I adore dessert - Jack Hughes

By 16793o5

142K 2K 156

sequel to Dessert • • • • Jack Hughes x OC More

not an update - happy new year


3.2K 40 2
By 16793o5

"Alright Megs, tell me about this guy." Elyssa turns toward her best friend as they sit on the plane.
"Lyss" Megan draws out, reluctant to tell her anything.
"Come on. I've never seen you so happy. Like genuinely." Elyssas tone becomes more serious.
"You're gonna judge me." Megan sounds unsure.
"I didn't judge you when you were dating John," Elyssa reminds her best friend of a bad ex boyfriend.
"Fine." Megan groans dramatically.
"Ok so who is it?" Elyssa asks, excited she got Megan to agree. Megan looks down at her lap, avoiding eye contact with Elyssa.
"Ty" Megan says in a hushed tone. Elyssa takes a second to realize who her best friend is referring to.
"Really?" Elyssa almost laughs. Megan nods her head silently. "Megs why would I be upset about you dating Ty?" Elyssa can't understand Megan's hesitation.
"I don't know. I guess I just, I don't know." Megan shrugs.
"We can go on double dates!" Elyssa cheers quietly. Megan smiles, happy everything turned out okay. "Does Jack know?" Elyssa asks.
"Not that I know of. I'll tell Ty he can tell him though." Megan says.
"This is so great. We can do so much more stuff together." Elyssa smiles. The girls continue to talk about Megan's relationship with Ty before they fall into a comfortable silence. Eventually, they land in Aruba and are picked up by people sent by sports illustrated. They are taken to a beautiful beach side house where all the models for this issue are staying together.
"Alright. So now that everyone is here, I want to welcome you all to sports illustrated." The director announces to all the girls scattered across the kitchen area. "I am Rebecca, you can call me Becca or Bec, either is fine. I have each of your schedules. We are mostly working here but there will be time each day for you to do what you please. The rest of today is free time, tomorrow morning we're going to have everyone on the beach. Don't forget to be safe, have fun, and get some rest." Becca finishes her speech. Each girl receives their own schedules, Elyssa and Megan immediately comparing them. Elyssa has a few more hours due to being on the cover but it's not too bad.
"What should we do?" Megan asks eagerly.
"Find our room." Elyssa states. The girls get up and find the bedroom with their names on the door. They both enter the gorgeous bedroom that has two beds, a large window overlooking the ocean and it's own bathroom. Elyssa let's herself fall onto her bed, calling Jack on facetime.
"Hey." He has a smile on his face when he answers.
"Hey. Just figured I'd let you know that we're here." She pans the camera around the room to show Megan looking around.
"How was the flight?" Jack asks, he's sitting on the couch and Elyssa can hear the tv on in the background, assuming he turned it down when he got the call.
"Good. Nothing crazy." She shrugs, "what're you doing?"
"Just watching tv. Trying to relax before we leave tomorrow." He explains as elyssa nods along.
"What do you have planned the rest of the day?" He asks her another question.
"I don't know. We don't start shooting until tomorrow so," elyssa shrugs, unsure of what to do with her time.
"Oh my gosh! Lyss let's go to the beach. Pleaseee." Jack hears megan from across the room.
"I think she wants to go to the beach." He jokes. Megan gives him a snarky fake laugh, making elyssa giggle. "Okay baby, go take the child to the beach. I'll talk to you later." Jack begins to end the call.
"Text me when you land tomorrow." Elyssa requests.
"I will." He nods simply.
"Bye. I love you." She smiles.
"I love you." He can't help but smile back before hanging up.
"Barf." Megan teases.
"Shut up." Elyssa rolls her eyes with a laugh. The girls get on their swimsuits before going outside to find some of the other girls.

A crew of girls, including Elyssa and Megan, are hanging out on the beach.
"So Elyssa," one girl starts. Elyssa recognizes her, she's been in other magazines, they've never worked together but she's seen her in the industry.
"So Kara?" Elyssa mocks her words. She knows how the girls are. They're usually not very genuine and only want to put others down to elevate themselves.
"Your husband." Kara says in a knowing tone. Elyssa plays into the facade.
"What about him?" She asks, her tone having a slight edge to it.
"He's friends with Trevor Zegras?" Kara finally reveals her intentions, looking down, a little embarrassed. Elyssa relaxes, now knowing what was happening.
"No. They're only friends for publicity actually. They hate each other in real life." Elyssa says sarcastically. Megan let's out a laugh. "Yes. They're friends." Elyssa finishes. Kara nods, trying to hide what she wants. "I can just facetime him right now." Elyssa pulls out her phone, calling Trevor.
"Runway!" He answers cheerfully.
"Zebra!" She matches his energy. Megan tries not to laugh at Kara's last minute attention to detail with how she looks.
"I don't know if I'll be able to forgive you for missing our game against the devils." Trevor jokes.
"Just promise not to start shit. Not everyone loves your constant chirping." Elyssa gives him the condition.
"Hey! It's not just me, Hughesy 2 and 3 can dish it out if they want to." He defends himself, making Elyssa and Megan laugh at the nicknames he gave Jack and Luke.
"Look Z, I got an... admirer who would like to talk to you." Elyssa searches for the right word.
"Aren't you with a bunch of other models I don't understa-" Trevor stops talking once he sees Kara on the screen instead of Elyssa.
"Hi." Kara laughs. Megan nudges Elyssa, pointing out the shade of red Kara's cheeks are. Kara spends a few minutes on facetime flirting with Trevor. The girls spend the rest of the day talking and getting to know each other. When it starts getting dark they go inside and make dinner.

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