His Curse

By disrespectfully_his

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By disrespectfully_his

                         [First Name]

I practically ran for the hills.I rushed from the dormatries,down the familiar pathway and headed straight for the conference room.I was already so late for the morning meeting and just when I checked my watch,my stomach dropped.

I missed the meeting.

"Fuck fuck fuck," I muttered,sharp inhales of breath as I sped walked down the hallway.Yoshinobu is going to hand me my ass and do it infront of everyone.


I turned a sharp corner,beelined for the room and just as I opened the door,I instantly bowed my head,out of customs ofcourse.Nothing out of respect. "I'm sorry I'm late sir," my shoulders relaxed,pulling my lips into a thin line as I stared at the ground.I hate sucking up to people. "It has been a busy morning."

"Well that's one painful sight," his familiar voice,though this time relaxed,hit my ears.I slowly raised my head,staring at Satoru who practically  laid in his seat,legs spread while he watched me. "Thought I taught you better.What a shame,tsk tsk."

While he shook his head in disbelief I was overcome with emotion.Relief,worry,stress,anger?

He caused me so much headache since the moment he left but even now it was him that sat casually in his seat.As if he did nothing wrong. "Have a seat,the games are starting," Yoshinobu snarls at me,his head shaking in disappointment and embarrassment infront of the entire counsel.I blinked uncontrollably,my eyes darting to everyone across the room until they finally met Satoru's again.Although covered by a blindfold,I could tell he was staring and just as I stepped forward,ready to head for my seat,she sits down.

"Pay attention Gojo,we don't need more inconveniences today," her sharp and pressed tone shot through the air like a cold blade in the middle of the night.Her stare was poised,shoulders squared as she stared forward and looked at the large TV screens.

"If you wanted my attention Utahime, you should've just said so hmm," he reached forward to poke her cheek,playfully staring at her and just when she was about to swat his hand away,he twisted his wrist over her own and pushed her hand away instead.The move was so swift and calculated he barely tried.

"It's starting!" someone yelled and I snapped out of my daze from watching them.My nails pulled from the middle of my palm from clenching them too tight and I made a beeline for the back seats.

"Being able to tolerate you is a gift,I don't know how the people at Jujustu Tech is able to do it," she speaks up again and scoff,glancing at Satoru and turning forward.

"Spend enough time around me and you'll see just how easier it gets," he tilts his head,watching as the game starts. "But you always weak so I guess I'll just have to go easy on you."

She had nothing to say to him only the clenching and uncleching of her jaw that I was able to see.I was unable to feel intimidated by anyone and if I did I'd immediately straighten myself out.It was true what she said,one needed tolerance to be able to be around Satoru Gojo and the sole fact that I haven't seen him in weeks,one of my students died and that he didn't have the balls to even look at me pissed me off.

I glared daggers in the back of his head for the rest of the game,the large TV only showcasing one member at the time.I paid attention to the most of it but Satoru and Utahime banter had gone so back and forth,I couldn't possibly stay focused.It pissed me off that she thought she could walk into my city and act as if she owned the place.

She was strong and I'd give her that but we never got along and I don't think we'd ever.We were too alike and our egos always got the best of us.I didn't care as long as she stayed in her lane and I did mine.

There whispers was loud to me,the fact that they could barely sit still in their seats pissed me off and Satoru even allowed her to pinch him,touch him.It all irked me and it was enough for me to jump from my seat and head toward him.I stepped behind him,leaned over and through gritted teeth,I spoke. "I need to talk to you now."

He didn't respond and I didn't stay to hear it even if he wanted to.I made my way out of the conference room and walked down the hallway,slowly pacing.He never called to say he landed,never messaged to say he was on his way and none of those assholes had the decency to inform me that he was back.

I can admit I was late but still.

"Someone's mad," he cooed and just as I turned around,my fist met his face.I felt my knuckles crack against his skin,the sound echoing throughout the quiet hallway as his head snapped to the side.He laughed,his large hand cupping his cheek as he shook his head. "Baby you know I saw that coming right?"

I kicked his knee just as he fell to his feet.Satoru kept laughing but I was pissed.I grabbed him by the hair,his blindfold slowly loosening as his smile grew bigger.Satoru had slight blood dripping from the cut in his lip,his cheek had a reddish hue and his blindfold slowly slipped from his face. "I saw that coming too."

