✔️ The Unwanted Bride (Book O...

由 Cast_Iron_Potts

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In an effort to rebuild a perfect society after the Great War, the government issued a law known as "The Marr... 更多

A Birthday Cake
Willow in the Woods
Shadows in the Woods
Interview with the Man in the Nice Suit
Man in the Bunker
Announcement of Matches
A Farewell Present
Mag-Lev to the Capitol
The Personal Beautification Entourage 
Castle of Bridezillas
The Ocean and Pearls
The Long-Awaited Meeting
Love and "Clams"
The Girl Who Loves Ham
A Tour of the "Home"
The Man Vulture
The Glass Tower
The First Class
Favorite Shade
Should Have Known Better
Thoughts and Letters
A Smug Brunch
An Unpleasant Stroll in the Garden
An Apology Dinner
The Spread of a Dirty Illness
Brunch with a Ghost
The Bitter Pill and A Talk About Shiny Rocks
Can't Eat Soup
Will I Stay or Will I Go?
Author's Note
Author's Note #2

A Cold Wake-up Call

898 35 0
由 Cast_Iron_Potts

"Well, that was fantastic." Reena breaths as she hops off the last step of the large staircase. "I though this lady was going to hold a lot of favoritism considering most do." She adds the last statement under her breath as I step off the steps and gaze at the completely different interior. The windows are now all open, and it doesn't seem like windows at all. It appears as if you are outside. "Am I right?"

     "What?" I ask turning to look at her, but she doesn't seem to have noticed as she continues on.

     "I mean she doesn't care about anyone's feelings! She made someone cry already." Reena turns around, showing a devious smile. "I love it."

     I have to admit. I am a little bit happy with how she was as well. With most people, I am treated as someone so unimportant that it gave me a bit of pleasure seeing someone else go through it. Then immediately I felt guilty for feeling that way. Someone in the back of my head, I could hear Joe's voice saying, "even though people are mean to you, it does not give you the right to be mean to them". The guilty feeling bubbles back into my gut just remembering how happy I was to see someone get treated poorly. I'm so sorry Joe.

     "Juniper?" I jump and look towards her. How long has she been waiting for a reply?

     "I'm sorry, I got lost in thought. What did you say?" I say honestly and she gives me a few blinks before shaking her head and beginning again.

     "I was just saying how many girls she will rip to shreds while she is teaching us this stuff!" She sighs happily as Bronson opens the door for us and we step outside. The air has warmed substantially since the morning and I wonder how much time has passed. "I think we should make a bet on how many girls she makes cry for the first month!" From the corner of my eye I see Bronson and McQueen share a look. "What do you say?" She grabs my arm pulling me and whispering, "wanna make some bets?"

     "I don't know..." I say as I twiddle with my hands. "Maybe we shouldn't do that. It seems a bit, mean."

     "Mean?" She asks as she crinkles her nose. "It is not mean at all, not compared to what they already do to you." She says and when she pulls her hand away, I notice dirt. Again... why is there so much dirt everywhere? "I guess it isn't entirely ladylike." Her statement comes out in a bitter, muttering mess. "Fine, we won't do that, but you have to admit, she is freaking awesome!"

     "I had thought you a quick leaner Miss Adell." Mrs. Webster stands by the door, the wrinkles around her eyes deep as she squints, or glares, towards us. "We just went over greetings and appropriate conversational skills after all." Her large navy blue dress sways as she steps forward. Her neck is surprisingly short, but she holds it so high it is hard to tell. The dress comes up around the neck as if to help elongate it as well. "I don't think words like, 'freaking awesome' are in there." Reena's face flushes and her hands clench. "Perhaps you need more thorough studying in acceptable description words?"

     "Of course Mrs. Webster." Her words are curt and cold sounding as she give her a slight curtsy. It is almost like she had to cut it off or else she would say something far worse. Mrs. Webster nods slightly as she walks between us and walks along the path until her back disappears behind the buildings curve. "Well that was unpleasant." Reena whispers as she pulls herself from the curtsy and stares from where she walked. "She's still really cool though."

     After that run-in with her, Reena is no longer talking so much about her as we make our way back through the labyrinth of greenery. Off in the distance, a whistle from a bird sounds off, unable to be seen over the hedge. I look up at the sky. The blue blanket has soft pillows of clouds, and the sun is placed perfectly in the middle.

