Digimon Sonic Cyber Sleuth

De metalgreymon2

8.5K 101 77

Sonic entered the Cyberspace of EDEN for the first time. However, he ends up draged into the core of EDEN, Ko... Mais

Deep into EDEN! The Digital Monster program!
The Black Monster of EDEN!
Cyber body? The Kuremy Detective Agency!
Welcome to Hudie!
EDEN Syndrome!
Compassion and Bravery!
A Determinated Battle!
Chasing Mephisto!
Armor Digivolution!
The Black Winged One!
Roar! MetalGreymon!
Dark Reflection!
Sayo, the Night Claw of the Digital World!
Light of Hope!
Avalon Server!
K's Invitation!
Disapearing people!
Storm of flames, Vritramon!
Demons, Judes, and Evolutions!
Gold Miracles! Perfect Bonds Awaken!
The Noble of Darkness!
Raidiant Moon, Crescemon!
Team Dreamin!
Burning Courage, Fladramon!
Roaring Passion, Dynasmon!
The Sistermon Sister's Gym!
Security Hack
Hybrid Digimon!
Jogress! Shakkoumon!
Violet Moon, Dianamon!
Matrix Evolution!
CEO Kishibe? The Eater's evolution!
Deep into the Digital Sea!
Light of Life, Ofanimon!
Flame Dragons! KaiserGreymon!
Speed of Light, MagnaGarurumon!
Seven Hells, BlackSeraphimon!
Take Dive, MetalSeadramon!
Idol or not? Fly, AncientIrismon!
Protect the future, KaiserKnightmon!
Break into the Secret Room!
Warp Ultimate! Nokia's Decision!
Account Server!
The Tenth DigiDestinated!
The Final Presage
Akari's Decision! Awaken Rosemon!
VS Zaxon! The Holy Knight, Omegamon!
Beyond Ultimate! Burst Mode!
The Digital Wave Trap!
Kishibe's Secret! VS LordKnightmon!
The Paradise Lost Plan!
Rescue Yuuko! The Dimensional Door!
Chaos, War, and Arkadimon!
Lost Digimon!
Trap Ryuji!
Memory Bug! Burst Mode of Honor!
The Truth of The Eaters!
Hackmon's Ordeal!
Arata's Betrayal!
Knight of Avalon! Craniummon!
The True K!
The Eater Network!
Gluttonous Case!
Parallel World! VS Barbamon!
Dragon's Island! VS Examon!
Gulus Realm Burst!
Tower of Digital Waves!
Chasing Ryuji!
Cut the Heavens, SlashAngemon!
Awaken! The Imperial Dragon!
Hudie to the Rescue!
Hudiemon, awaken the dreams!
Long Lost Memories!
LordKnightmon's Final Stand!
Infiltrate the Metropolitan Building!
Digital Hazard! Dukemon!
Defeat Duftmon! DigiDestinated United!
The Will of Yggdrasil!
Into the Digital World!
The Mother Eater!
The Ture Enemy! Ragnamon!
The Final Miracle! Lunardramon!
From the New World!

Yuuko's Decision! Rise, Siriusmon!

68 1 1
De metalgreymon2

Opening - Mikakunin Hikousen

Oh yeah! Tsuyogatte tobinotte kaze ni natte
Oozora kidou wo koero

Osaekirenai maenomeri na speed
Miraneta machi ga diorama ni naru

Futoumei na sora tsukinukerunda

Nayami toka fuman toka futtobashite

Manual doori no tabi nanka irane
Mayottemo furuetemo koudo agete

Oh yeah! Igigatte shikujitte tatchiagatte
Kimi to mitsumeru michi naru chiheisen

Saa tsuyogatte tobinotte kaze ni natte
Asu wo terasu taiyou mejirushi ni shitesa

Tonde ike jiyuu na GLORIOUS WORLD!

Episode 62 - Yuuko's Decision! Rise, Siriusmon!

LordKnightmon used Kishibe as a vessel to break the Dimensional Wall, and alow her comarads to enter the Real World to destroy it, awakening Arkadimon in the process, who took control of Ryuji, in order to regain his strength.


