โœ“ Lost Afterlife [Yeonbin]

By _prokookie_

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๐“๐ก๐ž ๐’๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ก ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ฅ๐ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ ๐ž๐ญ ๐จ๐›๐ฃ๐ž๐œ๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ ๐œ๐ซ๐จ๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๏ฟฝ... More

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204 24 21
By _prokookie_

"Tell me what you wanna do, run away or stay tonight?"


( Same day )

Soobin was now currently awakened from his very light sleep from the bell sound. Oh right, the sports class is done.

He had a peace of mind just for a few minutes. Pity.

Getting up from his head down posture he groaned a bit from his strained neck and just stretched his hands and moved his head left and right a few time making them loosen up a bit.

Within a while, he spotted the students coming back to their class after changing while Soobin already changed previously.

He then saw the new student walking inside as well walking towards his seat. Well actually the seat beside his. Soobin from his side vision saw the boy taking his seat not bothering to talk to him. Well nothing new.

Within 5-10 minutes, the whole class was filled again. But they were least expecting a drama to take place the next few moments specially Soobin. Their homeroom teacher came to their class as usual, asking the class representative to give the collected money for the trip who just nodded.

But, Their class representative gasped out so loud that the whole class questionably went fully quite.

"What happened Nick?" The teacher asked feeling puzzled. While Nick who kept on looking for the money bag where all the money were kept panickingly.

"S-Sir- I can't find the money bag."

"WHAT?" With a shocking exclamation, the whole class looked at Nick.

"How could you be so careless Nick?"

"B-But sir- I swear I wasn't. I clearly remember keeping the money bag inside my bag. Now it's not there. I swear sir. I even checked before going to the sports area." Nick said almost close to pleading as the class filled with hateful murmurs and wonders that where could the money go.

The teacher just stressfully sighed out and just shook his head.

"So you mean the money disappeared when the whole class was in the sport area?"

"I think so sir..." Nick said while lowering his head low-key feeling embarrassed that he couldn't handle his responsibility properly. Shameful.

But suddenly-

"Sir, I don't think the whole class was at the sport area. One student came back in the middle of the class. Why don't we ask him?" A girl retorted with a smug face eyeing Soobin nastily. Soobin who was listening to the whole thing attentively now widened his eyes realizing what that girl actually meant.

Please don't tell him that they will drag him inside this thing. Seriously? They hate him that much?

"Oh Really? Who is it Ms. Rachel?"

"It's Choi Soobin sir. Why don't you ask him?" Rachel said with a nasty smirk on her face because she is one of those students who loved to drag him down without any reason.

The whole class turned towards Soobin now who panicked feeling nervousness crawl through his veins now. No no, what is happening?

"Mr. Soobin is this correct? That you came back in the middle of the class?"

Soobin's heart was pounding extremely loudly because of fear as he nodded timidly yet with a firmness with it because he didn't want to appear that be was the guilty one when in reality it wasn't like that.

"Yes sir, I did come back to the class as I was not feeling well after I got an out from the handball game."

"I see. So did you see anyone taking the money bag or anything from Nick's bag?"

Soobin put some thought before replying as he was actually trying to answer with full honesty.

"No sir, while I was here I didn't see anyone actually."

"That's weird now. Were you here all the time?"

"Uh- actually no sir. I went to change my uniform for a brief amount of time."

Rachel who was listening to this stupid queries clicked her tongue before standing up slamming her hands in the desk.

"Oh please sir, I am pretty sure he is the one who stole the whole class' money as he is not going to the trip with his pathetic face." She threw bitterly making Soobin look at her feeling hurt.

"Language Miss Rachel. Talk properly." The teacher sternly spoke but was that enough to make her shut up? No.

"Sir, he is just pretending to be innocent. I am telling you, search his bag."

"I DIDN'T STEAL OR TAKE ANYONE'S MONEY FOR GOD'S SAKE! STOP IT WILL YOU?" Soobin outburst in pure anger as he felt wrongly accused. The students looked at him in disbelief hearing him scream at someone so loudly.

"What's wrong with you Rachel? What did I even do that you keep on wrongly accusing me HUH? Don't you dare mix your personal grudge in this serious matter." Rachel gritted her teeth hearing the male as she was literally shouting at this point.

"STOP IT WILL YOU TWO?" The teacher rubbed his temples feeling frustrated as he asked-

"Mr. Soobin, I hope you won't mind if I check your bag because this is really getting out of hand."

"But sir, I really didn't do anything. Why don't you believe me?" Soobin felt his voice getting stuck because of how helpless he was feeling now. No one was supporting him or at least even say something.

"Soobin then doing a little check won't hurt right? Show them you are saying the truth. So please let me." Soobin sighed swallowing down his tears as he just nodded without having any choice. But as the teacher was about to check, someone got up from his seat.


"Sir, I just want to say that they don't have any proof that Soobin took the money. So you have no right to search him like that when they keep on accusing him without any kind of evidence."

