The Heart Thief

By forevertoofar

305K 14K 1.5K

Millie Jenson is heading to 32 and she is still single. Her life lacks excitement and love. The love she's be... More

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6.2K 336 63
By forevertoofar



The three of us huddled together in the middle of the living room. It had been a couple of hours since I temporarily moved in. With three guest rooms available in the house, I carefully selected the one farthest from Roman's room.

After returning from my apartment, Isaac insisted on showing me around the house, even though I had been there several times before. It did help ease my mind, though, knowing Roman was soundly asleep in his room. However, things took an unexpected turn when he woke up and called for a meeting. Both Isaac and I were puzzled, and that's how we found ourselves huddled in the living room. Roman exchanged a glance with Isaac before handing him a folded paper.

"What's this?" Isaac asked, reaching for the paper and unfolding it. He read aloud, "House rules." A snort escaped his lips as he glanced up. "Why do we need house rules as if we're kids?"

"Millie and I don't," Roman replied, pausing for emphasis. "This is specifically for you."

"Wait, you're telling me I'm the only one who is getting house rules?" he exclaimed, disbelief evident in his voice. "What the hell? Let me see that." He grabbed the paper from his hand and proceeded to review its contents. "No walking around naked," he read out loud, then looked up at Roman with a puzzled expression. "When have you ever seen me walking around naked?"

"It's a precautionary measure," Roman countered.

"If I haven't done it before, why would I start now?" He directed his gaze towards me. "Why isn't Millie getting these rules? Why am I the only one being targeted here? And why aren't you setting rules for yourself?"

Roman's face had been the picture of amusement and satisfaction throughout their little exchange. "It's my house and I set the rules," he stated matter-of-factly.

Isaac rolled his eyes before examining the paper once more, his voice now laced with mockery. "Don't leave clothes lying around, do the dishes, don't make a mess of everything — wait, this is ridiculous. I'm a neat freak. My underwear is cleaner than your skin."

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh, finding the rules just as absurd as he did. It was a humorous attempt to provoke him, though Isaac had yet to realize it.

Roman scoffed. "Do you have any idea what kind of soap I use?"

"No, Roman, because I don't live with you, and I've never been in your bathroom," Isaac replied sarcastically.

"I'm just saying, my products are high-quality and limited edition. You can't compare it to your bloody underwear."

"Fucking hell, are you trying to show off to my face? Everyone here uses expensive products," He paused, both of them turning their attention to me. Isaac added with a smirk, "Well, maybe except for Millie."

I scoffed, not taking any offense to his comment. After all, he hadn't meant it in a malicious way, and I simply didn't care to engage in an argument about the quality or expensiveness of the products I used. The ongoing debate between them was eye rolling, but I understood that Roman had been deliberately pushing Isaac's buttons ever since we moved in. It made me wonder if his behavior stemmed from Isaac confiding in me about his personal issues or if it had something to do with me moving in.

"Isaac, If you're going to complain about my rules, then you can move out and find a new place."

Isaac let out an exasperated sigh, his irritation evident. He waved his hands dismissively, his frustration clear in his voice. "Seriously? You're not actually kicking me out, are you? And leave Millie alone with you? No way."

A playful snort escaped Roman's lips, his tone light-hearted. He leaned back, his body language relaxed as he raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. "What do you think I'm going to do? Do you think I'm some kind of monster?"

His best friend couldn't help but smile, his annoyance fading into a smirk. His tone laced with mock concern when he gestured towards Roman's face with a dramatic tone. "Even monsters have beautiful faces and can be gentlemen."

In sync, both Roman and I exclaimed, our voices filled with playful disbelief, "Did you just call me beautiful?" "Did you just call him beautiful?"

Isaac rolled his eyes. "The point is, I'm not following these stupid rules, and I'm definitely not moving out." With a decisive motion, he tore the paper into shreds and scattered them into the air.

"Isaac Quintella Harris, how dare you tear up my rules?"

