Mr. Ex

By uwayabee

361K 11K 2.3K

Working with a famous idol group is probably every fan's dream job. Except when you find out one of the membe... More

1. Paths
2. Reunion
3. The Breakup
4. The Members
6. Him & Her
7. Accident
8. Someone like Him
9. Cresent Moon
10. Fanmeeting
11. Jealousy
12. Ex
13. Argument
14. Pretty U
15. Glad
16. Displeased
17. Realization
18. Paris
19. Confession
20. Truth
21. Clarification
22. Scolded
23. Winter
24. Falling
25. Ego
26. Uncaged
27. Unspoken Words
28. Mr. Kim
29. Warning
30. 30 Days
31. Time Travel
32. Home
33. Talk
34. Watch Out
35. The Trio
36. If Only
37. His Home
38. Start Over
39. Together
40. Now & Forever
[100K Special] Mr. Boyfriend
[SEQUEL] Mr. Fiancé

5. Forgiveness

10.4K 323 27
By uwayabee

That night the full moon illuminated the camp site. Unlike during the day, the air at night is much cooler and windier. Filming outside is indeed more draining, it's no wonder that many people are already asleep when the night is still so early. You've just finished drying your hair with a towel, the drowsiness you previously felt has disappeared with a cold shower. You're thankful you don't have to share your tent with the rest of the crew, even though there's quite a bit of film equipment stashed in your tent you don't mind at all. At least you can get your own personal space.

Luckily, at the camping site there is a small and rather traditional shop that is open until midnight. After paying for a cold bottle of soju, you sit cross-legged on the front porch letting the cool breeze dry the excess water in your hair. The shop owner's golden retriever comes up to you, sweetly leaning against your leg. You stroked his head gently until he fell asleep.

From a distance, you can see a shadowy figure walking to your direction. But due to the limited lighting, you can only guess who it is. You just hope whoever that person is, he's not Choi PD or Jeonghan. You're too tired to answer Choi PD's questions about tomorrow's filming schedule. Meanwhile, if it was Jeonghan, it would be awkward.

"Oh, it's you. I thought you looked familiar from afar." Wonwoo greeted with a gentle smile.

You gave him a small wave, "I thought I'm the only person awake."

"Some of the members are still awake so we play some games."

"Let me guess, you lost and they made you come here to buy something."

"Exactly what happened." He laughed and fixed his glasses. He then went inside the shop to buy some juice. By the time he returned, he was holding a kitten.

"This guy keeps climbing on my feet." He said while sitting on the front porch as well. He took a sip of his watermelon juice, he even offered you one.

"Probably because he know you're the cat person here." You politely declined since you've already got your own drink.

"I am. How did you know?" Wonwoo chuckled lightly.

"I did some research." You admitted before taking another sip, "Wouldn't it be strange if I'm totally clueless about the group I'm working for?"

"I mean...." Wonwoo let the kitten lay down on his lap to stretch his arms, "There are thirteen of us so I guess you can take your time."

While the two of you were enjoying your drinks, Wonwoo talked about the various games the members like to play while drinking. The topic gradually shifted to how Wonwoo first started liking cats years ago. He tells you it all started after a kitten approached him. You listen to him intently while petting the golden retriever who was still fast asleep.

"So you often donate to cat shelters? That's very nice you." You said, really sincere about the compliment.

"It's impossible to take care all the cats myself, right. That's the least I can do."

Both of your attention was drawn to the sound of feet stepping on dry grass coming a few meters away from the porch. You and Jeonghan both looked surprised by each other's presence--didn't expect to see each other. When Jeonghan stopped, the sound of footsteps could still be heard a few steps behind him. Unknowingly, your grip on the soju bottle tightens as soon as you see Rena--the beautiful crew member who is said to have a crush on Jeonghan.

"Oh, sorry, did I take too long?" Wonwoo immediately apologized, suddenly remembering the others were waiting for the juices.

"No, that's okay, it's fine. Most of them fell asleep anyway." Jeonghan answered.

"Oh, hi! I thought all the crews are asleep already. You're Y/N right?" This is the first time Rena has spoken properly to you, "I'm Kang Rena."

"Y/N." You return the handshake politely.

"By the way I think your dad called you earlier." Jeonghan said to Wonwoo.

