Unveiling the genius behind t...

By ReignOrolfo

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*****THIS IS NOT MY ORIGINAL STORY***** The spoiled, willful daughter of the Koch family groveled down to her... More

chapter 1


683 11 1
By ReignOrolfo

The distance between the two suddenly closed in.

Up close, Gavyn could even clearly see Aylin’s long, thick eyelashes.

Those eyes were still clear and bright, but they would never look at him tenderly again. A sense of helplessness filled his chest, and he lowered his voice, h oar sely asking, “What exactly is your relationship with Ryker?”

Is that all?

So, you cornered her in the bathroom just to ask such a boring question?

Aylin was getting increasingly annoyed by him. Gavyn used to be quite decisive, but now she felt that he was becoming more and more indecisive and never-ending.

“I think, I have no obligation to tell you, Mr. Delacruz?”

Aylin frowned impatiently, making no effort to hide her resistance. “We are strangers now, and I have no obligation to explain these things to a stranger.

Let me go.”

Aylin’s tone was cold, as if she didn’t want to get entangled with him any further.

Gavyn’s brow furrowed as the word stranger seemed to pierce his heart like a tiny needle.

Somehow, he suddenly thought of Aylin, the cautious yet overflowing with happiness expression. she had when she married him, which was worlds apart from her current demeanor.

An irresistible wave of anxiety and unease swept over Gavyn, as if a jar of mixed emotions had been

overturned inside him, containing all the flavors.

“You always avoid my questions.”

Gavyn furrowed his brows, pursed his lips, and his eyes filled with emotions that Aylin couldn’t understand. “If there’s really nothing going on between you and him, why can’t you just explain it to me directly?”

Aylin raised her eyebrows, a thought crossing her mind.

Who is Gavyn putting on this act for?

When they were husband and wife, he treated her as if she was nothing, even the female housekeeper had a better life than her, the humble Mrs. Delacruz.

After the divorce, Gavyn relentlessly pursued her, constantly asking about her relationships with other men, as if he really cared about her.

Chapter 191 Come Closer


Is it not amusing?

When her heart and eyes were filled with thoughts of Gavyn, this man didn’t even bother to give her a proper look.

Aylin couldn’t help but laugh in frustration.

As she gazed at Gavyn’s beautifully contoured thin lips, she couldn’t help but wonder. How could someone with such lovely lips be so incapable of speaking kindly?

Every time Gavyn opened his mouth, her previously great mood would vanish like smoke in thin air, and the feeling wasn’t entirely anger.

It felt as if a ball of cotton was stuffed in her heart, making her feel suffocated and stifled.

Aylin was visibly annoyed, her lips curling into a forced smile. “If Mr. Delacruz really wants to know, come a little closer and I’ll tell you.”

Gavyn approached without any guard, “You tell me.”


Aylin lifted her knee, aiming the bottom of her high heel at Gavyn’s leather shoes with a forceful kick. At the same time, she raised her hand and delivered an unapologetic, powerful punch to his


“Stop talking nonsense, I tell you!”

The sharp pain from the stiletto’s tip striking the ground was unbearable, leaving a deep dent in the shiny leather shoes as Aylin stepped on them.

Gavyn let out a mu ffled groan, using all his self-control not to cry out in pain. His handsome face momentarily turned pale from the intensity of the discomfort.


Aylin irritably shook off his hand and crossed her arms, looking composed. “Gavyn, I’ve known you

for quite a while now, and I’ve noticed something very interesting about you.”

Gavyn gritted his teeth and gasped, “What do you want to say now?”

Aylin slightly lifted her chin, her beautiful eyes gently scanning him all around, and her red lips curled up with a hint of mocking smile.

“I’ve found that you men can be quite despicable.”

Gently uttering these words, Aylin glanced at Gavyn and finally turned her head with a twist, her jet-black long hair swaying slightly with the movement, creating a beautiful curve.

She picked up her handbag and walked away without looking back.

Get Bonus

Gavyn winced in pain, while Aylin swiftly vanished from his sight, as if she didn’t want to spend even a second longer with him.

Indeed, that was the case. Aylin no longer wanted her emotions to fluctuate because of Gavyn.

Ryker is right, we should put this scu mbag in a sack and give him a good beating!

Gavyn’s face darkened with anger, but there was nothing he could do.