     "It's lunch time." I say and Reena's stomach lets out a loud rumble. She looks to me and then to her stomach, then gives it a quick pat.

     "Wonderful timing." She exclaims as we continued to walk. "I wonder what they will have today." She trails off as if deep in thought, placing her hand to her chin as she gazes ahead. I too find myself going deep into thought as well.

     Images of soft bread and beautful green salad flood my brain. I can almost taste the saltiness of the meats, or the sour taste of lemonade. A burning sensation grows in the pit of my stomach as we walk closer and closer to the place we usually eat. I don't think my stomach has ever burned like this before. It feels strange, like someone has set it on fire. Is this what hunger feels like?

    Soon we are inside the building, and our guards go to the edge of the room, talking and greeting other guards as they do. In the front of the room, there are several large tables stacked with large silver plates of food. Behind each table, two guys stand preparing plates of food and handing them to the girls. Reena lets out a quiet "ooh" as she looks around all of the tables.

    "Oh my gosh... It's food heaven!" She exclaims pushing on her tiptoes to look at the center table. "There are so many options! Do you know what you will want?"

     "No." I say as I glance around the person in front of me. "How can we possibly eat all of this food?" I whisper to myself as I quickly swing my head back around after the person in front of me threw a disgusted glance back at me.

     "Please keep your filth in your own space." She hisses swinging her long, golden hair and hitting me in the face slightly.

     "Sorry." I say quickly, but I only get a snort as a reply. I glance over at Reena, but she is still so enthrawed with seeing all the food, she did not seem to catch the conversation. The line of girls slowly shrinks and as we get closer to the front, I am finally able to read the signs. There are five, long tables, drapped in silky, creme colored cloths.

      The first table, has a large bowl filled with salad and several other smaller bowls with colorful things that I do not know. The second table has various breads and large pots, I assume filled with soup. The middle table it stacked with various meats and cheeses of yellow, white, and orange. The last two tables are desserts and large pitchers of tea and lemonade. After taking everything in, my stomach burns hotter and hotter with each smell. The smells of the food only add kindling to the flames of hunger burning within. I wonder if the guys eat this too. There is no way they could expect us to eat off this on our own. I find my way to the salad table and he gives a bow before taking a plate, waiting for me to tell him what I want. I point to the largest bowl, filled with light green leaves of lettuce. Staring at all the other things, I feel overwhelmed. He stares at me, waiting patiently, while the girls behind me grumble complaints. Finally, I just shake my head and extend me hands for the plate. "That's all."

     "You just want lettuce?" He asks raising an eyebrow as I give a curt nod. "Are you sure? That doesn't seem like enough food."

     "I don't know what else to get." I breath out quickly and he nods as he looks around and smiles.

     "One second." He bows and hurries off quickly. More grumbling echos behind me and I feel my shoulders slump. After a minute or so, he comes back with bits of chicken and toated bread on the plate. He quickly compiles other things onto the plate before handing it to me. "Here you go!" He gives me a sheepish grin as I take the plate. "This is my mom's favorite that I make. I hope you enjoy." After that, he bows and I hurry out of the line.

     I glance over my shoulder towards him. He is young, nearly as young as the girl that brought me food to my room, Rosalind was her name. His face still has the childlike glow to it. His hair has various parts of unkemptness, and his teeth are slightly crooked as he smiles. As he hurries to get the girls order, I see him glance towards me and smiles before another girl calls for his help. He's just a kid... I find myself thinking it over and over again as I make my way to the back of the room to find Reena already there with three plates sitting in front of her, untouched.

     "There you are!" She says cheerfuly as she scoops her fork off the table and I sit down. "I am starving!"

     "Why didn't you start eating?" I ask leaning forward taking the pitcher of water and pouring myself a glass as she gives a disgruntled look.

     "Well, I was waiting for you." She says in a tone as if it should be obvious to me as to why she waited. As soon as I seem settled, she begins lating meat and cheese on bread and scarfing it down. I watch her in amazement as she takes a large drink of lemonade and then goes right back to shoving food into her mouth. Sensing my eyes, she glances at me, then to my plate. Her eyes budlge and she falls into a coughing fit. I quickly pour her some water, sliding the glass over. She takes it, waiting for a pause in her coughing to take a drink. She breaths deeply, as sparatic coughs attack her. She finishes off the glass and clears her throat. After a few more deep breaths, she throws a look at me. "You got a salad?" She says with a raspy voice before gesturing to her plate. "When they have this." Her eyes narrow and she points towards me. "Do NOT tell me you are on a diet. You are a literal bag of bones."