The teacher blinked in disbelief-

"Oh Please!! He came here first. So doesn't that make it obvious that this pathetic disabled guy stole it?" Rachel said clenching her fist. Soobin bit his lower lip tearing up from the harsh comments being thrown at him like that.

Yeonjun chuckled hearing the reply and scoffed lightly before saying-

"Really? Then doesn't this logic of yours apply to yourself when I clearly saw you coming to the classroom after Soobin did when I was going to the rest room?"

The students visibly gasped hearing this even Soobin was bewildered hearing this. Rachel who was least expecting a new student to speak up like this was also taken aback.

"W-What the- How dare You accuse me? Do you even know who I am?"

"Do I look interested to know that? And tit for tat. Sir, I request you to search this girl's bag please." Yeonjun said with a calm tone as the teacher was actually getting more and more puzzled seeing this whole matter.


Yeonjun chuckled expecting the reaction as he said-

"Sir, what do you think? Please tell."

"You know what, Soobin, Rachel bring your bag to me right now." The teacher said with a strict demeanor.

"B-BUT Sir- Rachel tried to defend the thing but it ended up getting backfired as the teacher growled at her who was already very angry seeing this stupid thing.


Soobin sighed taking his bag to the teacher along with Rachel who was currently cursing under her breath feeling humiliated.

The teacher searched Soobin's bag thoroughly. But no there was no money bag.

Rachel looked at him in pure disbelief-

"SIR He hid the money now-

"Ms. Rachel, I order you to quite down now." She just scowled at the tone giving her bag to the teacher kicking her feet against the ground. Soobin just quitely returned to his seat glancing at the black haired male beside him.

But something unexpected happened then.

"Ms. Rachel what is this?" The teacher said while taking out a money bag full of money pretty much overloaded than it's capacity. That was enough to warn gossips and whispers from the other students while Soobin's eyes widened. He felt pure hatred rise inside his chest towards her.

She was the one from the start who was trying to frame him.

Clenching his fist, Soobin kept stoned at his seat, face turning stern. Yeonjun shook his head before himself sitting down, now that the culprit has been caught red handed.

Rachel's eyes widened seeing all this. She was having a hard time catching up with this things.

"S-Sir- listen to m-me-

"ENOUGH! TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE RIGHT NOW!" The teacher immediately shouted at the girl who just hung her head low having no choice but to go to hell. Lowkey where she deserves to go. Before the teacher could follow her, he called out-

"Soobin, I am sorry for doubting you. You were right all along. Deep apologies for my illogical decision." He immediately stood up shaking his head denying that truly it was okay.

"No no, sir please don't apologize. It's okay. It's really okay." The teacher gave Soobin a warm smile along with a nod before going outside. Yeonjun who saw the whole thing just sighed in relief. With a very light almost invisible smile creeping on his lips.

Yeonjun just glanced at his seatmate and reminisced something from just a few moments ago.


Yeonjun saw the boy leaving the sports area after talking to the teacher for a few seconds. Normally he was about to shrug off minding his own business until some talks perked up his ears-

"I am gonna do something explosive in a while. That disabled kid just left. Perfect opportunity." He heard a girl saying feeling excited to be able to work out a very evil plan that obviously infuriated the male a lot. Despite being a new student here, he can understand who has what type of personality.

Hunch you can say.

Yeonjun saw her leaving sneakily as he almost immediately followed her too upto their classroom. He hid behind the door trying to actually see what she was trying to do while trying to keep his presence low there.

He spotted the girl go to a specific bench and pull out a wallet? Full of MONEY? Is she damn stealing? He continued to watch with his fist closed up only to further watch her go right towards his own seat. More like the seat beside him.

Wait- isn't that Soobin's seat?

He saw Rachel putting the wallet inside the bag with a smirk as she went to her own seat to grab something else before leaving making Yeonjun immediately cautious. And thankfully she left the place without noticing his presence. After she was gone, Yeonjun went inside the room revealing himself jumping into the next action.

He immediately took out the wallet out from his seatmate's bag and went to keep it back to the owner's desk but he stopped as he glanced at the girl's desk.

"You really like to frame others don't you? Fine. Get a taste of your own medicine." Yeonjun thought to himself as he put back the wallet cautiously in the girl's bag pack.

Not feeling a single bit of remorse.

This type of people don't deserve this valuable emotions.

Yeonjun felt himself getting interested in his seatmate for some reason. Not like in a creepy way. He just had a hunch or a gut feeling to talk to him. So what's the delay? Yeonjun lightly tapped the guy's shoulder who looked back at him with his very adorable eyes?

"Soobin right?" Soobin just nodded still puzzled. But the next sentence got him shocked-

"Friends? Myself Choi Yeonjun as you already know." Yeonjun said with a small smile yet not so visible with his hand forwarded towards the other for a hand of friendship.

Is that something God sent to Soobin?

A precious gift of friendship?

Yes. And who is he to deny?

Soobin's heart thumped up and down as he lifted his shaky hands finally accepting his first ever proposal of friendship.

God are you finally hearing me?

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