After merging with an Eater, Arata took off to get even stronger. Meanwhile, Sonic and Dynasmon, now along with Magnamon, are facing off against Susanoomon.

«JUNE 25, 2018, 5:02PM»

Juri and Leomon stood with Sonic, as Magnamon and Dynasmon steped foward to face off against Susanoomon. Sonic checked his Alliance to get more data on Susanoomon.

Alliance: «Susanoomon, a God Man Digimon. Ultimate Level. Told of in Oriental legends, it is the strongest destructive god and the god which governs over regeneration. It's strongest attack is called Ama-no-Habakiri.»

Sonic: The god who governs over regeneration?

Leomon: Why would a Digimon like him aid to Duftmon's army?

Sonic: I don't know, but we can't just stand here. I'll join Dynasmon. Juri, can you get Leomon to Ultimate Level?

Juri: Leave it to me!


Juri's D-Ark triggered the Ultimate Digivolution. Her clothes came lose, as she merged with Leomon to reach Ultimate Level.


Within the forest, a huge roar was heard, as a massive beast was running across the woods. With sharp claws, yellow and orange fur, and two juge fangs, Juri and Leomon now merged together into this new form.


«Them song - One Vision»


Sonic: Whoa! So this is Matrix Evolution, huh? (checks the analyzer)

Alliance: «SaberLemon, and Ancient Beast Digimon. Ultimate Level. It possesses explosive Mach speed power, and with that speed it can easily dodge attacks, no matter how fast they are. It's special attack is the Nail Crusher.»

Sonic grinned. He sprinted to Dynasmon, and jumped on his shoulder. SaberLeomon joined the two Royal Knights, and the three Digimon charged at Susanoomon.

Susanoomon: You fools! Fear my wrath! YASUKA-NO-IKAZUCHI!!!

Susanoomon summoned a spiraling thunder cloud, from which eight dragons emerged, atempting to attack his enemies. SaberLermon managed to avoid it, with his explosive mach speed. Magnamon stood above Dynasmon.


Magnamon's armor unleashed a golden aura, which englufed him and Dynasmon in a barrier of light that protected them from the dragons. SaberLeomon rushed in.

Juri: SaberLeomon, let's finish this battle swiftly!

SaberLeomon: I agree! NAIL CRUSHER!!!

Once again charging with explosive mach speed power, SaberLeomon landed a hig Nail Crusher on Susanoomon, which delt big damage, pushing him clear.

Dynasmon: Good one!

Sonic: Let's not stand behind!

Dynasmon: DRAGON'S ROAR!!!

Magnamon: PLASMA SHOT!!!

Dynasmon called his Dragon's Roar, and Magnamon shot multiple small gold plasma balls at Susanoomon. Knowing he couldn't win, Susanoomon simply jumped, and took of to the sky.

Juri: What the?

SaberLeomon: He's running away!!

Dynasmon: Abandoning a fight, you coward?

«Theme song ends»

Susanoomon: I fail to comprehend this rebelion of yours. But it matters not. I'll be sure to return this debt to you without fail.

Magnamon: Do as you wish. My mind is made up on this matter.

Susanoomon growled in frustration, and vanished. Spiking to the next day, Sonic just finished filling a report on the events of the previous day. Sayo just joined them, with a cup of coffee.

Sayo: So we got Magnamon, Gankoomon and JESmon as alies, and one of Omegamon's friends, MirgageGaogamon, is here to help us to.

Sonic: I still don't get what Suedou's trying to do with Arata. Hanon didn't say anything since yesterday. 

Sayo: We should probably try find her.

Kyoko: We have other things to worry about. Listen, there's one Royal Knight, who I wasn't able to track down. I can't locate UlforceV-Dramon anywhere.

Sayo: Well that might be a problem. Specially since I heard a report on a wild Digimon in EDEN Free Area. A very fast one.

Sonic: What kind of Digimon it is?

Sayo: Someone managed to get a picture. Take a look at this. (shows a picture)

Sonic: Whoa, that guy's really heavy armed!

Lunamon: Sleipmon! Isn't he one of the Royal Knights?