"Do you think this is funny!" I whisper yelled,glaring at his exotic blue eyes as he stared up at me.

"Alittle bit yeah," he wiped his nose but my grip on his hair tightened.I made sure he was looking at me as I loomed over. "This is nice but you should let me go sugarplum."

"I waited for you," I hid the tremble in my voice and even so,my glare turned darker. "Why the fuck didn't you call me?"

"I'm sorry plum," his hand wrapped around my wrist. "I got caught up in all of this."

"Yuji is dead!" my chest burnt with fury.Fury because I wasn't important enough for him to call no matter how worried I was,fury because he let my student die,fury because I couldn't trust him as much as I thought I could. "He was our student,why weren't you more responsible!"

"[First Name]-" I cut him off before he could go any further.

"I trusted you Satoru and you broke that and now you couldn't even look at me back there!" my hand loosened from his hair and I let him go,watching him fall to his butt.I turned around,arms crossing over my chest as emotion overcame me.I was worried about him,the only person I had after Geto walked out on us.Sukuna was strong and he could hurt Satoru really badly so the chances of him never coming back wouldn't been high and no matter how much confidence he had,when it came to Sukuna,I could get pretty worried because things could get really messy.

He never called and when he did,he never said anything.

He never texted to let me know he was okay.

He could've relayed a message through Ijichi but he didn't do that either.

I had the right to be upset.

I felt his arms circle my waist and pull me into his chest.His chin leaned onto my head as he squeezed me,his oceanic yet exotic scent filled my nose.It was a fresh breath of air and for a second,I let my gaurd down,for a second I sunk into him and for a second I almost forgave him. "I missed you," his voice was deep and silky,rung my ears with relief just to hear his voice again.

I didn't say anything.

"Yuji isn't dead," when those words left his mouth, my eyes shot open.Overwhelming emotions rushed through me and I tightened my arms around myself. "His fine and it all worked out as planned.In fact,he's partaking in the games right now."

I didn't want to cry.The two of them meant so much to me and if any of them had to leave,I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

My students always came first and we as Jujustu Sorcerers were responsible for them all.

"Why didn't you message or call.I was so worried," my voice cracked slightly but I quickly cleared my throat.

"I was just so busy," he whispered and ran his hands through my hair.His voice was a smooth whisper,running his fingers through my hair while he cooed at me. "Satoru is really sorry for what he did.Will you forgive him?"

I didn't say anything,just looked down and listened to his soft sigh leave his lips.He tilted his head and stared at me,his cheek against mine while he brought me nearer. "Why didn't you call?" I whispered this time,feeling my eyes gloss over but not to the point where they'd drip from my eyes.

"I told you sugarplum. I was busy but you clearly missed me so much-" I couldn't listen to him any further.I couldn't and wouldn't allow him to carry on like he'd always done.He seriously scared me this time and now I was just supposed to let it go just like all the other times.

All the other times I would've but this time it was Sukuna.Just like he made me feel for weeks on end I'd have him feel too. "Maybe you should take it up with Utahime.She seems interested enough," I shoved him away from me and walked down the hallway,headed to the conference room.

"[First Name] don't be like that alright.I was going to call!" he yelled for me but I didn't care.

"Fuck you," I grabbed hold of the doorknob,swung it open and took my seat.She was staring at me as I held my face stoic,Utahime glanced at the door but turned back into her seat.The moment I knew she wasn't looking,I shut my eyes and wiped a stray tear away from my cheek that managed to fall.

I didn't deserve something so cruel.

I didn't deserve to loose Satoru Gojo or Yuji Itadori in one fucking life time.


"Pinky!" I yell from across the corridor and watch as all there heads turn toward me.They stood huddled close together,smiles on their faces due to the success of this year's interschool Jujustu games.They did exceptionally well and for the time that Yuji had been gone,he really did get good.

I was proud of them all.

"Sensei!" He straightened out and cleared his throat. "It ain't me,whatever happened I swear on my grandfather's life that it ain't my fault."

My heart swelled and although my face was blank,I grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him into my chest.My arms tightened around him and I squeezed him so tight to the point where I heard him wheeze. "Sensei-" he coughed out but my arms only tightened even more.

"Oh my gosh,she's hugging him," Nobara gasped as whisperes traveled between each of them but I was too relieved and happy to care.

