A New World?! (Danger Force)

بواسطة Ruby9374

160 6 0


A New World?!

The Danger Force Awakens (Ep. 1)

39 2 0
بواسطة Ruby9374

(3rd Person POV)

It has been a month and 3 weeks since the group of six got together. Bose and Maya are now dating, they have for three weeks now. When Alex knew about this, she was very angry, and almost tracked down bose and, well, killed him.

(I'm just gonna say that it's been a month since they got their powers, I know it's only three weeks in Danger Force, but I don't wanna write chapters until one month, so I made it already 1 month and 3 weeks)

Oh, also, Alex and Maya both know why they're sisters now. Maya's parents in this world have abandoned her when she was little, luckily Alex's parents came to help her, and they adopted her.

And, everyone have become good friends and best friends since they met, like Maya and Bose, Chapa and Alex, and so forth. Okay. Onto the story. Sorry for long intro or whatever this was.

(Alex's POV)

We were all in the classroom, waiting for Schowz to get here to continue the boring "lying" lesson we have today. Everyone was doing there own thing, just to let the time skip by.

Here are the desk arrangements so you understand:

Mika            Maya            Bose

Miles            Alex            Chapa

Mika was just on her phone playing a game she just got, Maya and Bose are just doing "Goo goo eyes" at eachother. Ugh. Miles was just chilling in his seat, I was also on my phone looking at "Click Clocks", and Chapa was twirling her pencil, she seemed annoyed and angry while doing it.

Schowz came in a few minutes later:

Schowz: "Okay, time to practice your lying."

Everyone including me started to groan at him. But, he just ignored all of us and continued.

Schowz: "My friend is on fire and I must run to pour water on his face." He said while gesturing to us to repeat after him.

I kind of wanted to, but also didn't.

Mika: "My friend is on fire and Iiiiiiiiiiiiii'm really the only one doing this?" She said looking at us.

Me: "Yep." I said while shutting off my phone.

Chapa: "As much as it's fun practicing lies all day. It's not fun and I HATE it!" She said slamming her hands on her desk.

I can still feel her anger, and I can see it, there's like a red colored aura around her. It looks like anger honestly, and I kind of see the word anger on it.

Miles: "Hate is a very strong word. And in this case, it's accurate."

Mika turned to Schowz, smiled, and said:

Mika: "What they're trying to say is Captain Man bought this school to teach us how to be superheros, but if all we do is--." Mika tried to say but got cut off by Schowz.

Schowz: "Lying is a very important part of being a super hero. You all must learn how to protect you secret identity-ty." He stuttered trying to inform us.

("Uggggh we get it, just get to an actual good part, FIGHTING FREAKING CRIME!!") I say, well, yelled in my mind.

Me: "Well, we didn't ask for these powers Schowz." I point out, with the rest of the group agreeing with me, including the love birds.

Schowz: "Ugh, here we go." He said annoyed cause we've said it a lot. Also, making all of us glare at him.

Miles: "Yeah, you were the one that made the weapon that blew up, and gave us these powers when Captain Man, and Kid Danger fought Drex." Miles pointed out to Schowz.

Bose: "Yeah, you were all like. 'Ayyy' there's a cave man on top of meeee." He mocked Schowz, after he stopped making goo goo eyes at my sister. Though, he did make us all laugh.

Schowz: "Why is that funny? A cave man really was on top of me." He said defending himself.

Bose: "And Mika was all like-" he said pointing at Mika.

Mika: "Kid Danger needs help!"

Bose: "And Captain Man was like." He said pointing to Chapa.

Chapa: "Just shoot us." She said imitating Ray.

It was honestly kind of funny.

Bose: "But Kid Danger said." He said pointing to Miles.

Miles: "But if I blast you, you won't be indestructible anymore." He then pointed to me after imitating Henry.

Me: "Neither will Drex. Now shoot us you quitter!" I said pointing at Miles who was now Henry.

Schowz: "I hit a caveman on the head, I was helping."

Bose: "And Kid Danger was like." He said while looking at Maya to continue.

