What Nightmares Are Made Of

By JackODiamonds

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Arabella was labelled as a delinquent, kept in a boarding school "for her own good." Then, everything changed... More

Chapter 1: Big Bang
Chapter 2: Principle, Principal
Chapter 3: Nightmares
Chapter 4: Kidnapped
Chapter 5: Summer's Heat
Chapter 6: Blood, Pain and Screams
Chapter 7: A Light Finally Shed on a Hard Subject
Chapter 8: Light Shall Shine Through Her
Chapter 9: Escapees
Chapter 10: Friend or Foe?
Chapter 11: Royal Advisors...Are Annoying!
Chapter 12: Last Dying Wish
Chapter 13: A Little Wine Can Go A Long Way
Chapter 14: Cold, Inconsiderate Winter
Chapter 15: Dark Indulgence
Chapter 16: Dark Cravings
Chapter 17: Bloodshed
Chapter 18: Tangled
Chapter 19: Frozen Darkness
Chapter 20: The Feast
Chapter 21: All Hail The Queen
Chapter 22: Teasing Guards
Chapter 23: Deals With The Devil
Chapter 24: Battle Plans
Chapter 25: Only Stories
Chapter 26: History Will Be Made
Chapter 27: Battle Scars

Chapter 28: Peace At Last

38 2 8
By JackODiamonds

So... I realised that today was Friday. I also realised that while looking to see what chapter I was up to... This is the last chapter...

It's nearly 10pm, my eyelids are heavy, I'm at the point where I'm giggling over Thunderbirds Are Go, but I'm going to take a moment to thank a few people.

I wish to thank the two people who have commented on nearly every single chapter (I'm disappoint guys) and that's Cassandra and Monica! Thank you so much, you're what's keeping me writing.

I also wish to thank all of my readers, because you are also what's making me want to improve and keep writing. Thank you.

Of course, I should really thank all of those people out there who I jabbered on about WNAMO to when I know they didn't really care, but thank you for letting me talk anyway.

Next week I'm posting a short one-shot spin-off and then we'll see what happens after that.

As always read, enjoy, vote and comment. Until next time ;)

Chapter 28: Peace At Last

  It's been a week since the war finally ended. The kingdoms are at peace and Altain was happily pronounced king of the Dark Court; no one objected. Kieran took Kila back to the Summer Court and Alexia promised me that we would all have a meeting again soon to discuss matters as she left for her own court with Jude by her side.

  Desmond was fine, Caterine now had a permanent limp, and all of my other friends were fine besides a few minor scrapes and bruises, except for Rodan who was missing another antler again.

  When we got back to the Light Court everyone rejoiced and I got hugs from the four who had stayed behind. The kingdom danced and celebrated for three days and four nights, but eventually it all simmered down and the Woodland fey returned to their home, Laurel and her people said goodbye and I wished Reigner good luck as she and the Deer Fey left with smiles, wishful farewells and the cheery Gold Leaf Elves.

  I was left to my own devices after that, I made Dalsa and Desmond visit family, I sent Caterine off to enjoy time with her newfound lover, and I even made Relania go and visit her family. I was alone, and gladly so, not that they didn't come back almost immediately after a very quick visit.

  I didn't let anyone fix up my wounds that day, I insisted upon it myself, old habits die hard. I stitched my side by myself, with a bottle of strong whiskey Regina bought for me from the human world. It was slowly healing, but it still hurt every time I moved.

  Regina insisted on staying, she even threatened to drink our wine, but I got her a lovely room overlooking the garden and she's been happily knitting there ever since. A few fey venture into the human world to bring back food for Regina and any other thing we ask for, like wool in Regina's case and the crystals hanging along my window sill in my case.

  Lulu refused to leave my side no matter what, so I appointed her my head guard; Rex had fallen in the war. Caterine had happily accepted her into the meetings and Desmond may have disagreed a little, but in the end he saw our point of why Lulu was better for the job than he was.

  I sighed as I walked passed the roses in the garden for the fifth time. I was walking around and around trying to figure out what to do next. The entire time I had been in this realm I had a purpose: to survive and win the war. Now, nothing was a threat to me anymore and the war was well over. I had no idea what to do now.

  Of course, I had to rule, but I had no idea where to begin. I had my advisor, but no one can just tell you how to rule.

  I sighed again as I sat down on an old wooden bench. I crossed one leg over the other and inspected my silver dress. It hugged my body before gently flowing down to the ground, and it glittered every time I moved.

  I kind of missed the human world, because there was almost always something happening; here it seemed too calm for me. My entire life was one adventure after the next; constantly fighting for something, and now it was quiet and peaceful. I had no idea how to cope.

  "Found you."

