VIXX:Hidden Blushes

By VIXXjjangracel

14.1K 474 41

Meeting leo is not good for her..,not that he hate the guy or anything it's just that everytime she see him i... More

Jung Taekwoon
Doomsday Surpise
Same feeling
I actually like Latte too
Role Model
Good Night
At the Back Door
My past hunts Me
And I couldn't ask for more
I'm a Celebrity Idol
I understand
The memories we so carefully made
As soon as Possible


1.1K 33 0
By VIXXjjangracel

Ding dong ding~~~~"Paging Doctor Eun,code blue code blue I.C.U.".

I heard a woman voice repeatedly saying the same call..,
I shut my eyes open as I realized where that sound usually can be heard.I wander my eyes looking at my sorounding,and then look down.,i just then confirmed that I'm in the hospital as i myself laying in a hospital bed.I slowly get up but i winched as my head feels like going to break in two,i put my palm in my head rubbing out the pain as memory rushed back to me.

The caught cheating boyfriend with someone i know scene+went to Han River+popped open the canned beer = i don't know what's next..,and here I am in the Hospital ward along with some patients,i tried to squeezed my brain hoping to get some answer why i'm here,but I only ended up adding the headache.

Feeling frustrated i let out a deep sigh,i moved away the blanket and put my feet on the floor,i tried to pull the needle of the dextrose that they inject on my wrist as nurse walk towards me.

"Miss,what are you doing??"she asked me consciously eyeing the needle I'm trying to pull.

"Ahhh...ahmmm.,nurse I think I'm okay now,so I guess I can manage to go home."I said awkwardly smiling at her.

"Are you sure??..will since your case is just a Hangover,will just do a last check up and give you some hangover reliever for you to sober and to eased your headache". She said while carefully removing the needle out my skin.

"Yes please, uhhh--we're can I pay my bill??" I asked as I rubbed the wrist were the nurse removed the needle.

"Don't bother it,your bill is already cleared by your boyfriend,he left after he make sure your okay.."she said with a smile plastered on her face.

"Boyfriend??!!".I asked her in disbelief,Cuz I swear to god not even my unconscious self wants to crawled back to my unfaithful boyfriend.

"Uhhh--isn't he?will since he didn't actually said that his your boyfriend i guess Im just assuming to much,but I wonder why he covered his face to much with all the hoodie,caps,and a mask".

I just shooked my head from what the nurse is babbling about.,so I guy brought me here huh?I really want to know him,getting curious why and what happen before I ended up myself waking in the hospital.

After the nurse checked me and get my belongings back I dial up Lulu's number on my cellphone,while exiting the hospital building.

"Lulu its me Jin Hae---"i didn't finished my sentence as I heard Lulu's squeals on the next line.

"Oh my god!so you guys did it!!!".Lulu chirped while continuing his squeal.

"What did what?and to whom??and will you please stop squealing,your making my ears bleed you know"..I snort as I roll my eyes.

"Godness you clueless Virgin!ofcourse did the you know~ since you didn't get home lastnight from your boyfriend.,so I'm pretty sure the virgin island is not a virgin anymore.!"he said while emphasizing the DID THE YOU KNOW thing.

"Will thanks for making me remember what that asshole did,and for god sake stop teasing my Virginity,thank god i didn't let myself surrender to that jerk." I said while waving my hand to catch a cab.

"Oh~~~you better give me the details of this so called boyfriend of yours now turned asshole."

"I promised miss interrogator.,bye I need to hang up now.please cooked me some hangover soup pretty please." I ended the call in purpose not wanting him to asked me a question again.

I hopped in the backseat of the cab,and instructed the driver to go to Han River,I need to get back my car first before going home.


"Oh my god girl!!you should slapped the cake to that bastard face instead of scattering it on floor,such a waste!!"Lulu exclaimed as his face turned to bitchy mode.

As soon as I got home Lulu never leave me following anywhere I go not until I spill the bean of what happened to my so called boyfriend turned asshole.So yeah!as soon I start savoring the soup he made..,the interrogation also start along and story telling unfold.

Surprisingly i didn't cried a river of tears maybe I sober too much from being drunk lastnight .we're sitting now in living room sipping some tea as I finished my end of story.

"So were did you go after you leave the cheater??"Lulu continued while folding his legs into pretzel position.

"I went to Han River as I want to breath some air,what happened lastnight is so overwhelming to me so I decided to unwind.,have some drinks be alone for awhile..,but then I found myself waking up in the hospital."i said and sip another tea.

"What??in hospital??! And why not come home instead and share the drinks to me huh??"

"I told you already that I want to be alone for a while,I didn't expect that I'm gonna end up in the Hospital because of too much drunkness,the nurse said a guy brought me but then leave after making sure I'm okay".

"Who's the guy??did you hit a guy after you end up everything to that asshole?"Lulu asked while raising his rightside brows.

"No!!!thats not how I roll,and don't asked me who the guy is as I cant remember anything after I popped those canned beer opened".I said while rolling my eyes.

We continue our mini girl-gay talk session till we both feel sleepy and doze off our self to our own dreamland.

Morning Traffic stuck our car on our way to Gangnam-gu ,while Lulu is having a mini concert in the passenger seat as he sing along the Touch my Body Song by Sistar and me on the other side is tapping along the steering wheel waiting the stoplight to turned green.

We have appointment to Jellyfish Entertainment the company that were going to work with this time,thank god were meters away now since We already passed the Dosan Park.

As we finally at the parking space of the Building I gently parked my car,pull the key out.,we get off the car and walk in the building.

Leo's P.O.V

I was walking the Jellyfish corridor while scrolling down my iPod searching some song to play with while sipping a Latte on the other hand not looking at my direction as I suddenly bumped to someone's shoulder.

I quickly turned back and say sorry,but I was taken aback when I see the face of the person i just bumped in...its the drunk girl I met on the Han River lastnight.!

"I'm sorry too i was really in a hurry now.."she said as she tried to fixed her folders that's been misplaced in her armed.

"Jin Hae-yah!!please hurry!!"someone's calling her attension.
"Yes coming!!"she said taking her walk back while waving bye at me and turn herself to the corner.

"So her name is Jin Hae..."I muttered to myself.

I continue walking till i reach at the practice room with a smirk of smile on my face and take a seat on the corner near the mirror,put back my earbuds in my ears but i didn't turn on the music yet as I keep thinking about her.She looked more presentable now before I leave her at the hospital...luckily no one notice me in the hospital it will be a big trouble if someone recognizes me.I bought some snacks and packs of ramen when i got home to used it as an excuse why I take long after they called me to avoid asking me more questions,they'll know if I'm telling lies,and hakyeon will gonna pester me if I won't tell him.I shooked my head to clear my mind,as I feel someone's leaning closer to my side.
"What song are you listening??you even flashing some smiles and didn't notice me".hakyeon said while trying to get close to my ears wanting to hear what he thought I'm listening to.I just shrugged him off me,pass my empty cup's of Latte and leave him while calling my name.typical day to annoy me again.I can even see his stank face in the mirror reflection,i just smirk him a smile not turning my head on him.

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