WingedInnit - the sequel to B...

By SpookiGlitch

8.5K 572 364

Tommy was great. He was the most popular hero, had great friends (and wives), and had the best family he coul... More

Intro and Information
Chapter 1: Documents
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: Casino
Chapter 4: Mercenary
Chapter 5: Whiskey and Deals
Chapter 6: White
Chapter 7: Patrol
Chapter 8: Project Mask
Chapter 9: Reunion
Chapter 10: A Slimy Defeat
Character List 2
Chapter 11: Back Home
Chapter 12: Ice Water and Figures
Chapter 13: Hero Stuff
Chapter 14: Unexpected Training
Chapter 15: Comeback
Chapter 16: One Less Brother
Chapter 17: Return?
Chapter 18: The Kidnapping and Sequences
1K Special
Chapter 19: The Gifts
Chapter 20: Boats of Ambush
Character List 3
Chapter 21: Histories
Chapter 22: The 'Alert'
Chapter 24: Acceptance
5K Special
Chapter 25: Abnormalities in the Tower

Chapter 23: Breaking Point

172 12 9
By SpookiGlitch

Tommy's POV

Ranboo went to go get valuable items as Tubbo just watched me like a hawk. It was like I was a toddler... which was fucking insulting.

"They are really gone..." I mumble to myself for the fifth time.

"Tommy it's fine! We will get them back!" Tubbo slightly smiled as he clicked his pen.

I glare at Tubbo, "It's all my fault! My family got hurt because of me! I should just give myself up to Dream! I should have accepted the offer to being a villain! If I did that... none of you guys would be hurt!"

"Tommy don't say that."

"It's true! I am useless!" Tears form in my eyes.

Sadness turned into anger as I punch the wall, not caring about my knuckles starting to bleed.

"I can't do anything right!" I scream. 

Tubbo's eyes widened, "Tommy calm down-"

"Don't tell me what to do! I am the leader of this team! Remember?" I hiss.

"Tommy you may be the leader, but you don't boss us around. We work together. We are all equal assets," Tubbo looked at me disappointed.

F҉i҉r҉s҉t҉ ҉y҉o҉u҉r҉ ҉f҉a҉m҉i҉l҉y҉ ҉t҉h҉e҉n҉ ҉y҉o҉u҉r҉ ҉f҉r҉i҉e҉n҉d҉s҉.҉

 ҉E҉v҉e҉r҉y҉b҉o҉d҉y҉ ҉h҉a҉t҉e҉s҉ ҉y҉o҉u҉.҉

 ҉Y҉o҉u҉ ҉w҉i҉l҉l҉ ҉l҉o҉s҉e҉ ҉e҉v҉e҉r҉y҉b҉o҉d҉y҉.҉

 ҉W҉i҉n҉g҉e҉d҉I҉n҉n҉i҉t҉ ҉s҉h҉o҉u҉l҉d҉ ҉h҉a҉v҉e҉ ҉b҉e҉e҉n҉ ҉a҉ ҉v҉i҉l҉l҉a҉i҉n҉.҉

"Tommy." It is all fuzzy. They are so loud.

"...shut up."

N҉o҉t҉ ҉p҉o҉g҉.҉


 ҉T҉h҉i҉s҉ ҉d҉u҉d҉e҉ ҉h҉a҉s҉ ҉f҉u҉c҉k҉i҉n҉g҉ ҉p҉r҉o҉b҉l҉e҉m҉s҉.҉

"Tommy!" Tubbo yells.

I look at him as he shakes me. The voices are still too loud. 

"SHUT UP!" I scream.

I push Tubbo away, but I forgot one thing. I still had Flame's power. I shoot a fireball directly at Tubbo's face.