      "I'm just not that hungry." I say as I pour her more water. Her eyes are little slits as she stares at me and takes a drink of water. "Besides," I hold up my plate for her to see better. "There are a lot of things in this salad. See?" She leans over and stares at the plate inquizitivily.

     "Okay." She mutters and I set my plate down. "That does look pretty good." She says, but by the time I look to her, she is already stuffing her face again, but in much smaller increments than previously.

     Looking towards my own food, I grab the fork and begin eating slowly. The burn begins to decreae, and I savor the combination of different flavors within it. I continue to eat more and more, each bite better than the last. I look towards the table and see the young boy helping people with a bright and cheerful smile. Once he helps the last girl, he scans the room and rests on my table. I give him a small wave, and point to my almost empty plate. He replies with an even wider smile.

      Soon, Reena finishes, complaining happily that she may have ate a little too much. As we go to leave, she quickly runs over to the dessert table and is handed a small, light pink cookie. When she comes back, I simply glance at her as she stares at the cookie in her hand. "There's always room for dessert." She reports before popping it into her mouth and chewing happily. Our guards meet us at the entrance, and we begin walking back towards our wing. "Would you like to hang out in the watch room?" Reena asks as we get onto the floor. Her eyes seem hopeful as she looks towards me, but my body suddenly feels worn, and my eyes hard to lift.

     "I am tired, so I think I am going to go rest in my room." I say it quickly, as if it would help with the fact that I might be letting her down. Why do I care if I let her down? When I look up she gives me a smile as she nods slowly.

     "It has been a rather eventful day. I will see you at dinner!" Then, she turned on her heels and went down the hall, her two guards following her.

     "In.ter.rest.ing. Girl. That. One." McQueen mumbles as we begin walking up the stairs to get to my room. "Hun.gry. Too."

     We climb up the stairs Bronson and McQueen exchanging conversation about who would go eat lunch first. One set after another, after another, we climb until we eventually reach the hall where my room is. As we turn and begin walking towards the room, I listen to their voices bounce off the walls. When we pass by doors, their echos change to reflect the change of environment. Once at my door I open it and walk inside, but I stop short when I hear Bronson clear his throat. Turning, I barely catch McQueen as he turns back down the hall to leave, I assume they settled that he would get lunch first.

     "I hope you get some good rest." Bronson says and I turn to look at him. "You said you were tired right?" I nod and he nods back. "Well, make sure to get rest." He gives me a bright smile, to which I return a small one and close the door. Immediately, I let my body collaspe onto the bed. The softness of it surrounds me, and I feel like I am only there for a second before sleep overcomees me.

*knock, knock*

     My eyes burn and my head feels foggy as I slowly sit up. Looking around the room, a soft glow of light fills it. I blink several times to clear my vision as I look towards the balcony door, expceting the curtains to have been drawn, but they are not. Another range of knocks ring out and I groggily turn towards the door. I stumble slightly as I make my way to the door. I grab the doorknob and swing it open. The hall is dark, as if it were the middle of the night, and standing outside is Charle, Sicily, and Cora. The three of them look how they normally do; Charles and Sicily wearing beautiful bright smiles, and their daughter, Cora, with a look that is a mixture of anger and boredom.

     "Good morning dear." Sicily sings as I step aside letting them in. "You must have slept very hard! Yout hair is everywhere!" She immediately goes to try and fix it to which I pull away. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you so early in the morning."

     "Morning? It's not the morning." I state and Charles and Cora share a look. "Is it?"

     "It is." Cora states as she goes to her usual corner of the room and begins setting up.

     "That's not right. I just went to take a nap." I say as Charles and Sicily step forward. "After lunch I came up to rest and wound up falling asleep."

     "Are you telling us, that you haven't eaten since lunch yesterday?" Charles says and I stare blankly at him. Sicily makes a noise similar to a squeak before hurrying back out the door into the hall. "Why did neither Bronson or McQueen wake you up?"