Kyoko: He is. Sleipmon is one of the fastest Royal Knights. He'll easily outmatch any of us in a speed contestnt. UlforceV-dramon is the only one who can catch up to him.

Sayo: Sleipmon is leting his instincts take over. He's going on a rampage in EDEN. We gotta stop him, before EDENn gets destroyed!

Sonic: Our only hope is to find UlforceV-dramon.

Kyoko: We'll be closing the agency for today. We must find something, anything about UlforceV-dramon. The smallest clue will lead us to him.

Sonic: Got it!

Sayo: You can count on us! (gets a call) Huh?

Sayo: Yuuko. Sounds like she needs us.

Sonic: Well, we can't just ignore our priority client, can we?

Kyoko: Sayo, I'll leave it to you.

Sayo: Ok. Good luck, guys.

Sonic smilled back. Sayo left the agency, so that she could pick up the call. She went to her mother's shop, so she could help if they had to plan anything. She picked up the call.

Sayo: Sorry for taking to long picking up, Yuuko.

Yuuko: It's no big deal. I'm the one who should be apologizing. You must have a case to deal with.

Sayo: We're always open for our best client. Tell me, what do you need?

Yuuko: Can you come to the hospital? I wanna show you something.

Sayo: Ok. I'll meet you in a few minutes. 

Sayo hung up, and proceeded to the hospital. Despite all of the Digimon outside, things seem to be slightly under control, and it's getting saffer to go out, just for routine. Sayo reached the Central Hospital, and met Yuuko at the lobby.

Yuuko: Thank you for coming.

Sayo: Always a pleasure to help out. What's going on?

Yuuko: Um, can we go to my brother's room? It's a bit personal.

Sayo understood. The two of them went to Yuugo's room to talk. Yuuko sat down besides her brother's bedside. Yuuko stood up, learning on the wall.

Yuuko: To be honest... I'm thinking of just deleting my "Yuugo" avatar.

Sayo: Huh? Why?

Yuuko: If I do, the Zaxons will fall apart, and there won't be such hacker as "Yuugo" anymore... I've been thinking of duing this ever since the Under Zero incident happened... 

Sayo: Yuuko, I'm confused. You talk about that avatar if it's something special. What's so special about that avatar?

Yuuko: It's a special avatar that allowed me to pass through the system, even if I had the wrong personal information. Rie-san told me when I was using the Yuugo avatar, I really and trully became Yuugo...

Sayo: Yet you were being subcounciously manipulated by him, right?

Yuuko: Yeah. I was being controlled by Rie-san's wishes, and was unable to defeat my enemies... So I decided to delet the avatar.

Lunamon: Yuuko, even if Kishibe had a connection to it, isn't that your brother's avatar?

Sayo: Deleting it would be heartbreaking. I guess you wanted someone you trust ot be with you. Alright. We'll be here to witness the end of "Yuugo, leader of Zaxon".

Yuuko smilled. She was logged in as Yuugo, and went to the seting. She selected delete avatar. Everything, of course, while Sayo and Lunamon witnessed.

Yuuko: When I press this button, the avatar "Yuugo" will be deleted... Goodbye... (presses the button) ... ... Huh? 

Sayo: What's the matter?

Yuuko: I... I can't delete the avatar!

Sayo: What?

Yuugo kept trying, but it was no use. The "Yuugo" avatar can't be deleted. The first conclusion Sayo came to is that Kishibe was the one using it. 

Sayo: Could Kishibe be using it?

Yuuko: But... why would she need it?

Sayo: We'll only know when we find it! I'm changing the goal of the case! We gotta find your brother's account in EDEN, and find out who's logged in as "Yuugo"!

Yuugo: I agree. I don't care how long it'll take! To think someone's out there using my brother's account, pretending to be Yuugo...!

Lunamon: EDEN is huge! We'll take weeks to find him, and there's the problem with the Royal Knights to deal with!

Sayo: And the Gulus Relm Burst to. Hm... GASP! I think I got it! Where did you first logged in as Yuugo?

Yuuko: The place where I fisrt logged in as Yuugo? GASP! The Avalon Server!