"Holy shit Tubbo I didn't mean to I-"

D҉r҉e҉a҉m҉ ҉i҉s҉ ҉b҉e҉t҉t҉e҉r҉ ҉t҉h҉a҉n҉ ҉y҉o҉u҉.҉

҉Y҉o҉u҉ ҉a҉r҉e҉ ҉s҉o҉ ҉h҉e҉l҉p҉l҉e҉s҉s҉.҉

Y̶̛͕̬̼̜̘̅̇̐́̓o̷͇͇̝͕͇̐͠ų̶̬̹̯̻͇͉̒͐̈́̊ͅ ̴͎̟̃̓̔̾̎̽̊͗l̵̹̤̰̩͝ͅo̶͖̓̌́͒s̶̝͕͚͕̣͋͜ṭ̷̙͈̐͒͂͐.̶̨̲̟͚̣̅̇̽̎͠

"NO!" I clench my head as tears stream down my face. I then look at Tubbo. I-

Blood on my hands. "̶̻̖̰̆̒̏̈͊͋̕Ẃ̴̡͚̩̗̯̠͎̝̣̳͑̌͋̑̅̒̽͘-̷̢̢̙͇̀̂̊w̵̟͗͑̔̈́́̽̍͋̚͝ḩ̶͓̟̻̅̄͗̃̾͛̄̓͂͝à̵̼̲̍͌̈́̃̾ť̴͎̰͈̙̏͋͘̕̕̕͠ͅ ̶͓͓̩̔̀̋̿͐̍̕ḩ̷̧͔͇̹̺̖̥̭̓̊͘ͅa̴̡̯͇̻͈̪̩̹̔ͅp̶̥̹͚̠̼̖͚͐̀͜p̸̛̙͓̮͕͕̟͍̘̼̃̐̇̀̀͋̀͑̂e̴̦͔͎̫̪͕͚̦͌͐̾͆n̴͖̜̯̤̱͋̓̍́͒̈́̿͌e̷̖̙̳̱̳̮͉͖̿͋͐̅́̇ď̶̡̻̱̦͍̫̭́͐͐͜ͅ.̷͔̱̙̠̱̪̏̉̒̓͋̃̈́̉̾͝"̷͓̞̫̠̀̈́̊̏̏̚͝ I mumble to myself.

I look at Ranboo who is holding me down. Ranboo looks pissed.

"What the fuck did you do! We need to get somebody to heal Tubbo now!" 


I looked at Tubbo, bloody with scratches all over his body. Blood seeped into is clothing. He was nearly conscious other than he was clutching is arm. I stopped and stared at his face. Half was it was beyond recognition as burn marks covered it. One of his horns now had a chip in it which you could see the missing piece beside his barely breathing body.

"I am calling Niki! You go get a glass of water and contact your fucking mom!"

"I-" Ranboo ran to Tubbo and started dialing the phone.

I stumbled to the sink to get some water. I grabbed the necklace Techno gave me and before I could even examine it Kristin appeared in front of me.

Kristin's eyes widened as she saw me, "'s worse than I thought."

"What do you mean?" Instead of responding she hugged me.

"Tommy I am going to teleport Niki here. Hey Kristin, please watch Tommy so he doesn't hurt Tubbo again."  Ranboo pops in and informs as he immediately goes back to Tubbo afterwards.

I look at my mom, "What's actually going on?"

Kristin sighed, "I guess I should tell you. I wished this would have happened with your family around, but remember when Wilbur changed his appearance?"


"Well that happened with you and your voices got bad. You have a white strand and red eyes."

"W-What!" I start shaking.

"Calm down. Calm down. This also means your powers will enhance. This means you are more powerful now. Everybody in our family gets them this bad. Sadly, it was only a matter of time before it happened to you too."

"Nononono. Nice joke." I clutched my head.

"Honey I am not joking. H̵̛̼̙̥̍́̀͐͐ơ̵̦̕͝ͅn̸̪̱̜̺̟͈̞̋̉̀̃́́̉ͅe̷̝̭̟̮͕̍̆͊̈́̓͝͝y̸͚͈̤̭͇̟͎̯̬͛̊̑̋̌͜!̷͕͇̖͍̺̂"

Everything was black for the rest of the night.

Tubbo's POV

Ranboo went to go get valuable items as I watched Tommy. He was a mess after the mission today and I genuinely was getting fairly worried.

