Zephyr's Tale (5wirl X Reader)

By KeysKay

13K 622 381

⟡ Idol AU ⟡ Whilst navigating twists, turns, questionable life decisions, breakdowns, mysteries, and more, yo... More

⋆˚☆˖° Introduction ⋆˚☆˖°
•·.·' Prolouge '·.·•
Ch. 1: News Chaos
Ch. 2: Unbroken Bond
Ch. 4: A Sudden Intuition
Ch. 5: Charity Concert
Ch. 6: Greatest Wish
Ch. 7: Supplant
Ch. 8: A Cunning Scheme
Ch. 9: Together Once More
Ch. 10: Idol Rivalry
Ch. 11: Favonius Music Awards
Ch. 12: Well, shit
Ch. 13: Walks And Worries
Ch. 14: Meet The Parents
Ch. 15: Summer Festival Pt. 1
Ch. 16: Summer Festival Pt. 2
Ch. 17: Realizations
Ch. 19: Yet To Be Solved

Ch. 18: Belleau Ball

339 21 10
By KeysKay


Masks, an air of mystery, and an aura of elegance -- the essential elements for a magical night at the Fontaine Belleau Ball, a mesmerizing masquerade soirée that unfolds only during the rare occurrence of the blue moon.

However, achieving entry into this exclusive affair demands more than a dash of luck.

The ball is hosted by a figure of remarkable elegance and immense wealth. To secure an invitation to this opulent gathering, one must rise above the ordinary and stand out.

And in the wake of the Favonius Music Awards and the events that transpired... you are definitely standing out.

˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹

"Look here!"

"How does it feel to be invited to perform to one of the most grandest balls ever?"

"What stunning outfits! Who tailored them?"

"You're the new manager right? How does it feel?"

"Smile for the camera!"

A sudden burst of light sears into your eyes, making you squint against the temporary blindness.

As mentioned earlier, you and 5wirl currently stand out like a sore thumb. But it's precisely this distinction that has earned 5wirl a coveted invitation to perform on the grand stage of the prestigious Belleau ball.

Did you spend last night tossing and turning, your eyes bloodshot from the endless number of things that could go wrong? Yes. But will this performance opportunity be worth it? Also yes.

After relentless hard work and unwavering determination, the day of the blue moon's arrival, and consequently, the night of the ball, has finally dawned.

Though, instead of being greeted by the soft, enchanting glow of the blue moon, you're greeted by the blinding flashes of paparazzi cameras. Swarming around you and the band as soon as you step out of the limo, making your way down the blue-carpeted entrance to the ball.

"Please make some room," the guards assertively urge the crowd to step back, creating a path for you and the band.

The guards continue to clear a path, and the entrance to the ballroom draws nearer. The sounds of music and laughter spill out from the open doors, promising an evening of glamour and excitement. It's a stark contrast to the chaos outside, and you hope that once inside, the band can enjoy the celebration without any further disturbances.

˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹

As you enter the ballroom, you can't help but be awestruck by its sheer magnificence. It becomes abundantly clear why only the elite find themselves graced with invitations to this extraordinary venue. The decor is a symphony of opulence, where hues of blue, white, and gold intermingle, creating an elegance that rivals even the glistening sea.

I mean you may have glimpsed images of the ball before, but in person, its splendor is nothing short of breathtaking.

Just then, the sound of a microphone being tapped catches your attention, and a poised woman takes center stage with an enigmatic smirk playing on her lips.

"My dear people, whether you come with wealth or simply the clothes on your back, those with cup in hand and those with nothing at all, raise your glasses in celebration! If you don't have one, then just raise your hand in lieu." She proclaims, her tone carrying an air of superiority. Her hair, a captivating blend of white and light blue, shimmers brilliantly in the spotlight.

"As you can all see, the radiant blue moon graces us once more. Come, let us raise our glasses in a tribute to the resplendent Fontaine Belleau Ball!" She beckons, her authority resonating with such clarity that the entire assembly erupts into applause and celebration.

"Wow..." you breathe in sheer amazement.

Yup, low and behold it's none other than Furina, though typically known by her title, Focalors -- the esteemed host of this grandiose event.

When spoken earlier of the ball being hosted by a figure of remarkable elegance and immense wealth, it was no exaggeration. Her family once was a bigshot in the city, but now, she stands as the sole survivor of her lineage. It falls upon her shoulders to continue the family's legacy of hosting the ball each time the blue moon graces the sky.

Furina gracefully descends from the stage, a subtle cue that marks the commencement of the ball. For 5wirl, this is the moment they've been eagerly anticipating -- their time to prepare and take the stage.

The band members make their way to the platform, and a brief, anticipatory hush falls upon the audience, filling the air with suspense. The spotlight bathes the stage in a soft, ethereal glow, casting a mesmerizing aura over 5wirl as they stand in readiness. Each member poised, their instruments at the ready.

Then, with a seamless transition, the music ignites. The first notes resonate through the air, washing over the audience like a gentle wave. A surge of energy surges through the band as they dive into their performance.