  I jumped up, startled, just to come face to face with the three other monarchs. Alexia was the one who spoke and she was grinning from ear to ear, Kieran was on her left inspecting the roses with suspicion, and Altain was on Alexia's right giving me the raised eyebrow expression.

  "Deep in thought, were we?" Alexia asked.

  I shrugged, I was tired. Having barely any purpose made me think a lot, effectively exhausting me.

  "What's wrong, Princess?" Altain asked with a teasing smirk on his face.

  "It's Queen now," I replied, my voice weaker than I thought it would be.

  Kieran decided to take his attention away from the roses, "Now, that's not the devious human girl we know."

  I shrugged again. "How do you do it?"

  "Do what?" Alexia asked.


  They all grinned. "It's all in the heart, and if you ever feel like you're bored, venture out into your kingdom and see what needs fixing. There's always something," Alexia replied, gently taking my arm as we started walking back to the palace.

  "Or you could throw a ball, they always work," Kieran added, picking up a perfect rose and twirling it.

  "You could always venture back out into the human world for a day or two also; keeps things interesting, just not for too long," Altain also added as Kieran muttered, "Your gardens need some work."

  "Now, I do believe that we have business to discuss," Alexia said, giving me a giddy expression that reminded me that she was once human too.

  I finally smiled, "I believe so."


  "First matters first, my advisor, Rugan-" Altain began.

  "Why does it have to be your matters first?" Kieran whined, interrupting him.

  "Will you shut up Summer," Alexia snapped.

  "Not until you leave Winter," He growled back.

  "That's enough! What happened to the civil people who helped me win the war?" I interrupted.

  They all shrugged, avoiding my gaze.

  I sighed and did everything in my power not to let my head fall with a thud onto the table between us all. "Well, let's start with how each court name annoys me. It kinda reminds me of what it was like before the war ended, and it seems to formal. Maybe we should change it?"

  "To what?" Kieran asked, throwing his hands up in the air.

  "I like the idea, 'Winter' does annoy me because that's not what we actually are. But I don't know what to change it to, any suggestions?" Alexia chimed in, ignoring Kieran's outburst.

  "What are the courts really about?" I asked, hoping this would spark some ideas.

  "Dark is dark, and Light is light, but I supposed that Winter is more cold- although that's not the right word. And Summer is more about the warmth?" Altain suggested, not really sure about it, he's new to this whole thing too after all.

  Then and idea struck me. "What about Winter as 'Chill' and Summer as 'Warmth'?" I asked, making everyone kind of bob their heads in agreement.

  "I like it, but 'Warmth King' does sound a little bit weird," Kieran said, deep in thought.

  "And don't even get me started on 'Chill Queen'," Alexia rolled her eyes. They liked the idea, but it just wasn't working.

  "Then we change the titles around as well so we put the titles in front, followed by our courts, because we need to change it all completely," Altain suggested.

  "So, 'King of Warmth'? I think I like that," Kieran commented, starting to smile a little. I knew he hated that his people were insulted often because they were 'hot-headed', and all because of the court they came from, but maybe it would change if their name finally reflected who they were.

  "'Queen of Chill,' I definitely like better than Winter Queen. It suits my people more," Alexia grinned.

  "King of Darkness is much nicer than the Dark King," Altain agreed. They all looked to me.

  "Queen of Light. Sounds perfect to me," I grinned at them.

  Quickly Kieran scribbled down the proposal and then passed it around for us all to sign.

  "So, I guess that changes our courts," Alexia sighed dreamily.

  "Now, next subject," I took charge again since I seemed to be the only one to actually get them to listen, "Altain wanted to add something."

  Alexia let out a huff of annoyance and glared at me, but I knew Altain wanted this, he had told me so a long time ago.

  "Right. My advisor, Rugan, is originally a Winter fey, but I trust him too much to let him go. Besides, he has a lot of respect in my court which doesn't come often, and I rely on him as an advisor, but he is still a Winter - I mean Chill – fey at heart. So, Alexia, will you agree to allow my trusted advisor to come and go as he pleases in your court? He was one of you to begin with after all," Altain spoke calmly, but I could tell he was nervous because both Alexia and Kieran were scrutinizing him. I had shown them what I was made of a long time ago, but they had yet to see Altain prove himself.

  "As long as he swears to abide by my rules, and when he is in my court his position is renounced, but as soon as he is back on Dark territory, he may do as he pleases," She agreed, and although she spoke professionally, I knew she admired Altain in that moment for caring about his people.

  "Now, is that all matters we want to discuss before moving onto the big one?" I asked since that one was settled.

  "No, I wish to let Kila reign free through our two kingdoms," Kieran addressed me, "But I highly doubt that's much of a worry."

  "Of course not, and will you be honouring the old contract?" I asked, addressing their marriage that was proposed about 500 or so years ago.

