The New Dragon Age

By Havingfunwithfanfic

420K 11.6K 759

Daemon and Rhaenyra married. Their first child was sent by the Gods to save them all. Deirys Targaryen was bo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 16

8.2K 232 3
By Havingfunwithfanfic

This chapter starts a little dark, not too dark, but there will be descriptions of death. We also see Deirys having to make some important choices. We will get a glimpse of a possible future and some Valyrian magic. High Valyrian will be in italics. I hope you guys enjoy it. ❤️ 🥰

                        Deirys Targaryen (13 years old. End of the war feast.)

Deirys laughed as her father spun her around, her blue gown flaring around her. Her father had danced with her mother, and two sisters and then insisted he could not leave without dancing with her at least once. Deirys enjoyed dancing with her father, he made things fun. Her mother was sitting at the main table, speaking with Princess Rhaenys and Lady Laena. Lord Corlys was sitting at the end of the table, his time was spent between glaring at her mother and Anari. Deirys rolled her eyes and try to forget about the grumpy lord. Once the dance was done they all clapped politely. Deirys wanted to dance with her uncle, but Aemond did not dance. He knew how to dance, he just refused to. It always made Deirys smile when ladies would ask him to dance and he would refuse without giving a single reason as to why. Deirys and Daemon were standing by the balcony doors, watching people dance. Rhaenyra started making her way toward them. Deirys opened her mouth, she liked teasing her parents about the fact they could not be too long away from each other when the air seemed to be sucked out of the room. Deirys swayed and felt strong arms wrap around her waist, trying to keep her steady.

"Deirys?" Her father's voice sounded worried, it sounded like it was coming from leagues away. The room appeared to pulse, it felt like a heartbeat, it felt alive. "What is wrong?"

Deirys looked down to see her hands were covered in blood. There was so much it was dripping down her fingers, it appeared to pull underneath her dress and soak into the floors. For a moment she thought she would relieve the contents in her stomach. She looked up once more and the room was eerily quiet. All she could see were bodies, some were on the floor, some on the table. Some of the bodies were missing their heads, others their limbs. Deirys walked closer to the main table, her grandsire was slumped over his chair, the crown on his head crooked and ill-fitting. Half his face was gone, an empty socket where his eyes used to be. His limbs were almost skeletal in appearance. Deirys looked to the left side of the table to see her father sitting in his chair, there was blood on his clothes and his eyes stared ahead, unseeing, dead. Her mother sat beside him, most of her body was burnt. Deirys could smell the burnt flesh, her stomach rolling at the image. Rhaegon and Baelon were on the ground, in front of the table, almost like they had been attempting to get to their parents. Their bodies had so many cuts on them she could not tell if there was any skin left.

She took a step back and swallowed the bile in her throat. She almost tripped over something, looking down once she had regained her balance. Aemma was on the ground, her body twisted in an almost grotesque way, Aenys was next to her, his throat had been cut so deep his head was almost separated from his body. She saw a bloody lump on the ground, but she could not tell what it was until she walked closer. The head was not even recognizable, she could tell it had been crushed. Tears ran down her face when she realized it was her baby sister, Alyssa, not even two weeks old. Deirys stepped back a few steps and a flash of silver head caught her eye. She moved closer and put a hand over her mouth. Her sweet Visenya. Her body was twisted, broken. She could see bruises all over her arms, legs, and face. Her eyes were wide, her face frozen in terror. Deirys did not know what to do, what had happened? A sound came from the balcony she had been standing by a moment before. She forced herself to walk towards it, her eyes widening at the sight. Kings Landing was on fire, dragons loiter the ground, and she could tell they were dead. All the dragons were dead. Her breath came faster and she could see dark spots dancing in front of her eyes. Then she saw him, her uncle Aemond, leaning on the side of the balcony. There was a knife stuck in his good eye, blood ran down his face, and a sword had been stuck so deep into his belly that it had partially embedded into the wall behind him.

"Do you wish to stop this?" Deirys spun around. Shrykos was standing by the balcony doors, her face looked curious. "This is the future that awaits them. If you die this will be their destiny and there will be nothing we can do about it."

"What is this?"

"We told you. You were a gift sent to your parents, meant to stop a dark future from taking place." Shrykos gestured at the scene around them. "This is what we meant."

"Why are you showing me this?" Her hands were still covered in blood. She wiped them on her dress, but it did not matter, the blood would not go away. Deirys shook her head. "Why now?"

"Your childhood ends now. Your happy life, your loving parents. It all comes to an end this night." Deirys shook her head. What did that mean? Was her family going to die? The goddess's look held no sympathy. "A price was just put on your head. Your family's enemies are moving their pieces. The faceless men were paid handsomely to take your life."

"And what is it you want me to do?" She walked closer to Shrykos. She would do whatever it took to protect her family. "I know there is a reason you are telling me this."

"You will travel to Braavos, to the house of black and white." Deirys eyes widened. Shrykos had just said the faceless men were after her and now she wanted her to go to them? "Do not worry princess, I am not sending you to your death. There are still many things you need to learn, but they cannot be learned here. You need to do this on your own, without your family."