The melody unfolds, and the ballroom comes alive, swaying to the rhythm, lost in the enchantment of the music. Furina observes with contentment, akin to a child unwrapping a cherished gift on a Christmas morning.

And as the final notes resonate through the ballroom, applause erupts, showering 5wirl with adoration and acclaim. Positioned discreetly behind the stage, you can't help but wear a proud smile. It's evident that 5wirl's music left an indelible mark on the elite guests.

"And by the looks of it, Furina seems to be enjoying it as well," you muse silently, your gaze drawn upward to a balcony in the ballroom. There, Furina sits regally on her throne, clapping with evident amusement.

"I guess tonight will be a good night after all."

˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹

After the enthralling performance concludes, the band finds themselves at liberty to explore the ball and do whatever they wish, prompting everyone to disperse in various directions.

"Alright, now that the performance is over, it's time for me to clock out," Heizou declares with a parting wave, and he ventures off towards his own interests.

Following Heizou's departure, Xiao exits, seemingly heading in the same direction as Heizou, slipping away without a word.

Venti wastes no time and makes a beeline for the wine section, proclaiming with a grin, "Destiny is calling for me," before disappearing into the crowd, causing a slight worry to stricken inside you.

Your expression of concern does not go unnoticed by Aether, eliciting a gentle sigh from him. "Don't worry Manager Y/N, I'll make sure he doesn't get too drunk and cause a scene." he reassures you, his smile exuding warmth. Gratefully, you return his smile. "Thank you, Aether."

Aether departs on his mission to locate Venti, leaving you in the company of Kazuha. Curious about his plans, you inquire, "So, what are you planning to do?"

Kazuha considers for a moment, a friendly smile adorning his face. "I think I'll take the opportunity to wander and explore the surroundings. I enjoy meeting all sorts of people when I'm in a novel environment."

"Oh, I see," you reply.

"In that case, I bid you farewell." Kazuha offers his goodbyes before taking his leave, leaving you to your own devices.

Deciding to take a leisurely stroll as well, you plan to check in on some of the other band members during your explorations.

˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹

As Kazuha ambles through the lavish ball, a sudden sensation prickles at his throat. Thirsty; he's thirsty. He decides to quench it by heading over to one of the elegantly adorned beverage tables, showcasing a variety of enticing drinks.

"Pardon me, may I have a glass of punch?" Kazuha politely requests from the drink server.

"Ohoho? Well, well! Look who it is!" a familiar voice chimes in.

Kazuha scrutinizes the drink server more closely, and his countenance shifts from curiosity to surprise as he recognizes the man as the very same vendor he encountered at the summer festival. "Ah, greetings. We meet again," Kazuha says, placing his hand over his heart in a friendly gesture.

"Don't go all formal on me now, kid," the man jests, pouring the drink. "So, how's life been treating you? Any luck in the romance department? Are you with your dream partner yet?" He playfully nudges Kazuha while deftly pouring the drink.

Kazuha's cheeks exhibit a subtle flush, and he stammers, "W-well, not quite..." His hand drifts to scratch the back of his neck, a touch of embarrassment coloring his expression.

The vendor grins mischievously, clearly enjoying Kazuha's mild discomfort. "Ah, still in the pursuit, are you? Well, I say shoot your shot. Wouldn't want someone else to steal your partner now would you?"

The vendor's parting words stir something within Kazuha, pulling him out of his momentary embarrassment.

"In the realm of love, kid, there's plenty of competition. You've got to seize your treasure before someone else lays claim to it," he imparts with a knowing tone.

"R-right," Kazuha coo's, his demeanor a touch awkward. With the crafted drink in hand, he nods respectfully. "Thank you for the advice. I hope our paths cross again."

The man chuckles heartily. "I thought I told you to drop the formality. You're quite the unique kid, aren't you?" he quips.

Kazuha offers his farewells and departs, but the words linger in his mind:

"Shoot my shot..."

˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹

Just as you're about to take in the diverse sights and sounds of the ball, the approach of footsteps draws your attention.

"I've long heard of the great performances you left in your wake during your travels, but seeing in person was... spectacular. So much so that I've come to welcome you personally." Furina remarks with an air of confidence as she approaches you.

"Oh, thank you," you reply with a warm smile.

Furina regards you with a keen interest, crossing her arms. "You must be the band's manager. What a pleasure."

"The pleasure is mine." You offer a graceful half-bow, prompting her to unexpectedly elicit a modest blush, briefly breaking her poised demeanor.

"A-ahem! Uhm-" She fumbles nervously, glancing around.

"Lady Furina," another voice calls your name from behind you. As you turn, you're met with the sight of a tall man sporting white hair, with a single azure lock cascading down his side. His deep blue-violet eyes shift from Furina to you.

"Oh, my apologies for the interruption; I wasn't aware Lady Furina was chattering with our special guest," the man says with a slight bow. "Greetings. You may address me by my surname, 'Neuvillette.' You must be Y/N L/N, the manager of 5wirl."

'Hmm, Neuvillette?' You ponder silently. Whenever you've seen a picture or video of Furina online, Neuvillette is never far from her side, akin to two peas in a pod, or perhaps one pea insist the other pea to accompany it wherever it goes.