I gasped, caught off guard by the mention of his middle name. "Quintella?" I couldn't help but blurt out, trying to hold back a giggle.

He shot his best friend a quick glare, annoyance flickering in his eyes. "You couldn't keep that to yourself, asshole?"

A faint smile tugged at Roman's lips. "Well, Isaac, your middle name pays homage to your grandmother. Millie had to know."

He scowled, shaking his head in disbelief. "Grandma Saoirse was an evil woman, but sure, let's honor her memory."

Roman's disapproving gaze met his defiant one. "She was a kind woman who wanted to honor her deceased twin sisters by giving her granddaughters their names. It's unfortunate that you only have one sister so the other name had to go to you. Embrace it with pride."

Isaac couldn't resist a teasing grin. "Well, Frederick," he stated mockingly, "when it comes to middle names, yours is truly beautiful, isn't it?"

I interjected, trying to diffuse the tension. "Actually, Millie is not my real name." The room fell into stunned silence as heads turned towards me.

"What?" Isaac and Roman asked in unison, their eyes wide with surprise.

I nodded, a wistful smile playing on my lips. "Yes, my name is Emilia." The revelation always seemed to catch people off guard. It had been a choice I made long ago, back when I was just eight years old. You see, Emilia was also my cousin's name, and there was always an unspoken competition between my aunt and my mom. To avoid any confusion or further rivalry, I decided to go by Millie instead.

The decision hadn't come without its consequences. I could still remember the disappointment in my mom's eyes when I made the choice. After all, I had been the first one to bear the name, and yet, I had willingly cast it aside.

Isaac seemed momentarily stunned, his features softening as he processed the revelation. He nodded slowly, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "That's a cute name, Emilia Jensen," he said, as if savoring the sound of the name. "It suits you perfectly."

Roman's face softened into a gentle smile. "Emilia," he said, his voice filled with warmth. "I like it. I also like a clean house." His gaze swept over the torn papers lying on the ground. He sighed. "Was this necessary?"

"Dude, misplaced priorities." Isaac crossed his arms, looking between me and Roman. "I think the both of you are the ones who need the rules. You need something in place that keeps you both in line."

Roman made a low humming noise, one that sent a little shiver down my spine. "That's none of your business."

I studied the two of them. "I'm suddenly rethinking my decision."

Isaac glanced at me before looking back at Roman. "You're on your own," he remarked, turning around as he added, "I'm going out. I may or may not miss dinner. See you." He gave a single wave. As soon as the doors closed, Roman's eye met mine.

"So..." He shuffled his feet across the floor, keeping a perfect, white teethed smile on his face.

"So," I repeated with a forced smile of awkwardness. "Can you cook?"

He cocked his head. "That's not what you want to say."

"Damn it. How can you read me so well?"

He smiled. "What did you want to say, Millie?"

"You don't think I'm crazy for moving into your house?"

Roman clicked his tongue. "No, because your weakness is your empathy."

"Is that what you think?"

"Why else would you be here if Isaac hadn't told you about my issue?"

"I don't know, maybe I could have for other reasons?"

He chuckled. "Ah, hell, Millie. You know what I like about you? You're bold and you say whatever you're thinking, damn the consequences."

I stepped forward until we were toe to toe. I tilted my head up, meeting his eyes. "Wouldn't it be nice to say that? Damn the consequences?"

Roman met me in steps that were restrained and even, just inches from my body, watching my chest rise up and moving down to the rhythm of my heartbeats.

"What are you doing?" My voice broke mid-sentence, and he suppressed a chuckle.

"Didn't you say damn the consequences?"

A shiver rolled down my spine, sending electricity to the rest of my body and exploding in my lower stomach. Suddenly, it felt too hot to breathe. I was just about to take a step back, needing space to inhale air before I suffocate when he captured my wrist. He guided my hand to his mouth, the hot air of his breath hitting the sensitive flesh of my wrist. My stare dropped to his lips and I gulped. I could almost taste them, something I had never had, but could imagine what they felt like.