"Who is she even?" Panda asks this time just as I pull away and stare at Yuji's flushed face.His cheeks,stuck so tight between my breasts I couldn't help but laugh.

"What did I do to deserve such pleasure?" Yuji was giggling at this point,his eyebrows raised and completely in a daze.I laughted hard and slapped him just as harder across his back.

"Don't ever fucking scare me like that again.You got that kid," he winced from the pain,rubbed his back and nodded in silence.My heart softened slightly,grabbing him by the neck again and shoving him into my side. "You got that?"

"Yes Sensei," he smiled nervously,his face pressed up against my side booby but I couldn't care less.I turned to the rest of my class,proudness swelled in my chest as I smiled. "I'm so proud of you all,each of you really took me by surprise and gave me things I never expected."

"Well you did train us teach," Panda scratched the back of his head and laughed.

"Hmm I'm sorry for giving you a hard time.I want what's best for you all," before I could get any more out,Yuji and Nobara hugged each other so tight they turned emotional.

"Who is this new [First Name] we are seeing!" Yuji sniffled out.

"You should die often Yuji," Nobara drawled out a cry and I rolled my eyes,turning to those who were serious.

"But I did go easy on you P. You shocked me with that stunt you pulled-all of you outdid yourselves," my eyes met Maki's and I nod my head in acknowledgment.I watched her cheeks turn a soft shade of pink as she looked away,holding her spear. "You guys deserve a break so I've decided to give you each a day off.Tonight I'll treat you all for some good food and we can head to the beach before this weekend."

"What?!" They screamed in unison and I laughed.

"Get your bathing suits out and thank Yuji for almost dying," I sneakered and finally let him go.I watched him stumble forward where Megumi caught him and I stepped back.

"Are you gonna offer to pay for my clothes when we go to the mall too?" Nobara squealed and I gave her one pointed stare.It was enough for her to shut her mouth and pout sadly.

"Why don't you all rest up and we can meet up at the corner café?"

They agreed and not long after that were we all huddled up around a table,a noodle cooker in the middle of the table as we prepared our meals.It was always loud when good food was involved but even louder when Soju was being passed across the table. "I don't want the counsel finding out that I allowed drinking alright!" I glared at them all while using my chopsticks.

Yuji slammed his shot glass onto the table and stared at me determined. "Ain't no body's gonna know Sensei.Scouts honor!"

"How did they even allow us to drink in here.We're not even legal yet?" Megumi spoke up and casually slurped on his noodles.I sat back and watched him,a smile pulling on my face.

"I know the owner and he promised he'd keep his mouth shut," Maki filled my bowl with more Ramen noodles and meat,while Inumaki leaned his head against Panda's large arm.He seemed to be the only one not drinking for obvious reasons,wouldn't want him to be barking dramatic orders.

My students went back and forth,laughter erupting throughout the table as their slight buzziness kicked in.I chuckled and slowly stood up,dusting myself off and straightening myself out. "Bathroom break,don't go breaking shit."

With a firm salute from Yuji,I made my way to the bathroom,quickly did what I needed and washed my face with the splashing cold water.When I looked up,Maki stood against the wall,fixing her glasses. "Little Zenin," I grabbed a paper towel,dried my hands and turned around to stare at her.

"Sensei," she nods and slowly walks toward the sink,washing her hands with the liquid soap beside her.

"You did well today," I crossed an arm over my chest and turned my head to her.She was quite the talented young lady and her personal growth never seized to amaze me. "You fought like a true champion."

"She was my sister," she sighed just as a soft chuckle left her lips. "I abandoned her.I was a coward she said."

"Is that what you two were talking about," a hum leaves my throat,my eyes narrowing in thought as I watched her nod. "Well I don't see a coward.I see a brave young girl who left her clan from a life she knew she didn't deserve."

"Don't try to make me feel better about it.I feel slightly bad," silence filled the air and we didn't say much,not as I took hold of her hand and tugged her closer,not as my hands circled her shoulders and not as I hugged her in more silence. "Oh God,don't go soft on me too."

"Just wait till your cheeks get red," I laughed at her,felt her arms go tighter around mine and soon enough,I looked at her.She was about my height,not too short and not too tall. "You did what you needed to do back then so do what you need to do now."

"I won't forget that," with blazing cheeks she cleared her throat. "I have my goals."

