Classroom of the Elite FLIPPE...

De Sensitive1111_Kessho

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"Kiyotaka Ayanokoji thinks that Kei Karuizawa is still a parasite, but what if he got it all wrong?" What I'm... Mais

Chapter 1 - No Longer Parasite
Chapter 2 - Curiosity Spikes Up
Random Analysis 1 - PARALLELISM
Chapter 4 - 1st Kei's Point of View

Chapter 3 - Partners 'Till When?

381 23 2
De Sensitive1111_Kessho

Scope: Year 1 Volume 7.5


KEI was not happy with the behavior of the unknown caller, which was student council vice president Ikuto Kiriyama, because he intended to just check the identity of Kiyotaka and then leave. Thanks to Kei coming along, Ikuto had no choice but to get close to them in order to confirm if Kiyotaka was the guy he was waiting for. He revealed himself and they were able to equally confirm each other's identity. Though, Ikuto was bothered by something.

"Before we get into that, let me ask you something. Who's this? I don't know her."

'Hey!? Didn't we saw each other a while ago!'

"She's trustworthy. She's my partner." Kiyotaka said.

'Partner?' Kei felt a little bit happy upon hearing that word but she quickly felt skeptical. 'What do you mean by partner?'

"Trustworthy, huh? Well, why not? This situation's already hopeless if I have to turn to a first year for help."

"Can we cut to the chase? I don't want to draw this out."

"Same. I'll catch cold if I stay here much longer."

And so, Kiyotaka and Ikuto went on to exchange question and answers regarding the situation about student council president Miyabi Nagumo. Kei was attentively listening while being perplexed by how Kiyotaka became entangled with such a big and complicated issue.

'I really thought that Kiyotaka was just a harmless and plain guy. But it turns out he's very intelligent that even the former student council president recognize him and is asking for his help. However, I can't take off the word, partner, from my head. He should've told me about it earlier. It would obviously surprise me. It's a word with a lot of meaning after all.'

Hearing how Miyabi controlled the whole second year, Kei talked.

"Neh, Kiyotaka. I understand uniting your own class, but how could you possibly make other classes your allies? Isn't everyone competing to reach Class A?"

It was just a simple question but it demonstrates how much Kei understands the complexity of the situation.

"I'm sure Vice President Kiriyama will explain." Kiyotaka also has the same question and wants it answered.

"Nagumo promised reform. He said capable students would be promoted to Class A, no matter where they'd started. There are a lot of dissatisfied people at this school who feel they were placed in the wrong class."

'People who feel they were placed in the wrong class? I think I've never met one.'

"He means people like Horikita and Yukimura." Kiyotaka explained to Kei.

"I see. But that wouldn't be enough, right? I mean, most of the students from the lower classes aren't that talented." Kei said as someone who is not like Horikita nor Keisei.

"Nagumo says that every student will be given a chance. I don't have any more concrete details yet."

"Isn't that kinda suspicious?"

"Yes, but those are his terms. Anyone in Class B or below already feels the pressure mounting. The gap in class points between Class A and everyone else is widening."

'Who the heck would agree with something that risky and uncertain?' Kei thought.

Kiyotaka interrogated Ikuto, especially with his plan to go against Miyabi. Hearing that all the first year might get affected by Miyabi's future actions, Kei complained.

"Ugh. He sounds like the worst."

Kiyotaka felt worry and demotivation to help on the matter. He understands the danger and tiresomeness that is brought by the issue with Miyabi Nagumo.

As if Kei was feeling the same thing as him, she asked. "Well, forget about fighting back or whatever. Wouldn't it be weird for us to poke our noses in student-council affairs?"

Ikuto, however, explained that some special tests will require the students to face off with students from other grade levels. He also warned that Miyabi might go ahead and target first year students who are under his radar.

Kiyotaka went on to try to fish some information about last year's special tests but Ikuto was a rule-abiding student and wouldn't say a thing.

Ikuto, then, proceeded to talk about how to bring Miyabi down, which led to Kiyotaka having more questions. He does not know who the true Miyabi Nagumo is which is complicating the issue more.

"Wait. Getting Nagumo expelled, or pulled out of office—that's pretty serious, isn't it?" Kei said.

"You wouldn't resort to such measures in the face of a mortal enemy?"

