The Hybrid

Autorstwa Jammy_Blackwood

96 25 0

As a Hybrid, it seemed that the whole world was against her and that only her mother was fighting her corner... Więcej

Council Meeting
Here Goes Nothing
A Battle
Say What?
This wasn't supposed to happen
The Thrill Of The Hunt
My Father's Home
Time To Train
Oh shit!
You're Safe
My Name?
The End

Return to Asgard

2 1 0
Autorstwa Jammy_Blackwood

I ran full pelt out of the library, not watching where I was going. Think I broke the door on my exit. I didn't want anyone to see me like this. Saying that I don't think I have ever seen myself with blue skin. Thor probably hates me now. I had to run, I know my Frost Giant skin burns every other race. I could still hear Thor shouting my name as I ran.

I reached the forest tree line, I bumped into Loki and we both fell to the floor, with me on top of him.
"Whoa there, If you wanted to get on top of me, all you had to do was ask," He chuckled. His hands on my waist "I wouldn't have said no,"
"Loki... let go of me... I need... I need... to hunt. I need to control... this" I panted heavily as I showed him my skin. That's when I realised I was on top of him. I scrambled off him and hid behind a tree "I'm sorry... I hope... I didn't... burn you too much... stay away,"
"Burn me?" Loki sat up. He looked confused "Why would you... oh... your Frost Giant side came out, didn't it?" I nodded as Loki approached me carefully.
"Stay away... I don't want to hurt you,"
"You couldn't" Loki climbed to his feet "Trust me. Your perfect icy skin couldn't hurt me"
"What do you mean?" I poked my head from behind the tree. I saw that Loki was close so I hid again.
"What you forget is that I am the adopted son of Odin. I am the biological son of Laufey. The idiot King of Jotunheim," Loki explained. I slapped my forehead. how could I forget?
"I can't burn you because you're a Frost Giant," I whispered. I could feel my heartbeat slowing down. Loki was now by the tree that I was hiding behind. I took a peak and saw that Loki was now blue too.
"Aurora, darling. Come out. As you see, it is just us Frost Giants," Loki smiled.
"If you're Frost Giant, then why do you look like an Asgardian?" I slowly moved from the tree. Loki held his hand out for me to take. I reluctantly took it. I expected it to be ice cold but he felt like he was the same temp as me.
"I do not know. I think somewhere deep, deep down in my subconscious, I took the form of Asgardin when Odin stole me from the Jotunheim temple," Loki pulled me into his arms. I tensed up. I wasn't convinced that I wouldn't hurt him "Breath, Aurora. You are okay,"
"I... I..." I mumbled into Loki's chest. I think I was having a panic attack "My chest feels tight," Loki then clicked his tongue.
"Would you like to see something?" Loki whispered. He turned me ever slightly and held out his hand "My mother taught me this when I was a child," He held his hand out and made fireworks appear. It was oddly calming.
"Wow..." I could feel my muscles relax as I watched the pretty lights "That is so pretty," I looked up at Loki who was now back to his Asgardian form.
"Look at your hand," Loki spoke softly as he lifted my hand in his. My skin was now back to normal.
"The one time that being in your arms really helped," I whispered.
"I will gladly show you how being in my arms will help in many, many ways," Loki whispered in my ear "But I fear that this is neither the place nor the time,"
"Showing restraint, so unlike you," I licked my lips. I went to move away but Loki kept hold "Loki?"
"I just want to hold you for a little longer. It may be my last chance when we storm Asgard," Loki sighed. I placed my hands on his cheeks.
"And if you're a good boy, you may get to hold me when we win," I smiled. Loki leaned down and placed his forehead on mine.
"Does that mean... You're considering us?" he whispered. I nodded slightly. Of course, I had considered the possibility of us. Since we spoke of it, I have nothing but. Loki is my first and last thought of the day. My heartbeat quickens when I am with him. He makes things seem so simple.
"I can't help but think of you" I lifted my head, moving my hands to his neck "But we have to wait until after we defeat Asgard, then you, are all mine,"
"I think I always was yours from the moment my eyes saw you," Loki smiled as he pulled me closer. How is this man my everything already? We had only had about five different interactions. Must be a soulmate thing that my mama told me about.

We had to wait a full 72 hours before Thor and Fandral were finally hangover-free. Bunch of idiots. I was in my room getting ready.
"This is it, isn't it?" It was finally time for us to launch our attack on Asgard. Or should I say our counterattack on Asgard? I certainly do not have intentions of burning the city down. These people have lives. They don't live to die and they sure have to live their lives as slaves for another tyrant.

