RWBY: Shattered Jagear

By Metazero

372 9 0

The Dragmare were a species of man-eating beasts hiding amongst the people of Remant, each possessing superna... More

Chapter 1: Shattered Winter
Chapter 2: Dragmare Assault
Chapter 3: Final Blizzard
Chapter 4: Atlas
Chapter 5: Prince
Chapter 6: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 7: Frost Bite
Chapter 8: Snow blood
Chapter 9: The Arrival
Chapter 10: Team Pride
Chapter 11: Band of Thieves
Chapter 12: The Marry Battle
Chapter 14: Escape
Chapter 15: Faust
Chapter 16: The day a Demon Was Born

Chapter 13: Robyn

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By Metazero

Forest tried to strike Giza's head with Shock Smasher; but he was able to dodge Forest's attack - but it resulted in the building behind Giza to crumble to pieces. Giza responded back with his own Shock Smasher to Forest - he immediately activated his Gravity Dust to get away from Giza.

"Fuck face! Die!" Forest grabs a nearby car with no difficulty and effortlessly throws the car at high speed to Giza.

When the car was about to hit Giza - he instantly slices it up to several pieces, before he rushes at Forest. He got into a fighting stance as Giza was nearing him.

Giza thrust his blade at Forest's head; but luckily for him, dodges the attack in time. Then he proceed throws a punch to Giza.

Giza blocked the attack with his sword. Then Giza uses Shock Smasher on his leg to kick Forest in the testicle - that certainly got a reaction out of Forest - then he kickes him in the stomach - sending him to another building.

Nearby one of the Happy Huntresses member opens up a breif case right next to her; inside was a rocket launcher. Aiming at Giza she fired the rocket launcher.

Giza turn his head to look at her as the rocket collided with him; it caused a massive explosion.

"Robin is going to be really  piss...Our mission was suppose to be capturing fuck it." Then she heared a sound that made her heart stop; footsteps.


Her eyes widen in fear, as Giza burst through the smoke looking unharm. She tried to fire more rocket launcher at Giza, but with no effort at all - he dodges the rocket. Seeing it didn't work, she opted to run away from him. Unfortunately for her, he was just too fast.

He thrusted his blade through her back - blood spilled from her mouth, her eyes slowly widen. She wispered to her self. "I don't wanna die....". Giza then drags his sword upwards; cutting through her upper body; as Giza pulled his sword upwards, the sound of tearing flesh filled the air. The body slumped to the ground.

He stoically watches the body for a few second, before he turns to see Forest slowly getting up. Then he sees the woman's dead body and then all his other comrades corpses.

This made Forest snap.

"Y-you fucking bastard.....I'LL KILL YOU!" He rushes at Giza with Shock Smasher activated; who looked at Giza with rage in his eye. Giza didn't say anything to Forest - he simply just readied his sword.

Forest tried to strike at Giza's head - but he dodges the punch; Giza then slashes at Forest: but thanks to both the Jagear Unit and his Aura, it didn't do any damage. Then Forest grabs Giza's arm - that was holding his sword - and punches him in face with Shock Smasher.

Blood spilled from his mouth; that attack had almost knocked him out, his entire head felt really dizzy, he gritted his teeths. He responded back with his own Shock Smasher fist to Forest's face and Forest did the same attack Giza did right now. Both Shock Smasher fist collided with each other's head.

Giza was sent flying to the building behind him; crashing throught the brick wall and into the building itself. Giza slowly got back up, though his Aura and the Jagear Unit protected him from the damage, but he still felt pain: Giza felt immense pain throughout his body, he tried to take a deep breath, but a sharp pain shot through his chest, making him gasp and double over. He felt as though his ribs were on fire, and every movement sent waves of agony through his body. Giza gritted his teeth and forced himself back up.

