The Journey Begins: Book One...


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Set two years after Red had become the champion of the Indigo League, Seris Nova is sent to Pallet Town by hi... Еще

Introductions and Info on the Story
The Team (ongoing edits)
Chapter 1: A Promise in Pallet
Chapter 2: Feeling Faint
Chapter 3: Catching Up
Chapter 4: All Fired Up
Chapter 5: The Pewter, The Better
Chapter 6: A Toxic Encounter

Chapter 1 cont.

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Day 1

*Seris was about to leave the house when he notices his bag was heavier than usual. As he reached the front door while trying to inspect the bag, he sees Delia right next to the and she starts to speak up*

Delia: Your mom sent you for your traveling and living expenses for you and your Pokemon in the package she sent with your orientation letter. I placed them and some food for lunch in there as well.

Seris: Ahh well...thank you.

*Right before he opened the door to leave, Delia asked one more thing*

Delia: Just...Make sure to call your family every now and then... They will worry about you a lot if you don't... 

*Seris looks down at the doorknob before slowly turning his face towards her with a slight smile on his face*

Seris: I will make it my number one priority.

*They exchange their goodbyes, and he slowly left the building. After a few steps away from the house, he had a sudden realization*

Seris:.......Did I properly teach that wild Voltorb how to properply use Self-destr-BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!

{TAKE 2. SCREEN. MARKER. *clap*}

Seris:......How do I get to the professor's house from here?

*After a bit of scrambling, he finally makes to the building not only because the directions were placed inside the letter but it also helps that the lab was one of the biggest buildings in town. As he approached closer to the door, he saw two people standing on the sides of it with pokéballs in one of each of their hands. The first one is a blonde blue-eyed guy with a yellow and black shirt on under an unbutton black jacket. He also wore a wristwatch on his right wrist, blue jeans and black and white sneakers.

(I do not own this picture nor did i make it. To the person who did, you get a cookie.)

*The second person was purple-colored hair and eyed teen girl but something was way off to Seris. She had a look in her eye that could kill a Charizard, her hair was placed in a spiky bun but most notably, she was in some form of ninja garb*

*As he walked passed him, the girl gave him the cold shoulder while the guy gave him a care-free smile at him. He was about to start a conversation with Seris, however, Seris immediately went inside the closed the door behind him. He looks around at the equipment and scientists in the lab. He then sees a little silver watch on the table in the far back of the lab. He slowly approaches and upon closer inspection, it looks like a watch but instead of a clock, it has square little box in it's place with appears to be a camera in the center of it. He is about to pick it up when he hears someone*

???: I wouldn't do that if I were you. Thats one of three prototypes in the world and I already handed out two of them.

*Seris gets startled by the voice before looking back to see where it is coming. To his surprise again, it was from someone he recognizes*

Seris: Hey, wait a minute... You're the guy who told me how to get to Miss Toyoshima's house!

*The man chuckles a bit to him self as he walks closer to Seris, showing off the lab coat his now wearing*

???: That I am, but I am also one of the interns here studying under Professor so that I can become a professor like him. Ahhh, but where are my manners. Let me introduce myself.

Krane: My name Mister Krane. I am guessing you are here for your starter Pokémon, am I right?

*Seris looks at him while nodding his head sliently*

Krane: Well, I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that most of the trainers that came in today were all early birds with the exception of you who arrived just on time. 

*As he walked over to a table on the right of where they were standing while talking with Seris following him*

Krane: The good news is...I made sure to have one Pokémon for all the trainers. 

*He clapped his hands twice and light shines down onto the table and in the middle was a Pokéball resting on top of a tiny pedestal*

*Seris looks closely at it for a few seconds before looking back at Krane*

Seris: ......What Pokemon is inside?

Krane: Toss it up and see. He is yours now after all.

*Krane gives him a small smile as Seris looks back at the ball and gently grabs it. With wonder in his mind and a fiery ambition in his heart, he chucks the ball straight up into the air with ball unleashing a white light slowly turns into the form of...*

???: Squuuuiiirrtlllle!

*The pokemon and ball descend from the air as Krane catches the ball and Seris catches his Pokemon. As the two look into the each others eyes, Krane speaks up*

Krane: Seris, I want you to meet the Tiny Turtle Pokemon, Squirtle!