Sayo: I should have known. Ok, let's not waste time. Yuuko, I still have the URL to the server. I'll share it with you, and we'll meet at the center of the server!

Yuuko nooded. She share the server URL with Yuuko. The two logged into the Avalon Server. Lunamon stood with Sayo, as the two girls met in the center of the server.

Sayo: Here we are!

Lunamon: Look! (points ahead)

Yuuko: We found him. (they get closer) Who are you? (the avatar turns arround)

"Yuugo": I am "Yuugo",  leader of the Zaxons.

Yuuko: Stop kidding arround! Give back that avatar right this minute!

"Yuugo": ...Is this avatar really important to you, Yuuko?

Yuuko: You... You know my name?

"Yuugo": Of course. I am "Yuugo". Isn't this the avatar that you have been using in EDEN for so many years? It seems that you think this accound has been hacked, but... that's not true. No one is logged in as me.

Sayo: Quit it, hacker! We know for sure that not even Yuuko's logged in as Yuugo!

"Yuugo": Indeed. It's just as you say.

Sayo: What do you mean?

"Yuugo": But this is an account created by Kishibe Rie. with its own AI, in order to manipulate you.

Yuuko: What?

Lunamon: What does he mean?

Sayo: The account itself is an artificial inteligence. This "Yuugo" is just an AI that was built into Yuuko's Avatar, a mear program!

Lunamon: GASP!

AI: Good deduction. Do you understand now, Yuuko? Even if you're a quite reserved person, in EDEN, you were able to be Yuugo. I'm the reason for that. You and I have been partners all these years.

Yuugo: ...

AI: Without me, you can't become Yuugo, and you still want to delete me? You became me in order to protet EDED, didn't you?

Yuugo: ... That is true. I was alone and powerless. I didn't think I could protect EDEN, so I acepted Rie-san's invitation. My brother, who I respect more than anyone, protects the EDEN that my father created.

Sayo: By using her brother's avatar, she always felt he was still with her.

Lunamon: This is so hearbreaking!

Yuuko: It's true. Iit felt like we were always together.

AI: I see... Ok, from now on, let's protect EDEN together.

The AI's words seemed genuin. But thanks to her cyber body, Sayo could feel something was off about that AI. Yuuko closed her eyes and brought her hand to her chest for a moment. 

Yuuko: ... I have nothing but contempt for Rie-san.

AI: ?

Yuuko: You're without a question the best brother anyone could ask for... It's for that reason I felt confortable, terrible as I am! Because of that, I was manipulated by Rie-san, and in the end, I threw my father's EDEN in chaos!

Sayo: Yuuko.

Yuuko: I won't alow myself to depend on you anymore. Today... I will delete you!

AI: ... You can't delete me. I was created to protect EDEN. EDEN is the only place I can exist.

Yuuko: I thought so too, but... there are certain places outside of EDEN where we can live.

AI: Maybe that's true for you... but I am a program. I cannot live anywhere else. But... I understand now. You and me... we're different people.

The AI snapped its fingers, summouning two Digimon, with one being MetalGreymon that Yuuko knew, and the other being a diferent cyborg species of Greymon, RizeGreymon.

Sayo: GASP!!!

Yuuko: MetalGreymon, RizeGreymon? But... you're both my Digimon!

AI: The three of us fight together. It seems they still see me as "Yuugo". It sounds like you made your choise. 

Sayo: I knew something was off, but I never expected this.

AI and Yuuko: ?

Sayo: Yuuko, there's no AI in the middle. My theory was correct. Someone is in control of your brother's avatar. And it's not a person, it's Digimon.

Yuuko: What?

Sayo: Two Digimon corrupted by GRB wouldn't obey any regular hacker. Sounds like you found a way to assume the form of a human avatar in EDEN. But I know everything now. Reveal yourself, Regulusmon!

Lunamon gasped shocked. The AI closed its eyes for a moment. When oppening, they were glowing in yellow, as blue flames surrounded it. And from those, a black dragon emerged.

Regulusmon: Hahahahahaha!!! I wasn't expecting you'd figure out, DigiDestinated of Honour. 

