The Prime Saint

By Spiritwolf76

864 8 0

When a Dark force attacks Jasper Nevada. It's up to the daughter of Athena and a golden saint to bring back t... More

Sanctuary Under Attack
The Princess is Found
The Darkness Arrives
A New Pegasus Saint ( Spelling error changes)
Finding her Father
Saving Her Mother
Triple Winged Fury

To Sanctuary

76 1 0
By Spiritwolf76

( It has been several days since Sara had awoken her Cosmo power. Since then, she has been training with the Equuleus sisters on how to utilize her powers.  She has been making good progress as of late. The group of five were currently getting ready to make their way to Sanctuary. There  They would meet up with  Sara's family along with the other saints in order to try and push Crona back. Little did they know, that what awaited them would not be a happy sight)

" ( Looks at  Sara who is in her pegasus armor). Are you all set to go? Sara." Asked Celstina." All set  Celstina,  let's get going. I feel a foreboding  incident may have occurred when we get there." Said  Sara as Arcee walked over to them. " Then we should get going then,  the quicker we get there the better. ( Suddenly feels four cosmo spheres hit her in her legs and knees which forces her to the ground). Wha-what the? ( Looks up to see that  Kyoko was the one to do it). Why'd you do that." Said  Arcee as she tries to get up but can't. " Because I asked her to Arcee. I know you want to help me with this mission but something doesn't feel right, so you're staying here.

" Said  Sara as she, Kyoko, Shoko, Celestina, and Heather quickly ran out of the base." No, Sara wait.  ( Tries to get up but can't and then feels a hand on her shoulder before looking up to see that it was  Optimus). We said that we'd do it together." Said  Arcce as energon-like tears seep through her eyes. " I know  Arcee, but there are some things that many of us. Must do on our own or with those that share the same goals. Sara has chosen to keep you safe by keeping you here." Said  Optimus. " (Use's a scanner on  Arcee). It will take a while for your legs to be mobile again. She hit the presser points in your knees to imitate a shock that would paralyze the legs for a while." Said Ratchet. "  For now we will all remain here and keep an eye out for the decepticons." Said  Optimus. " ( Looks down at the ground while still crying). You better make it out alive Sara. I don't know what I would do if I lost you." Said  Arcee.

( Meanwhile, Sara's group arrived at a personal airport, where a private jet was waiting for them. Once they saw  Sara,  the pilots, and the flight attendants quickly bowed to her and then let Sara's group get on the jet first before soon following right behind them. Once everyone was aboard. The pilots smoothly and quickly flew the jet into the air with the destination set for  Sanctuary)

" ( Takes a cup of water from one of the attendees before politely thanking her and then looks at  Sara). Nice isn't it,  or do you think that this isn't for you?" Asked  Heather. " I'm assuming my mom owns this. ( Watches Kyoko nod her head yes and then looks at Celstina). So what's the plan for getting down there? " Asked Sara. " Well this plane can't land us there so we'll have to jump." Said  Celistina." That sounds interesting." Said  Sara intrigued. " For now, get some rest, the attendants will alert us when they've arrived." Said  Shoko as she, Kyoko, Sara, and Celstina took a quick nap.

( Seven hours later)

" ( Wakes up Sara and  Shoko while Kyoko and Heather wake up on their own). Time to go you guys. The pilots just told me that  a battle is currently going on down below us." Said  Celestine. " This will be fun. ( Looks out the window to see Marin, Shina, Koga, and his friends leading a battle against  Oberon and three platoons of dark saints). Look it looks  Crona's already begun her attack. Let's get down there and help them out." Said  Shoko as she, Kyoko, Celstina, Heather, and Sara jumped out of the plane as it turned around and made its way back to the city. " If that's the case then let's make a grand entrance.  Mind if I borrow something Shoko?" Said  Sara. " Sure but make it quick, we're about to land and I don't see your parents anywhere." Said  Shoko while noticing a  slight glare in  Sara's left eye. " easy peasy,   EQQUULEUS  SORING KIIIIIIIIICK!"SAID  Sara as she quickly dove down to the ground and then crashed into the ground between the Saints of Athena and the dark saints of Crona while sending a shockwave that rippled the ground and then sent the Saints of  Crona flying back forty feet into the air which shocks all those watching as she slowly walks out of the crater she made.

 ( As all of the  Saints of Athena watched  Sara walk out of the crater she made on her landing. They looked over to see that the Saints of Crona had fled from the battlefield. With this in mind,  the  Saints of Athena then each took a knee and bowed to Sara all but  Koga and Marin who had walked over to  Sara and gave her a hug)

"It's good to finally meet my little niece. Your parents would be proud of what you've become." Said  Marin with a smile. " Yeah, I've been wanting to meet my first blood sibling since Lady Saori and  Seiya adopted me." Said  Koga. " Speaking of my parents. Where are they now?" Asked Sara as  Koga and  Marin break the hug. "  Saori was captured by a group of  Dark saints during the battle. Seiya and his friends went off to save her. " Said Koga. " We were on our way to join them until those guys you just sent packing attacked us. By your leave, we will follow you into battle or would you rather a more experienced person do it." Said  Shaina as she walked up to them. "How about I'll lead the group, while you guys advise me on the best course of action? ( Watches Koga, Marin, and Shaina nod their heads before looking at the rest of the saints of her mother). CRONA BELIEVES THAT SHE CAN ATTACK US ON OUR OWN HOME BY UTILIZING REPLICAS OF OUR FINEST WARRIORS.  SHE BELIEVES THAT SHE HAS NOTHING TO FEAR! (  Smiles at every one of the Saints of her mother).  WELL, HOW ABOUT WE SEND HER A MESSAGE?  THAT THIS IS OUR HOME AND THAT NOTHING BEATS THE ORIGINAL. NOW YOU FIGHT ON WITH ME!  MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN ARMS! ( Walks to the left while still looking at her fellow saints).  you fight as hard as you believe your cosmo can carry you and then push even further.  WE'LL SHOW HER THERE THERE SOMETHING TO FEAR AND THAT THAT THING, IS US. FOR TRESPASSING ONTO OUR HOME. ( Listens to all her fellow saints roar and yell in agreement ). Together everyone, let us show them our true,  COSMO!" Said  Sara as she raised her Cosmo power level to the sky like a beacon which healed any injured Saint of Athena while showing them where to go as those already with Sara charged toward the Saints of Crona.

( Far on ahead with  Seiya and his friends)

" ( Quickly turns around after feeling a familiar Cosmo energy and then smiles after seeing the beacon). Welcome home Sara, now show them how a pegasus defends its family. " Said  Seiya as she and his friends continue to run through a hallway.

( With  Saori that is held in chains connected to a wall)

" ( Feels familiar Cosmo energy signature and then smiles ). So you've finally made it Sara. I'm glad that your' here. "Said  Saori as she smiles at the beacon. " ( Glares at the beacon and the energy of the beacon). So she's arrived hu. No matter, she and her friends will fall all the same. Then I get to destroy the legendary Seiya and then rule this world." Said  Crona as she left the dungeon to prepare her warriors.

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