He felt that he shouldn’t have trusted Aylin in the first place and should have asked all his questions. directly. There were still too many puzzles left unsolved.

Why did she marry me in the first place, and why is she so obsessed with that zardozi collection? Could it be that she knows something about zardozi?

But soon, he dismissed the idea.

Before, Aylin clearly had no clue about embroidery and was just an ordinary woman. But how did she suddenly become a polymath after her divorce?

The pent-up anger once again consumed all of Gavyn’s thoughts, and he fiercely punched the wall, exclaiming, “Sh it!”

He found himself unable to resist the urge to find out what exactly Aylin had been hiding from him.

The halftime break wasn’t very long. After briefly resting in the private lounge, the auction.

continued in full swing.

The host’s voice remained loud and clear, “Please return to your seats, ladies and gentlemen,

auction will resume shortly.”

Gavyn found a chair with his name on it, but instead of Aylin sitting next to him, it was Waylon.

Gavyn’s brow twitched, “How come it’s you?”


“Why can’t it be me?” Waylon said with a grin, winking at Gavyn. “Looking for Aylin? She left early, just so you know.”

Following the direction Waylon pointed, Aylin and Ryker purposely moved to a spot several rows

away from Gavyn.

Even after changing seats, they were still sitting close together, chatting and laughing, looking quite affectionate.

Waylon noticed that his face had been looking terrible since he walked in, and now it had sunk to an all-time low. With a quick glance, he guessed that something must have happened during the


He settled into the chair and leaned in to ask, “What’s the matter? You’ve had a long face since you

walked in.”

Gavyn didn’t even look at him and said, “It’s nothing.”

Is this a case of being unwilling to open one’s mouth to speak?

Chapter 192 Do You Recognize Me?


Get Honnas.

Even if Gavyn doesn’t say it, Waylon can still guess about seventy to eighty percent of it.

It’s highly likely related to Aylin.

In the past, when he went to auctions with Gavyn, he would always take a break in the private lounge during intermission. He would close his eyes and rest, or have a cup of coffee to refresh himself. However, this time he disappeared without a word, and when he returned, his face was

frozen like a block of ice.

To say there’s no trickery involved, Waylon wouldn’t believe it even if it killed him!

On Aylin’s side, she didn’t want Ryker to notice anything unusual, so she tried her best to appear indifferent. Whenever Ryker spoke, she would respond, but her mind was elsewhere.

The host introduced several exhibits, which were quickly snapped up by the audience. However, Aylin remained completely unmoved.

The host presented a pair of crystal-clear emerald bracelets, and Ryker’s eyes lit up. “Aylin, look at those bracelets, their quality and luster are quite impressive.

That light green gown suits you perfectly.”

Aylin, dressed in an elegant gown, swayed gracefully. This rare classical attire left a deep

impression in Ryker’s heart, and he was constantly amazed by it.

Aylin’s slender and fair wrists were beautifully complemented by the transparent bracelet she


Aylin, however, was not in the mood to appreciate the exhibits. She didn’t pay much attention to several items in a row. The bracelet was certainly nice, but she wasn’t very interested. “No, I’ll keep looking,” she said.

The original excitement of picking things out was still disrupted by Gavyn.

Once the mind is emptied, time passes quickly.

The auction went smoothly, with almost every item finding its suitable buyer. As it was about to end, the host and the organizer took the stage together to deliver their speeches.

“The auction has come to a perfect conclusion, and I’d like to thank everyone for their attendance and cooperation. These collectibles have found their rightful owners, so let’s give a round of applause for this win-win transaction!”

The applause thundered from the audience, while colorful confetti and streamers were timely scat tered throughout the venue, enhancing the atmosphere.

The organizer took the microphone and said, “To thank everyone for their cooperation and presence today, we have prepared a little game. A car race will take place in the open space behind Chapter 192 Do You Recognize Me?


Please follow the staff’s instructions to head to the location and put the finishing touches on tonight’s banquet.”

Many young thrill-seekers in the audience immediately cheered with excitement.

Especially the affluent play boys.

Ryker handed Aylin her purse, “Aylin, let’s go. Watch your step.”

Aylin nodded and lifted her skirt to take a step forward. The two walked side by side, chatting and laughing. Their demeanor was natural and graceful, as if they often did this.

The staff member came to lead Waylon and his group. Waylon had already stood up and, seeing Gavyn still in a daze, said, “Let’s go, what are you waiting for?”