"Oh, shit, sorry!"

Both Roman and I were startled by Isaac's voice and we quickly separated, giving each other some distance to recover. I curled my hands into fists when I turned around to Isaac's mischievous grin as he looked between me and Roman.

"I forgot my car keys," he said quietly, tiptoeing around the room almost as if he didn't want to make more noise. He quickly swiped his keys off the counter and walked past us with a sly smirk. "Should I not come home tonight?" he tossed the question at Roman, who glared at him. I quickly slipped away before I could hear his response.


I groaned as I stumbled into the kitchen, clutching my head at five in the morning. Just a few minutes ago, I had woken up with a pounding headache. Squinting my eyes, I fumbled around the room until I found the drawer where Isaac had shown me they kept their medical supplies. Thankfully, I located the ibuprofen and struggled to unscrew the cap. After managing to get it off, I shook out two pills and swallowed them, hoping for some relief. However, I knew there was no chance I could go back to bed now.

Initially, I intended to return to my room, but instead, I found myself curled up on the sofa with only the side lamp switched on. Since sleep was out of the question, I decided to tackle some work. When the watch indicated it was six, I got up to take a shower. As I glanced in the direction of Isaac's room, I wondered if he had returned yet. Then my eyes settled on Roman's room, located three doors down from mine, and I let out a sigh. My hand instinctively reached for the doorknob, ready to turn it, but a thought stopped me—a thought that sent my heart racing. I hesitated, stealing another glance at Roman's room.

Should I?

I had no idea if he was awake, but I found myself using this excuse to justify checking out his room. Somehow, I convinced myself that my actions were noble—caring about him being late to work. With that flimsy justification in mind, I found my feet moving toward his room.

My hand hovered before his door, ready to knock, but uncertainty held me back. What if he was sound asleep, and I ended up waking him? Of course, that was the whole point, right? To wake him up. Yet, if I were honest with myself, it wasn't solely about ensuring he wasn't late. There was an undeniable desire to see him, to be near him, that guided my actions. The desire to inhale his familiar scent, which filled his personal space, was pulling me in.

I turned the doorknob silently, gently pushing the door open, and the room was immediately filled with his intoxicating scent. There, right in the middle of the bedroom, stood Roman—completely naked. His hair cascaded over his forehead, and water droplets traced their way down his body, accentuating the dips and curves of his toned stomach, enticingly leading my gaze to a specific area.

Caught off guard, he froze, holding a towel in his right hand, while my eyes involuntarily scanned his chiseled form from top to bottom. My heart pounded fiercely against my ribs, and a rush of mixed emotions washed over me in that moment.

My voice came out strangled as I blurted, "Sorry!"

Feeling utterly embarrassed, I swiftly turned around, desperate to escape the room. My legs felt weak, and my heart hammered so fast that I couldn't catch my breath. I hurriedly opened the door and stumbled out. Behind me, I could hear his footsteps quickening, and then suddenly, his arm came around me, his palm pressing gently against my stomach as he pulled me back against him. My head found a place to rest on his chest.

His warm breath tickled my ear as he leaned in to murmur, "Are you serious about your 'damn the consequences'?"

Fortunately, I could feel the texture of his towel against me, but it did little to calm my racing thoughts. Part of me wanted to turn around or break free from his hold, but he held me firmly, and water droplets from his damp body fell on my skin. The fresh scent of soap filled my nose. He gave my hand a soft squeeze, his thumb tenderly tracing the back of my hand.

"That wasn't— I wanted to see if you're awake. Sorry, I didn't knock," I said, my voice still strangled from embarrassment. He chuckled softly, releasing his hold on me and taking a step back. Despite the awkwardness, I refused to turn around.

"I came back from a run," he replied, his towel-clad form not bothering him at all. "I've been awake for three hours. Had a late meeting with people in Beijing."