I attached my dagger to my ankle and gave myself one last check over. After losing my cool the other day, I was worried that my skin was still blue. I don't need the others to think I was a freak or a monster.

So armed with the collective knowledge of the entire library. And a little from Fandral and Sif. Thor and Loki seemed to have worked out whatever was wrong with their relationship.
"We are not fucking ready," I mumbled. All that's left to do is go downstairs. I'm sure the others are waiting. I shut my eyes and focused my energy on the main entrance of the house.

"Alright, everyone," I blipped downstairs, catching most of them by surprise, "Are we ready?" Thor swung his fist in surprise. I easily caught it.
"Where the fuck did you come from?" Thor gasped, staring at me like I had just fallen from the sky. It is my own fault, I did materialize out of nowhere.
"Your best friends, last I checked," I chirped.
"You've come into your teleportation powers nicely, Blue," Fandral praised.
"When did you learn to do that?" Sif asked as she finished sharpening her sword.
"On my way to Asgard. When I did a moonlight flit and rescue Loki. Isn't it neat?" I teleported around the room. Loki smirked as I scared Thor again.
"Yes... yes. It's incredible," Thor approved, "Now, are you ready to go? Do you have everything?"
"Yes, I do," I nodded, I lifted my leg up and showed my ankle dagger "Just in case I need backup."
"If that didn't bring back memories," Thor chuckled to himself.
"Should we be concerned?" Fandral worried.
"The first time we met," I remembered, my heart melts a little, "I pulled a knife on you."
"I did threaten to hit you with Stormbreaker," Thor awed.
"You pulled a knife on Thor?" Loki looked at me strangely. He almost seemed impressed.
"He threatened me with Stormbreaker!" I squeaked, "What was I supposed to do?"
"In my defence, I was going to go easy on you if fought that night." Thor sighed as he leaned on the wall.
"But you and I both know," I hid a little smirk on my face, "That I can hand your ass to you." I took great pride in that. Still felt guilty for beating the shit out of him though.
"Handbags away," Sif settled us, "We don't need to see whose balls are bigger here."
"Rory..." Thor brought me back, "Have you had breakfast this morning?"
"Yes," I nodded, At least, I think I have "Why?"
"I don't need you passing out on me while we're in the heat of battle," Thor pointed out, "We've had this conversation. You come back alive and you stick with us,"
"I know," I rolled my eyes. At that moment, I noticed Sif smiling out of the corner of my eye. Almost as if she were relieved that I would be staying. I've never seen her so peaceful when Thor takes charge like that. She's been kind of tense lately. However, Thor's sudden leadership wouldn't go unnoticed by Fandral.
"You almost sound like her Godfather, Thor." Fandral crossed his arms.
"We are the closest thing she's got to parents," Thor threw an arm around me, "And I would be lying if I said the little pain in the ass hasn't grown on me."
"And besides, lying is my job," Loki raised his hand. I needed to stop this before I puked. I wiggled my way out of Thor's embrace.
"I am going to hurl if you continue being all... family... Honestly, it's just gross," I gagged. I would say that I hated it but deep down, I enjoy family life... Is this what it's like to be a grown-up?
"Are we all ready then?" Thor asked. We all nodded "Brother, are you ready to go back?"
"As long as I have a good seat to watch Asgard burn then I am all for going back," Loki cracks his neck. Thor gave Loki a nod. I know there is still a little resentment between the two but given the time, they will work it out. Maybe. I don't know. Siblings are weird.
"Let's go," I did my best to hold myself together. I had a gut feeling that I wasn't going to like what we had to do, but it didn't mean I couldn't do it. I had to do this. We had to do this. For the sake of the people of the 9 realms. They needed to live in peace.
"Quick question... we know Aurora can teleport to Asgard but how do we get to Asgard? It's not like we can call for the Bifrost" Loki asked.
"Blue..." Fandral called for me, "Could you possibly mass teleport?" I shook my head.
"I can't. It would waste too much mana. Getting Loki out of Asgard was murder enough. I don't need to show up to the gates of Asgard already exhausted before the fight even begins."
"Well... Shit." Fandral grumbled, "That throws my idea out the window"
"Stormbreaker can get us to Asgard but we need to find a boat in the harbour that could carry us all" Thor announced.
"Valkeryie will know of one" Sif smiled.

