in another life ( Allison arg...

Od fandomsxstorixs

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together forever (published) together doesn't mean forever(published) in another life (published) Více

act 1
chapter one
chapter two
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
act 2
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen

chapter three

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Od fandomsxstorixs


Scott and Aria are in the parking look trying to get help from chris argent to help them hunt down cora and boyd, who have already killed somone and tried to kill two children.

Aria keeps her eyes on the Glock in Argent's hand that is pointed at her since she came to talk to him.

Chris: First of all, why would I care about anyone related to Derek? Second, I don't know this kid Boyd. I don't even know his last name.

Scott: His last name's Boyd.

Chris: What's his first name?

Aria: Vernon, and trust me I know shy the hell would a parent call there kid Vernon and is there a reason you're still pointing the gun at me?

Chris: Probably because some part of me still wants to shoot you.

Aria: i get that and trust you're not the only one that wants me dead.

Argent lowers the gun and places it back into its hiding space in the hatchback.

Chris: I watched my father brainwash my daughter and almost turn her into a killer. That world your world decimated mine. My wife, sister, father. My entire family. Why would I ever step foot in it again?

Scott: Because people are going to die. And because you know how to catch Boyd and Cora without killing them.

Chris: I'm sorry. I can't help you.

all Scott can do is nod. But, as he turns to go, Aria grabs his arm Then makes him glance back to Argent.

Aria: can we ask for a little favor.

Scott looked confused, and had no clue what aria was planning so when Chris agreed scott hoped there was a hidden agenda behind the favor.


Scott shifts nervously in his seat while Argent drives and aria is hoping that her plan is going to work.

Scott: Thanks again. We've been running for hours. I'm kinda' beat and we just need to meet up with Stiles.

Chris: Straight or left?

Aria: It's right around the corner. That parking lot there.

Argent's SUV pulls into the lot a short distance from a collection of POLICE VEHICLES.

Easing up on the gas, Argent reaches for the gear shift to put the SUV in park.

Scott: Just a little further up. A little closer if you can.

Letting the vehicle drift forward, Argent now sees what Aria wants him to see...

The POLICE CRIME SCENE where two devastated PARENTS identify the body of their eighteen year-old son.

When the MEDICAL EXAMINER zips up the body bag, the MOTHER'S legs give out.

The FATHER grabs her, trying to keep her on her feet as she collapses under the weight of grief.

Argent watches the scene, barely breathing.

Aria: Thanks again for the ride.

Aria reaches for the door handle.

Chris: They did this? Boyd and...

Aria: Cora.

Aria clicks the door open, but Argent grabs her shoulder.

Chris: Where's the last place you saw them?



In a small clearing underneath the full moon, a group of unlikely werewolf hunters gathers.

Argent drops an EQUIPMENT BAG on the ground in front of Scott, Isaac, Aria and Derek.

Then kneels to examine the numerous

prints in the dirt.

Chris: You've been tracking them by print?

Scott: Trying to.

Chris: Then you've been wasting your time. The only creature on earth that can visually track footprints is man. And if you're not trained like me you have no idea that this print is Boyd's and these--

Isaac: Are Cora's?

Chris: No, they're yours. You trampled Cora's when you first walked over here.

Isaac lifts his foot to back up. Then doesn't seem to know where to step.

Chris: I know the three of you are probably focusing half your energy on resisting your own urges under the full moon. But that puts you at a severe disadvantage to Boyd and Cora who have fully given in. They've got the pedal to the floor, while you three are barely hitting the speed limit.

Aria: So what do we do?

Chris: Focus on your sense of smell. Actual wolves are known to track their prey for up to a hundred miles a day by scent. The trained hunter can use scent to trap them If the wind is with them, wolves can track a scent by a distance of two miles. Which means we can draw them to us. Or into a trap

From the equipment bag, Argent pulls out a NET and tosses it to Scott. He gathers it in his hands, pulling at it to test its strength.

Chris: The full moon does give us one advantage. They'll have a higher heat signature.

Argent pulls out a pair of NIGHT VISION GOGGLES.

Chris: Which makes them easier to spot with infrared.