Maya: "Hold onto your hoses. Boooooooom!"

Bose: "Explosion." Bose said.

We all imitated us getting exploded into our desks.

Bose: "And now I can-- Wait, what's my super power again?" He asked lifting from his desk.

Me: "Oh my God Bose, not again." I face palmed.

Mika: "You can move things with your mind."

Bose: "I thought that was Chapa."

Chapa: "No i can shoot lightning bolts from my hands." She said raising one of her hands.

Bose: "Sick. What's Maya's power?"

Maya: "I have ice and water manipulation babe."

Bose: "Oh that's an awesome power baby." I glared at him after he said that.

Bose: "Okay, what's Alex's power?" He asked looking at me.

Mika: "She has fire manipulation." She said answering for me.

I do think I have more than just fire. I can see and feel other people's emotions, whenever I get sad there is a cloud above my head, when Schowz or Ray asks either one of us a question, I can hear the group say it before they actually say it, so, I think I have more than just fire.

Bose: "Oh, that's cool, and scary." He mutters the last one quietly.

Bose: "Whats Miles' power?"

Mika: "He can teleport anywhere in the world."

Bose: "Filthy. Then what's your super power?"

Me, Maya, Miles, and Chapa: "SHE DOESN'T HAVE ONE!" We all yelled to him. To which he gasped dramatically.

Mika: "For some reason my power hasn't shown up, yet." Bose gasps again.

Schowz: "If I can just focus your attention on the board--."

Bose: "Are you scared you'll never get one?" He interrupted.

Mika: "Pfft, no."

Miles: "See guys, thats bad lying."

Mika: "Actually dear brother, I'm not scared."

Bose: "Whoa, you guys are related?"

Chapa, "Uggh i thought we exablished this." Miles, "You didn't know that?" Me, "Come on Bose." Maya, "Yes sweety, they are." We all say at the same time.

Bose: "I thought it was only Maya and Alex."

Mika: "I know I have a super power. I'm sure it'll--."


Chapa: "Never ''Heyy'' Horn a women." She said with her hands sparking.

Mika: "Chapa, relax."

Chapa: "Never tell me to relax. We've been here three weeks we should be learning how to be super heroes, but instead we're practicing lies, and getting the "HEYYY" HORN." She said with her hands getting more sparky.

I could feel how angry she was, it was getting bad. Not as bad as mine though.

Mika looked at me and gestured to Chapa to go calm her down. I rolled my eyes and went up to Chapa.

Me: "Chapa, it's okay, you have to relax. You don't want me getting angry when you are, or else, no one's stopping me. I need more than just one person to stop me." I said lightly lowering her arm. I felt her calm down a bit after that, and I saw it too.

Bose: "Hey, I'm already great at lying, watch. I am SO wearing pants right now."

("Stupid Idiot.") I face palmed.

Maya: "Bose are you not wearing pants right now?"

Bose: "Not important babe, but what is important is that I'm taking Schowz "Heyy" Horn." He said using his telekinesis to lift Schowz's horn out from his hands, and into the air.

Schowz walks down from the stairs to where to Heyy Horn is.

Schowz: "I'm not gonna jump for it. I know you want me to jump for it, but I am a man of science and I am not going to--. Heyy." He said trying to jump to take his horn back.

We all laughed at hom jumping for the horn. "Ahhhaa, you hate to see it." Miles said.

Schowz: "Give me back my "Heyy" Horn." He said angrily.

Chapa: "Sure, as soon as you let us fight crime." She said with her arms crossed. I smiled at her deal to Schowz.

Schowz: "It's not up to me, it's up to Captian Man." He said telling us.

Mika: "Well where is he?"

Miles: "Yeah the only time he happen--."

He got interrupted by Captain Man jumping, or falling down from the ceiling.

Captain Man: "Emergency! Emergency!"

All of us started to cheer.

Capatian Man: "This is not a drill, get up to the Man's Nest. Get your uniforms on right now. Goooo, Goooo! You guys are fighting crime, for real!"

Chapa: "I finally get to hurt someone!"