Summoning the courage, I finally turned around to face him. Sure enough, he was there, with that charming smile of his. Roman ran his hand through his still-damp hair, pushing it back from his face in a way that made him even more attractive.

"Have you showered?" he asked, his gaze seemingly wandering over my fully clothed body, though it felt as if I were standing there completely exposed. He nervously chewed on his lower lip, a gesture that made me want to reach out and pull his lip gently from between his teeth.

"I was going to," I replied, nervously pushing a wisp of hair behind my ear. "Are you heading to work?"

He raised his eyebrows, a playful smile forming on his lips. "I kinda have to." With a teasing gesture, he reached out and flicked my ear lightly.

Stepping a few paces back, he turned around and tossed a parting remark over his shoulder, "By the way, congratulations on winning this round."

Roman was right; I had indeed won this round of competition. Alex was waiting for me by the elevator. As soon as he spotted me, he pushed off the wall and approached with a wide grin, as if he wasn't aware of the outcome. But then again, I knew Alex wasn't a sore loser. He always appreciated a good competition and respected a strong opponent. So why had I expected anything different?

"Good morning," he greeted, bouncing on his heels, still wearing that infectious grin as he stood beside me.

"Alex," I replied, a slight twitch forming on my lips. The elevator arrived, and we stepped inside together.

The minute I entered the office, I was greeted with smiles and congratulations from my colleagues. It felt surreal to realize that I had won, although I knew deep down that it was practically a sure thing. As expected, Kirby ignored the whole situation, and I had anticipated that reaction.

The day flew by swiftly. Just before I left, Isaac texted me in a randomly created group chat, inviting me and Roman to a celebration party he wanted to throw for me. Although I didn't feel like I needed a party, Isaac's enthusiasm was contagious, and I agreed to it.

Roman and I decided not to leave the office together, despite living in the same place. However, I caught a glimpse of him right as I was about to get into my car. Though we were a bit far apart, I could still picture the warm smile he wore while standing next to his open car door.

Back home, he arrived before me, probably because I made a quick stop to buy some liquor. As I walked inside with my shopping bag, Isaac suddenly jumped out in front of me, causing me to scream in surprise. He burst into laughter at my reaction.

"Isaac, you scared the shit out of me!" I exclaimed, attempting to swat him with the bag, but he quickly dodged to the side, still laughing at my reaction. Moments later, Roman appeared, holding a pan in his hand, drawn by the sound of the commotion.

"I heard screaming," he said, glancing between Isaac and me, trying to figure out what had happened while keeping the pan raised defensively.

"This idiot scared me." I made a playful attempt to kick Isaac, but my aim was off. Roman's tense expression relaxed as he realized it was just a harmless prank. Isaac grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes that reminded me of Roman. I rolled my eyes, walking past them and heading into the living room. "You're such a child."

As I stepped into the living room, I noticed it was filled with numerous candles, and I gasped in surprise. "This...are you trying to burn the place down?" I joked, but my heart warmed at the sight of the effort they had put into decorating for the celebration.

Isaac stepped forward, holding up his hands defensively. "It's a surprise and you're definitely surprised," he began, trying to suppress his own laughter. "I kinda like it. Roman does too."

"A surprise? More like a fire hazard."

He added, still grinning. "Come on, Mills, don't be such a killjoy. I made sure everything is safe and under control."

"Fine, but if anything goes wrong, you're both responsible for the consequences."

His grin was wide. "Deal!"

Isaac wasn't kidding about the party. Even though it was just the three of us, he had every thing ready. A lot of food and a lot of alcohol. I looked at my drinks, wishing I hadn't wasted money to buy some.

Roman traced my gaze to the shopping bag in hand and remarked, "You do know I have cabinets full of alcohol, right?"

I shrugged. "It's the thought that counts."

