I will never let you go again...

By Veldona_Gad

43K 941 218

During Yuki's fight, Rimuru was transported to the end of time and space, so he used his power to return to t... More

Chap 1
Chap 3
Untitled Part 5
Chap 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Former students
Clayman's failed move
Side separation
Reunited with Hinata
the festival
The last fight

Chapter 4

3K 65 7
By Veldona_Gad

After Velzard joined us, I used to spend time with her and teach Rin and Mozari the recipes of Tempest

Sitting with Guy and Velzard, we felt a great magical power

There was an explosion and three people appeared. The man turned and pointed his gun at us

Rudra: I, Rudra Nask, the crown prince of the Kingdom of Nask and the hero who brings hope to Humans, I will destroy the evil demon king with this sword of mine and also surrender all your treasures to me.

Rudra spoke arrogantly

(I never imagined that emperor was this kind of hero) I said in my mind while remembering that emperor

Lucia: Rudra, your actions make me unable to determine the demon lord between you two

A pink-haired woman came forward and spoke to Rudra in a scolding tone

(So this woman is Milim's mother Lucia, she really looks like her)

Veljrind: Rudra, if you want, I can give you all the treasures you want

Lucia: Jende chan, you're spoiling him like that

I sighed and got up from my seat

Remy: Well, everyone, would you please stop arguing and tell me why you came?

I said while clapping my hands to notice me

When the three looked at me they were wondering who I was because of the pressure I gave them

Filzard: I haven't seen you for a long time, Felgrind. I didn't expect to see you here

She spoke while sipping tea

Felgrind: I didn't see you here, sister. It's good to see you, but who is this woman?

She spoke pointing towards me who was smiling with killing intent towards Rudra

Guy: she's my wife, Remy. Back off. I'll deal with this man

He said and accepted Rudra's challenge

Guy: I accept your challenge to see how strong you are

Rudra: I am the strongest, I will destroy you demon king, fight me one on one

With this, the fight between the two began

Remy: Hey, looks like the fight is going to take a while, why don't you join us?

I said as I invited Lucia and Veljrind to tea

Now the four of us are sitting eating cake and watching the two fight

After a while, Guy pierced Rudra's shield and this made him angry

Seeing her brother like this, Lucia couldn't help but worry. As for Veljrind, he thought Rudra was very stupid.

Lucia unleashed the magic of support on her brother Rudra

Rudra: Thanks for the support Lucia

Rudra's sword started to shine and was pointed at Guy

I, who saw this, cast a support charm on Guy likewise

After that, Guy's Sword also started to burn and naturally that magic was stronger than Lucia's.

Guy: I didn't expect you to take care of me like that, Remy, thank you.

When he saw that his wife had given him strength, he could not help but thank her.

After returning to the battle, Rudra became serious, attacking Guy more quickly than before and immediately approached Guy.

Guy was also not inferior, using his sword to continue his attack

Rudra: A Demon Lord type like you is really annoying.

Guy: I don't know what your strength is, but I admit that you could make me wield my sword.

Rudra: I don't want a demon lord to praise me like you

Guy: Well, then I won't praise you anymore.

Rudra: Wait, I will keep listening to your praise.

This is also a nice character of Rudra. Although he said he didn't like it on the outside, he really liked it on the inside.

(It's surprisingly easy to understand.)

Guy: You're also one of the few who can fight me, so be proud that I remember your name.

Rudra: You're good too, I didn't expect a Demon King like you to be able to block my sword. Thanks for remembering the name. And I want to know your name before I beat you.

He seems very confident that he will defeat Jay which is why he said that

Guy: Compared to a human, you're arrogant. Well, my name is Guy.

Rudra: Why Guy?

Guy: Because everyone who met me yelled 'Giyaaaa', so I shortened it to Guy.

Explain his name to the other.

Rudra: Hey, that's not a name. If I were to kill a Demon King with a crazy name like that, it wouldn't have any meaning. So I want you to have a proper name so that you can memorize my exploits.

Just like that, Rudra arbitrarily stops the solo game, under the pretense of giving Guy a name.

Although he did not want to obey, perhaps Guy should have accepted it.

Thanks to Rudra and others, they come together and start discussing. Lucia thought that naming the Demon King would make people think that Rudra and Guy are related.

Rudra thinks if you don't tell, no one will know. Then a name associated with the cochineal was devised.

Velzard: They're really bored.

Guy: I don't want to stop fighting at all.

The two started complaining about the group of three again, but I was just sighing and watching.

Rudra: Sorry to keep everyone waiting. From today on, your name will be Guy Crimson.

Thus, Demon King Guy Crimson was born.

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