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By RobenChan3

71.4K 3.3K 474

Husbands Sun Wukong & Macaque x Wife Uzui Tengen Reader. _______________________________ ❝Starting now, thing... More

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3.1K 167 3
By RobenChan3


Chapter Four
Training with a Game

❝Things are going to get real flashy.❞

YOU WERE SLIGHTLY TAKEN aback when Mk asked you this question, you never really thought he knew that woman. You sighed and turned your gaze away from him as you pondered what to say next.

You put your hands in your jacket's pockets, "How did you know about her, hm?" You questioned as you could hear his heartbeats increase nervously. Mk laughed and scratched the back of his head, "Well... Mr. Tang told some stories about her and-..." Mk was cut off when he saw you looking at him seriously, showing that you didn't believe his lie... not one bit. He sighed and parked the truck to focus more on telling you what happened to him, "You got me... I have met her and she was really... cold if that's the suitable word to use." Mk explained, trying to choose his words carefully to describe Lady Bone Demon.

"Well, I can't tell you that I know her very well. However, I do know that she is so corrupted in mind, believing in perfecting the world or so what Wukong told me."

"I see..."

Mk trailed off and looked down at his hands with a worried look. You could tell that he still thinks about something. You raised an eyebrow upon seeing how concerned he was, "Spit it out, kid. What are you thinking?" Mk flinched when you asked, confirming that he was truly thinking of something. He laughed nervously and waved his hand in dismissal, "What? Pfft, I'm thinking of nothing! You must be imagining things!" He continued to laugh while you stared at him with a deadpanned look. You crossed your arms, "This is not helping your case at all." You stated directly, making Mk stop laughing and drop his shoulders in disappointment.

"I know, but... do you think that Monkey might have made a mistake when he chose me as his successor?"

Before Mk could even add another thing, you flicked his forehead harshly that a small bruise appeared in the place your finger hit, "Ow! What was that for?" He exclaimed while rubbing his forehead. You frowned as an irk mark popped on your head, "You know what I hate the most? The unflamboyant whins of the weaklings." You bluntly stated that it made Mk more disappointed in himself and look down. However, his head shot up when he felt your hand on his shoulder.

"And you're not like that. I know Wukong very well when I say this, he wouldn't make a mistake when it comes to him and you. Look at you! You're like a mini version of him, you're perfect the way you're plus you're also less plain than your friends."

Upon hearing your words of encouragement, Mk smiled a big one, feeling his confidence returning back, "Thank you, Y/N! You're the best!" He happily yelled, hugging you tightly. You petted his back and smiled, feeling satisfied that you made the little kid happy. Just then, an idea popped in your head. You pulled away from the hug, your hands still on Mk's shoulders.

"Kid, I think I know something that can help you."

━━━━━━━ •♬• ━━━━━━━

You told Mk to meet you at the beach of Flower Fruit Mountain to help him train. The plan was simple, you two meet and then you take him to Wukong's hut. Simple right? Well, Mk didn't stick to this simple plan at all. You didn't find him anywhere around the beach; thus, you asked some of the monkeys and they stated that Mk had already went to the cave.

You stumped your way toward the hut and you could hear some noise coming from inside. You dashed there was slammed the door open, seeing Mk with two of his friends with him. Both Mk and Sandy were looking around the hut, throwing things around while Mei was playing with Wukong's video game. You growled before you exploded in a anger, "WHAT ARE YOU THREE DOING MESSING THINGS UP?!" You yelled loudly, making the three of them jump and drop everything they were holding.

"Y-Y/N, I'm sorry I didn't wait! I was just excited for training."

You gritted your teeth in frustration before you let out a sigh, "You really are impatient, huh? Also I told you to come alone." You stated while crossing your arms and raised an eyebrow. Mk stumbled to find a good reason, but thankfully Mei covered for him, "Oh, miss Y/N! We came to support Mk as his very very close friends!" She said with a big cheerful smile and Sandy nodded in agreement. You let out a huff and dropped your arms down, "It doesn't matter. Anyway..." You went past the three of them toward the game and picked up the VR set.

"Wukong spends so much time on this game. I think it has so many things related to him."

Mk seemed to doubt what you said as he placed his and under his chin, "There's no way Monkey King would've wasted time on this. Unless..." That's when Mk realized what you meant and grabbed the VR set, "Yes! This must be it!" He put it on and 'played' the game, but it was still off. Sandy turned to you with a look of puzzlement, "Are you sure this will help him, miss Y/N?" He asked while pointing at Mk who now actually started to play the game thanks to Mei's assistance. You shrugged your shoulders, "Maybe. I know Wukong would just play a game only because it has his face on it." You said, quite unsure of what you had said.

For the next 30 hours, Mk played the game with excitement and concentration. However, he only used one single move everytime. Once he reached the final stage, he started to lose every single time that he started to get upset, "This is ridiculous! The Wukong Flaming Fist of Fury is the strongest move in the game, but how am I supposed to use it if that Rhino demon keep beating me before I get executed!" Mk yelled as he threw the VR set, hitting Mei with it.

You hit Mk on the head, "You idiot! Wukong was telling you all the time! You shouldn't use just one move to beat your enemy, you have to learn a counterattack!" You scolded with your hands on your hips. Mk gasped in realization, "A wise warrior leads their enemy into their own destruction. Hold on! Go with me here! I think I got something! Maybe I need to use the Rhino King's own strength against him!" As Mk said this, you and Mei shared a deadpanned look while Sandy sweatdropped with a nervous smile.

"Hey yeah! Almost what the tutorial has been trying to tell you." Mei said with a frown.

Mk proceeded to replay the game this time with a new strategy. You sat on the couch with the others while watching Mk play, but none of you knew that he would actually use Wukong's Flaming Fist of Fury in real life to creat a huge explosion. Sandy covered you from the impact thankfully. After everything cleared, you all open your eyes to see what had happened, "You did it, Mk!" Both Mei and Sandy cheered in unison while you had your jaw dropped down when you saw the giant hole on the wall.


For the rest of the day, you forced the three of them to fix the hole Mk had made. However, you were glad deep down that Mk had at least learned a new lesson.

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