As we were walking out the door, I felt Loki slip his hand into mine. I told the others that we would be right behind them.
"Aurora..." Loki spoke.
"Is everything alright?" I asked.
"You tell me," he worried, "Are you sure about this?"
"Hell yes. I'm definitely strong enough to take on Hela and all the twats in that palace," I lied. I was dreading seeing Hela.
"Aurora. I am the God of Lies and Mischief... You can't lie to me," Loki saw through me. Damn. I need to hide my emotions better "I know that you and Hela were incredibly close. Are you sure you are going to be ok?" Dammit... He got me. I took a couple of deep breaths and settled myself down.
"It's like you said. We were incredibly close but that will not stop me from absolutely destroying her," I grinned. Hoping he would drop the subject "What about you?"
"What about me?" he wondered.
"Are you going to be ok?" I asked, "If you so much look at her, are you going to break down on us? Is just one little glance from Hela going to bring you to your knees?" I could see it in his eyes. I just cut deep. Possibly deeper than I anticipated. I thought he was going to break but my words seemed to spark a certain fire burned in the pit of Loki's soul.
"Firstly, The only one that will force me to my knees, is you. And I plan to do that willingly," Loki brought my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles "and secondly... I'm not Hela's dog. Not anymore. Out of everyone here, she's hurt me the worst. And when we destroy her and possibly Asgard, I will not have a single speck of remorse."
"That's... good to... know," I could feel my cheeks burning. I then smirked as I pulled him down to my level (because damn him for being taller than me) and kissed him on the lips "If it comes down to it and you think you have nothing left to believe in, believe in that. Believe in us,"
"Aurora... You... are..." Loki blinked the stars out of his eyes. I covered his mouth.
"I know," I smiled. Loki blushed as he licked his lips.
"Come on. Before my brother starts complaining," Loki kept hold of my hand.

We caught up with the others fairly quickly. Thor was complaining about something as per usual.
"So, yeah, We should be able to get there before nightfall," Fandral spoke as he sorted out a wagon to take us to town. The pub may be down the road but the harbour was a twenty-minute walk and none of us wanted to walk.
"Good. We can be sneaky ninjas," I grinned as I climbed into the wagon, Loki right behind. Fandral was the last in the back while Thor and Sif took the seat in the front.

Sif was right, Valkyiere knew of a boat that could help us. It was some attraction ride but it worked just as well. She did also want to come with us but New Asgard needed their King to live.
"When this is all over. You, me... those lot... and the new girl will be getting drunk," Valkeryie grinned. Thor happily agreed.
"God help my liver," I whisper to Loki.

The ride to Asgard's portal was longer than I thought it would be. And quiet. There was nothing but an angry staring contest between Fandral and Loki. I was playing with a whetstone. Fandral gave it to me so I could sharpen my dagger. (If my dagger wasn't sharp enough to kill on contact, then what was the point of bringing it with me?) This was no ordinary dagger. My mother gave this to me on her deathbed.

After we stepped through the portal to Asgard, the sun was barely in the sky. We had only had an hour of sunlight left. Everyone looks around sadly. The town looked like hell. We had landed on a hill that overlooked Asgard.
"I swear this place used to be cleaner," Fandral looked around. The air seems thick and tense. Something is wrong.
"It was. The sun no longer shines here," Loki sighed "Hela's reign has caused the sun to disappear. What was a happy place is now no better than the Dark Elves' realm," He must feel guilty. He allowed Hela to manipulate him when he was at his lower "I should have stood up against Hela... Father would not have allowed this to happen," Thor walked over to his brother and patted his shoulder.
"This was not your fault. This is all Hela," He spoke "Do not blame yourself,"
"Easier said than done, Brother," Loki whispered.
"So where in Asgard are we?" I asked, changing the subject. I gripped Loki's hand.
"That's where the market used to be," Thor pointed to the lower end.
"Looks like it's still there." Sif pointed.
"Not to sound like I need a drink but we need to find an inn," I looked at the townsfolk, their eyes full of fear.
"why?" Fandral narrowed his eyes. I rolled mine.
"A tavern is usually the best place to see what the townsfolk know already. The more information we can get, the better. We'll meet back here once the sun sets. Understood?"
"Thor and I will go find somewhere for us to stay for the night," Sif spoke, her hand on her sword.
"The Boozy Barman looks like it is still open," Loki nodded to his right.
"We will head to the market," Fandral ordered before heading to the market.
"Keep a tight hold on their leash," Sif whispered in my ear. I gave her a little smile. Sif knew I could keep both Fandral and Loki under control. Though it is not them that I worry about.
"Loki, will you try and break the enchantment," Thor ordered.
"It will be easy now that we are on home turf," Loki smirked as he waved his hands in the air. A green cloud went up in the air "It will take time for the spell to be undone,"

