The Blind Mate {Sesshomaru Lo...

By FanficDemon1701

41.5K 1.4K 151

Tyra is the oldest cousin to Kagome, who's a foreigner from America, and due to bullying, her eyes were spray... More

The Blind Mate: Back To Japan
The Blind Mate: Sit Command
The Blind Mate: Monsters Are Real!
The Blind Mate: Enter Jaken And A-un
The Blind Mate: Caring Hand
The Blind Mate: Interruption
The Blind Mate: By Your Side Always
A/N About Her Senses
About spamming bots
Lost Once Again
Author's Note:
Denial At It's Finest
Author's Note
Naraku's Vice
Time Of The Month And Koga's Confession!
The Journey Home
Saying Goodbye And Down The Rabbit Hole Again!
Gap Between The Ages
Halfwit and Dimwit
Herbal Remedies Used In Story
Caring Dog Demon
Author's Note: Playlist & Thanks For 14k!
Future Characters: Haruka
Caring Hand Of The Dog Demon
Author's Note: Spoilers/Future Characters
The Blind Mate: Brutal Truth
We Kissed But Dude You Scare Me!
Author's Note
Important Author's Note: Family Emergency
Author's Note: Changing FuwaFuwa's Name
Enter The Band Of Seven!!
Enter Kikyo!
Fanfic Is Being Sold Illegally Online
Twisted Pain
Oblivious Love
Saying Goodbye To The Modern World
Calm Envy
Author's Note: What Inspired Tyra's Name?
Meeting Up With Kagome
Salon Madness.
Author's Note: ( ̄ヘ ̄;)Haruka/Yukito Revised Info༼;'༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
Character: Incarceration Miyo
Enter Incarnation Miyo!!
Jinenji's Farm
Going Home
Missing Him
Author's Note:
"I Love You"

Muttface McGee

1.3K 48 0
By FanficDemon1701

Don't worry everyone I'll continue to update my books that I haven't lost the data of until the USA goes full fascism and bans Wattpad, A03, Tapas, Lenzhin, and Webtoon.
I cannot copy my works at this moment.
Or afford a printer, because I cannot do online purchases unless it's through gift cards I save up, because Republicans are cutting disabled peoples access to things, and food stamps too. They gutted most my food stamps, so my money goes mostly to my food. Expensive food since I have tons of food allergies like my grandma, and is also why I get food stamps cause the food I just eat is really expensive, my food stamps with inflation raising prices of food when I only get a few days worth of groceries drains my food stamps to nothing. I do pay rent in my house half of it, to help my family, since I owe them for giving a roof over my head, and rent went up.
My mother is sure to keep receipts for the social security office, so I won't be accused of fraud, and I never would do fraud.
My Mom is the one who funds me buying stuff through gift cards online or I warn them through JustPlay gaming warning app, On Go Surveys, Brandbee Surveys, or MistPlay a gaming warning app.
Just letting you guys know I'm struggling.
And legally I cannot work because of my chronic illnesses and disabilities. My orthopedic doctor believes I could have MS on top of my other issues I have, so I had a test done for that.
I'm still recovering from my medically needed hysterectomy.
Bending down is forbidden for six weeks, but I'm healing up good.
I'm now off pain meds but my stitches inside me and outside itch like hell, 🤣.
My spirits are happy, and until they nuke those sites, including Wattpad; I'll continue to work on books I never lost data to.
I had to save up to buy a new writing device, cause spirits mess with the batteries of stuff so much, they cause battery swellings, and I'm lucky my batteries on my PS Vita and my Nintendo Switch I got as gifts never ended up with swollen batteries from spirits, but they love to drain them too.

I'll get to the story now.


I farted on accident, trying to hold it in loudly as I was walking beside Ginta and Hakkaku, it stunk too, and they both walk, and cringe away.
"Sorry boys but the boar didn't like me last night."

"Stinko de mayo."
Ginta says, and I laugh more, cause that's a joke from a movie I love called Hot Chick, and these guys don't know that movie.
It's just a mixed up of words of Spanglish.

"Yeah what he said."
Hakkaku says to me.

"Your ass stinks."
Koga, the ever so bold wolf demon he was, says that point blank to me.

My stomach rumbles and I couldn't hold in another fart, and I let it rip, it was over a minute long, and loud as fuck, which sounded like I literally shat myself, but I didn't.
"I'm sorry but my tummy is upset."
I tell all three of them.
"I usually don't eat that kind of meat, so it made me upset in my tummy."

"Sounds like you'll need to take a giant godforsaken dump soon."
Koga point blank puts it out front and center, my big farty problem.

"I might, so can you take me somewhere I can go?"
I ask him.

We aren't lords or anything.
No outhouses."
He says to me, and I give him a horrified look.

"Pooping out in the open?!
I'm not barn animal!"
I exclaim, and my stomach rumbles again.

"Go behind the bushes.
We'll keep watch."
Ginta says to me.

Hakkaku says to me.
"With us here you can take a dump in peace."

"Well that's flattering you two."
I say sarcastically.

"Go take your dump.
Even Koga will keep watch.
Well give you leaves to clean off."
Hakkaku says to me.

I sneak behind some bushes, and took my pants off, and squatted, and I won't say what happened next, but I was relieved the twins gave me leaves to clean myself, and once I was done, I washed my hands in a stream nearby, me fully clothed.
Once my hands were clean, I stood up, sensing we weren't alone, feeling Sesshomaru's energy in the air, and I smile happily.