Giza watch as Forest slowly stands back from the car he had crash to. Giza noted to himself that Forest movemments were more sluggish; he looked winded. Both fighters looked at each other. Then miraculously at the same time, they activate the Gravity Dust; purple aura flashes around themeselves and they rush towards each other, leaving behind a trail of dust in their wake.

When they're about to almost collide - Forest pull his arm back and punches at Giza, but Giza dodges out of the way in time. In a split second everything seems to slow down for Forest - his eyes widen; because Giza activate Shock Smasher - the electricity generated from the Lightning Dust cackled around Giza's arm. Giza punches Forest so hard it created a shockwave - Forest was practically flying through the Air, it was abruptly stop; when Forest's body crash into a pretty far away house. A few seconds later - the residents of the house came running outside terrifed.

Giza was about to go to Penny - when heared footsteps walking behind him. Expecting who it might be, he turned around and found himself face to face with the mastermind behind this day's chaotic events - The one and only: Robyn Hill herself. "Looks like the bird finally came out of her nest....Robyn Hill I'll give you one chance to die in a quick and painless death. How did you get Avalon Cores?."

"Let's just say I have my ways. And I'm not afraid to use them. But I have a feeling you already knew that, didn't you?"

Hearing Robyn's answer, Giza began to quitely chuckle; this made Robyn frown, then she narrowed her eyes at him, readied her guard. "Oh? What's so funny."

"I was kinda hoping to not do this; but looks like I'll have to pry the answers from your dismembered corpse."

"You know, after I've gotten the information I need from you; I'm going to make sure you are going to die in the most painful way possible for killing all my comrades." And next she said something that made Giza to quitely curse himself. "Oh fuck."

"Jagear Unit: Released."
Penny dodges the attack by jumping back using her thrusters attach to her feet to add some more force to the jump. Fionna readied her staff - the staff was the same kind of weapon that Mary had used.

A purple aura engulf Fionna, she runs at Penny and she was wearing a Jagear unit suit.

Fionna thrust her staff at Penny, but she narrowly avoided the staff. Planting her feet to the ground; electricity cackled around her entire metal arm, she strikes at Fionna's gut, this sends her flying far from Penny, she lands on the road creating a small crater.

Fionna gritted her teeth as she stands up, her whole body was in agony; her entire body was telling to her; she should just retreat and rest. Her body was very sore, she is frantically breathing; causing her body to tremble. She could feel blood coming from her nose and sliding down to her mouth. 'I...I...I c-can't give up yet..Robyn is couting on me t-to buy time for her to capture Giza Borosu..'

Penny slightly tilted her head at Fionna's determination. Her singular crimson eye softly glowing. Fionna could just imagine a sad expression on Penny's face. "You know....I don't very much like hurting people....father taught me that kindness is more vavluable then gold, so then please give up. I'll plead with Sandman to just imprison you." Penny reaches her hand out to Fionna.

Fionna looks up at Penny, her body still trembling with pain and exhaustion. She grits her teeth and takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "I can't give up," she says, her voice shaking. "Not when so much is at stake."

Penny replied Fionna's answer with her Singular red eye softly radiate. 'Looks like I'll have to go full force...'. Parts of her out stretch arm began to shift: parts of it moving around, some parts became small, while others expand, and some other pieces transform into new pieces - a split second later, the arm transformation was complete.

She pointed her arm-cannon at Fionna. Green electricity cackled around her arm-cannon - then after the green electricity appeard they began to swirl around her arm-cannon hole; quickly forming a green electric energy ball - the ball suddenly shots a green laser at fionna.

A purple aura suddely flare's around Fionna; with the massive increase in speed, she was able to dodge in time - the laser barely missing her by an inch. Fionna muttered a curse under her breath.

Penny repeatedly fire lasers at Fionna, each time the green laser narrowingly missess Fionna. Really the only reason on why the laser kept missing is because of Fionna's increase speed thanks to the Gravity Dust. Seeing laser keep missing her opponent - Penny decided to go melee.