And so, Fandral, Loki, and I took a walk around the marketplace. If we're being honest, the human half of me was getting kind of hungry and some of the vendors had food. What, travelling makes me hungry. I stopped at a fruit stand run by an older woman.
"Excuse me?"
"Yes, dear," she came to me with a smile, "What can I help you with?"
"How much for two apples?" I asked.
"One gold coin." She replied. I dug in my bag on my hip for a couple of gold coins.
"I'll take four apples," The woman gathered my apples for me "If you don't mind me asking," I wondered, "What's going on around here? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were all preparing for war."
"War would almost be welcomed compared to what's going to come," a sadness washed over her face.
"That's oddly cryptic," I munched on an apple "Where are all the men?"
"Our Queen took the men for her war." She replied. So Hela thought that I was still in Asgard. The old woman then looked to the sky "Storm is coming. You and your two gentlemen friends should find somewhere to take shelter for the night. The Queen will soon come,"
"Why will she come?" I asked before taking another bite of the apple.
"She searches the realm for what was stolen from her,"
"What was stolen from her?"
"Her daughter was. That she was brainwashed by some nutjob who betrayed her. They say that whichever realm has her will be spared from death if they inform Hela of her whereabouts," The old woman spoke.
"Well, you are in luck," Fandral appeared behind me, hands on my shoulders "This is Hela's stolen child. She wants her back, you better go get her," Out of absolute fucking nowhere, we were swarmed. This was not in the plan. I just wanted apples! I didn't think I would become an instant celebrity. And it was starting to get to be too much. I could feel my skin turning blue. I looked around for help but there were too many people. I was about to lose it when someone pulled me into their arms.
"I got you, darling," Loki whispered. He then addressed the crowd "Will you all back off? Queen Hela will not appreciate it if you overwhelm the girl!" Loki took my hand and pulled me out of the crowd. As we walked by Fandral, Loki grabbed him by the ear.

"Fandral, why would you do that to Aurora," Loki threw Fandral against a wall of a building, while shielding me from the newly forming mob "I told you all to back off!" The crowd moves but not far enough. Loki shields me with his body, obstructing their view.
"Well, here's the idea," Fandral explained, "If rumours of Aurora being in Asgard were to spread to Hela, it could lure her out."
"You could've let us in on the plan beforehand," I scolded him, giving him a little smack to the shoulder.
"We don't have the luxury of time," Fandral looked over my shoulder and into the distance, "Hela's already here."
"She is?" I looked around. Sure enough, I saw Hela walking down the steps towards our area. The old woman walked towards her. The crowd had started to flee. I spotted Thor and Sif heading towards us.

"Thor, Sif. Did you see her?" Fandral asked as Thor and Sif stopped by my side. Loki kept to the shadows.
"Yeah. She's on her way," Thor gripped Stormbreaker while Sif unsheathed her sword.
"Are you sure we are ready?" I started to sweat a little. I know I am powerful. I know I can take on the likes of Hela, especially with Loki, Fandral, Thor, and Sif at my side. But the downside to my brain is that I am easily distracted. I could be in the middle of a hunt and see something shiny and be like 'Ohh shiny' and boom, my prey is gone.
"It's now or never, Aurora," Thor took my hand, "We have your back,"
"We fight to make this world better. To save it from itself. And that means taking down the worst of the worst." Sif gripped her sword.
"My wife," Thor beamed, proud of Sif "Rory... This is your battle, we move on your word,"
"Right," I clicked my tongue. We had mere minutes before Hela arrived "Loki,"
"What is it, Aurora?" Loki was practically at my side.
"I need you to go hide," I ordered, He then frowned at me "If your sister sees you, she will try and turn you against us. Or kill you on sight." I couldn't let Hela get her hands on Loki again. I will not allow it. I will destroy Asgard to protect him.
"Let me fight. I can provide some assistance. I can cast a projection of myself while I try and find anyone to join our cause," Loki replied.
"Save your mana. Go and use that silver tongue of yours," I smiled. I could tell he wanted to make some flirty remark but held back. I held back too as I wanted to kiss Loki but the others were watching. Loki and I stared at each other before he took off "Let's go face the bitch,"

