The Snake king's niece

By WavernSistersforever

5.5K 90 213

Duhvassa is a beautiful female anacondrai who lost her mother but found out that she has an existing uncle Py... More

😔Prologue 😔
🌇chapter 1 new place 🌃
🌇chapter 2 going to town🌇
😊chapter 3 Ninja came 2 visit ☺️
📱Chapter 4 Unexpected phone call📱
💜☺️Chapter 5 1st contact with Uncle Pythor ☺️🖤
💚chapter 6 Acidicus encounter💚
♥️chapter 7 Fangtom encounter♥️
🖤 Chapter 8 Skalidor encounter 🖤
💙Chapter 9 Skales encounter 💙
💜chapter 10 uncle's surprise visit💜
Chapter 12 travel to Ouroboros
Chapter 13 settling in
CHAPTER 14 Surprise party (Duhvassa meets Shelly)
💜chapter 15 getting to know my lil cousins 💕
💕Chapter 16: Shopping with Auntie💕
💜Chapter 17 Uncle n, niece time.💜
chapter 18 moving to Ouroboros
chapter 19 - new home
Chapter 20 - Family pool party

chapter 11 🖤 Mourning in his arms

216 3 10
By WavernSistersforever

It's been a few weeks since I've seen or heard from uncle Pythor. I was at the store shopping for some essentials for my house to take my mind off of some things that's been bothering me. Within a few days will marks a death anniversary of my mom. I still remembered those memories from losing my only parent, the day she left this earth, the 10 days of mourning, and the day of her burial at the St. Louis cemetery.
As I was getting some snacks and cokes but suddenly somebody hollers my name. I turned around and turns out to be Skales slithering up to me while pushing a buggie. "Hey Mr. Skales, How's it going with y'all?" I asked as I gave him a hug. "Nothing much Duhvassa! Said Skales as he returns the hug.

We had a good talk. I told him about uncle Pythor's visit to my house and Mr. Skales seems to be very happy about it. He asked me about what I'm up to. I told him about the approaching death anniversary of my mom. Mr. Skales understands me and saw the little sadness in my eyes. Then he asks me if I needed a hug. I nodded and told him yes. He pulled me into a hug. "I'm deeply sorry for what what happened to you Duhvassa, I have a daughter lost her Mom when she was little. Your uncle Pythor will hate seeing you in pain sweetheart." Said Skales during our embrace. Thanked him and bought me a coke then went home.

Five days later I was on my couch wearing a simple black cami with my mom's the Crow sweater and a long black maxi skirt.

I was sitting there with tears streaming down my face from the pain of my mother's passing.
Panthro came on my lap to comfort me as I pet and cuddle him. Kane, Hurrem, Phoenix and Jafar did there best to comfort me just like they did after my mom's funeral that night. I grabbed my glass of coke to take a nice swig. Suddenly the peaceful the moment got interrupted by a knock at the door. I immediately put down my drink and head to the front door.

I opened the door and wiped my tears to put on a smile. Right in front of me is my uncle Pythor standing there with a smile on his face then it faded when he knew what's going on with me. "Duhvassa! Are you alright sweetie?" Asked uncle Pythor as he puts down the 2 liter bottle of coke to hug me. "I'm alright uncle Pythor, I've been missing my mom!" I said to him. "I know about that sweetheart, Skales informed me about your situation, that's I'm here to give you some support on this day when your mom spread her wings and went to heaven Duhvassa!" Said uncle Pythor. Hearing that hit me hard and made me tear up more but luckily uncle Pythor was there to comfort me.

