.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Ma...

By ChrisWolfblood

145K 4.9K 764

Athena Hadley. Like everyone in 2, force fed with the ideas of grandeur and fame. Only for her life to collap... More

-Athena Hadley-
-Finnick Odair-
-Messing Around-
-Victory Tour-
-Heart To Heart-
-''Everything for Cato.''-
-Going Home-
-Leap Of Faith-
-ChatGPT Shenanigans-
-Late Night Burden-
-Oh please-
-''They are still bloody''-
-''Why are you not asking away?''-
-Late For Secrets-
-She Could Kill Them-
-Cato Hadley-
-''I'm sorry''-
-''I take it that you ran into her.''-
-Tree Tumble-
-''I am happy for you''-
-Reaping Of The 75th-
-''This is worth it''-
-Training II-
-First Day-
-Blood Rain-
-''Yeah, thanks.''-
-''Love is weird''-
-''When we see each other.''-
-Interview II-
-''I'll be''-
-Rocky Meeting-
-''I am not the mockingjay''-
-Not Tonight-
-''When has anyone protected you?''-
-Lashing Out-
-Gods Of War-
-Only Love Can Hurt Like This-
-Sent Out-
-Joining The Fight-
-Oil Bath-
-Epilogue I-
-Epilogue II-
-Epilogue III-
-Epilogue IV-
-Epilogue V-
-Epilogue VI-
-Epilogue VII-
-Epilogue VIII-
-Epilogue IX-
-Epilogue X-
-Epilogue XI-
-Epilogue: Ares-
-Fun Facts-

-Act Fool-

1.2K 39 1
By ChrisWolfblood

"You two are quite close Kitten." Finnick said, sipping the drinking in his hand.

"We are friends." Athena shrugged even if that word tasted bitter, as if she'd admit there it more too it too herself.

"Like really close."

"We are really good friends."

"Keep telling yourself that."

"That I will."

He just smiled, Athena could be stubborn when she wanted to be he knew that but on the topic of love, he could never win.

This woman would always and forever only claim that she loved her brother and no one else and he knew he didn't help that view of hers with his and Annie's story but at least he didn't lie too himself about reality.

Then again, he knew Athena as a smart girl, she'd know the truth, just choosing to not thinking about it no matter how hard those thoughts try to fight themselves inside her head, she became quite good at locking out emotions.... Well at least that was what Finnick behaved.

The games were nearing the ends once again and the calmness Finnick saw was  parasitized by the gnawing fear of one single number that made her blood rush too her head and beat into her ears, making it hard to breathe and making her want to shatter too pieces.


The moment three of the four remaining tributes died the 73rd would be over and the 74th would be to come, oh how she hated time moving forwards with no way to forget about it.

She'll just need to be sure Cato is ready because he can't lose, he can never lose, he is too strong, he is strong, stronger then her, he must be, to not be scared and scarred by this life of a victor that awaits him.... Maybe a little bit disfigured in the games or before from a training accident? A payed off beat up? Athena herself lashing out? Anything to not make him attractive too the Capitol.

She didn't care if he'd hate her if her plans were discovered, it would save him from being a sweetheart, and anyway, Snow couldn't hurt her enough for Cato to become aware refusing becoming one would come with consequences, she will never let him see how it hurt her, never.

"Are you alright?" She snapped from her thoughts.

"I'm fine Fish-brains, just thinking of Brion." She said since the two tributes of 2 remained, one of 4 and against all odds, one of 11.... Tho not for long that one as a boom followed.

"Ah yes, his son, I do hope for you he will not win." Athena agreed, she knew she would not be at piece in the victors village and she might need to bring blood forth again to keep the vengeful boy from her family.

She just wished she could turn her brain off for a little while, the screaming going around in it tiring.


And yet there was always a moment she needed to improvise, as no amount of thoughts could prepare her for it.

"You are quite touchy now."

Athena chuckled at Johanna tho she wasn't really wrong as currently she was amusingly testing her patience and her ability to not let instincts of fear take over in a stupid game that only amused her: tracing her pretty little claws sharply up her palm and hand, almost daring Johanna for a reaction.... She quite liked her squirming under her fingertips.

She gave quite a harsher jab since the young girl still hadn't reacted, that causing her to yelp and pull her hand back finally.

"What's that about?"

"I don't know, I quite enjoy getting a reaction out of you."

"I will bury my axe in your skull."

"Keep talking dirty to me." She was holding her head up with her hand tho not for long, Johanna shoving the hand out, making her smack her head on the bar top, Johanna laughing this time. "Careful there, the Capitol fixed up my face but they wouldn't be happy if you marked it up." She poked her claws in her side strong enough that the other woman shoved herself off the stood and stood away.

"Infuriating! That's what you always are."

"But you can't help but want me."

"Sadly for me."

"D-awe, come on, I am just a little innocent kitten, you are the big bad wolf." She stood too, the titles should be exchanged when comparing them both.

Sure Johanna was a predator deep down but Athena was the apex one and proved it to many and herself quite a few times, as much as she hated it, killing came easily to her claws, turning off her brain to its fight or flight came easy, she was meant for this bloodbath... If only her mind would remain off.

There was not much of a threat to Athena currently outside of those ever present claws and the strength behind them, not on a hunt, but Johanna backed up a few steps.

"You know little wolf." She jammed her pointer finger under her chin, tilting her head up to the ceiling. "Despite all that... You shouldn't play with stronger then you."

"And why? You seem to be having fun."

"Maybe too much." Athena grinned, it was quite hard to predict what would happen around this girl but currently she just hoped Heymitch would not get thirsty and come in for alcohol, she might survive it but Johanna would kill him, her and then herself.

(Fun fact: I am listening to tiktok song clips of a compilation and when I wrote that last sentence this song came up and I burst out laughing and that's why that's the chapter title too, video not relevant, it is just for the song.)

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