Me: "Yesss!" I say happy while high fiving Chapa.

I see Bose starting to scream of, agony maybe, he felt and looked scared to me. He flipped his desk over and started to move other things. He did have no pants on. Haha.

Bose: "Ahhh, ah man!"

Maya: "Are you wearing a shirt for pants?"

Bose: "YESS!" He yells making Maya flinch. Arghh Boseee.

Bose: "I do not know what to do, I have literally forgotten all of my training." He said shaking Captain Man.

Ray pushes Bose off of him and everyone scatters again. Ray grabs two things and starts walking them together very loudly.

Captain Man: "Up to the Man's Nest! Up to the Man's Nest! This is! Not! A! Drill!"

Mika: "Hurry up you guys." She tells us while pushes her button on here seat.

Me and Chapa: "Dont tell me what to do!" We both say as our hands start to spark and fire up. Maya was also with us with her water and ice powers acting up.

Bose: "Anyone wanna see a picture of a hotdog?"

Miles: "I wanna see a hotdog!" He exclaims.

They both come running towards us as we all collide together, making Mine, Maya's, and Chapa's powers go off into an explosion. Making us all fall down.

I groaned when I hit the ground, and Chapa fell next to me, we both look at eachother for a second until she stands up and helps me.

Chapa: "Are you ok?"

Me: "Yeah I'm fine." I tell her as I go to help Maya up, and then she helps Bose up.

Mika comes down seconds later already suited up.

Mika: "Everyone up to the Man's Nest. Hit the chairs let's go upstairs. Up to the nest to make the arrest. Everyone get seated so bad guys get yeeted!"

Miles: "I'll teleport there."

Mika: "No Miles you can't control where you--." She got interrupted by Miles teleporting.

(3rd Person POV)

Maya, Chapa, Bose, and Alex go in their chairs and head upstairs. Mika gets in her chair while Ray runs up to her and says:

Captain Man: "This is not a drill!"

Mika: "I WAS READY FIRST!" She yells.

Schowz walks up to Ray and asks:

Schowz: "It's just a drill right?"

Captain Man: "He yeah." He laughs.

(Alex's POV)

We all get upstairs and Bose starts running around like a maniac.

Bose: "I am a lost kid in a supermarket, and I don't know where I am!"

Me: "In the Man's Nest!"

Bose turned around and grabs Maya by her should and scaredly asks:

Bose: "Are you my Mommy?"

Maya: "What no, I am not your Mommy babe, I'm your girlfriend. Now calm down." She said trying to calm her down.

Bose: "I'm too scared to listen to reason!"

Chapa: "Calm Down!"

I just get bored of chasing after him so I walk to the lockers, get my gum, and pop it in my mouth. I grab everyone else's.

Me: "Guys ur gum, catch." I say as I throw their gpums to them. Mika comes up after I throw them.

Then, Miles teleports here startling the three, making them drop their gum. They all mumble about which ones their gum is. He walks up to Mika and I all beat up and filthy with feathers in his hair.

Miles: "I ended up in a bird's nest instead of the Man's Nest. Bunch a dang eagles made me eat a worm." He says angrily before walking angrily to his locker to get his gum.

(Okay imma do 3rd Person POV for now)

Captain Man and Schkwz come up the tube, Miles grabs his gum from his locker and Ray and Schowz come walking down the steps.

Bose: "Miles found more gum."

Miles: "Wait no this is my gum." He says trying to stop Bose from taking his gum.

Alex goes to help Maya and Chapa with their gum. Bose and Miles fight over the gum and they both fall over, spilling more gum. Everyone starts graoning because it's more gum they have to pick up and sort.

All the kids start bickering about their gum and color, while Ray and Schowz are just talking on the couch eating peanuts.

Captain Man: "When'd you build this place?"

Schowz: "Last year."

The kids all run behind them after Bose, while he grabs a peanut from Captain Man's hand and eats it while running again. Captain Man and Schowz just continue their conversation.

Schiwz: "I was gonna give it to you for your birthday."

Captain Man: "Aww, that's so sweet."