He tosses the goggles up at aria to catch but she gave them to scott.

Aria: Thanks, but I've got my own.

She flashes her eyes RED.

Chris: Just remember we're not hunting wild animals. Underneath those impulses are two intelligent human beings. Don't think they can't rely on that human side. It's suppressed but it's there. Reminding them how to

mask their own scent. How to cover

their tracks, How to survive.



A final Emitter drops into the ground. Placing her thumb on the button to activate it, aria pauses, spotting a figure out of the corner of her eye.

Peter: And the hunted become the hunters.

Peter approaches to examine the device.

Peter: You really think a few high-tech dog whistles are going to help?

Aria: Atleast am not just standing there like a useless lump, not lifting a finger to help.

Peter: Personally, I'm trying to cut down on futile endeavors.

Aria: do you even know your niece is alive.

Peter: I heard. Im planning on throwing a hale reunion party when she's not an unstoppable killing machine.

Aria: we can stop them.

Peter: Sure you can. By killing them.

Which happens to be the point of this little exercise. Deucalion wants you to kill them. He wants you to stop holding back you are a natural killing machine the only reason why you haven't gone evil is because you listen to your brother and bestfriend they are your anchor there the only thing keeping you from going evil, so Deucalion is trying to put you in a situation where you have to kill and making it easier for you and derek to join his pack. The fact that it was supposed to happen in a bank vault and not out in the open doesn't change the plan. It just means Boyd and Cora are going to kill a few

innocent people first.

Aria: So I should let them? I should be

okay with innocent people dying?

Peter: Unless you're okay with killing your own.

Aria: I can catch them without killing


Peter: Come on, how much damage can they do? Maybe they off a few homeless people? A drunk stumbling out of the bar too late. Let Scott take care of it. Let him play the hero in his morally black and white world. The real survivors you and I we live in shades of gray.

Aria: You're absolutely delusional if you think I'm anything like you, you a heartless, power-hungry monster.

Peter: you might not be like me right now but it's only a matter of time before you turn psychotic I mean every time you were reincarnated you always turned into a dark sorceress, there is a whole biography written about you by allison's past lives it has everything every time you were reincarnated, your life, how you turned evil and most importantly your death, but its too bad that book was taken by gerard havent seen it since i was a kid.

Peter kneels at the Ultrasonic Emitter.

Peter: and btw even if you did kill them, derek is still an Alpha...

He presses the button, activating the pulsing light.

Peter: he can always make more werewolves.



The HOWL echoes its way inside, sending Derek and aria into their position just beyond the lobby of the school where the corridors intersect.

Hands opening to reveal her claws unsheathed, Aria stands ready, poised to defend her ground.

Through the open doors, they see the two werewolves turning away from Argent's SUV. Coming fast and right for them.

But just as they reach the steps Both Cora and Boyd veer off to the sides, disappearing out of there sight.

Aria: They're not going through the


Derek's eyes snap up to the walls and the ceiling where he hears a furious SCRAPING AND CLAWING.

Aria: They're going over it.

Argent and Scott race up the steps to join Derek and Aria as they rushes out from the lobby, all of them glancing about the roof for Boyd and Cora.

Chris: The rear doors--we need to get them open.

With a nod, Derek disappears back into the school.

Aria: Someone has to drive them inside.

Argent pulls a STUN BATON from his jacket.

Chris: I'll go.

Isaac: I'm faster.

Whirling around, Isaac tears off for the other side of the building.


Boyd and Cora stagger into the

darkened corridor where Derek grabs Cora.

He shoves her back with brutal force,

sending the snarling werewolf tumbling across the tile floor.

Boyd whirls to attack but Aria moves in, brandishing the STUN BATON that she took from argent.

BOLTS of ELECTRICITY ripple up the side with a threatening CRACKLE.

Boyd lashes out, but Aria whips the baton around like a trained swordsman.

She presses forward, turning the furious werewolf around to face Scott who surges out of the darkness with fangs bared.

Derek: Come on! This way.

Derek holds his hands out, gesturing for Boyd and Cora to approach. Aria hands Argent back the baton and inches over to Derek to help.

