hogwarts preferences

By mywildimaginationn

25.9K 326 55

Preferences of all my favourite Hogwarts boys. This list includes: - Harry Potter - Ron Weasley - Draco Malfo... More

1. How You Meet
2. Sneaking Around
3. Studying
4. Yule Ball
5. First Date
6. Weekends
7. Love Triangles
8. PDA
9. When You're Broken Up
10. Sharing a Bed (Not Dating)
11. You Sit In His Lap
12. Everyone Knows But You
13. Bedroom Headcanons
14. When You're Crying
15. How He Talks About You
16. The Muggle-World
17. Your Taylor Swift Album
18. He Forgets Something
19. You're Dating Someone Else
20. You Fall Asleep On Him
21. Party Games
22. Love Languages
23. Your 'Emails I Can't Send' Song
24. Ditching Class
25. Friendly Touch (Crushing)
26. He's Drunk
27. You're Drunk
28. Making Things Official
29. House Parties
30. Classes Together
31. Your 'SOUR' Song
32. You're a Griffyndor
33. You're a Hufflepuff
34. You're a Ravenclaw
35. You're a Slytherin
36. He's Jealous
37. You Wear His Clothes
38. Their Compatible Type (MBTI)
39. How You Hug
40. Your Debut Taylor Swift Song
41. You're On Your Period
42. Height Difference
43. He Gives You a Hickey
44. You Give Him a Hickey
45. Your 'Fearless' Song
46. When You're Anxious
47. He Distracts You
48. He Realises He Loves You
49. Enemies To Lovers
51. He Tries To Hide His Feelings
52. His Favourite Hook Up Spot
53. He Takes Your Virginity
54. You Take His Virginity
55. Your 'Red' Song
56. You Catch Him Staring
57. He Catches You Staring
58. Trauma
59. Rumours
60. Your '1989' Song
61. He Meets Your Family
62. You Meet His Family
63. When You're Jealous
64. You're In The Hospital Wing
65. Your 'Reputation' Song
66. You're Injured
67. First Fight
68. Your Friend Group
69. You Distract Him
70. Your 'Lover' Song
71. After Graduation
72. Your 'You Signed Up For This' Song
73. Romance Trope
74. Christmas Traditions
75. Your 'Folklore' Song

50. Your 'Speak Now' Song

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By mywildimaginationn

Harry Potter: Superman

"Go save the world, I'll be around."

With Harry being the chosen one and spending a lot of his time at Hogwarts trying to save the Wizarding World, there wasn't much room for a romantic relationship between the two of you. You both had already admitted your feelings for one another, though hadn't quite gotten the chance to explore those bubbling feelings. You hoped one day that Harry would come back to you, though until then, you'd just be waiting for his safe return.

Ron Weasley: Ours

"Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine."

People seemed to disapprove of your relationship with Ron, and for the longest time, you weren't sure why. He made you happy beyond belief, though it always seemed as if everyone was whispering and gossiping about the two of you whenever you passed in the hallways. Though like a shelter in the storm, you and Ron stood firmly as you powered through the school, refusing to let their negativity ruin the beautiful relationship you had. Nothing would ever change the way you felt about Ron, and that was a fact that you stood by firmly.

Draco Malfoy: The Story of Us

"I'm dying to know is it killing you like it's killing me?"

There were often times that you and Draco would give each other the silent treatment, torturing your own minds with your overthinking and miscommunication. When your relationship ended, all you could do was sit and stare at each other from across the Great Hall, hoping that there would be a moment where the two of you could talk to each other at some point. There were so many people all bustling and talking about different things, though the two of you could never seem to think about anything else but each other.

Fred Weasley: I Can See You

"They keep watchful eyes on us so it's best that we move fast and keep quiet."

You and Fred were best friends for all to see, and the best of lovers behind closed doors. There wasn't a moment where Fred didn't make you feel loved and cherished, though you knew for the good of your reputation, you didn't dare to admit your relationship with everyone around you. It was almost more fun that way, considering you would give each other knowing glances from across the room, surrounded by clueless people. One day, maybe your love would be known by all, but for now, it was nice to just keep it between the two of you.

George Weasley: Mine

"You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter."

You had always been the cautious type; you rarely trusted anyone and never stepped out of line. Though once you met George, he taught you a lot about yourself and a lot about life... you could hardly believe that you had been so careful with your actions. You followed him through his antics,  being only a step behind him whenever he had something planned. You were so glad to have met someone as outgoing and wild as George... you just couldn't believe that he would ever agree to be yours.

Neville Longbottom: Timeless

"Even in a different life, you still would've been mine, we would've been timeless."

You and Neville had a love that was for the ages. You knew he was your soulmate; you knew it as soon as you first were introduced. You had never become so close to anyone so quickly in your entire life... it was so easy to memorise his every whim and habit like he was the back of your hand. People would pass you, thinking you were the epitome of true love. While you might not have known it at the time, you knew for a fact that he was going to be the love for the rest of your life.

Cedric Diggory: Sparks Fly

"I'm on my guard for the rest of the world but with you, I know it's no good."

Cedric was the one person in the entire world who always found his way to weasel the truth out of you. You often tried to keep things hidden from him, like your growing crush or your fears and dreams, though one smile from Cedric was enough to convince you to share your thoughts with him. You couldn't keep your guard up around him, regardless of how hard you tried.

Newt Scamander: Enchanted

"My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again."

When you first met Newt, there was nothing that could stop you from thinking about him. You replayed your lengthy conversations over and over again, reminiscing over every smile he flashed or every word he uttered. You hoped that you would see him again soon, and when you received a letter asking you to dinner, you knew that he most probably felt the same way. It was only a matter of time before you two would come back together, and the love that you'd share would be unstoppable.

Sebastian Sallow: Haunted

"He could try to take away my pain and he just might make me smile but the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead."

When you ended things with Sebastian, you were trying everything you could to try and wash away his memory. You tried to see other people, hoping that their humour and company would be enough to erase him from your thoughts. Of course, it only left you constantly comparing them to your true love, wishing that they were him. Maybe one day you'd recover, though you knew that that day wouldn't be coming around any time soon.

Ominis Gaunt: Last Kiss

"All that I know is I don't know how to be something you miss."

When you and Ominis broke up, you wanted nothing more than for him to be banging on your door, begging to have you back. You'd dream of it endlessly; even during your classes, you'd stare at him from across the room in hopes he'd come over and ask to have you back. You tried so many different things: acting as if you were distraught, acting as if you were fine... nothing seemed to be gaining his attention in the way that you would have liked. You didn't know how to win him back, he seemed perfectly content with being alone with himself... it seemed so anyway.

Garreth Weasley: Electric Touch

"All I know is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life."

You weren't sure what a relationship with Garreth would bring. Whether it was going to be heartbreak or the best thing that you've experienced in your life, you knew that you just had to follow the fiery feeling that grew in the depths of your stomach. There was not a day that went by where you didn't think of Garreth, and you were just glad that the constant pining was all going to come to an end when you finally went on your first date. It didn't stop you from being horribly nervous about it though...

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