Joe Keery+His characters imag...

By 3amhotdog

27.1K 197 155

Imagines for Joe Keery and the characters he plays like, Steve Harrington and Kurt Kunkle. Mostly Steve thoug... More

| Send requests |
| Important |
| Meet The Parents - Steve Harrington |
| First Aid Kit - Steve Harrington |
| Cheating - Steve Harrington |
| Better than me? - Steve Harrington* |
| Drunken Confession - Steve Harrington |
| Breathe - Steve Harrington |
| A\N |
| What is love? - Steve Harrington |
| Like A Family - Steve Harrington |
| Surprise - Steve Harrington |
| Her - Joe Keery |
| Just A Kiss - Joe Keery* |
| Spree - Kurt Kunkle |
| Fashion Show - Steve Harrington |
| Summer Nights - Steve Harrington |
| Day Off - Joe Keery |
| A/N! |
| Rose - Steve Harrington¹ |
| Summer Vacation - Steve Harrington* |
| Rose - Steve Harrington² |
| Rose - Steve Harrington³ |
| Rose - Steve Harrington⁴ |
| Rose - Steve Harrington⁵ |
| Rose - Steve Harrington⁶ |
| Rose - Steve Harrington⁷ |
| Rose - Steve Harrington⁸ |
| Rose - Steve Harrington⁹ |
| Rose - Steve Harrington¹⁰ |
| Rose - Steve Harrington¹¹ |
| Rose - Steve Harrington¹² |
| Rose - Steve Harrington¹³ |
| Short Angst - Gator Tillman |

| Rose - Steve Harrington¹⁴ |

253 4 5
By 3amhotdog

Warnings: Weed

Word count: 1.6k

Part 14

It was about 2 months later and Hawkins was gradually returning to its former glory. Besides the gaping hole in the ground and the fact that the upside was seeping into our world. No one had come to a conclusion about what it was, just that there was a large earthquake that caused it.

Steve and I were stronger than ever. Even after being together fairly often. After his parents moved, he practically moved in with us, which was perfectly fine with Fiona and Jesse, they were happy to help.

Steve had told me to meet him in the living room tonight for our date. So I got dressed up and ready before following his instructions.

I walked into the living room and saw Steve all dressed up in his suit with his hair more styled than usual. Just when I thought I couldn't have been more attracted to him, when he saw me, his face lit up with the sweetest smile.

"Wow. You look...Wow." He said.

"Okay, but that hair," I said, biting my lip.

     " What? Do you not like it?" He asked.

"Oh, no, I love it,"

"Good. Well, we should go now, don't want to be late,"

So we went to the restaurant and ordered our food once we got seated. We eventually got our food and began eating. Steve couldn't stop looking at me the entire time.

"What?" I asked, laughing slightly.

"I love you," He said, grinning at me.

"I love you. Why are you being so sweet?" He shrugged in response and went back to eating.

After dinner, we drove back to my house and walked around the neighborhood for a bit before we reached a pond. It was beautiful, between the sun setting on the water, the fountain in the middle, and my beautiful boyfriend, of course. He still couldn't keep his eyes off me. So when I caught him staring for the millionth time that night, I stopped and turned to him.

"Okay, cut the shit, why the hell do you keep looking at me? It's starting to freak me out,"

"Just enjoying the view," I rolled my eyes at his words.

"Your gross. Please just tell me. Is it my hair?" I said, reaching up to fix my hair.

"No, your hair is fine. I mean your hair is beautiful. I like the curls, it really shapes your face. Your face is beautiful too, which makes it better. Not that your beauty is the only thing that matters, cause it's not, I love all of you, your face, your hair, your personality, just everything," He rambled, making me smile.

"Steve," He sighed.

"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous," I furrowed my brows.

"Why? Did I do something?" I panicked.

"No, of course not,"

"What is it then?" I asked.

"Just follow me,"

I followed him to this cute little house that was close to the pond.

"Whose house is this?" I asked as Steve searched for something in his jacket.

"Ours," He answered, pulling out a key and unlocking the door.

"Wait, what?"

Steve opened the door, revealing all our friends with smiles on their faces. Then, I looked around at the house and noticed the velvet green couch sitting in the middle of the living room.

"Holy shit," I said, beginning to laugh a little, and turning around to hug Steve. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I'm serious. This is all ours," He replied.

"I love you," I said, pulling away slightly to kiss him.

"I love you,"

I turned back to the group of friends in the living room with excitement. After I made sure to hug everyone at least three times, we went out back.

So there I was, with all my friends, my brother, and my boyfriend, gathered around the fire pit, watching the sunset glistening through the water in the large pond behind the house. This was all I had ever wanted. For once I was finally happy. And I actually managed to forget about the whole world-ending situation for a moment.

"You okay?" Steve asked, quietly.