"So stick to them but don't forget that she's your sister," I tapped her glasses softly the slowly pulled away.With one last longing look at her,I headed for the door. "And I'm your teacher,sometimes you're too strong."

Then we left the bathroom in silence,made our way back to the loudest table at the Café but this time a sharp strike hit my stomach.I masked it well when I took my seat next to him,felt his warmth crawl up the side of my neck and watched him from the corner of my eye when he set his shot glass down.

"Sensei!" Nobara broke the unknown ice and laughed. "Guess who stumbled into the Café."

"I'm blind kid,I can't see so very well sometimes." is all I say but they were all so lightly tipsy they just laughed instead.

"It's Toji!" Yuji drawled out his name,held onto Nobara's shoulders and swayed back and forth. "His the most funniest guy you could meet."

"Is that so," I raise a brow and turn to Megumi.He slurped his noodles faster just as I looked at him for judgement. "Really,do you think that his funny Megumi?"

"He is pretty funny," Megumi mumbled as dramatic gasps echoed throughout the table.Yuji and Nobara went back and forth between who the most funniest was between the two but everyone else just ignored them.

"Well then I guess you should tell me a joke," I turn to him,gulp down a glass of Soju and slam it down onto the table. "You must know plenty of jokes if you're so funny."

"I do," his jaw tightens just as he grabs his chopsticks,separates them with a dark yet unknown scowl on his face and reached out for a dumpling. "Are you ready?"

"I'm ready," our eyes never left one another and it only caused the annoyance to pool in the depths of my stomach.My own teeth gritted further against one another,my nails dug in the palms of my hands,forming little crescent shapes into my skin.I didn't want him here and the fact that he was,ruined everything.

Like a spreading disease,airborne to the world,a alienated pathogen not welcomed by society,not welcomed by me.

He had to fucking leave.

"What's the quickest way to get ya to the hospital," he begins and the chopsticks in my own hand,tightened so much within my fingers,they snapped in half by the sound of his voice.So deep yet baritone it annoyed the fuck out of me.I hated that he had to be everywhere I was and hated that his voice had such a affect on me.

It was pathetic.

"I.don't.know." it came out pressed and reluctant.I didn't want to answer him,talk to him,engage with him but my students were watching me and so I had to pull on the fake smile I always did when there were people around both him and I.

"Just stand in the middle of a busy road," they couldn't see it but I could.His eyes turned dark,those green infernos becoming possessed by something much deeper.I couldn't tell exactly what it was but it made me extremely hostile toward him.Silence filled the table and all I did was stare at him,his joke was unreasonably funny because in the midst of his eyes,I knew what he was implying.

I should kill myself,I should die.

Well fuck you too Toji Isagi.

Laughter erupted from the table,their hands banged onto the wood,shaking our bowls but I remained staring at him.My teeth ached from how harshly they pressed against one another,those intense eyes of his wrecking havoc in my mind and just when Megumi cleared his throat,our heads snapped toward the rest of the table. "So Sensei," Nobara speaks up. "Are you and Gojo like a thing?"

Yuji nudged her but she scowled. "Shut up," he says but she shoves him to the side and looked at me with a smile.

"Satoru and I have been friends for a very long time. I trust him," is all I say.

"So you are a thing?" she keeps asking.

"I just said we're friends.Theres nothing more and what makes you think that anyway," I raise a brow and stare at them but all they did was give me knowing looks. "His like that with all the girls,a ladies man.He loves woman but I'm one of the who just wouldn't get swept away by him."

"Damn it what kind of gossip is that.There's nothing to go off on!" she groaned and sat back,a deep scowl on her face. "No good Jujustu tea.How boring."

"Well if you don't have anyone then Toji definitely does," Yuji sighed and stared at him. "Look at those muscles,no wonder I can't get any of'em."

"I don't like to be tied down if that's what ya asking," the sole fact that he masticates was so fucking annoying.I heard every chew,his jaw so tight and teeth so harsh,his chewing was even annoying. "But I've had my fair share."

"The Jennifer Lawrence type?" Yuji was pretty proud with himself,he pulled out his wallet and out fell a pivture or Jeniffer Lawrence. "She's the perfect woman for me.Her boobs are the best."

Toji chuckled and waved him off. "So that's ya type huh?"

"It ain't yours?" He practically kissed the photo,I always caught him worshipping it and nevermind the large Jennifer Lawrence poster I've hard about hanging in his room. "What's your type?"

