The Dragon Princess

By HeavensAngels_

28.5K 1K 480

Jack and Hiccup go on a far away island for their last summer vacation together. On this island stands a ca... More

The Legend
Welcome to Winged Island
First Day Complaints
Town Meeting
The Big Four: Against All Odds
Dinner With The Queen
Sleeping Princess
Dragon Training
Wakening Kiss
Listening In
New Book!!! (And Help!!)
Royal Ball
A Walk Around the Village
A Glimpse Into The Past
A Date With The Queen
Flood of Memories
Change Is In The Air
Author's Question
Unknown Growing Feelings
Trust and Comfort
Crafting Protection
Change Of Heart
Fresh Changes
Truth Behind Actions
A Gift With Feelings
Romantic Flight
Proper Goodbye
Worried Feeling
Protection and Worry
Moving In With Him
Romantic Night
Now or Never
Unexpected Surprise
He's Here?!
Hiccup Meets Hiccup
Accepting the Reason
Major Changes
Reassurance and Curiosity
Getting to Know Each Other
A Talk With The Queen
It's Your Birthday
Celebration Set-Up
Birthday Celebrations
Making Decisions
Prepping for a Surprise
New Possibilities
Needs to be Done
Thinking Emotions
It's Time to Chat

Telling Him

74 5 6
By HeavensAngels_

Astrid's P.O.V.

After spending the entire afternoon with Jack, setting stuff up for tonight, I finally have a moment to rest. Hiccup should be getting off work soon so I'll be able to guide him from the forge to the destination we picked out. But before doing that, I'll need to change. Thanks to Jack, I managed to make quite a mess of myself getting things together. I don't know how I managed to do it, but the path Jack took to get us here managed to get me covered in mud. With a sigh, I make my way to the castle to quickly change and grab the basket of goodies I asked the chef to make.

It doesn't take me long to get to the castle and every step I take inside has me checking behind me, making sure I don't leave muddy footprints in my wake. Thankfully, I was able to make it to my room without leaving dirty footprints behind me. I quickly take my shoes off and walk over to my wash station. I do a quick wash of my face and hands, making sure I don't have mud all over.

Once I was sure my body was clean enough, I went to my closet and grab a simple blue gown. It's a very simple gown that flows to just above my ankles but it's still cute enough to wear for tonight. I change quickly before putting on a fresh pair of shoes and walking out of my room. I head straight to the kitchen, hoping the basket of food was ready. By the time I walk in, the smell of freshly made food is being made. From the smell of it, Jack and Elsa will be having chicken with a collection of sides. It takes only a moment for me to walk through the smells and to the head chef. They greet me with a small smile and walk to the side, grabbing a picnic basket from the counter.

"Here you are, Princess. It's all set for your picnic tonight. It's everything you asked for along with a special dessert," He says.

I smile and take the basket. "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

He shrugs. "Probably not eat the best food."

I chuckle and nod before thanking him one last time and walking out of the room. Next stop, the forge.

~~At the Forge~~

As I walk up to the forge, I notice the light is still on. Walking over to the door, I peek inside to see Hiccup hunched over something at his workstation. A smile crosses my face as I step inside and set the basket down on the counter. I quietly walk over to him and carefully place my hands on his shoulder before planting a kiss on the back of his head. As he straightens up in his seat, I lean in and wrap my arms loosely around his neck and kiss his cheek.

"Why hello M'lady," He says, slightly turning his gaze toward me.

"Hey," I respond, giving him a smile of my own before looking down at his work. "What are you working on?" I ask.

He follows my gaze to the rings in front of him as he takes a deep breath. I stand, keeping a hand on his shoulder as I step to his side. "Someone came in asking if they could get engravings on a pair of rings for their wedding. And since Gobber doesn't have small hands or even the eyes for it, I was asked to do it. I was hoping to get these done today."

"What did they want to be engraved on the rings?"

"Their initials along with a small sang, 'I love you'." He responds, wrapping an arm around my waist, pulling me close.

"Sounds sweet. I'm sure they'll love them once they get them back," I tell him, running a hand through his messy hair.