Time skips to Maya having on Mika's suit.

Mika: "How did my gum mix in with yours?"

Maya: "No idea, but its my costume now. I have the power to do nothing."

Mika glares at her while Maya starts running away with Mika chasing after her. Time skips again to Ray and Schowz.

Captain Man: "Can everyone see this place?"

Schowz: "Yess."

Captain Man: "Well what if bad guys come?"

Schowz: "You'll defeat them, you're "Captain Man" ".

Captain Man: "Aww, thats so sweet."

Time skips again to all the kids blowing their bubbles standing next to eachother in a row. They all do poses as well.

Miles: "It's our time."

Chapa: "That's right."

Bose: "This is my cool face."

Alex: "Awesome."

Maya:  "Oh yeah."

Captain Man and Schowz walks up to them and says, "This was just a drill."
All the kids start bickering at him.

Mika: "Not cool!"

Chapa: "Are you serious?! How dare you!"

Maya: "Seriously?!"

Bose: "Are you kidding me?!"

Alex: "Come on."

Miles: "You're such a jerk sir, A JERK!" He said with his voice cracking.

Captain Man: "And it took you..... and hour and a half." He says to the kids after looking at his phone.

Schowz: "Okay, who burnt the couch?" He says pointing at the very scorched couch.

Chapa hides her hands behind her back.

Chapa: "Alex did it."

Alex looks over at Chapa.

Alex: "You kidding me?" She says now glaring at her.

Chapa just gives her a small smile. Maya rubs and pats Alex's back for the blame.

Maya: "Tough luck Alex."

Alex: "Oh I know." She says pushing Maya's hand away.

(Time Skip From the Intro)

(Alex's POV)

Ray was making us watch how we were earlier. He kept replaying the part where Maya, Chapa, Bose, Miles, and I collide and fall on the ground.

Ray: "Annnnd Bam. Again Cause its funny, Bam. Alright last time I swear, Bam. Just kidding I lied, Bam!"

Chapa: "I'm sick of watching film." She says with her hands sparking. I rubbed her arm to calm her down a bit, even though I'm more of a hot head then her. It worked though because I saw and felt her calm down.

Mika: "Yeah can't we please go out and fight real crime, I know we look bad in here, but out in the real world, we'd be great I just know it."

Ray: "I'd love for you to come for a crime run, but the truth is, there's a crime drought."

Alex: "There is no such thing as a crime drought."

Ray: "Is too." He says while he eats a chip.

Bose: "He's got ya there." Bose says to me. I glare at him, and he quickly looks away and moves his arm away from me.

Ray: "Look this towns had some tasty crime waves in the past, but Kid Danger and I shredded the narm. Putting all the criminals back in prison, miss ya kid."

Ray: "Anyray, there a crime drought so no one's doing nothing." He been saying things ending with "Ray" for a while now. I'm really sick of it.

("Anyray again Ray, come on.") I heard someone say, who said that, it sounded like Chapa's voice, but I didn't see her lips move. That's weird.

Schowz appeared on the screen.

Schowz: "Ray! I've been texting you for 10 minutes. Face your phone!"

Ray: "Oopsie raysie." He said looking at his phone.

("Again Ray, oh my god") Okay, what the heck is happening?! It sounded like Mika this time. No one's lips were moving. What's happening to me?

Schowz: "I miss one text on a weekend and you threaten to fire me, but I guess its just okay for you to." He got interrupted by Ray.

Ray: "I gotta go-ah." Mika startled him by stepping in front of him.

Mika: "Where are ya going?"

Chapa: "Is it an emergency?"

Me: "Can we come?" I finished her sentence/questions.

Ray looks at Schowz and back at us.

Ray: "Nah it's not an emergency at all."

Miles: "Then where are you going?"

("Quick handsome, make and excuse.") What? That was definitely Ray. He didn't move his lips.

Ray: "Uh, my friend is on fire and I must, no okay. Uhm, oh I gotta take my aunt to the cleaners." He said when Schowz starting making coughing noises.

