The Shadows of the Spectrum (...

بواسطة Truck-KunIsekai

36K 1K 541

Y/n Suzuki, a young man average in grades at school, average in physique and of relative appearance is shot d... المزيد

Chapter 1 - The Young Akane Nishino
Chapter 2 - Promises
Chapter 3 - Reincarnation
Chapter 4 - We are Shadow Garden
Chapter 6 - Confession... accepted?
Chapter 7 - Facade Relationship (1)
Chapter 7 - Facade Relationship (2)
Chapter 8 - Tonight, everything begins!
Chapter 9 - I am...
Chapter 10 - Chocolate Operation
Chapter 11 - I'm Still Standing
Chapter 12 - The Attack on the Academy
Chapter 13 - Twisted Heart

Chapter 5 - The Rescue of Clarie

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بواسطة Truck-KunIsekai

Three years passed after the founding of the Shadow Garden now both Cid and Y/n were thirteen years old Kagenou became an ordinary Dark Knight in training. Y/n continued his journey as a butler to the Kagenou siblings, currently he was watching a fight between them.

Cid- *Walked towards his sister* aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!

Clarie easily defends her brother's attack.

Clarie- Your stock is weak!

After this line she forces her sword and throws Cid away, who recomposes himself raising the sword again, this time it was the black haired girl who advanced.

Y/n- *Thoughts* Fencing in this world, in a few words, is not sophisticated.

Cid during this fight thinks how if he wanted to he could defeat his sister in seconds.

Cid- *Thoughts* In my past life, Y/n and I put all kinds of martial arts together and optimized them.

He defends his sister's attack but Clarie had too much strength in her attack throwing Cid into the nearest river.

Y/n- *Palms* Incredible Miss Clarie, keep training Young Cid.

Cid emerges from the river.

Cid- Eh! You are very strong!

Clarie- That boy has never made any progress...

The young woman puts her hand on her neck, Y/n notices this action.

Y/n- I wouldn't say that Miss Clarie, every fight is an evolution, I have faith that next time Young Cid will be much better. *Thoughts* Her instincts are sharper than they seem...

Atsushi approaches his reincarnated friend and helps him out of the river, a maid appears.

Maid- Miss Clarie.

Clarie- Yes...

Maid- Your mother is calling, the guests for your farewell party are arriving.

The girl nods and turns to the two boys.

Clarie- Y/n take care of Cid for me, I won't be able to practice with you for a while, but keep training and count on Y/n for that.

Cid- Yes!

Y/n- Yes Miss!

Y/n hands a towel to his friend and looks at the maid who has come.

Y/n- Could you bring Young Cid a change of clothes please.

Maid- I will.

Clarie and the maid leave, leaving the two of them alone.

Y/n- You act well, I didn't think you could take a beating like that.

Cid- Being an extra is not easy, but I'll have to do it to be ready for the day to come.


When a noble turns fifteen, they start attending the Midgar Academy for dark knights in the capital, Clarie Kagenou was enrolled in this academy, but on the day of her departure she was nowhere to be found.

In the girl's room were Mr and Mrs Kagenou, Cid, Y/n and some other servants, everything was turned around, Y/n looked at a picture of the Kagenou family together with him, broken on the floor.

Mr. Kagenou- H-How... Even attacking her in her sleep how could they subdue Clarie?! The bastard must be a master fighter!

The girl's mother approached with a frightening smile.

Mrs. Kagenou- So we should accept this? Is that what you're saying?

The father began to get nervous, Cid and Y/n left the room followed by a young maid. As they walked away they heard Mr. Kagenou's screams.

Y/n- Beta...

A slime appears around the maid and disappears, revealing an elf with white hair and glasses...


Beta- Yes, Y/n-sama?

Alpha had recruited more members to Shadow Garden, as if adopting abandoned kittens, Y/n accompanied her when he could some of the new members were healed by Y/n and even Cid personally. Thus the numbers increased quickly.

Y/n- Where is Alpha?