He releases a small chuckle. "Yeah, they will. But I forgot how long engraving something on something so small can take. You got to be very precise. One small mistake on a ring is like building a house on the wrong foundation. It takes time. And you have to be very patient when doing it."

"Well, from the sounds of it, it'll take a lot of work but I think you'll be able to make it beautiful, just like everything else you've done," I say, placing a hand on his cheek.

He gives me a small smile as he kisses my palm. "Why thank you, M'lady. It's a job I certainly don't mind doing, especially if it's for someone I love."

I smile and lean in, planting a soft kiss on his lips. "Well, I love everything that you've made me. Every single piece."

"Which one has been your favorite?" He asks.

"The necklace," I respond, touching it gently with my hand. "I haven't taken it off since you helped me put it on. I love it just as much as I love you."

He smiles and plants a kiss on my lips again before standing to his feet. I watch as he takes one big stretch and grabs the items he had on the table. "Let me put these away and then we can go. I can smell the food you brought and it's making me hungry."

I giggle and nod as I watch him put his items away. He disappears into the back room for a minute before coming back out in a fresh shirt and clean hands. He grabs my hand as he walks by and grabs the basket for me off the counter. With a quick blow on the candles, we walk out of the forge and into the evening light.

"So, where are we going exactly?"

Smiling, I squeeze Hiccup's hand as I carefully guide him to our location. "You'll know once we're there," I respond.

"Are you saying you can't tell me?" He asks, peeking down at me.

"Yes, that's what I'm saying. It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you," I chuckle.

He simply nods his head as he gazes forward. He's probably trying to figure it out in his head. Something Jack warned me about as we were preparing things. As we reach the edge of the village, I start taking the lead, guiding him to our set location.

"So, are you absolutely positive that you can't tell me where we're going?" He asks.

I nod, following the worn trail. "Yes, I'm sure."

"But what if you get lost? What if we somehow aren't able to figure out where we're going?"

I chuckle and come to a halt, turning to face him. "I grew up on this island. I know exactly where I'm going. And if I do happen to take a wrong turn, I'll still know how to get there."

His gaze narrows as he stares at me. I give him a simple smile as he leans in, stopping mere inches away. "You seem very confident in those words."

I smile, "That's because I am. I know this island like the back of my hand."

"Hmm, like the back of your hand, huh?" I nod. "What other things do you know like the back of your hand?"

"Well," I start, moving down the trail again. "The castle. There are quite a few passages that even Elsa doesn't know about. I also happen to know where every single cave is located along with how deep they are."

"Are those the only things?" He asks, walking next to me.

I slow to a stop as I think about what else I could say. It doesn't take long for me to come up with an idea and face him. I give him a small shrug.

"Well, not really. But there is one thing I'd like to know more about," I say, biting my lip.

He looks at me and smirks, almost as if he knows what I'm thinking. "And what would that be, M'lady?"

Moving a step closer, I close the distance between us, pressing my lips against his. It doesn't take long for him to respond to the kiss and for a hand to be placed on my cheek. I smile and deepen the kiss, pulling him closer. When we do eventually pull away, we give each other a winded smile.

"That is something I would also like to learn more about. But first, let's get going. I'm starving!"

With a chuckle, I grab his hand and continue on our way to the spot.


Hiccup's P.O.V.

With Astrid's guide, we walk into a circle of trees and candles. In the center lies a blanket big enough for us to sit and enjoy our meal. Taking the basket from my hand, Astrid pulls me to the blanket and sets the basket in the middle. I watch carefully as she bends down and starts pulling plates, silverware, and food from the basket. Instead of the crazy meals one would expect, she pulls out sandwiches, some cut fruit, and even a couple of side dishes. I sit down in shock as she sets the basket to the side.

"What do you think?" She asks, sitting down across from me.

"This looks amazing," I say, glancing at the spread in front of us. "I can't believe you came up with all of this."

Astrid chuckles as she starts making me a plate. "I didn't do this alone. Since I don't cook, I had the castle chef help out. Besides, the idea itself was Jack's. He was the one who said you wouldn't expect something simple."