"What you smilin about?"
Koga asked me.

"My friend I lost is close by."
I tell Koga.

He stiffened.
"I smell a mutt."
He got in a defensive stance, and I heard, and smelled Sesshomaru across the stream coming from the trees, and I could see his shadowy form, and the light gray form of I'm guessing his silver long hair, swishing as he stopped walking in front of the stream.

"Who're you muttface?!"
Koga growled out.

Sesshomaru rose a dark brow mimicking him.

"What does Muttface McGee like you want?!"
A tick mark formed on Sesshomaru's forehead, him definitely not liking being called Muttface McGee.

"Koga, that's my friend I lost!"
I scold Koga.

Koga scoffed.
"Some friend, abandoning her for two days straight, especially since she's blind as a bat!"

Sesshomaru growled an inhuman growl, his whites of his eyes turning red, and his golden eyes turning blue, but he was glad that she could not see him transform like this.
"Koga, I told you that Sesshomaru here didn't abandon me.
That I was running away from weird monsters on A-un his pet's back!"

"Still he stinks worse than Inutrasha!"
Koga spat.

"It's okay Koga.
I should go with him.
If I don't go he could hurt you."
I put my hand on Koga's shoulder, feeling a furry shoulder pad, which felt soft.
I saw his gray and black form, including his blue eyes.
People's eyes I can see the color of.

His blue eyes showed worry.
"Are you sure he will not harm you?"
Koga asked me, grabbing my hand in his own hands.

I smile at him, nodding.
"Yes, he won't harm me.
He probably caught my smell and came here to get me."

I felt Koga's eyes leave my face, probably to look at Sesshomaru.
"I relinquish her to you, but if you hurt a hair on her head, you will lose your nuts with my bare hands tearing them off between your legs!"
Koga growled out.
I felt his eyes upon me.
He then kissed my forehead.
"Be safe Tyra.
If yer around I'll visit like I do Kagome."

I heard a whoosh, and felt an arm wrap around my waist, and Sesshomaru's cherry blossom and vanilla smell wafted into my nose from behind me.
"I do not tolerate threats lightly."
Sesshomaru growled out.

"And I don't like deadbeats who leave their comrades to fend for themselves!"
I knew them both were nose to nose, both men growling at each other, cause I could hear it.

I wiggle in Sesshomaru's arm and say.
"Sesshomaru; Koga kept me safe until you came here, so don't hurt him please!"

Sesshomaru stiffened when I said that, I then felt my body jerk, and I felt I was in the air with him, my long hair swishing, including my clothes, and I felt him land across from the stream where I once stood with Koga.

He lets me go, and I heard him walk off, which I turned towards him, and waved over my shoulder.
"Bye Koga!
And thank you for looking after me!"

"No problem!"
Koga yelled back.

I then walk with Sesshomaru in the woods, and I caught up to him, grabbing his hand in my own, but he pulled his from my grasp, and he humphed, him sounding annoyed, and miffed I was with Koga for two days.
"Did you fraternize with that flea bag?"
Sesshomaru scoffed.

"No; and Koga fed me and kept me safe, until you found us."
I say honestly to him, and I trip over a root, but Sesshomaru's arm caught me before I fell, caught me around the waist, and he sets me back on my balls of my feet in my boots.
"Thank you for catching me."
I turn my head in his direction, his arm still around my waist.

He then let's me go.
He humphed rudely might I add, and I kept following him, that is until it got dark, and I stopped walking, because when it's nighttime all I see is black darkness.

"Sesshomaru when it's dark I can't walk by myself."
I tell him with a scared voice.

I heard him sigh, and I felt his fingers wrap around my own, me feeling his claw-like nails tickle my fingers, making me shiver on accident, and get gooseflesh upon my bare arms in my shirt.
He gently tugged me along, and my stomach rumbles again, and I became gassy again, me farting a big fart, which I couldn't hold it in.

"Sorry I got a terrible tummy ache from eating dinner last night.
Farting I can't help...."
I was cut off by Sesshomaru stopping walking, and my nose hits his back.
I pull my hand from his, and I touch my nose, feeling warmth drip from my nose.
"My nose is bleeding!"
I exclaim, and felt a cloth go to my nose, stopping the bleeding.

"Pinch it, but don't tilt your head back, or you'll swallow the blood, causing you to get sick."
I heard Sesshomaru say, me feeling his warm breath hit my cheeks, making my pulse race with a tattoo of pitter pattering rhythms.

I squeak out, cause my nose is being pinched by his own hand, which kinda hurts.

"It's not broken, so you will live."
Sesshomaru says to me.

"Sorry I farted."
I apologize to him.

"Your stomach is upset, so it is not your fault.
I figured that certain animal meat would bother you.
You didn't ingest most the meat I gave you."
He says to me.

"I'm used to eating fruits and veggies more."
I tell him honestly.

"But; fish did not bother you?"
He asked.

My Mom ate fish."
I tell him honestly.

I felt him pull the cloth away.
"You stopped bleeding, which is good."

I tell him.

"I know the scent of your blood now, so I can track you if you leave again."
He says to me.

"I didn't leave you, but I fell off A-un."
I tell him honestly.

"I know.
I mean IF you leave me.
I am not a nice demon as you think me out to be."
Sesshomaru says to me, and took my hand in his.
"Let us go."


To be continued.....

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