Upon glancing over, Gavyn’s gaze was firmly fixed on Aylin.

She and Ryker were exchanging smiles and chatting about something. It was hard to hear from a distance, but one thing was for sure they got along really well.

Aylin got up and walked away, not even sparing Gavyn a glance from the corner of her eye throughout the entire process.

Even when looking this way, they unconsciously avoided Gavyn, truly treating him like air from beginning to end.

Waylon couldn’t help but laugh when he saw Gavyn’s icy expression. He walked over and patted Gavyn on the back, “Stop staring, they’re already gone. You better catch up quickly.”

Gavyn let out a long sigh and lifted his foot to keep up with the pace of the staff.

The racing track is quite close to the auction, just a short walk away.

Clearly, the organizer has put a lot of effort into this.

This is a newly renovated professional racing track, spa cious and winding, with many race-specific

obstacles and checkpoints set up. From a distance, it looks like a twisting, coiling serpent. There are also fully equipped maintenance stations along the way, and the spectator stands on both sides. feature a distinctive wave-like design.

Aylin is an expert in this field, and she originally thought that the venue setup would only be passable at best. However, she was pleasantly surprised by how professional it turned out to be.

She glanced around briefly, the corner of her mouth curving into a slight smile.

Ryker could tell by Aylin’s expression that she was becoming interested.

Chapter 192 Do You Recognize Me?


Ryker winked at her and whispered, “Aylin, are you itching for some action?”

Get Bonus

Aylin flashed a brilliant and charming smile, “You’re getting smarter and understanding me better. It’s a pity that this dress isn’t suitable for driving, otherwise, I’d really like to go for a spin.”

Seeing her smile, Ryker felt even happier than if he had won a prize himself. “What’s the big deal? If you like it, Aylin, just come to me.

Just rent out the entire place for yourself to have fun!”

Although Ryker was younger than Aylin, his words exuded the confidence and boldness of a mature man willing to spend a fortune for his beloved, which made Aylin chuckle.

“No need for you to spend money on this, someone has already prepared a permanent place for me to have fun. I can go whenever I want. You should save your money instead.”

“Permanent venue?”

Ryker suddenly felt like a frostbitten eggplant, “Who is it, being so eager to please?”

Aylin could sense the sour undertone in his words, and Ryker’s disappointed expression made him look like a big golden retriever with drooping ears and a sagging tail.

She reached out and gently tapped Ryker’s head, laughing and saying, “What are you talking about, you silly?”

Ryker didn’t feel any pain from the knock and calmly moved closer, pleading pitifully, “Aylin,

please just tell me.

Who exactly arranged the venue for you?”

Aylin couldn’t resist him, and besides, telling Ryker wasn’t a big deal.

“It’s my cousin, Robert Gardner. He’s a professional racer and has his own private racing track.”

Aylin laughed and said, “You probably don’t know him, but if I get a chance to introduce you two,

I’m sure you’ll have a great conversation.”

Upon hearing the name “Robert Gardner,” Ryker’s eyes flickered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. He nodded and said, “Alright then.”

Don’t you recognize it?

Ryker’s eyes drooped slightly.

Gavyn watched from a distance as the two engaged in a lively conversation, with Aylin’s animated gestures adding to the atmosphere. The sight sent chills down Gavyn’s spine.

Waylon watched from the side, feeling that Gavyn was like a walking refrigerator.

Gavyn’s gaze could never completely leave Aylin. This woman, who was always obedient to him. during their marriage, barely even looked at him after it.

How incredibly heartless and ruthless it is to turn one’s face away!

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the special surprise we have prepared for you. The race will begin shortly, so please take your seats and patiently await the exciting event!”

At this moment, all the male and female guests have taken their seats in the audience.

Attending the auction had already freed up enough time, so there was nothing wrong with taking

advantage of this opportunity to enjoy a car race.

Moreover, this is also a great opportunity to socialize and meet new people.

At a glance, the audience seats were filled with men and women dressed in their finest, creating a

dazzling sight.

The host was up front, explaining and introducing various facilities and car models. Arthur came around from behind and bowed as he invited, “Ms. Koch, the race is about to begin.

Is it convenient for you to come with me now?”

Aylin nodded and said to Ryker, “I’ll go ahead, you can sit here.”

Ryker was reluctant to part, “Aylin, please be careful.”