"They are really gone..." he mumbled.

"Tommy it's fine! We will get them back!" I reassure as I continue to click my pen and plan.

"It's all my fault! My family got hurt because of me! I should just give myself up to Dream! I should have accepted to being a villain! If I did that none of you guys would be hurt!"

"Tommy don't say that." I frown.

"It's true! I am useless!" He begins to cry as he gets angry and punches a wall.

I rush over to him, concerned of his mental state.

"I can't do anything right!" he screams.

"Tommy calm down-"

"Don't tell me what to do! I am the leader of this team! Remember?" I sigh, clearly knowing that he is just angry and not thinking straight.

"Tommy you may be the leader, but you don't boss us around. We work together. We are all equal assets."

Tommy suddenly clutches his head. The voices must be loud and causing him to have a breakdown.

"Tommy." I keep repeating as I shake him.

"...shut up."

"Tommy!" I yell.

He looks up at me as I shake him less and less.

"SHUT UP!" Tommy screams.

He pushes me away and throws a fireball directly at me. I grab my face and grunt in pain. 

"Holy shit Tubbo I didn't mean to I- NO!" I stumble up as Tommy clutches his head again.


He stares at me. It wasn't him though. His eyes were red as a white streak started to form in his bangs. He looked feral as he eyed me like I was prey. Suddenly, he pounces on me. I try to push him off as he attacks me, scratching and punching me. It was no use. He easily overpowered me as I started becoming unconscious.

"I am back- TOMMY WHAT THE HELL!" 

Black surrounded my vision as I shut my eyes tightly.

"Don't worry he is knocked out for now."

"Please stay strong Tubbo!"

"He should be good, but it is impossible that he will ever see out of that eye again."

Ranboo's POV

I teleported with the last of the stuff.


I look at him. He had red eyes and a white hair streak. He was scratching Tubbo and Tubbo looked barely alive. I grab Tommy and teleport him off of Tubbo. I pin him down so he can't escape. Even if he did I could teleport him back again. After a minute he stops fighting my grasp. He was clearly out of his mind.

"What happened..." he mumbles.

Anger boiled in me but I knew this wasn't him. I knew about his voices. They were bad and could even be life changing like the stories Phil told me of Wilbur's new appearance a year ago or even Techno's when he was a child. 

"What the fuck did you do! We need to get somebody to heal Tubbo now!" I lashed out. But I didn't know how long I had until this side of him would appear again. This was my first rodeo with this shit. I had no idea how to calm him down now.


"I am calling Niki! You go get a glass of water and contact your fucking mom!"

I ran over to Tubbo and started dialing Niki. 

"Hello? Ranboo?"

"Hey Niki. It is Ranboo. Tubbo is in critical condition can I teleport you to the location so you can heal him?"

"Oh my! Of course! I can transport myself Ranboo. What's the address?"

"Nonono. We are in hiding. Dream is targeting us and even with you Niki we can't risk him finding out. Especially now."

"Oh that's fine. The bakery is open for another hour, but Jack is here so I can come and he can just close it up," she explains, "Right Jack?"

You could distantly hear Jack complain but agree.

"Good I am teleporting now just let me tell Tommy."

"Tommy? I though he went missing during the mission..."

"No? Who told you that?"

"Wilbur did."

Ranboo internally rolled his eyes, "Of course he did. I will explain after we get Tubbo healed."


Ranboo hangs up and immediately runs to the kitchen area.

"Tommy I am going to teleport Niki here," I see Kristin and feel a little more relieved, "Hey Kristin, please watch Tommy so he doesn't hurt Tubbo again."

I rush and teleport to the bakery. I grab Niki and before she can react and I teleport her to Tubbo's almost corpse.

"Holy shit! What did this!" She rushes to Tubbo.

"Watch out!" Kristin yells as Tommy charges for Tubbo.

Niki's eyes widened as Tommy tackles her and scratches her arm. She was in shock as I quickly teleport Tommy and slammed him into a wall. Kristin grabs Tommy and holds him down. She mutters some words and he passes out. 