"I've never even thought of doing something like that." Kiyotaka said and Kei looked at him suspiciously.

Kiyotaka went on to exchange words with Ikuto. In the end, they weren't able to fully trust each other. Kiyotaka couldn't trust the heroic reason behind Ikuto's actions. At the same time, he also does not feel motivated to go againts Miyabi.

"If I think you're incapable of seeing this through, I'll stop contacting you." Ikuto said.

Understanding the danger posed by face to face communication, Kei talked.

"Wouldn't that put you in more danger, Kiriyama-senpai?"

Ikuto nodded in response.

"I won't make direct contact with you after this. I'll create a random e-mail account and get in touch through that. know what'll happen if your incompetence leads Nagumo to find out that I colluded with you."

With that, the student council vice president left.

"Uh, doesn't this whole thing kinda give you a bad vibe?" Kei said.


Kiyotaka and Kei started walking back to the dorm with Kei walking a bit delayed.

"It kinda seems like things are getting out of control." Kei said.

Trusting that Kei can have insights regarding the matter, Kiyotaka asked for her thoughts. "What do you think of what Vice President Kiriyama said?"

The two of them seemingly sharing the same brain cells, Kei answered the same concern that Kiyotaka has. "Uh, I don't know. I mean, I still don't really get why he hates President Nagumo that much."

They went silent for a few moments while Kiyotaka thought more about the situation. Then Kei broke the silence with something that has been bothering her for a while now.

"By the way, what was that about earlier? The 'partner' thing."

"What, you didn't like it?"

"If you just arbitrarily make me your partner, it's not like I can do anything about it, right?"

"Should I take it back?"

"If you want me to officially be your partner, then you gotta show appreciation."

"Can you explain to me specifically what you mean by appreciation?"



'Teasing successful!'

"I'm just joking. I mean, you don't seem to be in a position to lend me a lot of points, Kiyotaka. Wait a second. Is Horikita-san okay with this? I mean, she'd be a better partner for you, Kiyotaka. Right?"

'Horikita-san is the girl that Kiyotaka likes after all. I mean, if I were him, I would want to spend most of my time with the girl I like.'

"She just sits next to me in class. Nothing more and nothing less."

'I guess he won't admit it.'

"Then I'm the only person who really knows you?"

'I want to hear him say again that I'm the one who knows him the most.'

"You're capable. That's helpful to me."


'I guess I won't be hearing it twice in a row. But I sure do want to hear those words again. His previous words ringed in my ears, 'No one else at this school knows me as deeply as you do.''

"Well, guess I don't have any choice. I'll be your partner. Sticking with you might turn out well for me."

'All these risky things is actually exciting too. I have been trying to deny it but I am actually having fun with helping Kiyotaka. I am helping not just because I wanted his protection, but I love the thrill.'

"Don't get your hopes up. You might get caught in the crosshairs alongside me, you know?"

"You mean, by the student council president?"

"Mainly, yes."

"Well, you can handle him. Right, Kiyotaka? I mean, this is you we're talking about."

"If it came down to either physical strength or academic skill, I doubt I'd lose."

"I figured as much."

Kei grinned feeling happy of being the only one among the students who knows how great Kiyotaka is.

'I wonder how academically intelligent he is to be this confident? If he could match someone who is a 2nd year and a student council president, does that mean that he is even more intelligent than the ones who are in class A? Or even more?'

"But there's no telling what rules of engagement this school will set us next. If Nagumo's prepared to sacrifice his own people or destroy others, he could defeat us and get us expelled."

"Destroy others?"

"Well, think about that one fight between Sudou and those Class C guys—Ishizaki and his friends. If the student council president had backed those Class C boys, Sudou's fate might've been massively different."

"Um, I didn't pay attention to that whole fight thing."

"I see. Well, don't worry about it. All told, it's actually relatively easy to get someone expelled."

"If he's not afraid to play dirty, that could be really bad news for you, huh, Kiyotaka?"

"Yep. That's exactly it."

'Kiyotaka might get expelled in all of this. I am the one who knows who the real Kiyotaka is. But Kiyotaka is also the one who knows the real me. Doesn't that make us friends? He is also a guy who did not feel disgusted when he saw my scar. My life was finally getting exciting because of him. He somehow became someone important to me.'