Back on his feet and almost shaking with rage, Boyd steps to Cora's side. Fangs bared, the two of them slowly approach.

Aria: Come and get us assholes.

Cora and Boyd charge forward as aria and Derek turn to run, leading them through the corridor and racing down the stairwell into Darkness.

GLOWING EYES appear in the pitch black.

Hulking figures in the shadows, Boyd and Cora move slowly, heads snapping about in search of prey when TWO FIRE EXTINGUISHERS blast WHITE FUMES at them.

Hands rising to shield their faces, Boyd and Cora howl in response. But Derek and aria use the extinguishers to force them back, pushing them all the way into the Boiler Room.

Dropping the extinguisher, aria SLAMS the DOOR shut as Derek shoves a steel desk in front of it. They turn to each other, breathless.

Aria (breathless): that was awesome.

A FRENETIC POUNDING jolts them back. From the other side, Boyd and Cora hammer on the door uselessly.

After a moment, the pounding ceases.

Under the ominous silence, Derek and aria lean closer to listen, aria presses her ear to the surface of the door.

Derek: What do you hear?

Aria: Heartbeats... three of them.

Aria starts to shoves the desk aside and reaches to open the door.

Derek grabs her, trying to stop her.

Derek: What are you doing?

Aria: Shut the door behind me. Keep it shut.

Derek: You go in there alone and you're either going to kill them or they're going to kill you.

Aria: I know but if I let her die Deucalion is going to be right, this is just a Test if they kill her the blood is gonna be on my hands and if I kill them there blood is gonna be on my hands and am gonna have to carry the guilt, but atleast this way I know I actually tried to do somthing to prevent it and not just stand and watch as they tear her apart.

Derek: fine but That's why I'm going with you.

Aria: you can't you need to shut the door.

As she said that they heard footsteps coming down the stairs and it turned out to be Scott.

Derek: He can do it.

Derek yanks the door open.

Scott: What the hell are you guys doing.

Aria: shut the door Scott.

With that they run in forcing Scott to close the door after them.

The two looked around and followed the sound just to see, Two feral looking teenagers with glowing eyes and shockingly large teeth, approaching her with murder in their eyes.

As Blake draws in a breath for a terrified scream Derek and Aria drag Boyd and Cora to the ground. Bodies rolling across the floor, the attack is sudden and vicious.

Blake YANKS the door closed and stumbles back in the closet

The SOUNDS of the battle even reach outside, turning Isaac around, fear spreading across his face while Inside, Derek and Aria desperately try to fight off Cora and Boyd without actually fighting them.


As the sun starts to rise Isaac races down the stairs to find Scott already pulling the boiler room door open.

They both stop in shock when they see the bloody mess inside.

Breathing hard but still breathing a brutally beaten Derek and Aria.

Cora and Boyd lie before them.

Both alive and transformed back

to their human selves.

Derek (with difficulty): There's... a teacher... back there.

Aria: miss blake

Derek: I'll take care of her.

Rising, he falters. Scott starts forward to catch him, but Derek steadies on his own.

Derek: Get these two out of here. (off their hesitation) Go.

Scott and Isaac hurry over to pick Cora and Boyd up while Derek turns to the closed door of the storage closet.

Derek: are you coming?

Aria: no I've got to stiles he has left me fifty messages.



In the dimly lit morgue, an exhausted Aria and Stiles look over the body of Heather in front of them.

Aria: So Boyd and Cora might not have killed anyone?

Stiles: You're going to wish they did.

Aria: Why?

Stiles: I'm not totally sure yet, but that

other girl who was out in the woods, Emily? They're eventually going to find her... She's one of them. Emily, Heather, the guy Lydia found at the pool. All three were virgins. And all of them are going to have the same three injuries. And all of them are going to have the same three injuries. Strangled. Throat slashed. Head bashed in.

Aria covers Heather's body and looks up to stiles.

Stiles: It's called the Threefold Death.

Aria: So they're not random killings are they, they are Sacrifices. Human sacrifices.

Stiles: yea.

Aria: there could be more virgin killings... you really need to lose your virginity.

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