("Nice save handsome, hopefully these kids by it.) Okay yep, he's lying. Though, I think I can read minds, it makes sense from the voices I've heard lately.

Okay, now I know he's lying, especially of what I heard before and after he said that.

Mika: "Why?" Inching closer to Ray.

Schowz: "Because she is very large."

Ray: "Mm huge, big lady, loves cheese."

Schowz: "So huge she needs to be cleaned, in a car wash."

Miles: "What?"

Ray: "Yep with a car wash, the only way she can be deep cleaned and pfft she's due."

Mika: "Can we come? We'll call it a practice mission."

Ray: "Oh you know I'd love for you guys to come with, but oh she's really shy and the whole process is just gonna stink so byee."

Schowz: "Byee." They both say disappearing.

(Time Skip)

I was on my way to go to Mika's house with Maya, something isn't right. We were both walking to her house when Chapa runs up to us.

Chapa: "You guys think something not right either?"

Maya and I: "Yep."

We all then go to Mika's house and climb up the tree to her window. Chapa went in first.

Chapa, Maya, and I: "Somethings not right." We all said as she helped us in Mika's room.

Mika: "Ahhh!"

Miles: "Told ya."

Mika's mom and dad come into he room with Bose. Oh god, what did he do? Maya you're dating a freaking idiot!

Mr. Macklin: "What the heck is going on?"

Bose: "Hey Maya." He said waving at her. She waved back.

Mrs. Macklin: "He has been banging on the front door yelling "Mommy, mommy! I'm a lost boy in a supermarket and I don't know where I am!"" She said looking at us and back at Bose. Jesus Bose.

Mr. Macklin: "What THE HECK Is...going on." He whispered yelled.

Mrs. Macklin: "Miles, Mika, what are these children doing here this late?"

Mika: "We just found out that we, have a suprise test tomorrow at our school for the gifted, and we need to study, together."

Bose: "Great lie." Mika and Mile's parents looked at Bose curious.

Bose: "We've been practicing lies at school lately." I just face palmed.

("The way this boy can be SO stupid.") I said in my mind. I can't with him right now.

Mika: "Lies, (Gasps) THAT'S IT!"

Mr. Macklin: "Why have you been practicin--."

Miles: "Dad, our school is private and free. Stop asking questions." Both of the parents got out of the room saying "Goodnight." To us all.

Miles closes the door and Bose sits down on Mika's floating chair with Maya sitting on the floor next to him.

Me: "Bose, did you seriously need to do that to get in."

Bose: "Yeah, why?"


Bose: "I'm sorry."

Mika: "Alex you need to calm down." She said pulling me next to Chapa so I wouldn't kill, or try to kill Bose. Its happened before. Chapa wrapped her arm around me, rubbing up and down on my arm to help calm me down.

Miles: "Now that, that's over. What did you mean when you said "Lies (Gasps) THATS IT!"?"

Mika: "Schowz said that lying is a big part of being a super hero."

Chapa and Maya: "So?"

Mika: "So, Ray's been lying to us. He didn't need to hose down his massive Aunt in a car wash. He went off to fight crime by himself."

Me: "Uh, I kind of already knew that."

Miles: "What, how?"

Me: "Not important, but what is, is what we are going to do next."

Bose: "But how can Ray fight crime when there's a crime drought?"


Bose: "So Ray's been lying to us?!"

All: "YES!" Bose dramatically gasps.

Me: "God Bose."

We all talked about what we were going to do next to get payback for Ray.

Mika: "Alex?"

Me: "Yes?"

Mika: "What did you mean when you said you knew he was lying."

All: "Yeah."

Me: "Uh, well I think I have another power."

Chapa: "How?"

Me: "Whenever Ray asks us a question, I hear you guys answer twice. Like one answer, before you actually answer."

Maya: "So. You're having Deja Vu."

Me: "I don't think so. When we were talking to Ray about the crime drought. I heard him saying to quickly make an excuse, and when he did say something to us, he said "nice save".

Bose: "That is pretty weird."

Chapa: "Maybe you're just hearing things."