Beta- Looking for clues to find Miss Clarie.

Y/n- She is fast.

Cid- Is my sister still alive?

Beta- Most probably yes, the kidnappers as expected are the Cult of the Diablos, a high ranking officer.

S/n- *Thoughts* As expected, the mark of possession also tried to develop on Clarie.

The three of them bring themselves into a room, the elf puts a map on a table, Cid and Y/n approach a window ahead.

Cid- Why did they kidnap her?

Beta- We believe that they suspect Miss Clarie to be a descendant of the heroes.

Y/n approaches the map to analyze it.

Beta- We have determined the location of some of their hiding places. But we do not know in which one they are keeping Miss Clarie.

Y/n- *Thoughts* There are too many, I have no idea...

Cid gave a quick laugh and formed a slime knife in his hand.

Y/n- *Thoughts* Go with luck...

Y/n and Cid- Here!

Y/n points out on the map one of the hiding places, Cid throws the knife that sticks in the table a few centimeters from Y/n's hand.

Y/n- *Thoughts* I almost get a knife in my hand!

Atsushi looks at Kagenou who smiles nervously as he nods.

Cid- *Thoughts* Sorry... And I still missed the hiding place. *speaks* That's where we'll find my sister.

Beta looks at the hiding place pointedly and gets confused.

Beta- B-But there's nothing there...

A new conclusion arises in the elf's head.

Beta- It can't be! These cryptograms are bluffing?! In that case if we compare it to this account... It all adds up! Shadow-Sama, Y/n-Sama, I believe there is a secret hiding place where you have pointed!

Cid- We knew it.

Y/n- *Thoughts* What luck, I almost got embarrassed, but I doubt Cid knew too.

Beta- You observed this enormous amount of information and saw the truth in an instant! I am so impressed!

Y/n- Contact the Seven Shadows. We will act tonight.

Beta- *Noting* Yes, my lords!

Location - Unknown

A cell is seen with a girl with both her arms pinned to the wall, that was the kidnapped Clarie Kagenou, an unknown man was standing in front of her.

Man- You know, I had a daughter... I would rather not resort to violence...

The man tries to kick the young woman in the head, who dodges his head.

Man- Can you still dodge even if you are trapped by magical sealing chains?

Clarie- I was taught that it's not about how much magic you have, but how you use it.

Man- You have a good father.

Clarie- That bald guy? It wasn't him, it was my personal butler, along with my brother.

Man- Your brother... and Butler?

The man says surprised to hear the girl's words.

Clarie- All the times I have fought with my brother and the few times I have faced my butler, I have won without losing once. But I am always learning from both of them and yet I feel that they learn nothing from me. That's why I stay in their presence all the time whenever I can.

Man- I heard about your brother... your butler though not so much... But when you started showing signs of possession they were the ones who healed you, right?

The girl sighs before answering.

Clarie- Not this again. I keep telling people that's not what happened. There's no way those two could have healed me.

Man- That's certainly true, but out of concern I'll need to know more about your brother and butler.

Kagenou didn't like what she heard, she snatched the chain attached to the wall from one of her arms and tried to hit the man who managed to dodge it.

Clarie- If anything happens to those boys, you will not be forgiven!

Releasing her other hand she mutilated it.

Man - You! You mutilated your own hands?!

Clarie- I'll kill you, I'll kill your beloved family, your friends, everyone you-

She is hit in the face by a punch that knocks the water out of her nose and falls unconscious.

Man- Insolent, it doesn't matter, we'll know if your blood is a match as soon as we analyze your blood.

A guard rushes in.

Guard- Viscount Greace!

Greace- What do you want?!

Guard- Intruders! We believe there are seven of them, they appeared out of nowhere like shadows! We are no match for them!

The Viscount heads towards the site of the invasion.

Greace- Impossible! Some of our guards are good enough to be part of the Royal Guard!

Running a head passes by him.

Greace- What was that-

He cuts off his sentence as he looks forward, all his guards were dead, before him were seven girls in black robes, the Seven Shadows.