"Yeah," I said, truthfully for the first time in a while, adding a smile for reassurance.
"I love you,"

"I love you,"

"Hey, lovebirds, how about you get the kids home so we can have some real fun?" Eddie suggested.

"Alright, children, time to go," I said, making them groan.

After the teenagers were all taken to their own homes, Jonathan, Nancy, Eddie, Mandy, Robin, Steve, and I all gathered in the backyard.

"I've never done this before," Nancy said, nervously, as Eddie lit a joint.

"Me neither," Robin added, just as nervous.

"Guys, relax, you'll be fine," I said, taking the joint from Eddie.

"Don't worry, Robs, I'll help you," Mandy said, placing her hand in Robin's, making both girls blush slightly.

"And I'll help you out, babe," Steve joked, knowing I had plenty of experience, and I laughed.

The joint was passed around the group, eventually making its way to a clueless Nancy.

"What do I do?" She asked and Jonathan smiled down at her, taking the joint from her.

"Watch what I do," He said, taking a drag.

"Wait, you smoke?" Steve asked in shock.

"Yeah," He looked over at Nancy who didn't look happy. "O-Occasionally,"

I laughed as Nancy rolled her eyes with a smile before taking the joint back. She did what Jonathan showed her and only coughed a bit. Then, it was Robin's turn. The girl nervously took the joint from Nancy and placed it in her mouth as Mandy directed her. She inhaled and exhaled before coughing a bit more than Nancy. Mandy patted her on the back and gave her her drink.

"God, why does it burn my throat?" Robin asked, chugging her drink.

"It'll go away and then you'll feel it," Mandy said.

"How do I know when it worked?" Nancy questioned.

"Oh, you'll know," I answered, laughing slightly.

The girl paused a moment before breathing out, "Woah," Jonathan laughed at her, kissing her head.

"Holy shit," Robin spoke. "This is so much better than with the Russians," She giggled, making Steve laugh as well, nodding in agreement.

"Russians?" Eddie questioned.

"Long story short, they we kidnapped by Russians and drugged, and then somehow that was all connected to the upside down. I don't really know, honestly I'm too high for this right now," I tried to explain and Eddie nodded with a short laugh.

"Yeah, this is some good shit, dude." Steve spoke.

"Thanks, man. I grow it myself," Eddie replied.

"It's nice that you two are like friends or whatever," I said, causing Steve to furrow his brows.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, since you used to be jealous of him," I answered.

"Jealous?" Eddie said, looking over at Steve with a teasing smile.

"Woah woah woah, I was not jealous,"

"You so were," Robin agreed, laughing her ass off.

"'King Steve', jealous of 'Freak Munson'? Wow, never saw this day coming," Mandy laughed as she spoke, while Robin fell into her side due to her laughter.

I looked around all our friends laughing before my eyes landed on Steve. "Hey," He turned to me. "I didn't leave you for him, right?" He smiled.

"No, you did not,"

The rest of the night was perfect, being high with my best friends, all of us laughing and simply having fun. Everyone ended up staying over since they were all too high to drive.

Steve and I were sitting in our bed, tangled together. Everything was fine until I noticed Steve staring at me again.

"What?" I said, laughing slightly.

"You're the most beautiful person that I have ever laid my eyes on, inside and out." He answered.

"You're not just saying that because you're high, right?" He shook his head.

"I just love you so much,"

"I love you so much, Steve," I leaned up and pressed my lips to his.

"There's one more thing I want to do before we go to bed,"

Steve used the arm that wasn't wrapped around me to reach into his nightstand and pulled something out of it. He opened up the small box and let me see the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.


"Will you marry me?" He asked.

"Are you sure?" I whispered.

"Of course I am. I know it's only been two months since we got back together, but I'm ready to start our life together and I'm hoping you are too. So, Rosalie Gallagher, will you marry me?"

"Yes, of course I will!" I said, throwing my arms around his shoulders.

After a second, I released Steve from my arms and kissed him. Then he held my hand in his so he could slide the ring on my finger. It was just perfect.

"I know it's a little small but-"

"Steve, shut up, it's perfect," He laughed a my words and kissed the side of my head as I admired the ring. "Thank you,"

"You don't need to thank me, I've wanted to do this since the moment I saw you," He said, smiling down at me.

"I mean, thank you for today, and for everything that you've done for me. Even the things that are smaller, like when we were only friends and you would call me every single night just to make sure I was okay."
I explained.

"It's been my pleasure, darling," He spoke. "I mean it. I'll do anything for you as long as I get to spend my life with you by my side,"

"Well, now you do," I held up my hand with the ring on it, and he smiled.

"Lucky me,"


(Well that's it for now. I'm so happy to finally have the whole story out! I hope y'all enjoyed it😘🍷)

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