Me: "Maybe, but can we test it, I think I might have another power."

Mika: "Okay. Uhm guess what I'm think right now."

Me: "Ok."

("Maya and Bose make a good couple.")

Me: "Maya and Bose make a good couple."

All: "Whoa."

Miles: "How'd you do that?"

Maya: "Do me. You'll never guess this one."

("Is it bad that fart smells good?")


All: "What?"

Maya: "NOTHING! Okay Alex, you really have mind reading powers."

Me: "Thought so."

Chapa: "What did she ask?"

Me: "Something embarising, but I won't tell you."

Chapa: "(Aww) Okay." She said (in her mind), and what she actually said.

(Time Skip to Next Day)

Ray: "And even though we were on a moving train, I still saved the day. 'Cause I'm Captain Man. The End"

Maya: "You were encased in concrete most of the time."

Ray: "Still saved the day, The End."

Chapa: "Sounds like Henry, Charlotte, and the Thunderman Kids did most of the saving."

Ray: "Sounds like you don't know what, The End means." He said to Chapa. He then got a phone call.

Ray was talking to someone, I guess it was Schowz because he did his "Wassuuup" thing.

Ray: "I gotta go."

Mika: "Where are you going?"

Ray: "Uh, my hair dresser. I'm late for my appointment at the, hair cut store." He says as he moves to the right and left to try to get past Mika.

Maya: "You getting some frosted tips? Blonde highlights are very in right now."

Ray: "Uh yeah sure I'm getting frosted tips, now MOVE!" He said as he threw a pencil and ran past Mika.

Me: "I think you're lying." We all turn to face him, and he turns to face us.

Ray: "What did you say?"

Me: "I said, I think you're lying. I don't think you're going to the hair cut store at all. I think you're going to fight crime without us."

Ray: "Why would I go and fight crime without you guys? I respect all of your 'abilities' equally."

Chapa: "Awww. Then I look forward to seeing your blonde highlights when you get back, from the haircut store."

Ray: "I'll probably be a misota, like a strawberry blonde." He says coming back in the room.

Chapa: "I can't wait."

Ray: "Or a Carmel, a tony color, something tasteful, you'll guys won't even notice." He says coming back into the room again before leaving.

We all go back to our original positions in our desks. I knew he was lying. I heard him say something in his mind. We still didn't tell him about that.

Mika: "You guys he's going to fight crime, at "Swellview Prison" I heard Schowz tell him that on the call."

Chapa: "Can you teleport us to Swellview Prison?"

Bose: "I can try." He says trying to teleport.

Maya: "Bose, you can't teleport, that's Miles' power."

Bose: "I can still try." Oh my God this man.

Miles: "I'll get us there."

Mika: "Will you? You can't control where you teleport yet."

Miles: "So?"

Mika: "So, what if you accidently teleport us to Paris, or inside a Volcano, or to the surface of the moon?"

Miles: "I don't know. What I do know is I'm not staying in this class anymore."

Me and Chapa: "Me neither." We both say with our gum getting out of our desks, walking up to Miles.

Miles: "Bose, Maya, its time to go."

Bose and Maya: "Sweet ride." They both say excitedly grabbing their gum, and walking to the other side of the class.

Miles: "You in sis?"

Mika rolls her eyes playfully an grabs her gum and walk towards Maya and Bose.

Bose: "Yes."

We all pop our gum balls in our mouths, chew, and blow them. With the result of them popping giving us our hero suits. We all get together in a big group. Schowz comes in seconds later.

Schowz: "Okay Ray had to leave but- hey, where are you going?"

Chapa: "To the haircut store."

Me: "We're gonna get frosted tips."

Maya gives Schowz a peace sign before we teleport.

(3rd Person POV)

Schowz: "Frosted tips are very in right now." He says feeling his hair.

The scene skips to Captain Man trying to get the bad guys attention doing some law and crime puns. He finally gets their attention, and talks to the boy.

Danger Force appears or teleports into the bushes and they all start talking and bickering about the bad place they got teleported to. Captain Man walks up to the bickering group.