"Why without my family? Is this not for their safety, the survival of my house?"

"Yes, but the things you need to learn will be harder if you always have someone helping you to stand every time you faltered. We have gifted you to be able to overcome all the obstacles. But, until you take this journey alone, none of it will save you."

"How long will I have to leave for?"

"Do not worry princess, once you are gone your path will become clear." Shrykos walked closer to her, the look on her face was also fearful. "Is not just your family that depends on you. If you do not succeed once the Long Night comes humanity will be doomed."

"What?" In the next moment, Shrykos was gone. Visenya looked around her. "What do you mean?"

The goddess did not answer her. The blood on her hands dripped faster, pooling until the entire ground was covered in it. The blood got deeper, it almost reached her knees. Deirys felt like she drowning. She noticed all the bodies were gone, the great hall was empty. Deirys turned and saw everyone that had been dead standing in front of her. Her father reached for her, but this was no loving embrace and this thing was not her father. His eyes were ice blue, his skin had a bluish tint to it. His body was skeletal, almost falling apart, rotting. He opened his mouth and his teeth were rotted, some of them missing. All the people behind him were the same. He reached for her once more and Deirys screamed.

"Deirys? Deirys?" Strong warm arms wrapped around her. She could hear the person reassuring her that everything was ok, but all she could see was her dead family. "Little treasure? Tell me what is the matter. I need to call the healer to check on you."

"No, No, No." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed their bodies together, as close as she could get. She wanted to melt into him, to make everything else disappear. Tears ran down her face. "Please do not leave me. Please, Kepus."

Aemond tighten his arms around her and just held her for a moment. She could not forget the image of him dead. All of them, gone from this world, her hands filled with their blood. She had never had this happen before. She always had dreams, for as long as she could remember. But this had not been a dream, she had been wide awake. She did not even know how she had gotten to her bed. The doors to her chambers slammed open, and her father and mother ran in, looking at her with wide eyes. They both had dark circles under their eyes. She had never seen them look so exhausted. Her mother let out a sob and ran to the bed, Aemond moved out of the way just in time for her mother to wrap her in a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh, little love." Her mother was crying and kissing her head. "We were so worried, we did not know what had happened."

"Are you feeling well?" Her father ran a hand over her head. "The healer will be here soon to check on you."

"No, I'm fine." Both her parents and her uncle looked at her like she had lost her mind. Deirys looked towards the balcony, noticing that the sun was already up in the sky. "How long have I been asleep?"

"You have been sleeping for a day." Her mother had still crying. "We could not wake you, no matter what we tried. We were at the feast and your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you just collapsed. The healers could not tell what was wrong."

"A vision. I had a vision." Deirys wiped the tears off her face, looking at her parents. "The goddess Shrykos gave me a vision of the future, well, a possible future. It was horrible. I never want to see that again."

"What was it?" Deirys could see the fear in her mother's eyes. "And how can we stop it?"

"You cannot. Shrykos was very clear, I have to do this alone." Deirys shook her head sadly and both her parents and uncle looked at her apprehensibly. "We need to talk, and you are not going to be happy."


Vermithor flapped his wings and banked over a group of clouds. They were high up in the sky, all the clouds beneath them. She could not even see the water. It had taken four days to get everything ready for her to leave. Her father had been adamant that she would not be going anywhere on her own. There was a moment when she thought her uncle Aemond would tie her to a chair. Her mother had been sad, but she understood what Deirys had to do. Once her parents heard about her vision and she explained what had happened, they accepted she would have to leave without them. She had promised to write them as often as she could. Her father had insisted she would take two kingsguard and two knights from the city watch. Deirys had talked to Anari and explained she would have to leave and did not know when she would be back. She offered to leave Anari with her mother, she would be protected while working for her. Anari had refused and insisted on traveling with her. The next day a ship had been prepared and sent ahead. Three days later Deirys had said goodbye to her family. Her father had acted stoic but she had seen the tears in his eyes. Her mother had been openly crying. Rhaegon and Baelon had hugged her like they never wanted to let her go. Visenya had cried and asked her not to leave. Aemma had asked her to write to her, telling her about all her adventures. Aenys had been crying but calmed down when she promised to buy him toys. And Alyssa, her baby sister, who would not even remember her.

Vermithor roared and broke through the clouds. Deirys eyes widened, Braavos was a giant city, even larger than Kings Landing. It was several small islands, all connected to each other by bridges. It was also very beautiful. Deirys saw her ship, it was docked close to the largest part of the city.

"Down." Vermithor landed close to the ship and Deirys climbed down. She ran her hand over Vermithor's neck, smiling when he purred. "Good. Thank you."

Deirys walked to where Anari and her guards were waiting with the horses. She had been given enough coins to buy whatever she needed. Her parents had made it clear she could ask them for anything and they would make sure she got it. She had provided Ser Erryk with the coins necessary to buy some horses. She would also have to find a place for them to stay. She would prefer not having to sleep on the ship."