Sayo: It's all part of being a good Sleuth.

Yuuko: What's going on?

Sayo: Regulusmon, a Digimon with a program called Gulus Relm Burst, which corrupts any Digimon it merges with, like RizeGreymon and MetalGreymon. (activates the analyzer)

Alliance: «Regulusmon, an Evil Dragon Digimon. Perfect Level. Its body is the source of an infection known as "Gulus Realm Burst", and it is said that Digimon infected with the "GRB Factor" have their personalities altered and become frenzied.»

Regulusmon: I saw an oportunity to expand the GRB Factor the moment Kishibe let this account free for anyone who wanted. So I took the oportunity, and infected as many Digimon as possible!

Sayo: I don't know what you plan is, but it won't pass of today! 

Sayo raised her Digivice. However, suddenly, Canoweissmon popped out of Yuuko's Alliance Ring, and charged in at Regulusmon.

Canoweissmon: GALLIA FISSURE!!!

Canoweissmon caught Regulusmon off guard, and landed a Gallia Fisure, which pushed him back. Regulusmon pointed at Sayo and Yuuko, and the two cyborgs charged in.

Sayo: I'll deal with them! Lunamon, let's go!

Lunamon: I'm on it!

Sayo: DIGISOUL CHARGE!!! (charges the Digisoul) OVERDRIVE!!! (unleashes the Digisoul)


Lunamon grew. She took the apearance of a God Man Digimon. Two moon shape things peared on her legs, the Goodnight sisters. Finally, a lance materealized above her.



Dianamon unleashed her Goodnight Moon, which clashed with the two Digimon, pushing them clear. Yuuko looked at Canoweissmon, who was clashing head on with Regulusmon. 

Canoweissmon: METEOR LUX!!!

Regulusmon: DEATH-END SPIKE!!!

Canoweissmon used his Meteor Lux. Regulusmon reacted with his Death-End Spike, which is a better version of GulusGammamon's Death-End Skewer. He pierced the meteors with his tails, but missed Canoweissmon.

Yuuko: Those two look so similar!

Sayo: Maybe because both of them were born from a Gammamon. But that Regulusmon Digivolved from a GulusGammamon instead of BetelGammamon.

Regulusmon: You're the first one who clashes head on with me, and actually be able to take me on. 

Canoweissmon: I won't let you continue with your dirty games! GRAN NOVA!!!

Regulusmon: GRAN TRES!!!

Regulusmon triggered his Gran TrES, which is a dark version of Canoweissmon's Gran Nova. Both attacks clashed, creating a huge explosion. When the smoke cleared, Canoweissmon seemed to be going down.

Yuuko: You got him?

Sayo and Dianamon looked at the falling black dragon. Canoweissmon charged a Gallia Fissure, and charged in. But Dianamon noticed the evil dragon's eyes glow.

Dianamon: GASP! Canoweissmon, wait!

Canoweissmon: This is the end! GALLIA FISSURE!!!

Regulusmon: ... HA! Stupid! GENIERCE!!!

Regulusmon aimed the weapon in his left arm at Canoweissmon, and shot three huge lasers at Canoweissmon, who got caught of guard, and took a huge hit. This almost penetrated through him. He fell on the ground, close to Yuuko, nearly defeated.

Dianamon: He fooled you!

Regulusmon: Hahahahahaha!!! You charged in, thinking I was defeated? And you think you're a guardian of the Digital World? HA! 

Sayo: Don't think you've won already! What in the world it is that you wanna do with you GRB thing?

Regulusmon: Thanks to the GRB Factor, I'll have an army of Digimon, strong enough to take out the Royal Knights! They won't stand a chance! With the Royal Knights, I'm free to take over the Code Crown, and become the supreme ruller of the Digital World!

Sayo clinched her fist. The two cyborg Digimon stood back up, and joined their master. Yuuko looked at Canoweissmon, who was nearly out cold.

Yuuko: Canoweissmon, are you alright?

Canoweissmon: Don't worry about me... Focus on Regulusmon...(tries to stand up) We gotta... (colapses) Urgh... 