Captain Man: "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Mika: "What are YOU doing here?"

Captain Man: "Fighting crime."

Chapa: "That's funny, I thought you were at the haircut store getting frosted tips."

Captain Man: "Yeah well I went and decided my hair looks fine the way it was." He says helping them get out of the bushes.

Crank: "If its okay with you, imma go back to breaking my Grandpa out."

Captain Man: "No."

Maya: "Yeah no, cause we're gonna stop you."

Captain Man: "No im gonna stop them actually because I'm the super hero."

Miles: "Yeah, a super hero who has been lying to us for a week."

Alex: "There hasn't been a 'crime drought'."

Chapa: "Yeah, you've just been telling us that so you can fight crime by yourself!"

Captain Man: "Yeah it was better to have been lying to you 'cause you four can't control your powers, you don't even have one yet, and you, you wear shirts for pants!"

Bose: "They're called 'Shants'." He says gesturing to his shirt and pants.

Alex: "Oh my God Bose."

Captain Man: "Face it. None of you are ready to be superheros."

Mika slowly walks up to Ray and says.

Mika: "You're right, I don't have a super power, I might not ever get one, but you know what? Being a super hero isn't about having a super power, it's about whats inside of you, it's about what in here." She says putting her fist to her heart.

Bose: "Our skeletons."

Alex: "Please don't help."

Mika: "I know I've got what it takes to be a super hero. And I know they do too." She says pointing at us.

Captain Man: "(Sighs) Okay, show me how ready you are."

Mika: "Let's do this." She said as all the kids starting walking in slow motion towards the criminals.

We were all walking to the criminals, in a cool, slow motion way. We were all doing some poses and stuff with our hands to show off. We all stop with Chapa's hands sparking.

Chapa: "I haven't learnt to aim yet."

Alex: "Just believe."

Bose: "So learn now."

Maya: "You can do this."

She goes to blast the criminals, but it backfires and hits Ray's back, launching him onto the roof of the jail. Chapa hides her hands behind her back again.

Chapa: "Alex, how could you."

Alex: "Oh come on! Again?" She says with her hands in the air.

Alex: "I probably would've scorched him if it was me."

("Haha, I know.") Alex hears Chapa say in her mind.

Chapa just gives her a cheeky smile and turns back to the criminals.

Mika: "Get in there and bring back Captain Man."

Miles: "Copy that." He says as he teleports to were Captain Man is to retrieve him.

Crank: "Get 'em." He says as the huge men walk over to the team.

They both scream with the team screaming after them. They all run away.

Chapa tries to shoot her lasers at the boy, but ends up shooting herself, launching her into the wall, and fall in the bushes.

Chapa: "Dang it." She says trying to break free.

Maya, Bose, Mika, and Alex were trying to fight the other criminals. Maya tried to use her ice powers on the huge man, but ended up using her water powers weakly, and just ended up making him wet.

He threw her into the bushes angrily, but she managed to use her ice power to throw him to the wall. Alex saw this whole situation while she was walking up to the boy. One of the men grabbed her, and threw her onto the ground, hard.

She groaned as she hit the floor, but she got up soon after with the guy walking up to her. She used her fire powers to catch his shirt on fire. He was screaming trying to put the fire out. He eventually did, and when Alex tried to use her power again, the guy grabbed her arm, picked her up, and threw her again. Into the bushes, where she also got stuck.

Alex groaned from the fall of that too.

Maya: "Are you okay purple?"

Alex: "Yeah, yeah I am."

Meanwhile, Bose and Mika are trying to get free of the hench men's grips. Miles and Captain Man teport into the wall.

Captain Man: "Hey, heyy!" He yells trying to get someone's attention.

Mika: "Captain Man?'"

Captain Man: "We're up here!"

Chapa: "Bose, what are you doing?" She yells as Bose was trying to lift up the laser the criminals were using, to try and make it fall on the boy.

Mika: "Can you guys get down here?"

Captain Man: "We can't!"

Alex: "What happened?"

Miles: "We got stuck in a wall on the way back!"