*Seris then looks at Krane for moment and then ponders on the name for a bit*

Seris: Squirtle?.....Huh...It doesn't seem like a Squirtle to me?

Squirtle: Squuiirrt?

Krane: Come again?

Seris: No..... He looks like an Armada to me. 

*He looks at the turtle with a big and caring smile as he says that last sentence and then looks into the pokemon's eyes once more*

Seris: What do you think, little man?

*Squirtle looks at him for a second or two but then catches and gives me reassuring smiles with thumbs up*

Armada: Squirt.

Krane: Huh. It is already taken a liking to you. Honestly, out of all the pokemon we had here, he was the most behaved and listened to what we did. 

Seris: Alright then, Armada. Let's go!

Armada: Squirtllllee!

*They are about take their first step together when Krane yells out*

Krane: Just a second you two!

*THey both fall down flat on their faces ala anime style and then quickly get back up*

Seris: What is it Krane? We are about to go on our journey.

*He has a tray in his hands and brings them over to Seris. Upon closer inspection, Seris sees 6 Pokéballs on the tray as well as the weird watch thing from earlier*

Krane: You are going to need Squ- I mean Armada's pokéball as well as some spares to catch wild pokemon.

Seris: Okaaaaaay. That explains a huge chunk of the stuff here, but what about the watch? I thought you said this was your only prototype.

Krane: It is, but like the others that came before you, I wanted to do some field tests with it, so you three will be my beta testers for my invention. The PokéDex Assistant or the PDA for short. 
It is a PokéDex that fits on your wrist, but being a PokéDex is not it's only function, it can store valuable information like your Trainer ID, it has a built in in HoloCaster that can make calls and can play footage of Technical/Hidden Machines. 

*Once Seris puts his Pokéballs away in his pocket, Krane lifts up the PDA and secures it gently but firmly onto Seris's left wrist, then slowly turns him towards Armada before stepping back*

Krane: To use either the PokéDex or the TM/HM player, just tell it to scan the thing or creature you want to scan like so. *ahem* Dexter! Scan!

*The watch suddenly opens up like a jack in the box with a glass monitor on each side of square and each monitor is an ever-changing rainbow emitting from it. On the backside of the monitor closest to Armada, the camera that was originally in the center is now positioned looking at him while scanning him with very vague green lights. After it stops scanning, the lights on the monitor glow brighter until a holographic image of a Squirtle appears hovering above the panels. As both Seris and Armada are amazed by this, the PDA suddenly starts to speak*

DEXter: Squirtle. The Tiny Turtle Pokémon. A Water-type. Squirtle's shell is not merely used for protection. The shell's rounded shape and the grooves on its surface help minimize resistance in water, enabling this Pokémon to swim at high speeds.

Seris: Okay...This is Arceus damn amazing. 

*As it finishes its explanation, the watch retracts back into its original form with quick ease*

Krane: You can also use the HoloCaster function the same way but instead you say his name followed by "Call 'name'" and he makes the call for you.

Seris: Alright well...Is there anything else you need me for because I got to run and check out what this place have to offer.

Krane: I don't believe so but I would advise you to- 

*Before he could finish that sentence, Seris was already out the door and long gone*

Krane: catching Pokémon...

*After returning Armada to his ball, Seris is seen running down the streets of Pallet Town with excitement, ready to face the world, all the while a certain purple clad ninja was watching his movements from a distance. As he is running, we pan back over to Delia's home where a letter is placed on the dining room table with some writing a red circle on the bottom right of it. Looking closer, the letter as follows:

Dear Miss Toyoshima,

I wanted to thank you for giving the nice, though short-lived, hospitality you have shown me here tonight. I wanted to make up for it by doing something incredibly. Not just for my time here, but also a promise to a friend who is considered a part of my family. With that being said, I am placing a "blood oath" on this letter to ensure you that no matter what, I promise to do what I exactly attend to do in this letter. What might this promise be, you may be asking? It's quite simple, yet difficult. Miss Toyoshima... 

*As all of this being read mentally aloud, Seris is still shown sprinting down the pathway towards the tall grass. As he gets closer and closer, his grin slowly starts dwindling and his eyes of hope become the eyes of determination. He then runs past the point where he was dropped off at yesterday and runs straight into the route, thinking the same thing that is being read on the letter aloud*

Both: I will find Red!

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