Aylin chuckled, “I know, I’m not a child anymore.”

Even though Ryker was younger than her, he always seemed eager to protect her.

Aylin gracefully lifted her skirt, and even when taking larger steps down the stairs, she maintained her elegance. The stiletto heels didn’t affect her walking at all.

With an elegant posture and a swan-like neck, the smooth lines were stunning under the sunlight. This beauty attracted countless glances from male guests along the way.

Waylon watched her graceful and charming walk, and couldn’t help but exclaim, “No wonder she’s Timothy Koch’s daughter, such poise.”

Gavyn’s gaze never left Aylin.

The tall and slender silhouette of the woman was stretched out due to the angle, but it was just a

Chapter 193 What is Their Relationship?


Get Bonus:

shadow, one he could no longer touch.

She had just walked by, not even sparing Gavyn a glance.

Arthur led Aylin to the exclusive judges’ table up front and respectfully said, “Ms. Koch, this is your seat at the judges’ table. There are refreshments and drinks available beside it. If you need”

anything, please feel free to call me at any time.”

Aylin gathered her skirt and slowly sat down, “Understood, you may leave now.”

Arthur nodded repeatedly and left, letting out a sigh of relief. It seemed as if he hadn’t invited the stunning young lady of the Koch family, but rather a big shot who needed to be treated with great


Indeed, this is the case.

The person in charge of the Koch Group, the daughter of the Koch family, would already be counting her blessings if she didn’t get into trouble because of past events!

The host’s voice, amplified by the speakers, resonated throughout the venue, filled with passion. and excitement.

“Next up, let’s welcome our racer to the stage!”

As the rhythmic, drumbeat-filled accompaniment music began to play, the unique, arrogant roar of a race car pierced through the eardrums.

A variety of sleek, professional race cars in different colors were on display, and Aylin immediately spotted a silver-gray one among them.

The vehicle gradually came to a halt, and as the window rolled down, several young and handsome faces appeared. They were all well-known young talents in New York who loved car racing.

Stirring the hearts of the girls in the audience with the arrival of spring.

“This auction is really worth it, there’s even a handsome race car driver to watch!”

“Exactly, if I had known earlier, I would have invited my little sister too. No, I have to take a picture

for her.”

Amidst the lively back-and-forth discussion of the girls, the last silver-gray car slowly rolled down its window, finally revealing the true face of the driver.

As expected, the grand finale featured none other than Robert!

He was dressed in a red and black racing suit with a silver logo, which accentuated his well-built, tall figure, broad shoulders, and long legs.

The handsome and perfect profile appeared even more profound under the sunlight. He casually

Chapter 193 What is Their Relationshim?


Get Bonus

greeted everyone with an air of languid charm, requiring no excessive words. His flirtatious and amorous demeanor spoke volumes, surpassing any spoken language.

He hadn’t even said anything yet, and the girls in the audience were already screaming with


“Who is that, so handsome!”

“You don’t know? He’s the third son of the Gardner family. It’s said that he went abroad a few years. ago, and I never thought he’d come back!”

“Wow, I didn’t know there were still such manly men in New York!”

“Hey handsome! Do you have a girlfriend or not?”

He was rendered speechless.

Various greetings and exclamations, and even bold requests for contact information, filled the air

as the girls’ hearts were set ablaze by Robert’s arrival!

The bond between siblings was strong, and Robert quickly noticed Aylin’s gaze. He slightly tilted

his head and gave her a playful smile, raising an eyebrow in her direction.

This laugh could truly be described as having rosy lips and pearly white teeth, exuding unparalleled beauty without appearing pretentious. The entire body was filled with an irresistible wild charm.

He possesses an almost dangerous allure for women!

The female guests behind Aylin thought that Robert was smiling in their direction, and their excited screams grew even louder. “He’s smiling at us, he’s smiling at us!”

“Hey handsome, want to grab a drink after the race?”

The bold sounds of courtship echoed behind Aylin, yet she didn’t find it bothersome.

These girls are still young, brimming with youth and vitality, so there’s nothing wrong with being a bit enthusiastic and proactive.

Once, she had wronged herself for three years, unable to live so freely in the Delacruz’s home.

Now, seeing these brave and fearless girls, Aylin finds them incredibly adorable.

Not to mention that her own brother Robert was well-liked by others, as his sister, she was

naturally delighted.