"Don't worry he is knocked out for now." Kristen states which makes me give out a sigh of relief as I focus on Tubbo again as Niki begins her magic.

"Are you okay Niki?"

She nods, "Yes but I deserve an explanation as I heal Nuke."

I sigh, "Well Tommy got ambushed by the SBI during his mission today."

"W-what. That's impossible. They are good guys," Niki looks concerned.

"They are but they are under Dream's control. He has a device that will make you a slave to him and maybe even Schlatt."

Niki's eyes widened, "I thought Schlatt disappeared a long time ago."

"Dream got him out of retirement. They bombarded Tommy and remember when Wilbur looked different?" Niki nods, "Same thing happened with Tommy thus him attacking Tubbo."

"Wow I-"

"Niki promise me you won't tell anybody, even Jack. If somebody knows you know they will target you next. You will be safer if you act dumb like you don't know at the tower."

Niki gave a small smile, "Of course. It will be hard but thank you for telling me. I will make sure not to get too close and try to make Jack avoid them too."

I nod as I look at Tubbo gasping for some air, "Please stay strong Tubbo!"

Niki finished healing and he was in better condition. Kristin was cradling Tommy as she watched us.

"Kristin do you think you can stop Dream for us?"

Kristen shakes her head, "I can't interfere, besides if I got blasted with that machine it would make things worse."

My eyes widened but my shock was cut short as Niki put her hand on my shoulder.

"He should be good, but it is impossible that he will ever see out of that eye again."

Kristin's POV

I knew Techno gave Tommy his necklace. Techno didn't really need it anymore since he learned to control his voices more. Wilbur had one too but got rid of it around Tommy's 17th birthday because he didn't really need it anymore. This is when I was surprised when I felt the emotions that could only be triggered with voices. I rush over to XD panicked.

"I have to go to the overworld. It is an emergency!"

XD slowly nodded and I teleported to Tommy's location. My eyes widened as I saw him. He was bloody and most of the blood wasn't his. His eyes were red, and he had a white streak in his hair like Wilbur. 

"'s worse than I thought."

"What do you mean?" He questions, but I just hug him. 

I never thought I would see Tommy like this. I can't believe it happened so soon too. It was crazy to wrap my head around that after all the shit my son has been through how and why did he get worse voices now.

"Tommy I am going to teleport Niki here. Hey Kristin, please watch Tommy so he doesn't hurt Tubbo again." Ranboo pops in and informs as he immediately goes away again. Ranboo I have met a few times but he is a quite interesting human.

Tommy looks at me in distress, "What's actually going on?"

I sigh, "I guess I should tell you. I wished this would have happened with your family around, but remember when Wilbur changed his appearance?"


"Well that happened with you and your voices got bad. You have a white strand and red eyes."

"W-What!" He starts becoming unstable.

"Calm down. Calm down. This also means your powers will enhance. This means you are more powerful now. Everybody in our family gets them this bad. Sadly, it was only a matter of time before it happened to you too."

"Nononono. Nice joke." He clutches his head. Oh no.

"Honey I am not joking. Honey!"

Tommy breaks out of my grasp and sprints towards the living room.

"Watch out!" I yell as he charges for Tubbo. Or at least I thought it was Tubbo. He was in terrible shape so it was harder to recognize him.

He charges at a innocent woman and scratches her. Ranboo teleports him near me and I knock him out with my powers. 

"Don't worry he is knocked out for now." The woman begins to heal Tubbo.

"Are you okay Niki?"

She nods, "Yes but I deserve an explanation as I heal Nuke."

"Well Tommy got ambushed blah blah SBI during his mission today."

"blah blah blah" 

I look at Tommy. He was such a precious child, I regret losing all those years with him to those dumb villains and foster parents. He did turn into a great hero though.

"Kristin do you think you can stop Dream for us?" I look up, flattered.

"I can't interfere, besides...

if I got blasted with that machine it would make things worse."


End of this chapter hope you enjoyed! One year of Techno. Can't believe he is gone. Hope you all have a great day though!

Word Count: 2178

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