"If it comes to that, I'll save you."

'Wahhh. I said it.'

"You're very kind."

'Kind? This is the first time someone said that to me.'

"Do you really mean that?"


"I-I see. Anyway, Kiyotaka, I was wondering...what were you like in junior high? I mean, you weren't a normal kid, right?"

"Why do you say that? I could have been a completely average, run-of-the-mill student."

"No way. If you're normal, then the world's gone totally nuts. You're smart, and you're good in a fight, but you're really quiet. Sometimes you seem naïve about how the world works...and sometimes you do really messed-up things."

"What do you think I was like in junior high, based on what you've seen?"

"I'm asking because I don't know."

"Take a guess."

Kei crossed her arms and tilted her head to think. "Hmm. I mean, if we were in a manga or something, I'd say you were, like, some secret agent raised in an intense facility since early childhood. I dunno. I can't really think of anything else. Ugh. I have no idea. What's the answer?"

"That's a secret."

"Wha—?! Come on, you're not gonna tell me?"

"I never said I'd tell you."

"I'm definitely going to make you explain it all to me one day."

'One day, definitely!'

"It's not a very interesting story. Don't get your hopes up." Kiyotaka said but Kei's attention already shifted as she looked up into the sky.

"Ah! It's snowing."

But immediately after, Kei looked at Kiyotaka as she remembered something. Kiyotaka also looked at Kei and their eyes met. Kei had a little serious look on her face.

"That reminds me. Satou-san end up not giving you anything, did she? A Christmas present?"

"I dunno."

"It's no use trying to trick me. Didn't you notice the present the moment you met up with her?"

'There's no way Kiyotaka won't notice that. I was able to tease Kiyota a while ago. Might as well try my luck again.'

"How's it feel to have missed out? You've probably never gotten a present, have you? I mean, this is you we're talking about."

Kei brought out a gift she had wrapped the night before the double date. She did not know if she would have the chance to give the gift to him on that day but she brought the gift just in case. She did not look into Kiyotaka's eyes as she hands out the present to him.

"It's a Christmas present from me to you. Take it, and be grateful."

"Are you sure?"

'He's not denying that he's never gotten a gift before. Doesn't that mean that I'll be the first person giving him a gift? Just what kind of life did this guy have?'

"You can think of it as a consolation prize for not starting a relationship today. Oh, and pay me back for about twice the amount it's worth."

"This kind of feels like I'm getting scammed. Did you buy this for me?"

"Obviously not. Yousuke-kun and I are supposedly dating, so I got this just in case I needed to make a public gesture or something. I went Christmas shopping with some other girls, so it wasn't a total waste of time."

"You don't miss a thing, do you? Shouldn't you have given it to Hirata?"

"I guess I would've. Normally."

'Well. If Kiyotaka accepted Satou-san in the end, there was no need for me to give this gift to him any longer. But if he accepted Satou-san, it would actually mean that Satou-san would've been the first person who would've given him a gift and not me.'

"Hey, Kiyotaka. Sorry to bother you with this, but since we got on the subject of Yousuke-kun earlier..."


"If I happened to, say...break up with Yousuke-kun...would I stop being useful to you?"

"Is that why you didn't give Hirata your present?"

'I wonder if I am being insensitive with this topic, considering what just happened with Satou-san.'

"Yeah. Is it wrong to talk about this, since things didn't work out with Satou-san?"

"You're no longer the old Karuizawa. Even without Hirata, your current position wouldn't change."

"But me and Yousuke-kun breaking up isn't something you've thought about before?"

"If your value lay only in your relationship with Hirata, I'd tell you to never break up with him. The fact that I didn't is my answer."

"I-I see. To tell you the truth, I talked about this with Yousuke-kun a little. About how dragging this out any longer probably isn't good, since it's just a pretend relationship. I've been hesitating playing Yousuke-kun's girlfriend gives me power, but it's, like, also a lot of pressure."

'Well it's kinda true, especially that I can feel the jealousy of the people around me.'

"I'm sure the class will be really surprised when the third semester starts."

"I suppose so."

Curious about Yousuke's love life, Kiyotaka asked Yousuke's pretend girlfriend. "Do you think he'll go out with someone else?"