She also basked in the reflected glory.

“All contestants are in place. Now, listen to my command. Three, two, one… Begin!”

At the host’s command, the five sports cars took off almost simultaneously! Like five cheetahs,

Chapter 193 What is Their Relationship?


they sprinted from the starting point before

anyone con react!

Get Bonus

At first, there didn’t seem to be much of a difference. However, in just ten seconds, the silver sports car driven by Robert assertively pulled away from the others, creating a significant gap.

In fact, in this kind of race, most people tend to save their energy for the final lap, when they step on the gas and speed up. Robert wasn’t unaware of this strategy, but he simply chose not to follow it!

The silver sports car sped off, leaving others far behind on its own track. It maneuvered gracefully through various obstacles and checkpoints, like a swift silver meteor gliding through the sky!

This time, not only the girls were exclaiming in surprise, but also the men who knew about sports. cars began to marvel at the driving skills on display. They all agreed that such skills were rare to find, not just in New York, but even across the entire America.

It seems that first place is in the bag!

Living up to everyone’s expectations, a silver streak flashed before their eyes, with the soaring dust outlining the divine driving skills of the first-place winner. As the dazzling silver light hit the finish line, the audience erupted in thunderous applause and cheers, almost spontaneously!

It’s just so dashing and amazing!

The other race cars also finished their races one after another. Although they were not as good as Robert, they still had impressive skills.

A car skillfully maneuvered around Robert’s silver sports car, executing a perfect drift, and once again sending the atmosphere of the event to a climax!

One could say that the organizer did a great job with this sports car race, as everyone felt that their attendance was well worth it!


Aylin also stood up and applauded for them.

She was a natural at being a referee, but the players on the field were all seasoned veterans, so there wasn’t much need for her intervention. She only had to give reminders at crucial moments.

From her position closer to the front, she could better appreciate the grand spectacle of the car


It’s truly delightful!

Among them, Robert was the most outstanding, and naturally, he was beaming with joy after winning first place.

The vehicle hadn’t come to a complete stop yet when he freed his hand and sent an elegant flying kiss towards Aylin’s direction.

What Is Their Relationship?

The girls nearby suddenly realized that the handsome race car driver wasn’t looking at them just

now, but rather at the daughter of the Koch family who was ahead of them.

What is their relationship, being so intimate in public like this?

The girls looked at each other, their eyes filled with envy. To be both beautiful and accompanied by such a handsome guy, what a blessed life!

Aylin was laughing happily when she suddenly felt someone approaching from behind. Turning around, she saw that Ryker had somehow changed seats and was now sitting next to her.

“Aylin, I’m so bored sitting there alone, I want to be closer to you.”

“You know.”

Aylin laughed and let him do as he pleased.

She lifted her chin in Robert’s direction, her eyes curving playfully as she said, “See that? The one wearing the black and red jacket is my cousin I told you about. He really adores me.”

Ryker’s eyelashes quivered slightly, his expression somewhat unnatural.

At this moment, Aylin was immersed in the joy of cheering for Robert, so naturally, she didn’t

notice the fleeting unusual expression on his face.

Gavyn’s face looked even worse, as Aylin’s cheering and jumping for joy for Robert was unbearably irritating to him.

She had never smiled at him so genuinely and radiantly before!

Upon seeing Gavyn’s expression, Waylon knew he was consumed with jealousy. He clicked his tongue and pretended to sigh, saying, “This guy is really too flirtatious, but most women just love this type. Someone who can drive sports cars, act cool, and is handsome, considerate, and knows

how to flirt.”

“Men should really have some special skills. For example, the forward in the school basketball team is quite popular among female students. I’m telling you, you should learn from them.”

Gavyn was already in a bad mood, and hearing Waylon’s loose tongue only made it worse. He shot him a sharp glare and snapped, “I don’t need your advice, get lost!”

It’s just racing, his driving skills are no worse than this. He just doesn’t bother to show off.

What’s there to show off about?

Robert could be said to have won the admiration of all the girls and the respect of all the men. present. He smoothly turned the steering wheel, quickly reversing the car without even heading to the parking area.

Everyone looked at him with suspicion, wondering what he was up to.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Robert’s car precisely reversed back to the front of the

Chapter 194 Not A Biological Child


Get Bonus

spectator seats where Aylin was sitting. He didn’t even look back, yet the car stopped perfectly right in front of Aylin.