He rubs my back and kisses my cheek. Uncle Pythor manages to use his tail close the door and put the bottle of coke on the end table between the recliner and couch. He picks me up with his strong arms then carried me to the living room, sats down on the recliner to have me on his lap and starts rocking me as he holds me in his arms while I cry my heart out.
This went on for a while until I finally calmed down. "You feeling better now Duhvassa?" Asked uncle Pythor as he running his hand over my head gently in a fatherly way and kisses my forehead. I nodded and replied, "I'm alright uncle Pythor, thank you for being here for me." "You're more than welcome darling. But do you know what I do to your lil cousins when they feel down?" Asked uncle Pythor. I looked at him in the eyes and tilted my head a little. "What's that?" I asked. Uncle Pythor lifted his free hand, wiggle his fingers and tickles my belly.
I laughed my tail off as he tickles the daylights out of me. He did it to the point I fell off his lap and luckily uncle Pythor instinctively caught me with his coils before I hit the floor. "Gotcha!" Said uncle Pythor as he laughing. He manages to put me back on his lap and kisses my cheek.
I turned my head to see a 2 liter bottle of Dr. Pepper on the end table. "I brought that over so we can share. I figured that I didn't want to show up to see you empty handed." Said Uncle Pythor. I turned back to him and thanked him.
I was about to get up to go to the kitchen to grab some cups. Suddenly uncle Pythor stops and assures me that he'll go and get the cups for me. So he sat me down on the couch with his coils then he got up, slithered to the kitchen, and came back with 2 black coffee cups and sat down.
Uncle Pythor opens the bottle of coke, pours me a cup and hands it to me. "Thank you!" I said to him as I take the cup from him and took a swig of coke. "You're welcome Duhvassa!" Said uncle Pythor as he poured himself a coke, closes the bottle and sits it down on the coffee table.

We talked and had a good conversation while sipping on Coke. Panthro came up, hopped on uncle Pythor's lap and lets him pet and hold him. Uncle Pythor seems to enjoy having him on his lap. He turns to me to ask me this question, "How would you like it if you can come down to Ouroboros and spend a week with me Duhvassa?" I was surprised when he asks me that question. But that left me a little speechless.
Uncle Pythor explained to me about my cousins begging him to see me so bad and my aunt was anxious to get hug me and spoil me rotten, even the generals wishes to get to know me better and Skales has a daughter who wanted to meet me and be friends with me so bad.
I was processing everything that uncle Pythor is telling me about. But I can't refuse this opportunity to meet my family in the city where my mom was born. I happily nodded and tell him, " Yes! I would love to come over to Ouroboros to finally get to meet Aunt y/n and cousins Freyja and Aurora for the first time!" I swiftly put my cup down and gave him a hug. Uncle Pythor happily returns the hug and kisses my cheek.
We separated and sat back down on our seats. Somehow my concerns is on getting some stuff and essentials to go to Ouroboros. But now i gotta worry about having enough gas in my truck. Uncle Pythor suddenly asks me, "Is something the matter Duhvassa?" I turned to him and told him my concerns on the costs of gas and essentials to get to Ouroboros.
Thankfully uncle Pythor is willing to hear me out then he asks me how much I have. I got up to retrieve my wallet out of my purse, then opened it to show him the amount I have. "This is enough for some essentials and a half of tank of gas in my truck." I explained to him.
Uncle Pythor got a good look at the inside of my wallet. "So this is all you have?" Asked uncle Pythor as he gently took my wallet out of my hands. "Yes! But I do have a stash of change in my piggy bank!" I said to him. He told me to go get it. I nodded to him and went to my room.
I went to my bedroom and went to my desk to grab my piggy bank. When I pick it up then realized it got heavy and whoever knows how much money I saved in it. I carried it the living room to show my uncle. I handed him the piggy bank and boy he was shocked by it's weight. "Goodness gracious Duhvassa! You this so heavy with this amount of money in this, I could drop it." Said uncle Pythor as he was holding up my piggy bank.
Uncle Pythor and I suggested that we should break the piggy bank to see how much money I have. Luckily I have a pretty nice hammer to use to crack it up with. I got down on the floor and get out of the hidden storage compartment in the coffee table. Uncle Pythor puts the piggy bank down and slithered to my kitchen then came back out with a big jar to collect the lose change in.
As I was aiming the hammer at the top of the piggy bank, I looked up at my uncle with a grin. "Ready for it uncle Pythor?" I asked. "Ready as you are Duhvassa!" Answered uncle Pythor as he sat down on the floor a foot away from me.
I smashed my piggy bank with my hammer 3 times. It cracked open enough until we see the change and some paper money falling out of it. Boy I was surprised seeing how much money I saved up in my piggy bank. "Seems like you have enough to the things you need for your trip, even a gas can to for your truck Duhvassa!" Said uncle Pythor. I nodded and agreed with my uncle. He helped me round up my cash. We put the lose change jar and stuff the paper money in my wallet. Then he help me pick up the pieces of the broken piggy bank with a dustpan and broom then put them in a plastic sack to be dispose in the trash.
"Looks like we got this all cleaned up. Why don't we do some shopping Duhvassa?" Said uncle Pythor. I smiled and replied, "Sure thing uncle Pythor, and why not we have pizza for supper afterwards?" Uncle Pythor nodded and liked my idea then tells me, "Yeah! That's sounds like a good idea for a nice supper. While I go take this bag out to the trash, you get yourself ready okay sweetie?" I nodded and went to my room to get myself ready.
I switched my maxi skirt with a pair of black jeans and got on a pair of slip on shoes, then puts on some light Makeup such as some lavender eye shadow and some black eye liner. I came out of my room to grab my purse, put my full wallet inside then turned around and grabbed the jar of loose change. I looked around for my uncle then I went to the kitchen and found him washing his hands and the 2 cups we used to sip our cokes in.
Uncle Pythor turned around after he got done and dried off his hands then smiled at me. "You're ready to go sweetheart?" Asked uncle Pythor. "Ready as you are uncle Pythor!" I replied. He gives me a hug and a kiss on my cheek then we head out the door.
I ride with him in his rattler car to the shopping center. We went in the stores get the things I needed. Uncle Pythor helped me pick out a luggage set, a pet carrier big enough for Panthro to fit in, a smaller pet carrier for my bakugan to go in, a large gas tank for my truck, some essentials and I picked out a cute squishable doctor plague keychain.
We got done with shopping. Uncle Pythor and I Stopped by a pizza place and had a good supper. We ordered my favorite pizza, the bacon cheeseburger pizza and two glasses of coke. Uncle Pythor tried a slice of it for the first time and he loved it.