Wonwoo patted his jacket and jeans's pockets to realized that he had left his cell phone in the tent.

"I'll head back first then." Wonwoo carefully put the kitten back inside the shop and smiled warmly at you before he left, "Nice talking to you, Y/N."

"Likewise." You smiled back at him, "Have a good rest."

After Wonwoo left, things got really awkward. You try to find excuses to run away but the golden retriever won't wake up no matter how hard you try to move him. Meanwhile, Jeonghan and Rena also showed no signs of leaving soon.

When Rena followed Jeonghan into the shop, you heaved a sigh of relief and immediately moved the golden retriever with a little force. The poor dog looked startled but was too sleepy to care. He stretched his four legs for a moment then finally went inside the shop to continue his sleep. You turned your head back to check the whereabouts of the other two people, secretly planning to leave immediately.

"Really?! Is that true, Y/N?"

"Crap." You whispered under your breath when Rena suddenly jumped in front of you, looking so bright and cheerful. "Sorry, what was that?"

"Jeonghan told me you're also from LA, just like Shua."

"Oh...." You took a glance at Jeonghan--who's now also drinking a bottle of cold soju, "Yes, right."

Rena then excitedly talked about how LA has became one of her dream vacation place. She also jots down places you'd recommend if she were to visit LA one day.

"Hello? PD-nim?"

Hearing the word PD your head and Rena's immediately turned towards Jeonghan who was already on the phone.

"You're going be in trouble 'cause Choi PD said he's been trying to call you." Jeonghan calmly said after putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Shit, I forgot to charge my phone." Rena suddenly panicked. She then hurriedly went to find Choi PD.

Jeonghan shrugged, took another sip of his soju, then sat cross-legged on the porch.

Sudden realization then hits you. You remember when you went to the store, Choi PD was already so sound asleep that his snoring penetrated the tent.

"You lied. Didn't you?" You asked Jeonghan suspiciously.

"Maybe I did. Maybe not." He shrugged.

"You definitely lied." You can tell by the way he looks flustered but decided not to point it out. It's too embarrassing to admit that you still remember every detail about him.

"I'm just buying us some time to talk." Jeonghan clinked his soju bottle against yours, "As a friend."

You find it difficult to analyze what you feel about Jeonghan's words just now. In a way you are relieved that you can see him doing just fine after all these years. But on the other hand, talking to him as a friend--like how he put it--is like reopening an empty hole you once closed.

"Since when are you a good drinker?" He emphasized his tone, genuinely curious.

"Time flies, people change. You've become an idol and I've become a good drinker." You took a big sip of your soju then corrected yourself before he could say anything, "Wait that makes me sound like a drunkard."

Seeing your flustered behavior Jeonghan couldn't help but laughed rather loudly.

"I was about to ask if you've been drinking heavily since we broke up." He sniffed after nearly sneezing, shifting his eyes on you.

"I've done worse." You tilted your head slightly, recalling the things you've done.


"If throwing away the stuffs you gave me, cursing at you everyday and hoping you'll have stomachache five days a week counts as worse, then yes."

Jeonghan scrunched his nose while nodding slowly, he let out a short hisses, "The stomachache part definitely worse."

After enduring the strong winds, your body finally started to get affected as you sneezed a few times. You plan to say goodbye and get some rest soon. Jeonghan senses it somehow--he gets up and asks you to join him walking back to the tent area. The sound of crickets in the night fills the silence between you two.

"I'm sorry." Jeonghan said out of nowhere.

"Listen, Jeonghan--you don't have to stay stuck in the past. The past is in the past."

Jeonghan stopped walking, which made you stop too.

"Oh shut it." You sighed with your arms crossed, cutting him off just in time before he managed to utter another apology, "Yeah, it's still hard for me to face you after all these years of trying to forget you but I've left everything behind that night."

"You are forgiven, Yoon Jeonghan."

And just like that all the burdens and heavy feelings seemed to be lifted. Neither of you made a move to continue the conversation, but both of your expressions tell more. He is finally relieved to hear the word forgiven, not knowing that there was a little lie you were hiding – the fact that you actually haven't left all things in the past. The fact that there is a faint glimmer of hope flickering deep inside of your heart to be with him again when you two are reunited.

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