His hand rested on the car window, pressing down on the key in his hand. He raised an eyebrow at Aylin and said, “Go check my trunk, I’ve prepared a surprise for you.

“Surprise? What is it?”

Aylin’s curiosity was piqued as well, so she lifted her skirt and walked down the steps onto the


As soon as the trunk was opened, not only Aylin, but everyone present stared at it with wide eyes!

The trunk was neatly filled with nine hundred and ninety-nine fresh and vibrant roses. Anyone with

a keen eye could tell at a glance that these were not ordinary roses from a regular flower shop.

Damask roses need to be pre-ordered in such large quantities, I’m afraid they must be air-shipped

early to ensure their freshness!

Each blossom is stunningly delicate and beautiful, making one’s heart tremble with admiration!

The exclamations of the female guests echoed one after another. “Oh my goodness, this is just too


Upon looking at one’s own boyfriend or husband, it suddenly feels like just giving money and gifts

is too perfunctory!

To Aylin’s surprise, Robert had left early in the morning to prepare this wonderful gift for her. As always, the sight of fresh flowers brought joy to the young girl.

She laughed as she brushed back a strand of her long, black hair that had been gently lifted by the wind. “I mean, Robert, are you sure you’re using your flirting skills on the right person?”

“Sending them to Aylin, there’s no need for any tricks. This is all genuine emotion!”

Robert spoke confidently, making Aylin laugh.

She smiled with a slight curve of her eyebrows, “Thanks, that’s just the right amount. I appreciate Robert’s generosity.”

“What is this supposed to be!”

Robert h ooked his lips, looking at Aylin with a doting smile, “No one is more important than our Aylin. A few flowers don’t cost much, as long as you’re happy.”

Everyone was rendered speechless.


Remember, this car is worth only five figures; it’s not that valuable.

Get Bonus

Gavyn watched the scene unfold, pursing his lips and his face turning completely dark. Waylon could practically see the smoke rising from his head.

“Why the long face?”

Waylon chuckled and said, “Why are you getting upset about someone sending flowers? You don’t even like Aylin. Look at your face, it’s as if someone owes you money.

I originally wanted to tell you something else, but I guess you’ll be even angrier after hearing it. You probably don’t know this, but Robert isn’t her biological brother. They have no blood relation.”

Upon hearing this, Gavyn was greatly shocked. “What?”

The thrilling car race was nearing its grand finale, and no one noticed Gavyn’s inscrutable expression. The host delivered the closing remarks, “Thank you all for your support of the organizer. This banquet is now officially over!”

The night had fallen, and it was pitch black. Most people had taken pictures of their favorite exhibits and left after giving positive feedback.

Although the person has left, the focus of the discussion remains unchanged.

The person they talked about the most, unsurprisingly, was Aylin, who had been the center of attention at the dinner party, had a fierce confrontation with Sally, and had won Robert’s favor all

by herself.

“So beautiful, without any pretentiousness, Aylin has captivated me!”

“Beauty is just her basic skill, okay? Haven’t you seen her acting as a referee on the field? I bet Ms. Koch can definitely race cars, and she looks super cool doing it!”

“Another day of crashing into walls for Aylin! If I were a handsome guy, I’d definitely be a creepy

per vert; my eyes would never leave her!”

Everyone was deeply impressed by her outstanding performance on the field. Dressed in a haute couture gown, she moved gracefully, yet managed to firmly take control of the entire competition.

Looking at it this way, it’s not surprising that Robert would spend a fortune on flowers just to make

someone smile.

Some people whispered, “But her temper is really too explosive, how could she beat up the model like that?”

Aylin’s actions just now had won her quite a few admirers, and voices of rebuttal immediately rose. “Hey, you must be late to the party and don’t know the inside story. It was that little model who started badmouthing people behind their backs, and it was really nasty. If it were me, I wouldn’t be

able to stand it either!”

Get Bonus

“Exactly! If you dare to speak up, don’t be afraid of getting hit. This is true temperament! It’s much better to get angry and fight face-to-face than to play tricks behind someone’s back!”

“I think she’s a pretty nice person, always polite to the waitstaff.”

“Exactly, exactly!”

After a round of whispered discussions, ultimately, the positive evaluations prevailed.