We got done eating our pizza. Uncle Pythor looked at me in the eyes and smiled then held my hands. "You're feeling okay sweetheart?" Asked uncle Pythor. I looked at him and replied, "I'm alright uncle Pythor, thank you for coming up here and spending the day with me. Especially on this particular day." "Yes even on this day when your Mama went to heaven one year ago. That's why I'm here for you during your day of mourning Duhvassa, but it pains me to see you going through a loss of your only parent baby girl!" Said uncle Pythor as he strokes my cheek.
I almost tear up but thankfully uncle Pythor is there to comfort me. "Shh! It's okay Duhvassa! Don't cry sweet snake! I think I have a present for you to cheer you up!" Said uncle Pythor. "Really?" I said as I wiped my tears with a napkin. Uncle Pythor nodded and pulled out a large gift bag then places it in front of me.
I was surprised when he handed me the gift. I opened it and pulled out a large squishable doctor plague plushie, which made me squeal with joy and hugged it.

I couldn't help myself but jump out of my seat to hug him. "Thank you so much uncle Pythor! This means so much to me!" I told him. "You're welcome Duhvassa! I figured that I get you something nice to brighten you up my sweet niece!" Said uncle Pythor as he the hug and kisses my cheek.
Uncle Pythor paid for our supper then drove me back to my place and helped me unload the stuff into my house. He gives me a hug, tells me he loves me and he can't wait to see me in Ouroboros. We departed and I went in my home, locked my door, took a good soak in the tub, and got on my normal black jammies.
I went to my room to find my bakugan in their lil beds waiting for me to tuck them in. I tucked all 4 of them in their little beds and they fell asleep. After that I crawled up in my bed, turned off my lamps and fell asleep with Panthro laying on my chest.

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