Yuuko: You're in no condition of fighting.

Canoweissmon: I don't care... I'm not... gonna... GIVE UP!!!

Yuuko looked at Canoweissmon. It seemed the last attack was definitly taking a tool on him. She looked at the bracelet she was wearing. The light on it was fading.

Yuuko(thoughts): At this rate, we won't be able to do this!

She then looked back at Sayo and Dianamon, who were fighting the three GRB Digimon with their full power. Yuuko knew she couldn't give up, for the sake of her friend, who helped her from the beginig.

«Them song - Makuake»

Yuuko(thoughts): Sayo's come all the way to help me... I cannot fail her! I've made up my mind. I'm spliting myself in two!

Canoweissmon(thoughts): I'm not letting this battle end yet... For Yuuko's sake... I will stand back up again and again!

Suddenly, a bright light emerged from Yuuko's bracelet, much to everyone's shock, specially Regulusmon, seeing that Canoweissmon was standing back up.


A gold light surrounded Canoweissmon, as he began to change. His shape looked more like a warrior, with a cape that looked like to wings, and two blades in his arms that could change to cannons at will.


A bright light surrounded Siriusmon, as he descended onto the battlefield, in front of Dianamon. He pointed one of his swords at Regulusmon, who growlled furious.

Regulusmon: Siriusmon... It was you form the begining...

Sayo: So this is Siriusmon. (activates the analyzer)

Alliance: «Siriusmon, a Light Dragon Digimon. Ultimate Level. Whenever it senses a voice crying for help or malice, even from far away, it will descend like a comet and bring down the enemy with the "Sylvia" composite cannon-blades equipped to both its arms. It's special move is called Breaquaser.»

Siriusmon stood in front of Regulusmon, still glowing in white. Regulusmon growled, still furious. The evil dragon charged in. But Yuuko and Siriusmon, now being syncronized through the Vital Bracelet VV were ready.


Siriusmon's right cannon turned into a blade. He charged in, swinging his blade at Regulusmon, who intercepted it with his shield. But Siriusmon managed to push clear, cracking the shield.

Regulusmon: GRAAAAAA!!!! You... You'll regret this!

Siriusmon: The one ever regreting anything will be you, Regulusmon!

Yuuko: Siriusmon, let's finish this! BREAQUASER!!!

Siriusmon shot a huge blast of his left cannon, and swang his right blade, releasing a blade of energy, that coalesced with the blast. The attack landed a huge hit on Regulusmon, creating a huge explosion, that also caught RizeGreymon and MetalGreymon.

Sayo: Whoa...

The smoke cleared, revealing the three Digimon were no longer there. Siriusmon retracted his weapons, and reverted to Canoweissmon. He joined Yuuko.

«Theme song ends»

Yuuko: Canoweissmon, thank you.

Canoweissmon: My pleasure, Yuuko.

Sayo: Sounds like you finally became the kind of hacker you wanted to be.

Yuuko: I guess. From here on now, I will protect the EDEN my father created. And I will for sure find a cure for the EDEN Syndrome!

Sayo smilled at her. However, Regulusmon managed to escape Siriusmon's last attack, barely alive. He took a portal, and left the Avalon Server.

Regulusmon: You can't stop me, Siriusmon. The GRB infected Digimon that get defeated give me power. Soon, I will be unstopable! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Ending - Twill, New World

Sora wo koete, umi wo koete
Chiisana fuan kibou ni kaete

Arukidashita kono sekai de
Dona deai wo sagashi ni ikou

Omoi kuzuresou demo zawameku kokoro osaeru
Kimi no koe ga tsutsumu saki shinjite

Bokura no tabi wa mada hajimatta bakari
Doredake no yume wo kizuna wo tsunaide ikou

Atsumaru kokoro wa tatakau tsuyosa ni naru yo
Yami wo koeta asu no sono saki e

Next Time...

The search for UlforceV-dramon forced the agency to be closed. So Akari takes on a case from a man who works at the metropolitan building. However, she crosses paths with one of the Royal Knights.

Next time, on Digimon Sonic Cyber Sleuth: Knight of Avalon, Craniummon!

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