Maya: "That can happen?!"

Miles: "I have just learned, that it can."

Bose was still trying to drop the laser on the boy's head. It ended up falling on him and the huge man still holding onto him. They both fall with the scary man passed out because it hit him on the head. Chapa, Alex, and Maya still try getting out of the bushes, no work.

Bose: "I thought that would work."

Maya: "It was a good of enough try."

Captain Man: "You see?! Not. Ready."

Mika: "Yes, we, ARRRRRREEEEEEEE!" She yells as super scream comes out of her mouth and created a huge hole in the wall of the jail.

Mika: "You guys, I have a super power!"

Chapa: "Its about time."

Alex: "Finally."

Bose: "You can fly?!"

Miles: "There we go."

Maya: "Yay!"

("Seriously Bose?") Alex asks in her mind.

The evil guy pulls Mika to the bushes and tangles her up in it. An old guy in a prisoner uniform comes out.

Crank: "Pop-pop?"

Prisoner: " Crank my boy."

Crank: "YOU OWE ME MONEY!" He yells as he chases his grandpa back into the prison.

The Toddler: "Well, well, well. Whats going on out here?"

Captain Man: "Toddler, get back in your crib."

Toddler: "Hehe, No! Come on everybody, we're free again!" He says as all the other prisoners start coming out.

Captain Man: "No, no, no, no."

Frankini comes out in a weird dramatic, and action kind of way.

(I forget the names to some of the bad guys, so thats why some of the names are like that.)

Goomer: "Frankini! Wait for me!"

Bee Guy: "I can't bee-lieve my luck."

Dr. Miniac: "I still have hope for a win."

Jeff: "My life has purpose again."

Time Jerker: "Time-to go."

Captain Man: "You happy?"

Mika: "Yeah, I got a super ppwer.

Captain Man: "You just let every criminal out of "Swellview Prison".

Mila: "With my super power."

Frankini comes out again ribbon dancing, Alex, Chapa, and Maya give him a weird look.

Escape Room Guy: "Hahahaha, I started out as a good guy."

Weird Brother Dudes: "So did we! Bloop!"

Bose: "Hey, I just realized, we ended the crime drought."

Chapa: "Now you have to let us fight crime." She said trying to get out of the bushes again.

Miles: "Yeah you're gonna need our help to capture all these bad guys."

Captain Man: "We'd probably need like a thousand hilarious missions to do it, maybe more."

Frankini comes out again wearing gsomething different and dancing again.

Alex: "Are you just coming back around and just running over and over again?" Frankini pulls out a microphone.

Frinkini: "Check, check. Sweety, I smuggled 75 outfits into this prison, and you're gonna see every last one of them!"

(Time Skip)

(Alex's POV)

Me and Maya head back home to go to bed. I try to roll back my shoulder but it hurts.

Maya: "Does it still hurt?"

Me: "Yeah."

Maya: "Lets put some ice on it. Here." She says as she uses her ice powers to help with my shoulder.

Me: "Thanks, Maya."

Maya: "No problem. You know, I'm kinda glad we got brought in this world. It's kinda nice."

Me: "Yeah, fighting crime, making new friends, having powers, and having a new responsibility."

Maya: "I was gonna say being with Bose, but yours checks out."

Me: "Haha, you and Bose."

Maya: "Yep, he's a nice boy."

Me: "Uh yeah, I guess he is. For your sake." I mumbled the last part quietly to wear she didn't hear it.

We both climb up my tree to my window and go into my room. Maya goes back to her room and we both get ready for bed.

Me: "This place is, kind of nice. Much better than our original world." I say as I go to sleep, waiting for the next day to start.


Here's Episode 1 of Danger Force with my two characters edited into it. Sorry it took me such a long time to get this one written and published.

It's kind of hard to watch the show, and write it at the same time with some modifications to the episode and story, especially adding more stuff to the story and episode.

Anyway, here's the first episode of Danger Force. Sorry for any grammer, spelling, or just any mistakes to the episode. I hope this was a good one, and I'll start the next episode later. Bye and see you soon.

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