Greace- Y-You... Who are you?

A blonde elf answers him.

Alpha- We are Shadow's Garden.

Another white-haired elf continues her speech.

Beta- Our mission is to annihilate the Cult of the Diablos.

Gamma- We know everything.


Epsilon - About the rebirth of the demon Diablos, the descendants of the hero...


Alpha-... And the truth behind the demonic possession.

Greace- *Shaking his sword* Where did you hear that name?! How did you discover this secret?!

The man advances to attack Alpha, who defends the attack easily, they continue to exchange swords, but Alpha gets the better of him, making a big cut on his chest.

Alpha - I won't kill you yet... At least not before you tell me everything you know.

The man takes a bottle of red pills and consumes it, a red glow comes out of it and his power increases. He moves forward again trying to attack the elf, who defends herself, but this time backs off a bit.

Alpha-That was an interesting trick.

The man who is surprised by the young woman's strength, plunges his sword into the ground, breaking it and running away.

Beta- I'm going after him...

Alpha-There's no need. He's heading straight for them.

Beta- *With admiration* That's why we split up! Shadow-Sama and Spectre-Sama are brilliant!


Y/n- Cid speaks the truth, are we lost?

Cid- Sorry, but yes.

Y/n sighs angrily.

Y/n- I said there was no point in chasing weaklings.

Cid- *Bowing down* Sorry!

As the two talk a wall opened up, a Vincount Greace came running out until he saw the two.

Greace- Damn it! Did you know I was coming here? But only two of you!

The Viscount stepped forward to attack the two, Y/n stretched out his hand held the man's sword.

Y/n- In terms of magical power, you are stronger than Alpha, but unfortunately you have no way to use it and yet... 

Using the strength of his hands he pushes Greace away.

Y/n- Your fight has absolutely no subtlety... Allow my friend to give you a lesson on the correct use of magic.

The man becomes angry and tries to attack Y/n, but Cid appears in front of him and defends the attack.

Cid- Lesson one: Concentrate a minimum amount of energy on your feet for a burst of speed.

The two begin to fight, Y/n moves away in the direction where the man came from, seeing the hole formed by the Viscount earlier, he jumps and appears near the Seven Shadows.

Beta- Spectre-Sama!

Alpha-What do you bring here?

Y/n- Shadow is dealing with that man, I realized that he didn't need help and decided to come here.

Gamma- We got rid of all the Cult members here.

Y/n smiles and nods.

Y/n- Great job all of you, you have grown stronger.

Alfa- Thank you Spectre-Sama.

The girls smile at the leader's compliment.

Y/n- Well, how is Clarie?

Alpha- She is unconscious in a cell, her nose was bleeding.

Y/n- Hmmm, Ok, can you take me to her?

Beta- Sure!

Y/n follows Beta and Alpha, while Gamma follows behind, the others stay to wait for Shadow.

Y/n- *Thoughts* They have really improved their fighting skills, Alpha being second in command after me and Cid.

Seeing Clarie on the ground he approaches her and wipes the blood from her face.

Y/n- *seeing her mutilated hand* Huh, you're as crazy as her brother... Let's help her with her injuries and take her back.


So the rescue mission was a success, in the early morning Clarie woke up next to her house with some bandages, she arrived home in a very bad mood, she received help from the servants. Soon she left for the capital as if nothing had happened.

At sunset after Clarie's departure Kagenou, Y/n and Cid along with the Seven Shadows were watching their village where they live from above.

Y/n- *Thoughts* In two years, I will no longer be a butler and Cid will go to the academy....

Alpha- Y/n... Shadow...

The two boys looked at the seven girls...

Alpha- The time has come... The time to leave you ...

Y/n- *Thoughts* Eh?

Cid- *Thoughts* What?

Alfa- This is goodbye...

Y/n and Cid- *Thoughts* EEEHHH?!












This is the end of chapter 5, leave your opinion and thanks for reading. See you soon.

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