     "Wait, so it really is morning?" I ask and he nods and my body instantly grows very cold, yet I feel sweaty at the same time. If it's morning, that means that today is the first date with one of the boys. Today is my first date with Collin.

     My body cumbles slightly and I sink low hugging my knees to my chest as I go. My heart hammers in my chest hard, so hard I am sure someone else could see it bumping past the cage of bone it is incarcerated behind. My ears ring loudly and I focus my eyes on a circle in the wood of the floor. Maybe, just maybe, if I stare at it long enough, it will suck me up and take me away from here. A pair of shiny shoes step onto the dot and want so badly to scream aloud that they had stepped on my only way out. I feel a touch on my shoulder, and my head raises to meet Charlie's eyes. They have a shine to them, a shine that I often see in Siciliy's eyes, the kind I saw in Bronson's just the other day. The look I do not know how to decipher. His mouth is moving, but the loud ringing drowns out anything he is attempting to say. His head turns toward the door and Sicily's face joins his, her eyes the same, if not more pronounced with the look. Stop looking at me like that. I don't understand it. My heart hammers faster and it begins to feel like I cannot catch my breath. I need to take more. I begin to breath quicker breaths in an effort to have some air, but it only makes the pounding of my heart and the ringing in my ears substantially worse. Siciliy and Charlie are now frantically staring at me, both moving their mouths at rapid paces in invisibile words. Suddenly, both their heads lurch up to look behind me, but I have no way to see what it is, because my body is yanked up. In a blurr, I see Charlie and Sicily standing and hurrying after me, but a door is shut. The familiar tile helps me gain that I am in the bathroom. I catch a glance at myself in the mirror before I am tossed onto cold tile and I look up barely catching Cora's face before a powerful stream of freezing water splashes on me.

     Though I cannot hear it, I know that I gasped, maybe even yelped, when the icy water hit me.  My hair soon fell onto my face and I spit as water goes into my mouth. My breathing is now slower as I take in large, quick breaths. Soon, the ringing begins to fade and my heart slows and quiets. I place a hand to my chest, touching the bone feeling slight pain, perhaps my heart was beating so hard, I developed a bruise. I raise my hand slowly and it shakes slightly as I push my wet hair from my face. With the ringing now almost completely gone, I hear the muffled calls from behind the bathroom door and look towards it. Then, my eyes move to Cora, who leans against the counter glaring at me.

     "Are you calm?" She says, her arms folded tightly against her chest.

     "Yes." I meet her gaze and she stands there staring at me for a moment. After a few seconds, she pushes herself from the counter and walks over, turning the knobs on the shower until the water stops, her eyes never leaving mine. Drops from the shower cause ripples in the slowly receding puddle of water I sit in. "How did you-"

     "Look, I've done this very recently, in case you've forgotten." Her voice is set in a low growl as she leans against the outside wall of the shower. "I know that it can be scary, especially the first one." Her face is set hard, hard like stone as she slowly croutches down to look at me. "However, no matter how scary it is, you cannot get out of it by panicing over it." Her eyes narrow and her voice becomes a ghostly whisper. "You're here until you get married, or until the season is up." She slaps the wall, hard, but I don't flinch, I just stare at her face. "You need to wake up and realize that you are here. No one expected you, and some may not have wanted you here, hell, you may not want to be here." Her voice grew to a shout as she spoke, her eyes wide with anger. "But you're here." To this, she adverted her gaze. She is quiet for a few seconds before the pounding on the door seems to grab her attention. She pulls herself up and opens it to her angry and distraught parents. Sicily immediatly comes over to me and Charlie grabs Cora by the arm, dragging her from the room.

     "You poor thing, you are shaking." Sicily says in a sweet voice as she grabs two towels and hurries over, wrapping me up with one, and beginning to dry my hair with the other. Hearing her words, it finally dawns on me how cold my body feels, and that I really am shaking. Sicily works vigoursly at drying my hair, mumbling how upset she is with Cora. Did they not hear her talking to me? Did they not hear how she was trying to help. Well, I think she was anyway. "Come now, we need to get you out of theses clothes." To that, she turned me around and undid the back of the dress I had been wearing the day before. The water must have made it harder to undo, because she had to mutter an occasional apology when she had to pull at it very hard. Once undone, she grabbed a fluffy towel-like outfit and set it on the counter. "I will wait for you outside." She shut the door behind her as the left.