"In any case, Lady Furina, there are individuals who are anticipating your presence," Neuvillette mentions to her.

"H-huh?!" Furina's demeanor wavers once more, and she appears visibly flustered before regaining her composure as she acknowledges your presence. "Ahem, and... who might these individuals be?"

"Only some guests who are eager to meet you in person," Neuvillette replies with an air of calm assurance.

"I see... Well, as the- gracious host, I'd be delighted to greet our esteemed guests. You will be coming... won't you? U-uhm, lead the way."

Neuvillette heaves a subtle sigh before guiding Furina towards the awaiting guests. Just before following him, she casts a final glance in your direction. "Ahem, I anticipate our next encounter. That's all for now. Toodle-oo~," she says before striding away, her facade of "confidence" seemingly restored.

As they move away, a soft chuckle escapes from behind you. Your gaze instinctively gravitates towards the source, revealing none other than Kazuha. His eyes cutely wrinkled with a smile. "What interesting individuals," he remarks.

You join in his laughter, and as you both come to a halt, a tranquil pause descends between you, your gazes locked in a profound connection.

His crimson eyes gently study you, and the way he looks at you ignites a subtle flutter in your heart.

"Manager Y/N..."

Before Kazuha can continue, a sudden melodic hum fills the air, the enchanting strains of violins soaring to life. Instantly, everyone on the first floor of the ballroom takes their positions and gracefully commences to dance.

You observe the crowd below, surprised by the sudden emergence of a dance on the ball floor. "Huh, a dance too?"

While your gaze remains fixed on the swirling dancers, you fail to notice a certain individual nearby who wears a subtle smile. He captures your attention by gently taking your hand and executing a graceful bow.


He looks up, meeting you with a gentle gaze, before uttering: "Would you care for a dance, m'lady/m'lord?"

In response, a flush of warmth floods your cheeks, and your mind whirls with a mix of emotions. Amid the moment's confusion and fluster, you find yourself unconsciously nodding and taking his hand.

With a silent understanding, you both embark on a dance, moving in rhythm to the captivating melodies that fill the air.

The ballroom becomes a realm of fluid elegance and harmonious movements as the dance unfolds. The swirling melodies of the violins cast a spell, their notes weaving through the air like ribbons of sound. The soft glow of the chandeliers overhead lent a dreamlike quality to the scene, casting a gentle radiance upon the twirling figures.

As you glided across the polished floor, each step felt like a brushstroke in an exquisite painting. Kazuha moves with a grace that mirrored the fluidity of the music, and every turn and spin seems like a brush with the divine.

Amid the elegant dance, your surroundings seem to blur, and the world narrows down to just the two of you. The music guides your movements, and the enchanting atmosphere of the ballroom envelops you like a warm embrace.

As you twirl and sway to the rhythm, you become acutely aware of the graceful steps and the gentle pressure of Kazuha's hand. His soft eyes remain locked onto yours, and there's an unspoken connection that transcends words.

You both twirl gracefully onto the balcony of the second floor, flinging open the ornate doors.

Just as you step onto the balcony, the music that once filled the air gradually fades, and it feels as if time itself momentarily freezes. The radiant light of the blue moon casts its enchanting glow over both of you.

In this captivating moment, Kazuha's thoughts drift to the words of the stall vendor, and he instinctively draws you nearer.

Kazuha watches your face carefully, searching for any sign of discomfort or hesitation, wanting to ensure that you're at ease with his actions.

"Ahem," a discreet cough interrupts the air a few steps away from you, causing Kazuha to halt in his tracks. His attention swiftly shifts towards the source -- an enigmatic figure leaning casually against the ornate doorframe, their expression unreadable.

Caught off guard, Kazuha retreats a step, a subtle flush of embarrassment gracing his features. Your brow furrows in perplexity until you follow Kazuha's gaze and discern the presence of the intriguing figure.

"Huh?" you express surprise as band member Heizou offers a smile. "Sorry to intrude, but I need to discuss some matters with our manager," he mentions casually.

A pause hangs in the air. "Ah, I see. I understand," Kazuha replies, a subtle quiver in his voice. "I'll leave you to your business then. Farewell, you two." He departs swiftly, leaving you with no chance to utter a word.

As Kazuha disappears from view, blending into the distance, he exhales a sigh, a semblance of weariness. Or at least, that's what he tells himself. Deep down lies a perhaps more poignant emotion beneath.

A profound sense of melancholy clings to his heart, echoing the vendor's words: "I say shoot your shot. Wouldn't want someone else to steal your partner now, would you?"

Is this what the vendor meant? The idea of you being taken away? Kazuha's eyes cloud with contemplation, his calm demeanor slowly giving way to a quiet envy. This feeling...

Could it be what they call jealousy?

˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹

💫 ... To deal with the weird feeling Kazuha decides to watch cat video's to compose himself.

A/N: IM BACK FROM THE DEAD. So sorry about the slow uploads college has been a rollercoaster. I also want to say tysmm for all the reads, votes, and comments you guys leave. I'm super thankful for you guys and Ily all. You guys motivate me sm <3

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