Midnight Rain; benny watts x...

By Giselle973

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I was sunshine, he was midnight rain I wanted it comfortable He wanted that pain I wanted a husband Me and h... More

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By Giselle973


The next day me and Beth got in to the car. It was silent til miss Wheatley or mom turns around at us.

"Off we go!" She said

We drove for a while.

I looked out the window seeing kids play in their yards with toys, trees moving around with the wind, cars packed on the side of the road, and pretty two story houses nexts to each other the exact same nothing different.

My thoughts were broken when miss Whea- mom spoke again

"We're so glad to have a older kids." She smiling at me and Beth we returned the smile.

We arrived, me and Beth looked at house for a moment. Mom looking at us

"Shall we?" She said

I nod walk towards her as she begins to walk in the house, with Beth behind us.

We enter. I look around the place. It had color, way more bold then methuen home.

The living room; had two paintings. Two chairs and one couch, a teal color. A glass coffee talk with, papers, magazines, and a tray for cigarettes. A brick fire place with sculptures of animals on top, mostly cats. A tv on a stand. A book shelf.

And the one thing that caught my attention a piano; a beautiful piano made by wood with 88 keys. From 2A to C5; 27.5 Hz to 4,186 Hz.

"Home sweet home." Mom said smiling like always

Beth goes looking around the living room

"Those are Rosa Bonheur prints. Not originals, of course." Mom said as Beth looked around.

I looked at the fire place the stand. Looking at the sculpture of the animal.

"Do you like animals? I do, I love them. Allston is allergic to most pet dander, though, so I'm not allowed to..." she was cut off by Mr. Wheatley clearing his throat

"I bet you'll like to see your rooms." She said changing the subject quickly

We followed as she went up the stairs.

"This is the master bedroom, where Allston and I sleep." She said

"Over here is the bathroom, y/n this is your bedroom, right across from ours." She said as I walk in

Walking out to show Beth her room. I look around to see how beautiful it was. I've never had my own room til now that is.

The bed had lilac flowers print on it. The room had a purple plaid on the walls. There was a white dresser. Next to the bed. A small window with purple curtains. A desk as well, white with a 2-3 book on it. There were two lamps, gold to clash with the purple and white.

After looking around I go over, to Beth room. Her's was a bit similar; her window was bigger, room was pink instead of purple like mine, she had a closet instead of a dresser. Her room was a bit bigger but I didn't care.

" Just give me a holler if you girls need anything." She said closing the door behide her

As I sat on Beth bed.

"Home sweet home." She said leaning on the door. Flopping down on the bed

I turn around towards her.

"I like her. She's nice but I have other words to say about Mr.Wheatley" I said as Beth sits up

"Yeah, me too." She said grabbing her suitcase and opening it

"So you like your room?" I asked her

She nods, giving me a small smile. "It's nice, having my own room." She said

"Yeah, a little to pink for my taste." I said

She playfully rolls her eyes at me. Laughing a little.

I saw this side of Beth that not many did or could. Her side that she only showed with me, Jolene and


"Well, what does your room look like?" She asked placing her books on a small shelf

I stand up from her bed opening the door. Walking out the room. I turn around sticking my head back into her room.

"Well are you coming?" And right when those words escaped my mouth. she walked over to me and I walked into my room with Beth behide me.

"This is like my room but purple and smaller." She said emphasizing the smaller

I look at her giving her a 'I don't care' face. Causing us both to laugh. I grab my suitcase as I begin to unpack while Beth looked around my  new room.

There wasn't much. I unpack everything til there was only one thing in my suitcase.

A photo.

Of me, Beth and mom.

Beth leans over my shoulders.

"I remember that day....you hit your head on a door frame." She said laughing to herself

I turn around " that's not funny, I lost a tooth" I said

"It grew back" she said still laughing

I pushed her

"Haha" I said sarcastically causing her to laugh more.

I put the photo on the nightstand and flopped on the bed looking at the roof. Beth soon did the same as me.

" a new beginning." I said

"A new beginning." Beth said after me


I woke up early. I walk out of my room to see the door wide open to the master bedroom with no one in it. But a empty bed that wasn't made yet.

I look over at Beth room to see it still close meaning she was still sleeping. I walking downstairs. To see no one in the living room or kitchen.

I hear people speaking. I look out the living room window to see Mr. And miss Wheatley speaking

"Gives you some time to get to know your new companion. I doubt there's much to know. The red head doesn't seem to have a heck of a lot to say." He said opening the car door

"Do you have to take the car?" She said

"How am I supposed to get around without a car?"

"I don't know, you could rent one."

"And eat up half my commissions? You're a terrible driver anyway. It's not that far into town. Remember what the doctor said.
Some exercise will do you good." He said getting in the car driving off

I did not like that man. I will admit apart of me was happy that he was leaving but sad for her.

Mom walked back inside the house seeing me. Going behind the piano as she begins to play it

"It's early, dear." She said with a smile to me

"You don't have to be up
for another hour yet." She said looking pass me, I turn around to see Beth sitting on the stairs case

"Must be all the excitement
about your first day of school."

"Where did Mr. Wheatley go?" I asked

"Business trip. Poor man has to travel
quite a bit these days, but... As he likes to remind me, it... Keeps the roof over our heads." She said take a deep breath

"Please stop gawking, dear, you're making me nervous." She said

As I stare watching her play. Beth goes up nexts to me

"You're very good." Beth said

"This was Grandmother June's piano. I've played since I was younger than you." She said to motioning to me

"I'd always had it in my mind to one day play in an orchestra."