I slowly begin to pull the dress off. The fabric is sticks terrible to me, as if it were a second layer of my own skin. I had never thought a black dress could grow so much darker, yet it seems to have done so. Soon, I have pulled it off, and it lies in a sopping wet heap on the floor. I grab the plush, towel-like clothing Sicily had laid out and then wrap it tightly around myself. I step out of the room, and Sicily has pulled up a chair, directing me to sit. As I walk towards the chair, a soft knock come from the door, and Sicily hurries over to answer. I take the seat as the door creaks open, and the sound of a cart rings around in the room. Looking over, I see Rosalind pushing it towards a corner of the room. Catching my eye with her own, she takes a deep curtsy.

"Good morning Miss. I have brought you breakfast." Leaving it at that, she turns and begins opening the trays and making me a plate.

"G-good morning." I say, still rather shaky as Sicily comes up from behind me and begins working on my hair, trying to dry it. Rosalind walks over with a plate full of different bits of food. "Thank you." I look at her and she curtsies once again, rather close to my ear and whispers.

"I got you extra ham." I can't help but smile as she gives me a small wink before straightening her back and turning to Sicily. "Would you care for a drink ma'am?"

"Oh yes! Can you please get two cups of tea. One with plenty of milk and honey." She smiles kindly at the Rosalind who does not smile back but nods.

The clinking or cups and the rustling of the towel and my hair are the only noises in the room for a few short moments. Soon, the door opens, Charlie and Cora step inside. Charlie looks less angrier than I thought he would have, and Cora seems upset but pleased at the same time. She looks my way and bows her heard curtly before going to her side of the room. At that time, Rosalind place a cup of tea in my hands and Sicily nods towards Charlie when she goes to hand the other cup to her. Charlie takes the cup from Rosalind and though they never speak, I feel as if an entire conversation is happening behind me. I drink on the tea and eat the food on the plate in my lap.

Once the food is ate, and the tea is drank, Charlie shows me the outfit I am to wear for my first date. It is a rather short black skirt with shorts built inside and a tight black top with straps that wrap around my neck. Sicily pulls my hair into a high top bun, and add a small chain of silver around my neck. No words are spoken, and when I head over to Cora, Charlie and Sicily stand in the corner talking in low tones to one another.

"Close your eyes." Cora says and I obey as she begins applying stuff to my eyes. "Don't mind them. They aren't talking about you." She pushes hard into my lid and I flinch slightly. "I'm sorry." Her voice sounds soft and my eyes instantly pop open. "Hey!" Her harsh tone comes straight back and I snap them shut again. "I'm sorry for pushing so hard on your eyelids."

"I was going to ask what you were sorry for." I say and her brush stops, pulling away from my eyes. Opening them slowly, I look up at her. She has one hand on her hip, and she purses her lips together.

"Well I meant the eyelids." She says sharply and I close my eyes as she goes back ti doing makeup. A few moments of silence follow, and with each passing second, her hand grows slower and slower in the stroke. "I suppose I should have handled the other situation better as well..." I have to strain my ears to hear her voice because she had grown so quiet.

"You have nothing to be sorry about you know." I say, hoping I had heard her right. Instantly, she stops and I open my eyes again when I feel her body pull away. "I felt like I couldn't breath and you helped me." I look at her, her face is set like stone, her lips pulled in a thin line. "If anything I should be thanking you."

"Well don't." She says and moves forward so quickly I have to pull back or else our heads would have collided.

After that, we stay silent as she finishes my makeup. Soon, I am ready to go and I stand in front of the mirror looking at the entire look. I feel too dirty to wear this... it's so beautiful that I feel like I'm bringing the entire look down.

"It's time to go." Bronson calls from the door and I turn around as Charlie, Sicily, and Cora stand in a line. I give Bronson a nod as I turn to follow him out. As I pass, Charlie and the girls both take their bows.

"Thank you." I whisper as I pass by Cora. I had said it so quietly, I almost felt like she couldn't have possibly heard me, but when I turn at the door, I catch a small glimpse at her, and I see the faintest smile on her lips.

Did she really just smile? It was so fast I am not sure. It must have been my imagination.


Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you are enjoying so far! See you all next time!!!


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