"I like mine silent," Toji was quick to answer. "Silent and obedient."

The entire table went quiet and after what felt like the longest time,Nobara spoke up.

"I could be silent and obedient," she chuckled and I gave her a pointed look.Annoyance seethed through my veins,annoyed that he made it clear I haven't been his type since the moment he met.Never failing to mention how he hated my big mouth and that all I needed was to shut the fuck up.So for that reason I was definitely going to throw in my two fucking cents.

"So you're one of those?" I ask.

"One of what?" he replies.

"A manwhore," Nobara immediately spits her Soju from her mouth,all on Yuji and the entire table goes quiet again.

"You calling me a manwhorw ma?" his bored gaze turns to me and I raise a brow. "Because a manwhore is a promiscuous with no intention or regard for his sexual partners but it doesn't have to be casual now if ya talking about a slut,see that's different," Toji raised a slow eyebrow,wiped his mouth and stared me dead in the eye. "A slut is a woman who has many casual partners and I ain't no slut."

"So you don't keep it casual?" I was surprised to hear Megumi speak up.

"I like to stick to one pretty little thing," his eyes roamed my face and I heard the underlining meaning behind it. "I ain't no slut." He was calling me a slut,he didn't say it but I felt him say it and pissed me off.

"I'm surprised you even have the brain capacity to define those words," it was meant to poke at him but it seemed as if it didn't work.

"Words is not the only thing I'm good at."

"The words you used were slang,it doesn't count," I scoff and turn forward.

Panda laughed and leaned forward. "You should come to the beach with us.We're all having a off day and you're really good company Toji."

If he says yes,I swear to God-

"Sure," he shrugged. "I assume the higher ups know so I'd be free if I just mention ya names." Megumi chuckled and picked up his shot glass,the two of them knocking Soju as they gulped down their alcohol.The uncomfortable burn in my stomach never settled and I don't think it will ever.

"I think you all have had enough to drink," my eyes narrow at nothing as I  slowly push my bowl away. "I think we should call it a night."

And so after many moans and groans,I made sure that the students made it safely to their dorms.I watched each of them get into bed,set a morning pill with a glass of water all ready at each of their bedside tables and even made sure I turned their lights off.I practically tucked them in and so I tiredly drag my feet across the hallway and head for the main door so that I can go home.

But fate never gave me what I deserved.

Fate was cruel.So cruel she had made sure a 6ftsomething ogre grab me at the arm and shove me against the hallway wall.He grabbed me at my jaw,eyes glaring at mine but I was quick enough to grab him at the throat and tighten my hand around his neck. "You ain't got shit on me ma," he gritted out in frustration.

I dug my nails into his skin,clamped my palm against his throat while his own hand tightened around my jaw,so tight it began to ache quickly. "I could say the same about you motherfucker."

"Don't make me break ya face," he shoved me further into the wall,his hand in my hair tightened as he pulled. "Quit acting like a little bitch."

"You're the little bitch," I narrow my eyes. "Insulting me infront of my students is so rich Toji." I could barely get any proper words out,my cheeks smashed together while we stared infuriatingly at each other.No one ready to let go,no one wanting to pull away.

"Manwhore?" His breathing became deeper. "Cute."

"Let go of me," I wheezed out.Pain raked through my skull when he pulled harder. "I said don't touch me."

He didn't answer,not when his nostrils flared and he was begging for air and not when he pressed himself against me,refusing to let go.

"Toji," I breathed,breathlessly ofcourse.My own breathing became sharper while his became heavier.

He didn't say anything at all.

"Toji," my nails raked down his neck and onto his chest,fisting his tight shirt and pounding on his chest. "Toji let go."

He growled at me,anger taking over him but none of us broke away. "Let fucking go!" I slapped him across his face and that seemed to have him let go because the next thing I know,his pushing himself off of me and I'm wheezing for air.A headache began forming from the immense pull on my hair but the blood dripping from his neck was what caught me more offgaurd.

I glared at him and held my neck. "Son of a bitch," then rushed out of the dorms with one last disgusting look at him.

I rushed down the pathway,the moon shining bright on me but what was even more disgusting was the harsh ache between my legs and the pooling juices in my panties.


More Toji POVs are coming and also,I won't be updating this coming Friday so that's why I'm updating today.

Hope you enjoyed.

Love ya ♡

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