"Probably still could." I said

"Mmm. As luck would have it, I've also always suffered from a terrible case of stage fright, which does not bode well for an aspiring performer. And then I got pregnant." She said

"You have a child?" Beth said

"We did, yes." She said as it went silent for a moment

"Are you hungry? We have a leftover casserole." She said changing subject

I nod yes as Beth nodded no. She goes upstairs to get ready as mom gets up and heads to the kitchen as I follow behide her.

She gets it out.

"When did you start playing?" I asked sit at the small table

"When I was 8, my grandmother taught me. She was in incredible." She said cutting the casserole

"Was she in a orchestra?" I asked

She smiles at me "yes, unlike me she was afraid of anything." She said put the piece of casserole in the microwave


"Beth, y/n, dears. Are you sure you don't want me to go with you girls?" Mom asked

"I'm okay." Beth said walking off the porch

"Okay." She said

I turn to her before leaving. About to ask a question that's been running through my mind all morning.

"Mom?" I said

She turns to me. Smiling at the name I called her

"Yes dear?"

"Can you....teach me how to play? Piano." I asked

Her smile got bigger "oh yes dear, of course I'll teach you. Right when you get home we will start." She said

I smile at her nodding, saying goodbye before catching up with Beth.

"What took you so long?" She asked as we walk to school

"I asked if she could teach me how to play."

"And?" Beth said wanting more

"She said yes." I said smiling remembering the memory that just happened

"Good. I've been knowing you've been wanting to play." She said

We walk into school arm in arm.


School was dreadful. Nothing but mean girls talking about how me and Beth dressed.

I was currently sitting behind the piano studying the keys and the music notes of a page that mom gave me. To study before she taught me.

While Beth was sitting on the couch reading a magazine. While mom was vacuuming smoking a cigarette.

"Shit." She said turning off the vacuum and running up the stairs.

Catch me and Beth attention. We turn are focused towards the door as it begins to open.

Mr.Wheatley walks in put his luggage on the floor with one still in hand.

"Hello, Mr. Wheatley." Beth said catching his attention

"Hi, Mr.Wheatley" I said in a more joyful voice

"Oh. Hi... Beth. And..." he said trying to figure out my name

"Y/n" I said

"Y/n" he said slightly nodding to me

"You're home! I didn't expect you for another week." Mom said walking down with a pretty green dress and a big smile on her face

"I'm only here for the night. They, uh...
they just gave me the whole Southwest, so..." he said

Mom gives him a kiss on the cheek. Me and Beth moved are attention to the magazine. I sit on the couch. Put her legs over my lap.

"That's pretty" I said pointing at one of the dress on the magazine

"Yeah I thought so too. What do you think about this one?" She asked showing me a black dress with a v-neck.

A women was modeling it. The dress fit her frame very nice. The photographer paired it with sliver jewelry and beautiful blue earring. Though I would of paired it with gold jewelry and maybe some beautiful red ruby earrings to clash with the black dress and give a pop of color with the red.

"Don't they ever change clothes?" Mr.Wheatley said catching mine's and Beth attention once again before walking up the stairs

"I don't think he likes us very much." Beth said flipping the magazine page

"Quite the opposite. Adopting you was actually his idea. He's right, though. You could use some new clothes." She said put the vacuum up


Me and Beth walked home from school. In the clothes that we bought, yesterday. Mr.Wheatley had left that following morning.

I was reading music notes while walking.

"John Thompson's Modern courses for the piano.

As we arrived home I almost fell but Beth caught me.

"Be careful." She said

"Sorry I was reading" I said

She looks over at my book. "How can you read that? It's just notes." She said

"Well how could you read Chess plays, their just moves." I said walking inside the house

As Beth closed the door behind me.

"How was school?" Mom asked us

"Fun." Beth said as she begins to walk up the stairs

"Where are you going?" She asked Beth

"I'm gonna replay some of the matches in this book." Beth said

Mom looks at me confused and back at Beth

"But you don't have a board." She said
"In my head." Beth said mom looked at her as if she was crazy

"It makes for a good mental exercise." I said

"Well, some physical exercise could do you girls some good. Will you run over to Bradley's for me, and pick up three packs of Chesterfields?" She said walking over to a desk

I put my bag down and Beth does the same

"Yes, ma'am." I said going over to her with Beth following

"I'll write you a note. You look a bit youthful
for smoking, yourself." She said to me writing a note

It was drizzling a little, Beth skipped over a small puddle of water. Caring the note in hand as I walked around it going back to her side.

We looked both ways. Crossing a street. Entering to a small corner store called Bradley's.

Hearing the sports announcer speaking. I grab the note from her hands as she looks around the store.

I clear my throat to get the store clerk attention. He turn to me. I hold out the note. He looks at me. Grabs his glasses and putting them on. Grabbing the note from my hand.

He turns around grab the packs of cigarettes. He put the cigarette down. And I placed the money as we exchange them.

"Young lady! You have to buy the magazine
or put it back." He said I turn my attention back to my sister who had picked up a magazine

"Can't I just..." Beth said trying to plead with the man
"You wanna read? Read the sign." He said we look up

The sign read 'If you want to read it BUY IT!

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