Together, Fandral, Thor, Sif and I walked into the centre of the market where Hela was dragging the apple lady behind her. Fandral pushed me behind him.
"Where are they?" Hela asked. The old lady pointed at me. Hela tossed her to the ground "Remove the oxygen thief from my sight," The guard bowed and gently took the lady out of the way. Glaring at Hela the whole time.
"Well, look who it is. The has been Prince, The bitch, The lady's man and a no-one," Hela sighed.
"Hela, I see that you are still a ruthless bitch then?" Fandral tilted his head at Hela. I heard some people muttering about Thor. Some couldn't believe that he was still alive.
"Fandral," Hela grinned, sadisticly, "As I live and breathe. I thought you were dead,"
"Sorry to disappoint," his grip tightened, giving me all the reassurance I needed.
"Thor... little brother how lovely it is to have you back," Hela mocked as she glanced at Thor.
"Sister, you looked like you haven't had a wash in weeks," Thor looked her over, getting a quick jab to the side from Sif.
"And you still look like an overgrown ape," Hela flicked her hair over her shoulder. Sif growled, ready to go for the bitch's throat "Sif, still feisty as ever,"
"You have no idea," Sif prepared her attack stance.
"It looks like you have come to die. Or if you prefer, you could bend the knee? Have you come to finally accept me as your rightful Queen?"
"Not happening," Thor reached for Stormbreaker. Hela gradually crosses the huge space towards Thor "Sister, I love what you've done with the place,"
"Well, it lacked flavour. Too much happiness. So little brother, have you come to claim your throne?"
"Firstly, I do not want to be King. And believe me, I would love for someone else to rule. Secondly, I can't have you sit on the throne as Queen. it can't be you. You're just... the worst," Thor sighed, a small smile on his face. Hela puts on her headdress "You know, Father once told me that a wise king never seeks out war..." Thor cracked his neck.
"But must always be ready for it." Hela ended the sentence "Who is your friend, Fandral? another pathetic creature that you have taken under your wing?"
"No. Not a friend. Family," I spoke as I pushed past Fandral. It's been ages since I stood this close to Hela. I can do this. Slow, even breaths. There is no way in hell this bitch is going to leave here alive. However, instead of being intimidated as she should be, Hela laughed in my face.
"Really? This is your last-ditch effort? The Calland bastard who is too afraid to use her powers to their full potential? And for what? Because her mommy wanted her to preserve her humanity?" Hela turned her head to me "She is dead, darling. Get over it. You had the chance to be on the winning side."
"Go get her," Fandral kissed the top of my head and took a step back.
"Hela, You can shut your fucking face. Do ever talk shit about my family," I was ready to tear her throat out. I have had enough of her. No one talks shit about my family. No one talks shit about my mama. Time for you to die.
"Aurora, sweetie, I have to ask. It was you that sole Loki from my dungeons wasn't it," I shrugged "Please answer me, You stole him, didn't you?" Hela seemed unfazed by my anger.
"Hell yeah, I did... I liberated him," I stood my ground, the memories of what Loki used to look like burned into my brain, "You were torturing him, Hela."
"Please. He was the stupid little brat that followed me like the weak-minded fool," She rolled her eyes. I snarled. My eyes burned red "You know, Aurora, he is here,"
"Who is here?" I frowned.
"The one that killed your father," Hela picked at her nails.
"And it so happens that the one who killed him is standing in front of me," My lips curled over my teeth.
"Blue..." Fandral tried to settle me, "She's trying to distract you." And it was working.
"Fandral, be quiet. We are trying to have a conversation," Hela groaned before turning back to me "I didn't kill your father. I may have watched it happen but I never touched him. It's true, Aurora. He's here. And he's on my side. It wasn't difficult to get him in my good graces. If you thought I was good at torture, I can only imagine what you are going to do to him,"
"Blue..." Fandral held me back "Don't do it,"
"I have to," I begged, "You three can hold off Hela without me."
"Rory..." Thor grabbed my arm, "We need you here."
"I won't be long," I pointed out, shaking myself out of Thor and Fandral's grasp. I turn to Hela "How will I know it's him?"
"He will smell of sunflowers and death," Hela tilted her head. I looked at the others, horror on their faces. They started calling my name as I bolted away from the town square.

My nose went on high alert. With everyone I passed, it killed me.
"Asgardian... Asgardian...Asgardian... Fucking come on. Where is he?" I then caught a glimpse of Loki's smell and the smell of death that was following him "Loki..." I prayed that he wasn't in trouble. Asgard didn't need to be burned down today. I bolted towards him and the smell of death.

I found the building Loki was holed up in and noticed a man with long red hair, knelt down at a dead body in the street. And he smelled like sunflowers and death. It has to be. I watched as he stood up.
"He seems familiar," I muttered to myself. Was he from my mother's stories? I think I have seen his picture before.
"Back in the old days, I would have prayed that you find peace in Valhalla. It's too bad we are not in the old days anymore." I ran some dirt over me and made it look like I needed help.
"Excuse me," I kept my head about me.
"What?" the man looked over his shoulder. The scar over his eye was a tad concerning. Both his eyes were white. He looked... like he was supposed to be dead.
"Could I ask you a question?" I came off as meek and quiet as I could.
"I suppose so," he brushed me off, "I don't see the harm in it," I braced myself for whatever may come next.
"What is your name?"

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