  "No, it has been ripped up and she is free to marry whomever she pleases, and I think that her wishing to visit your court often has something to do with that."

  "Does it?" I raised an eyebrow with a smile tugging at the corner of my lips, "Then I shall keep an eye on that."

  "And do keep us in the loop," Alexia grinned. Altain had no idea what we were talking about, but he knew that we were all familiar with each other, and he respected that. Soon he would be in the loop too - well, that's what we're aiming for anyway.

  "Now, onto the last matter," I grinned and Alexia met my grin.

  "Oh for goodness sake, I don't even think we need to vote on it, judging by you two smiling girls," Kieran sighed as he looked up from the paper he was busy scribbling on.

  "What is this even about?" Altain asked, finally making us realise we didn't actually consult this with him.

  "Oh, right. We want to get rid of the law that says that only monarchs can marry monarchs and commoners can marry commoners," I clarified, Alexia pushing Kieran to write it down quickly. He wasn't very impressed.

  "If that's the only matter you're worried about then I'm in, I'm sick of that stupid law. Personally when I find the perfect girl I don't want to worry about titles," Altain replied, grinning easily.

  "So, the law's erased?" Alexia asked as she leaned forward in anticipation.

  "For goodness sake! Yes! It's been erased, now why are you happier than Ella on this matter?" Kieran said, but Alexia only heard the first half.

  "YES!" She screamed as she pushed away from the table and threw her hands up, surprising us all. She bolted out of the door before any of us could get a word in.

  We quickly followed after giving each other questioning looks. I suspected why she did it, but I thought she was more held together than that.

  We managed to reach her in time to see her freeze up in front of a collection of guards from all courts sitting around a table drinking wine. They all blinked at us in surprise.

  Lulu, Desmond and Jude were there along with another frost fey, two surly dark fey, and two twig-thin thistle fey. They all stared at us with questioning looks on their faces.

  Alexia was frozen in her spot and I walked up to her and gave a gentle shove. She didn't budge. Kieran rolled his eyes as he put on his charming smile and walked up next to us, an unsure Altain behind him.

  "Terribly sorry, we're just ecstatic to announce a law change or two, now I want you to go and spread the news that the courts have been changed to Warmth, Chill, Darkness and Light remains the same. Your rulers' titles have changed to the King of Warmth, Queen of Chill, King of Darkness and Queen of Light. Also, the law implying that only monarchs marry monarchs and commoners marry commoners has been abolished. Now, go and spread the word," Kieran shooed them off.

  They all scrambled out of the room quickly to spread the news, besides a grinning Desmond and a deer-in-the-headlights Jude.

  "I don't really know what's happening," Altain whispered, but most of us heard him.

  Kieran sighed. "Come, I'll explain everything to you." As they left I caught his jab at me, "At least you know the faery customs."

 I rolled my eyes as I nudged Alexia forward again. She still wouldn't move.

  "Do you wish to go somewhere else?" Desmond grinned, noticing the tension slowly growing in the air between Alexia and Jude.

  "Please?" I begged as I held out my hand to him.

  He smiled at me as he left his wine on the table and tugged me out of the room by my hand. He led me down several corridors before we finally made it to my private garden. I had made several fey fix it up a little after the war was over, making it a tribute to the family I never knew.

  "So, you got rid of the law?" He asked.

  "Kind of," I replied making his smile slip. "The only thing we didn't do was sign the contract; Alexia ran out of the room before we had a chance. But everyone is in agreement."

  "So, I'm able to kiss you whenever I want to now, then?" He leaned in teasingly.

  "Yes, and no one will give us two glances."

  "Good," He replied in a breath before he was gently kissing me.

  I made a noise low in my throat begging him to deepen the kiss; he was just teasing me. I felt him grin against my lips as he pulled me closer and the kiss turned savage.

  He broke the kiss too soon and I tried to pull him in again but he stopped me.

  "No, I want to do this now before I lose my courage," He said, but the forcefulness was lost a little because he was out of breath.

  I was suddenly worried. "What is it?" My voice was dull and lifeless, I was afraid.

  He chuckled. "It's not like that. It's just, I'm not used to your customs." He dropped down to one knee and my hand flew to my mouth in shock. He wasn't going to, was he?

  "This is new to me, usually we ask the father for permission, but that's a little difficult to do in your circumstance, but your grandmother happily agreed and told me how this thing works. I adore you Ella, and I've been awaiting this moment a long time. Ever since I saw you I was taken with your beauty, and your outlook on life is refreshing, and I know that I will enjoy being by your side every moment for the rest of eternity. Please, will you do the honour of being my bride," He spoke softly, almost as if he was nervous as he pulled out a box from his pocket. "This, I do believe was your mother's, your grandmother told me use it; fey do not have such custom, but I think I like this one. It symbolises my love for you, so, will you be my bride?"

