made it to the source of all electricity he found a Fission Nuclear Reactor so he planted bombs all along the reactor's base and set them to a timer, once that was done he weakened the wall leading out and made his arm into the Mark 45 Iron Man shield. As the bombs exploded the shockwave blew the wall off as Andy rode it out, noting Alex's work exploding nearby, laughing from all the adrenaline he hooked onto a building and swung away activating the beacon that told the attacking fleet 'All clear, give em hell' and the Freedom Fighters 'Fall back, freedom's ringing and it ain't happy'.

 As he swung back to the Shatter he noticed the many teens and pre-teens running along or driving small motorboats away and cheering as he soared overhead. 

Andy: "This feels good..." he said. 

Steve Irwin: 'Dang right, I think I hear some of em calling ya the symbol of peace.' she said. 

Andy: "When this is all over I'm definitely taking that title." he chuckled. 

With the Fleet they immediately dropped what they were doing and charged. 

Admiral Johnson: "This is it everyone!" he yelled, "Don't hold back!" 

Commanders: "YES SIR!!" they yelled. 

Admiral Emily: "Contact the Shatter, tell them our ETA, we'll rendezvous with them in Manila Bay." she ordered. 

Reich Commander 4: "Ja Kommandant!" he saluted, getting on the radio. 

The massive fleet slowly turned in unison before gunning towards the Philippines ready to make sure Planet Earth was theirs and theirs alone. 

Lieutenant Dave: "Looks like our little buddy has won yet again!" he celebrated. 

Admiral Solokov: "It seems that way Comrade Dave." he said, "We just need to finish it." 

Andy soon landed on the Shatter exhausted and suffering an Adrenaline Crash but he was alive and well, he saw many faces boarding the shatter and taking refuge as Alex returned aboard Ady's jetski...upon seeing him however Andy noted something odd.

Andy: "Alex...why do you have a Siren Child on your back?" he asked. 

Alex: "She just grabbed my back and never let go." he replied, sheepishly. 

Andy: "Really man?" he asked. 

Alex: "Hey, you try to pry a kid off of ya." he said, justifying himself, "And look at her, she probably doesn't even know what's happened."

Andy just sighed in amusement but before he could say anymore a figure crashed through the window behind him and tackled him into the water, Andy quickly engaged his rigs and threw whoever was on his back off of him as he landed in the was Terminator. 

Marga: "A-Andy...r-run..." she said, glitching out. 

Terminator II: "F-finally....redemption...." it said, also glitching. 

Alex: "DUDE!" he yelled out, concerned.

Andy: "I'm fine! Just get the weapons online!" he yelled, readying his weaponry. 

Terminator II: "You a-A-A-a-aren't de-EA-a-Ea-ealing with me th-TH-th-----that e-e-E-easily...." it said, glitching pretty hard. 

Terminator lunged at Andy just as the screen cut to black.

A/N: Cliffhangar! Next chapter dieHero reveals the USS Leviathan, Marga gets her body back, and Andy starts experiencing unexplained troubles with his arm. But first RWBY's Soldiers, stay tuned. 

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