"Millie, come, come!" Isaac beckoned me to sit on the sofa, shoving a glass of drink into my hand. "No time to waste. Drink up!" He tilted the glass to my lips and I took a huge gulp down, making a face. I didn't like drinking, but I wanted to make an exception tonight. I threw a glance at Roman, who had just gulped down his drink.

Isaac pointed at the plates of snacks and deserts in front of us. "Eat up. Don't drink without eating. I spent so much time making these."

I snorted, having already seen the boxes of takeaway stashed in the trash, but I was too tired and lazy to call him out. I think we all knew he was lying. The brownies were my favorite thing to eat. I couldn't deny how good they tasted, and even Roman agreed when he ate just as much as I did. I switched the liquor to coke so I wouldn't get drunk. Roman only had one glass and said he was going to stay up for another conference call.

I thought Isaac was going to make a fuss about not drinking, but he was suspiciously compliant and understanding, and also drinking but mostly skipping the food, claiming he couldn't eat every time he cooked because the smell makes him lose his appetite.

"So, Mills, how does it feel to win?" Isaac exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement. "Roman told me your competition is tough."

I swallowed a piece of nugget with nodded. "Like a freaking concrete, but don't be so excited, the competition isn't over yet. There's a high chance I won't win against Alex."

He made a face. "Is he that brilliant?" He glanced at Roman for answer.

"He's got a record," replied Roman, one leg crossed over the other. He was settled onto the sofa, his hand draped casually over the smooth curve of the chair's arm. "Hey, at least he's not trying to please the executives for votes. He's actually working hard."

I suddenly giggled, not sure where that came from, but his comment was funny for some reason. "Wouldn't it be just easier?" I said, giggling again. "to just suck up to the executives? At least, I wouldn't need to work so hard and I'd be guaranteed a win."

He laughed, easing up. "Why go to the executives when you can come to me? I can get them to vote for you and we can toss that man out of the company."

I laughed. "Toss him out like he's trash." I suddenly bursted out with laughter, finding what I said so hilarious and the image of Alex being thrown out of the company made tears come out of my eyes.

He nodded, laughing. "It'd just be a regular day of taking out the trash."

The noises I was making grew louder as I got up from my seat, stumbling forward a little. My head was spinning when I crashed into the chair Roman was in, almost colliding with his body, which made us both laugh.

I continued, "And then you'd take my hand and announce to everyone that I'm the new...." I paused, a cloud of confusion cloaking me. "What was it again?" I giggled. "CEO?"

"I'm the CEO," Roman drawled with a laugh.

"No, I want to be the CEO. I am the CEO." I gasped. "You know what, Roman?" I blurted out, my words coming out in a jumble. "We should start a company that specializes in inventing invisible socks! I will be CEO. You will be CEO."

Roman erupted into laughter, struggling to catch his breath. "Invisible socks? You're a genius! Think of all the practical jokes we could play on people!"

I nodded vigorously, unable to contain my giggles. "Exactly! They'll put on their shoes and be like, 'where are my socks?'" I dissolved into laughter.

Roman chimed in, his voice barely coherent through his laughter. "And we'll call it... 'Sockless Wonders Inc.' The world won't know what hit them!"

Tears streamed down my face as I clutched my stomach, barely able to speak through the laughter. "Oh, and instead of business cards, we'll hand out pairs of invisible socks!"

He doubled over in uncontrollable laughter, struggling to catch his breath. "Our motto will be, 'We've got you covered, even when you can't see it!'"

I gasped, hands flying to my mouth. "Hey, what's that on your face?" I leaned closer to his face, examining it. "Woah, your face is glowing. What are you wearing? You look so pretty." I darted out, quick as a bullet, and smeared my fingers down his cheek. "It's so soft." I poked his cheek.

"I think it's supposed to feel like that," he said, his voice now a lot more muffled than before.

I jumped on him, hooking one leg around his waist. We went down together, him twisting so he was lying on his back, and I was straddling him. I sat on top of him.

"Wow, okay, time for me to go to bed," Isaac murmured, but the sound of his voice felt distant and distorted. I was focused on Roman's face. My thighs rubbed against him when I leaned forward, making his shirt ride up.