  I dropped to my knees in front of him, absolutely speechless.

  He took that as a bad answer, "Ella, I understand that this may be rushing things, and I know that our people might not agree, but I –"

  "Yes," I interrupted him. My voice was soft though and I had to repeat, "Yes, I will be honoured to be your bride."

  The relief on his face made my heart melt and immediately he was wrapping me up in his arms and kissing me passionately as he tried to wrestle the ring onto my finger. Eventually he had to stop kissing me to work it on, and I was busy laughing with tears of joy running down my face. I truly loved him, and I knew that I loved him even more when he said 'our people'. Not only will he be the perfect husband for me, but he will be a great king for my people. Kieran once told me that we had to think strategically as well as with our heart.

  "I love you," I whispered into Desmond's lips.

  "And I love you," He whispered back, kissing me gently.

  Just then a loud horn sounded low and loud. We broke apart and I looked at Desmond worriedly.

  "It's nothing to worry about," He replied, giving me an easy grin, "It's just Lulu calling us back. There's something to be announced."

  "Oh, I thought something bad had happened," I sighed in relief.

  "No, I'll tell you when it's something bad, now come, they're not the only ones with news."

  I grinned at him as he pulled me up, and just before he turned to lead me through door, I placed a kiss on his lips. He smiled at me and held me close the entire way back to the guard's room.


  "So, what's all of the commotion?" I asked as we walked through the door to the guard's room that we were in earlier.

  "I have news," Alexia said, smiling from ear to ear as I noticed that her and Jude's hands were entwined.

  "Well if it's that then we already know. Now, may I go back to my kingdom? I have a ball to throw," Kieran interrupted, being as charming as ever.

  Alexia glared at him and I rolled my eyes. "Just say it before we die of anticipation," I laughed, making Alexia smile at me.

  "I am in love with Jude, have been for a long time," She started.

  "And I have always loved her," Jude finished and they grinned at each other with adoration.

  "I'm going to be sick," Altain grimaced.

  "Why? Do you not like the concept of love?" I threw back, a little annoyed.

  "No, it's just that they're a 'lovey dovey' couple as humans would say. It's a little gut churning, and don't even bother with your news, we already know that you're in love," He replied and Kieran agreed.

  I rolled my eyes, but Desmond stood tall. "We are engaged to be wed, and I highly doubt you were aware of that."

  Kieran raised an eyebrow to that and Altain's jaw almost hit the floor.

 "I like you," Kieran said, grinning at me as he added, "I do believe he is a good choice."

  "I've always liked him from the beginning, but now I like him even more, not every day we see someone insult Kieran back," Alexia teased.

  "Well, I can certainly say that he'll make a great king, perfect for your side, especially since you still know next to nothing about the fey," Altain added, grinning as he straightened up and noticed the glare I was throwing his way. "I do think that we should all be going, I have news to deliver to my people."

  "I think I must take my leave as well, but before I do, we need to finish signing things," Kieran said as he held up the contracts that we had wrote today.

  "Oh!" Alexia gasped as she pounced for it and quickly scribbled her name. "I must leave also. Ella, I wish you well."

  "And I wish you well also - all of you," I smiled at the others and they all nodded in agreement with smiles on their faces.


  "You better not make any more rash decisions," Caterine tutted to Desmond as we told her the news.

  He scowled at the table in shame as I giggled at him.

  "Now, we have a wedding to plan," She grinned.

  "Oh, how big is the guest list allowed to be?" I quickly jumped in.

  "You want to invite everyone, don't you?" Desmond sighed.

  "Well why not? They're all my friends," I replied.

  "And that's not far from the truth," Caterine agreed, "But I'll be sure to invite everyone, I doubt they'll want to miss this. Is there anyone you wish to invite from the human world, other than Regina of course?"

  I smiled as I thought about it. "I want to invite all of the elders from the old folk's home where Regina was. They're all old so no one would question if they start speaking gibberish, and they mean a lot to me because they were there when no one else was."

  Desmond smiled at me as he squeezed my thigh in reassurance; I truly loved him.


  "I pronounce you husband and wife!" The minster yelled and the thousands of fey behind us cheered as Desmond pulled me close and kissed me passionately.

  The minister gently coughed, alerting us to where we were and we broke apart a little bashfully. He only grinned at us as he announced even louder, "I now present to you our King and Queen of Light!"

  The cheers from the fey were deafening, and the poor elderly from the human world winced dramatically, but all I could do was smile at Desmond as he gripped my hand tightly. He wasn't letting me go anytime soon, and I sure as hell wasn't letting him go either.

  He was the man I loved, and now he was my King. I truly loved him and I loved this kingdom too. I knew that I was finally where I belonged once and for all.

  Faeries may be what nightmares are made of, but they're also where dreams come from.


The End

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