Parts shifted and move in her back: revealing a compartment containing multitude of oddly shaped swords: on each of the swords handle was a really small string was attach to it, barely noticeable to the naked eye, also on all of the swords blades was a thin green line running across from the tip of the blade to the handle. These were her most use weapon. 'Floating Array'.

All of the swords green line softly glowed, and began to float behind her back; also two of the Floating Array she uses as dual swords. Penny runs at Fionna - using her thrusters to add more speed. Fionna wasn't even able to dodge as Penny slashes across her - even though the Jagear unit suit and her Aura had protected her from all of the damages, it didn't certainly dulled the pain.

Before Fionna could think what to do next - Penny had use two of the Floating Array to wrap around Fionna's arms then she lifted Fionna high up to the sky  and then immediately slam her back to the ground; with enough force to make several cracks on the floor.

Fionna screams in pain, yet again both the Jagear Unit and her Aura protected her from any damage - but the pain was still there. Suddenly a small screen pop up on Fionna's HUD. 'Crap my Aura is getting low!'

Penny lifted up Fionna again and slam her down to the road once again - resulting in even more cracks on the ground. She repeated it a few more times: Fionna could feel rivers of blood coming down from her mouth and nose, there was a massive scar across her forehead gushing out blood, her left eye is swollen, she licks her teeth to find some of them are missing - she was nauseous. Every second she felt like she was about to puke. Her entire vission was blurry, everything single thing she sees were blurry and wobbling. Her entire body was screaming in agony of the pain.

Penny throws Fionna far away from her. Even after all that she shakily stands up, not giving up; heavily panting she pointed are staff at Penny; the that was holding the staff was trembling from the pain she was feeling.

" Fuck face."

Penny could only stare at Fionna with remorse; she was experience a multitude of swirling feeling of shame, guilt, pity, and sadness. Crimson eye softly glowing.

"!?" Before she could even make a response to Fionna - Penny was suddely sent flying, crashing into the house

Fionna gasp at seeing who was responsible.


Fionna sees May was wearing a Jagear Unit suit; around her arm was electricity cackling.

"You can fight Fionna?" Fionna responded back by vigorously nodding.

Slowly Penny got up from the wooden floor. Her single red eye scans the room she was in, looks like she had crashed into a living room - then she hears whimpering close by; slowly turning her head. Penny finds the source of the whimpering - it was family compose of a mother, a father and their son. All of them tightly huddled together.

Each of them nervously shaking - likely from the battle outside - their eyes widened in fear, beads of sweat running down their faces.

Both Penny and the frightened family stared at each other for a couple of second, a dead silence between them. In those couple of seconds the family were growing even more terrified of Penny's quite frankly intimidating looks. Penny slowly raises her hand to wave at the scared family.

The family flinched, thinking she was about to hurt them. "I highly recommend you get out of here. And call the police." She said, her voice gentle and soft.

Following Penny's advice immediately, all of them scramble to get out of the house from the ensuring battle.

Seeing them leave. Penny runs outside to continue her battle with the Happy Huntresses member.

Seeing the two members closing the distance from her she got into fighting postion - her Floating Array readied. Then a explosion abruptly occured  in the distance. The event caused all three fighters to pause momentarily - then they looked to what cause the explosion.

All three of them spots Giza running from the same direction on where the explosion happened. A purple aura flared around him, he kept running to Penny. She notice something that shock her.

His entire right arm was missing, all that was left was bloody stump.

"B-Borosu your arm!" She shouted with great worry. Giza skidded to a halt right next to her - he was heavily panting, trying to catch his breath. He could feel a dozen beads of sweat sliding down his face and entire body. His entire body was in pure pain.

His nose was profusely bleeding along with his mouth, one of his eye is swollen. Giza could somehow tell several of his bones are fractured, he has internal bleeding. He could barely focus; his head is spinning wildly. Heck Giza couldn't even hear Penny repeatedly calling out to him.