Aylin had no idea that she had become the object of envy and admiration among the people. Standing on the field, holding the flowers Robert had given her, she smiled brightly and confidently.

The gentle breeze brushed through her long hair, truly making her more delicate than the flowers, radiant without being vulgar.

Robert leaned back lazily on the leather seat, and upon seeing Aylin’s naturally relaxed smile, he felt extremely content.

His favorite thing was her genuine laughter, gentle and charming, a radiance that outshone even the most precious pearls and gems. |

“You like this variety of roses, I’ll bring you more next time.”

Aylin laughed heartily, “With so many flowers, they’d fill up my room! If I bring them all home, place will be covered in blooms. Poor John will be so annoyed having to clean up after them.”


Robert didn’t care, his lips curved in a playful smirk, the earring in his ear gleaming brightly under the light. “John wouldn’t mind,” he said, “Besides, a princess should live in a grand garden!”

Robert’s words always managed to cheer Aylin up. She covered her mouth as she laughed, basking in the joyful atmosphere.

Suddenly, she saw Ryker still waiting for her on the seat, and then she remembered something.

She hasn’t introduced Ryker to Robert yet.

“Ryker, come here,” she beckoned to Ryker.

Ryker, with his tall stature and long legs, reached his destination in just a few strides.

Aylin smiled proudly as she pulled Ryker over to introduce him to Robert. “Robert, this is the amazing model I discovered, and also my good friend, Ryker Orozco!”

After she finished speaking, she turned to Ryker and said, “Well, this is my Robert. You couldn’t see

him clearly from afar earlier, but now you should be able to, right?”

Ryker just smiled, while Robert, upon seeing Ryker, immediately straightened up, a flash of sharpness crossing his brow before quickly disappearing.

The two exchanged glances, their expressions subtly shifting, yet neither spoke. They simply.

maintained this indescribable balance.

“Robert, Ryker?”

Still puzzled, Aylin asked a question, and Robert was the first to extend his hand, “Hello.”

Ryker smiles and responds, “Hello, it’s an honor to meet you.”

The actions flowed smoothly without any issues, but this strange atmosphere caught Aylin’s attention. What did it mean for these two people to be staring at each other for so long?

Do they know each other?

Aylin narrowed her almond-shaped eyes, “What’s with those expressions? It doesn’t look like you’re meeting for the first time. Robert, do you know Ryker?”

“Such a handsome face, of course.”

Robert casually h ooked his lips, his gaze falling on Ryker’s unrestrained smile. “The internationally renowned model Ryker Orozco often appears on TV commercials. I can see him. every time I open my computer. If I can’t remember him after watching dozens of times, wouldn’t I be suffering from dementia?”

“Mr. Gardner is too kind.”

Ryker’s response was quick, his lips curved into a sunny smile. “Mr. Gardner is a well-known racer. I watched his race because I had to shoot a racing feature for a magazine. He was the champion that season, so it left a deep impression on me.”

Both of their explanations were flawless, and their expressions seemned to have adjusted, appearing calm and composed. This almost made Aylin believe that what she had just experienced was merely

her own misconception.

Upon seeing their expressions, all appearing nonchalant and unafraid, Aylin’s doubts dissipated

like smoke in the wind.

Indeed, there was no need for them to hide it from her even if they knew each other. After all, one was her relative, and the other was her confidant.

“It’s a pity that it’s getting late now, otherwise, I would have invited you all to have a meal and sit

Chapter 195 Hurting His Head


Get Bonus

down for a nice chat,” Aylin said regretfully.

“There are plenty of opportunities to eat, no need to rush.”

Robert locked the bike and stood beside her, “It’s getting late. I’ll take you home first, and then we’ll have plenty of time to make plans for a meal together.”

It was true.

Aylin nodded and smiled at Ryker, saying, “I’ll head back first. When you’re done, make sure to go home and rest soon.”

Ryker was eager to escort Aylin home, not wanting to miss any opportunity to be alone with her.

Helplessly, the organizer still had matters to discuss with him and sent him almost 800 messages, each one humbler than the last. It was as if they were just short of kowtowing to beg him not to leave and to stay behind.

Although he was reluctant, he could only let Aylin go. “I understand, Aylin. Take care on your way, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

After a brief farewell, only the brother and sister were left, walking side by side.

Aylin reminisced about the recent match that had amazed everyone, truly an endless charm, full of

excitement and tension.