"Hey, just because you had some help doesn't mean you didn't do this. You're the one who had the idea to do something like this in the first place. It wasn't Jack who said 'I want to do something special for Hiccup'. It was you. You're the one who wanted to do this. Not Jack. He just wanted to add his touch." I say, taking the filled plate.

"And why would he want to add his touch?" She asks, filling up a plate of her own.

"Because he wants to be helpful. And he wants people to know that he's helpful," I respond, waiting for her to fill her plate. "That's just how he is."

She nods and finishes filling her plate and sets it in front of her. I watch as she takes a bottle from the basket along with a few glasses. Reaching over, I grab the glasses and bottles. "Allow me, M'lady." I open up the bottle and pour an even amount in each glass before handing a filled glass over to Astrid.

"Thank you," She answers, accepting the glass.

"Anything for you, M'lady." I smile, raising my glass. With a smile of her own, we clink the glasses together and take a sip.

Setting the glass down, I glimpse over at Astrid, watching as thoughts roll through her mind. She holds the glass in place as she stares into the empty space in front of her. Confused, I slowly reach over and grab the glass from her hand. She snaps out of it and looks toward me, confused.

"What? Is everything okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, is everything okay with you? It seems like something is on your mind."

Shock crosses her features for a second and she gives me a nervous smile. I watch patiently as she releases a heavy sigh. Her gaze lowers to her hands, twisting them together as if she's trying to wring out a towel. Worry fills me as I reach forward and grab a hold of her hands. I give them a squeeze as I take a finger and lift her chin, making her gaze met mine.

"Astrid, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing's wrong. What makes you think something is wrong?"

I raise an eyebrow and look down at her hands, squeezing mine in a rhythm. A glance back at her has her sighing, gaze lowering toward the floor. Using my finger, I lift her chin again and press my lips gently against hers. As she returns the kiss, I feel her body loosen up. Pulling away, I rest my forehead against hers.

"Whatever it is Astrid, you can tell me. I can tell something is on your mind." I say, looking into her eyes.

She sighs and pulls away, looking at our joined hands. "I... I don't want you to leave. I understand you have to. That you have a family, a home, and that you have a life you have to live. But I don't want you to leave. I don't want to write letters back and forth and be worried I may never get a letter in return. I've waited for someone to return and you know how that went. Yes, I can live my life now but I don't want to live it without you. I love you, Hiccup, and I want to come with you."

Shock spreads across my features as her words sink in. She wants to come with me?

"You want to come with me? Why? Your sister is here. This is where you grew up. This is your home," I say.

"I-I know, but before I fell asleep, I've let things slip away from me. I didn't fight to keep people around like I should've. But I want to fight for you, for us!" She squeezes my hand as she looks at me, tears forming in her eyes. "Please Hiccup... I want to be with you."

Deep down inside, my heart is beaming. Knowing that Astrid wants to come home with me fills me with joy. Being able to see her every day and show her my world is something I've been thinking about a lot these past few weeks. She'd be able to meet my family and see a different kind of world. A world that I grew up in. A world that I will one day lead.

Placing a hand on her cheek, I wipe away the tears that managed to escape. I give her a small smile before sealing her lips with mine.

"I love you too, Astrid. And I would be honored if you came with me." 


Hey everyone! 

Here is the update I'm sure many of you have been waiting for. Though now that Astrid told Hiccup, what else is there that we want to see? Do we want to see something with Jack and Elsa? Should we see Jack telling his Aunt he's not coming home? 

Is there any, in particular, you'd like to see? If so, please let me know in the comments or send me a message. I'd be happy to hear any ideas that you have. 

Few questions: 

1) What did you think of the surprise Astrid did for Hiccup? 

2) Do you think Hiccup should've had more thoughts about Astrid going with him?

3) What do you want to see in the next chapter? 

4) What do you think will happen next? 

5) Was this chapter good or bad? 

Once again, if you have any ideas, please let me know! And if there is anything you'd like to see before this story comes to an end, please tell me. Something tells me there may not be a whole lot of chapters left for this story.  

Anyways, I love and thank you all

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