Everything Giza can see were all just blurry color mixing together to form a mess of colors.

'Focus! Dammit! Focus!' Using all of his will power he was able to uses his Semblance. Miracle quickly work its magic on him; suddenly small, mishaped, and jagged bones burst forthfrom the bloody stump, blood splatter from the bones sudden growth from his bloody stump. Then the bones rapidly grow, similar on how a tree would. Each part of the bone seamlessly move together to form his missing arm.

Then instantly came out of the bloody stump were veins slithering across his bony arm like snakes - wrapping around his bony arm. Muscle also came out from the bloody stump, it move like slime covering his entire arm - then several patch of skin appear on the skinless arm, these patches of skin widen and connect with each other until his new arm has skin.

Then Miracle fixes the Jagear Unit suit.

Miracle also heals his many fractured bones, easily repairing them. Giza's Semblence was able stops his internal bleeding, it also fixes his swollen eye.

With all of injuries gone; Giza head wasn't spinning wildly, he was really relieve when his hearing return he could now hear everything around him again - he let out a sigh of relief. Even his vision is returning to normal, with everything being much more clearer and sharper.

The entire process was complete, in a split second he is back to normal, any and all injuries he has are all gone. Despite how it kinda is grotesque and painful looking; it wasn't really painful - as a matter of fact. There wasn't any sensation to feel anything, just nothing.

The green aura surrounding him suddenly vanish as he was done using his Semblance.

Giza looks at the corner of his HUD - seeing a really small see through screen displaying his Aura Percentage. 'Damn! I'm really low on Aura, almost at Four percent....I vastly underestimated Robyn. Well it was my fault anyway; she once was a Head Director of the Jagear Division. Of course she would be this strong and skilled, in fact she's maybe on par with Igawa...I'm really screwed...'

Giza looks towards his opponents, he could feel his stomach suddenly drop. Both Robyn and Forest had arrive - and they immediately group up with May and Fionna. Looks like his royally screwed. "Hey Poledina, I really hope you aren't an idiot and called back up?"

Penny nodded to Giza's question. "Don't worry about it, Danny and Joku are coming this way."

Giza exhaled with relief. They only need to buy some time for backup to show up. Giza chuckled softly as he felt his shame slowly begin to flow through him. Despite him kept talking on how he doesn't need a team; in the end when the situation is desperate - he needs a team to help him out. A showcase on how much of a weak and pathetic person he is. It irritated him: the feeling of helplessness, the feeling of him being a weak and pathetic person.

It made his very blood boil in rage. If he's this weak how else is he gonna complete his goal, his dream, his very reason to live. Killing every single Dragmare.

If his weakness was personified as a person. He would kill it, he will bash its skull against the wall, stab everyparts of its body, rip its eyes out with his bare hands. He would eviscerate it, mutilate his weakness until it barely looks human.

"R̷̢͖̮͇̟͍̍ě̸̲̰̠̞͜ĺ̴̨͙̝͙̄̈e̵̢̠̼͖͛͝a̵͇̮͔͊̔̔̀͘š̶̡̪̉́ē̴͚̎͠͠ͅ ̵̠̥͝m̸̛̯̠͙͚̬e̶͖͖͂"

He heared a wisper in his mind, the wisper sounded so small and soft the voice was barely noticeable - but he notices it and he was tempted to follow its instruction. But small part of his soul was telling him not to. Not to follow the voice instructions and remeber what happen on that fateful day, that damn day...


Penny voice snaps back Giza to reality. Giza momentarily flinches from her concern tone. He turns to see her single crimson eye softly glowing staring at him - despite her not having a face really, she was able to somehow conveying to Giza her worry for him.

He slightly frowned, kicking himself in the mind for letting his emotion get the better over him. "I'm fine Poledina." He readied Gram; his mismatch color eyes narrowing at his enemies. "Don't get distracted and only focus on the enemy."

Penny nodded to Giza. She readied her own weapons and the Floating Array.

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