"So pretty," I murmured, dazed. I touched his nose, brows, down to his nose and traced it all the way to his lips. I rubbed my thumb all over the upper and loose part of his mouth, my gaze trained on it. I continued my movements, slowly, back and forth, massaging them, my eyes fascinated with the shape and size.

My eyes moved back up to his face, and I felt a sudden surge of desire deep within me when his laughter subsided. Our gazes locked, and I could sense his intensity as his eyes dropped to my lips. He was so close that I could almost taste the saltiness of his breath. His gaze traveled back up, inspecting me, and in that moment, his eyes said it all – yes.

"Damn the consequences?" he rasped, his voice dripping with desire, causing a shiver to run down my spine. It felt as if his hot mouth was caressing my skin, igniting a warm sensation that made my thighs tremble and tighten. I was at a loss for words when his hand gripped the back of my neck, and our lips collided in a passionate kiss.

The desire that had been building between us for weeks now took control, and I held on to him tightly, my hands digging into his arm as our lips parted, inviting his tongue to play with mine. The scent of him, the feeling of his warm hands on me, it was all so overwhelming that I couldn't resist making a throaty, uncontrollable sound.

His grip on my neck tightened, and he groaned, sending a thrilling vibration through me, electrifying my body from head to toe. Our kisses grew harder, more demanding, as we explored each other's mouths with a fervor that stole my breath away. We were both panting, our lips locked like we couldn't get deep enough, and my nails scored into his shirt, unable to get enough of him.

His hand moved from the back of my neck to caress my cheek, his touch gentle yet possessive. Our bodies pressed tightly against each other, and I could feel his heart pounding as rapidly as mine. There was a raw hunger in the way he kissed me, as if he had been waiting for this moment as eagerly as I had.

His mouth was hot, his kiss wild and rough. It felt as if he was trying to imprint himself upon me, leaving a mark, staking his claim. Each touch of his lips sent an electric jolt through my body, making my heart skip several beats. His hand moved from the back of my neck to caress my cheek, his touch gentle yet possessive. Our bodies pressed tightly against each other, and I could feel his heart pounding as rapidly as mine. There was a raw hunger in the way he kissed me, as if he had been waiting for this moment as eagerly as I had.

His lips trailed from my mouth to my jawline, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake. My head was spinning, my body aching for more of him. I didn't care about the consequences; all that mattered was this moment. I was suddenly sober and awake, and very much aware. His teeth captured my lower lip and pulled it into his mouth. He sucked on it with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. The pleasure-pain sensation overwhelmed my senses, causing my fingers to grasp onto him, pulling him even closer.

Every touch, every caress, it felt like a revelation, as if a dormant part of me had awakened. There was something raw and unrestrained in the way he kissed me, and it ignited a primal hunger deep within my core. His hands roamed my body, tracing every curve and contour as if he was memorizing me, and I responded in kind, running my fingers through his hair, exploring every inch of him. I lost myself in the whirlwind of sensations, the taste of him, the feel of his skin against mine. It was a dance of fire and ice, pleasure and pain, as we explored each other.

"Roman," I moaned into his lips. "Not here."

"Where?" His baritone rumbled in my ear. My stomach squeezed and I whimpered against his mouth. He broke the kiss, pulling back only an inch to gaze into my eyes. Whatever he saw there made him scoop me up in his arms, diving into another kiss as he lifted us both from the chair. With a sudden surge of urgency, I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer. The world spun around us as he carried me towards his room, never breaking apart.

As we reached his room, he gently lowered me onto the bed, never breaking our kiss. Our bodies pressed together, every inch of skin tingling with electricity. In that moment, we were lost in each other, two souls entwined. The world outside ceased to exist as we explored each other, our hands roaming freely, seeking to memorize every curve and contour, cherishing every sensation, every whisper of pleasure that passed between us.

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