"I'm not sure. It's not like I know that much about Yous—I mean, Hirata-kun. But in some ways, he's kind of cold like you, Kiyotaka. He might not even be that interested in romance."

"Even though you're back to calling Hirata by his last name, you're still calling me by my first?"

"Oh. Y-yeah. Should I use your last name?"

"That's not what I meant. Address me however you like." Kiyotaka paused for a while. "This might be a good opportunity." He said then he stopped walking.

"I'll call you Kei from here on out."


Kiyotaka's words echoed in Kei's ears.

"Huh what?" As if parroting Kei, Kiyotaka uttered those words confused with Kei's reaction.

"N-n-nothing! Never mind! Why're you gonna use my first name, Kiyotaka?!"

"It feels kind of weird if I called you by your family name and you use my given name."

This was the first time again that a guy called Kei by her first name. It was enough to be the finishing blow in making Kei completely fall in love with Kiyotaka. 

"By the way......just to get things straight. The original proposer that set up the double date was not you, but Satou right?"

'As expected, I should say. Kiyotaka was already aware of the double date trick.'

"W-What's that supposed to mean, set up?"

'Just in case, I'll try and deceive him.'

"Your acting was pretty much spot on but here and there, Satou's actions were strange you see."

" I thought you realized it? I also thought Satou-san was being suspicious."

'My heart had somehow managed to calm down. Fuu, fuu. It should be fine now.'

"That's right. I also have a Christmas present for you."

"Ehh? No kidding?".

'As I thought that, my heart once again leaped up and soared.'

"I lied."

"Huh? You want to get beaten up?"

Kei glared at Kiyotaka.

'After the sudden climb came the nosedive. Could it be, am I just being teased again?'

"More precisely, it's just a normal present. I think it may be an unnecessary product for you but.."

".....wait, what's up with that pharmacy bag? Are you mocking me?"

'Even if he gives me such a thing, I'm not one bit happy.'

Kei was thinking that the pharmacy bag could've been actually a prank but something more valuable is inside. However, her fantasy was crushed upon looking inside the paper bag's contents.

"Cold medicine and a receipt........?"

'Such fleeting expectations were betrayed simply to the point it was almost disappointing. But, I realized something strange. Why give me this?'

Despite falling in love with Kiyotaka, Kei's thoughts were unforgiving. She did not forget the fact that Kiyotaka did not check on her health after the rooftop incident.

"Don't mind the receipt, please throw it away." Kiyotaka said.

Realizing something, Kei checked the receipt.

"Hey, this receipt has 10:55 am on the 23rd written on it though....."

"On my way back after buying it, I saw you and Satou together at Keyaki Mall. That's how I realized that the double date was a set up from a relatively early stage. I had thought your health would have deteriorated, but it seems that prediction was spectacularly off the mark."

"So.....that means the reason you didn't call me out of worry was....."

'Does it mean he wasn't being cold towards me, or had forgotten about me?'

"You weren't wearing a mask either, even from a distance I could see that you were healthy."

'W-what's that mean? I didn't hear anything about that!'

"I-If you're this worried about me.....instead of doing things in a roundabout way like this, do things like visiting me earlier or at least giving me a call. You could have confirmed it that way."

"In such a conspicuous dorm, I can't afford to directly visit your room. Contacting you via phone would be an effective means of doing so, but I also took into account that you'd act tough in that case. Because you hate showing your weakness after all."

'That day, ever since that incident on the rooftop, that means Kiyotaka's always been worried about me!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaa, mou, aaaaaaaaaa! Inside my heart there was another me who was squealing while running around. There's no more mistaking it. I just have to admit it now. Seriously, seriously, seriously, my heart's seriously been stolen away. The arrow which had pierced my heart. The arrow of love which I could no longer take out. Is this even possible? Is it even fine for me to fall in love with someone who's been partly bullying me? But it's already too late. The power of this arrow is tremendous.

I have, I have towards Kiyotaka-----really, seriously, I've fallen in love with him.'

With that, Kei fully became aware of her feelings for Kiyotaka.

'But in the end, the one that Kiyotaka loves is Horikita. Until when we'll be playing partners?'

End of chapter 3

Note: Revisions might be done in the future if inconsistencies arise. I apologize for that in advance.

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