"Your grace" All four guards bowed and Ser Erryk handed her the reins for a beautiful black stallion. "I have located the house of black and white. Do you prefer to rest and wait until the morning?"

"No, if what I've been told is true, they will be looking for me soon enough." Deirys touched the Valyrian steel dagger strapped to her tight. It gave her some comfort, knowing it was there. It was almost like her uncle was there protecting her. "I want to get this over with."

Deirys left one of the kingsguard and one of the knights from the city watch guarding the ship. Ser Erryk, Ser Orwen, and Anari were the ones that would accompany her.

"Are you sure about this?" Deirys gave Anari a questioning look and the other girl shrugged. "I do not believe most people decide to visit the person or people that were hired to kill them."

"I'm not most people." Deirys winked, making Anari laugh. "These are legendary assassins. Trust me, there is nowhere I can hide that they would not find. Also, I prefer not having to live looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life."

"You might be right." Anari looked just like any other lady. Here people did not care whether or not a person had been born out of wedlock. Deirys made sure Anari would have everything she could need and that she would be comfortable. Anari's riding outfit was made out of black leather, with gold accents. She looked just like any other rich lady, just like she would have looked if her father had taken care of her. "We also found a palace outside the city. One of the sea lords rented it to us for a good price. I also hired some servants to help take care of things. I had our things moved there earlier today."

"You have been here for a day and a half. How did you manage to do all of that?"

"You forget my grandsire was a very successful merchant." Anari gave her a smile filled with mischief. "Negotiating was one of the things he taught me."

"Princess." Deirys looked at Ser Erryk, who gestured towards the big building they had stopped in front of. "This is the place."

"You both will stay here." Deirys dismounted her horse and waited for her companions. Ser Erryk did not look happy she wanted to go by herself. "I have to do this alone, Ser. If anything happens, you take Anari and get her out of here."

"Princess." She could see exactly what he was thinking before he opened his mouth. "My duty is to protect you. I cannot do that if I run away."

"Your duty is to follow my orders." She would not let them get killed because of her. "I will see you once I have finished this."

Deirys made her way into the temple. The place had an eerie feeling to it. There were large pillars and she could see what appears to be beds across the chamber. Deirys stopped when she reached a large black pool. She had never seen a pool of black water before.

"Who have you come to see traveler?"

"Actually I believe your people were the ones wishing to see me." The man was dressed in grey robes. His face was impassive, not giving anything away. "My name is Deirys of house Targaryen and I believe you were hired to kill me."

"Follow me." The man guided her deeper into the temple. The farther they walked the darker it got. It was almost to the point where Deirys had to strain her eyes to see what was in front of her. "I do not think we ever had the target come to us themselves."

"Welcome Deirys of House Targaryen." The man in front of her was gone. Deirys stepped onto the round platform. The man speaking was standing across from her. "We have been wanting to meet you."

"I would say I feel the same, but that would be a lie. I was told you might be looking for me, so here I am."

"Are you so ready to die?"

"It appears I have little choice. After all, you have accepted money to kill me."

"We have not taken anything. We serve the God of many faces. He has already decided your destiny."

"Is that what you believe?" She tilted her head and smiled at the man. "I doubt that since the God of many faces is a Valyrian God."

"We do not serve old Valyria. We serve no man or king." The man showed no emotion, but his voice had gotten tighter. "We only live to serve him. The god of many faces is the one that decided for us."

"Of course, you serve old Valyria. After all, that's where you all originated." This time she saw the surprise in his eyes. Most people did not know the faceless men's history, they just knew they were the best assassins in the known world. "Your society, your religion originated in the volcanic mines of Valyria. The first faceless man was born after hearing the prayers of the other slaves, praying for death and for their Gods to end their suffering."

"How do you know this? Only we know this side of our history."

"I was chosen by the fourteen flames of Valyrian. Blessed with their gifts to bring an end to the Long Night." Deirys put her hand inside the brazier. The flames licking her arms, the feeling was actually pleasant. She never took her eyes off the man. "Are you a God? Who are you to decide who should live and die? I am the blood of Old Valyria, I was chosen by the Gods, my blood will save the world and you will not be the one to stop me."

The flames in the Frazier shot up high, touching the roof. There seemed to be something moving inside the flames. Deirys pulled her hand out and the man's eyes widened. This was the first time he had shown any real emotion. He looked at the flames, then back at her, seven other men walked out from behind the pillars. Deirys gripped the hilt of her dagger, she did not want to fight, but she would not lay down and die either. Her eyes widened when all eight men kneeled to her as one.

"We will aid you in your quest, princess." The man she had been talking to bowed lower. "The god of many faces has spoken, from now on we are in your service."

"I am glad to hear you say that." Her smile became sharper. "Because I need three of you to travel to Westeros. There is something I need you to do."

All men nodded. Things were finally looking up.  

                              Deirys Targaryen (13 years old. Arriving in Braavos.)

                                         Anari Waters (13 years old.)

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