“I initially thought this competition would be nothing special, but it turns out the organizer really put in the effort. Quite interesting. Especially that drift of yours, Robert, when you overtook on the bend – absolutely stunning!”

“Feeling itchy, huh?”

“Of course! If you had told me earlier, I would have definitely prepared an outfit and competed with


As they were talking, Aylin was so overjoyed that she became a bit lost in thought, not paying

attention to the steps beneath her feet.

Stiletto missed a step and was about to fall down!

Robert’s pupils instantly dilated, “Aylin.”

He reached out to grab Aylin, but ultimately, he was a step too late.

Aylin thought she was going to take a hard fall, so she closed her eyes. But in an instant, a strong force wrapped around her waist and pulled her into an embrace, “Be careful.”

A deep voice resonated above my head.

Get Bonus

Aylin was rendered speechless.

She looked up. Who else could it be with that handsome and elegant face, if not Gavyn?

Robert’s face suddenly turned cold as he looked at Gavyn, who lowered his eyebrows and

immediately went on guard. “Let go of Aylin!”

Ever since Gavyn heard about Robert’s background from Waylon, his gaze toward his well-known but insignificant in-law, Robert, had changed.

Aylin, who gave him permission to be so affectionate!

There’s no blood relation between them, who knows if his closeness to Aylin is due to sibling

affection or if he has ulterior motives!

Gavyn squinted slightly, his eyes full of condescension as he looked down from above.

Robert knew that the newcomer was up to no good, glaring angrily at him. In the blink of an eye,

collision of their gazes almost sparked a fiery clash.


The more Gavyn observed, the more he felt that Robert was unreliable, always speaking in a slick

and smooth manner. No brother would be so close to his sister like that; this person must have had

ulterior motives for a long time!

He didn’t pay attention to Robert and whispered to Aylin, “Let’s go, I’ll walk you home.”

Aylin finally realized what was happening. Although Gavyn had helped her, she didn’t want to be

held in his arms like this.

“Thanks, but you can let go now… Come on, let go!”

To Aylin’s surprise, Gavyn showed no reaction after hearing her. Annoyed, she lifted her foot and kicked Gavyn’s leg with the slender heel of her shoe.

Having learned from his previous setback, there was no way Gavyn would foolishly allow himself to be kicked again.

He slightly dodged to the side, but his hand didn’t loosen from Aylin’s shoulder. Instead, he embraced her even tighter and more forcefully.

“Be careful, you’re unsteady on your feet. Don’t move around too much, or you might fall again.”

A deep and magnetic voice resonated in the ear, carrying the seductive charm of a mature man.

Passing guests who saw this scene from afar were secretly astonished.

The night was dark, making it difficult to see people’s faces clearly. However, Gavyn, Robert, and Aylin stood out with their striking appearances, attracting quite a few sidelong glances.

Chapter 195 Hurting His Head


That tightly embracing posture was truly quite ambiguous.

A middle-aged rich lady shook her head and sighed, “Tsk tsk, young people these days, they just can’t help but be all lovey-dovey even before they get home.”

She was rendered speechless. Nonsense!

No matter how pleasant Gavyn’s voice was, Aylin had no interest in appreciating it. She just felt that there was something wrong with this man!

“You just never stop, do you!”

She was so annoyed that she even considered going to a church to find a priest and ask if Gavyn was her nemesis.

Three years ago, she had endured all kinds of hardships for Gavyn’s sake, with no power to resist. his manipulation. All she knew was to wholeheartedly serve her husband and take care of their home.

It was such a hard-won turn of fate that allowed her to regain her memory and escape from a life of deep suffering and disrespect. Yet now, Gavyn just couldn’t stop pestering her.

What’s going on? He used to not even bother giving her a proper look, and now?

She was constantly being disturbed in her new life, and they even tried to snatch away her beloved possessions. Because of them, she had to spend about 50,000 dollars more on the necklace, and even missed the rare opportunity to see the ancient Zardozi work.

He must have hurt my head.

Is it still possessed by a ghost?

Aylin deeply regretted that she used to go to the church to light candles and pray for Gavyn’s health and success in his career. If only she had known, she should have prayed to the angels to turn Gavyn into a penniless pauper!

The Delacruz Group went bankrupt, and he ended up homeless and begging on the streets!

In the past, she would never give him money; instead, she would knock over his lunchbox!

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